Baker Mayfield Length Of Touchdown Passes Average

June 14th, 2024

Average, which may be good.

Joe is starting to think six points means more than how far away you throw a touchdown pass.

In recent years, Joe has seen a lot of emphasis on how long passes are. Generally, Joe loves the pocket-passing quarterbacks who sit in the pocket and slice and dice defenses. Think Bucco Bruce Arians.

Does that mean Joe would turn his nose up on an effective dink-and-dunk passer? No.

More and more, the statheads emphasize length of passes. Joe is just going to guess this has something to do with fantasy football.

(Once again as a reminder, Joe’s idea of “fantasy” is a comely brunette and a secluded island in the Bahamas. “Fantasy,” in Joe’s mind, has absolutely zero to do with football.)

Recently, noted handicapper turned stathead Warren Sharp posted the average air length of touchdown passes. The guys with the highest average, you wouldn’t want on your roster if they paid you to play. The guy with the worst average you couldn’t pay enough to be on your roster.

Baker Mayfield is in the middle of the pack. His average air yards per touchdown pass is 11.7 yards.

Does anyone actually want anything to do with Tyrod Taylor (23.6 yards), Will Levis (21.9), Kenny Pickett (17.2) or Nick Mullens (16.7)? Didn’t think so. They lead the NFL in air yards average per touchdown thrown.

Meanwhile, Pat Mahomes is dead last at 3.9. And yeah, sorry, Joe would take Mahomes over Mullens in a heartbeat.

So Joe guesses Mayfield is good being in the middle of the pack. That means, well, Joe isn’t sure air yards mean a damn thing in real football. It’s all about points. Six points.

15 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Length Of Touchdown Passes Average”

  1. SB Says:

    Interesting stats. Could be viewed from several different angles.

  2. unbelievable Says:

    Yeah I mean outside of Mahomes, most of the QBs with the lowest averages are not any QBs you’d want to be your starter either. Seems most of the better QBs in the league are generally around the middle / slightly above the middle numbers.

    Honestly don’t think this data means all that much by itself though.

  3. Drunkinybor Says:

    Yup….Joe, the peeps who care aboit these stats are a nation unto themselves. Thee sovereign fantasy football nation even has a embassy! I’ll take my fantasy with a blonde, red head, and a Burnet, warm massage oil, a small kiddy pool, and some ******, some ****, and waterfall infused with viagra.

  4. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Meaningless statistic.

  5. heyjude Says:

    I am going with it. Yes, Baker is in the middle of the pack and it’s a perfect fit.

  6. Pickgrin Says:

    Average length of TD passes is a meaningless stat that will vary widely from year to year.

    ‘Air yards’ are only important when you are trying to get down the field in short order.

    What is important – Baker was known somewhat for his long ball in the past – but was terrible at connecting with his receivers on passes over 20 yards last year.
    A couple/few were drops – but Baker was under 30% with those passes on the season – and that is NOT good.

    Hopefully Mayfield is able to improve that long range completion ratio to at least 35% or closer to 40% this year and we see a bunch more dynamic pass plays.

    Baker and these receivers are certainly capable of it – so lets see it!

  7. JD Still Says:

    The only advantage I can see is that if a quarterback is capable of completing deep passes , it must be defended against , which help to open up the medium and short pass lanes , along with their running game , unfortunately, those deep passers tend to be one trick ponies, who only concentrate on completing deep passes which totally negate the opening up of the shorter pass lanes and the run, the truly dangerous quarterbacks are the ones that use all their weapons to slice and dice defenses.

  8. Buchen61 Says:

    What I want to know who leads the league in tds when the temperature is 57.9° f and the humidity is exactly 32% …figure that out and we will be getting somewhere

  9. LouisFriend Says:

    So they’re taking QB’s who had a few starts as backups on bad teams and lumping them all together with elite players? Sure, I’ll say whatever.

  10. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    Great article Joe.

  11. stpetebucfan Says:

    Does this not also reflect on the trenches.

    In the Detroit playoff game Baker was running for his life while Goff had plenty of time. Again for those who focus on a single int determining that game I ask if you watched the entire game. Detroit dominated the Buc in the trenches on both sides of the ball. Not always, but usually the team that wins the battle of the trenches also wins the game.

  12. unbelievable Says:

    I agree Pickgrin. If they start hitting more of those deep passes.. watch out.

  13. SenileSenior Says:

    Our middle of the pack, NFL QB is just fine for us. With all of the targets he should have this year he will perform well. This is one more thing national pundits will not see because of their myopic viewpoints.

    Go Bucs!!!

  14. Daniel Hammond Says:

    Will Levis is a very good quarterback at the end of the day though as long as Bakers went in the games how does it what does it matter how long the past is to get in the ends on as long as it gets to the end zone

  15. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Yeah but would you take Mahomies over Maker Bayfield????