Special Company

February 17th, 2024

Joe imagines Team Glazer sitting around playing Texas Hold’em on this holiday weekend, maybe a little Beyoncé flowing through the speakers, and talking about investing in Baker Mayfield.

Is he a good play? How many chips should they push in?

Joe wasn’t invited to the poker game, but Joe knows Team Glazer holds dear to one particular philosophy: losing sucks and winning feels good.

Mayfield came to Tampa and proved to be a winner. He was fun, successful, and he earned Team Glazer another lottery ticket  home game as the NFC South champ in the playoffs.

Joe is confident Team Glazer wants to keep riding that train.

About a dozen years ago, the Bucs had an internal corporate talking point that referenced wanting to become “a lasting contender.” It got really annoying hearing that from various podiums, but it did reflect what the organization desired. And Joe suggests that focus still holds true today.

But how good was Mayfield and how many years should Team Glazer be offering him as a 29-year-old Pro Bowl QB?

Joe doesn’t know, but Joe does know FS1 recently shared a stat that might be of interest. Twice in the past four seasons, Mayfield has had 25 passing touchdowns and 10 or less picks. Only six quarterbacks can make that claim and Mayfield did it with different clubs and playcallers.

That’s not a coincidence. He’s also won two playoff games with two different teams in that span.

The Bucs have a good quarterback. But how good do they believe he is? Joe firmly believes Mayfield’s imminent contract offer will answer that question for all Bucs fans.

If the Bucs treat Mayfield like the next Geno Smith, then it’s fair to say they have little faith.

39 Responses to “Special Company”

  1. Buccaneer rick Says:

    2 years 60 mil 45 for sure

  2. Lt. Dan Says:

    I really like the idea of signing Mayfield for a few years. That will allow the Bucs to draft best player available at a position of need, rather than reach for a QB.

  3. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    3 yrs – $105 mill – at least $70mill guaranteed

    Bare minimum.

  4. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    The Bucs have proven they know what they’re doing when it comes contracts. It’ll get done smartly.

  5. Gipper Says:

    That all sound very reasonable, Joe, but Baker has a date with destiny. He is going to be a Steeler and will punish Jimmy Haslam and the Bad News Browns for the next 10 years. The number will be $40million/ year for 5 years, with $150mill guaranteed. The Steelers like stability. Had Roethlisberger for 15 years and will pay Baker. Steelers don’t need to see what Baker can do. They have seen him pre injury. Tampa can’t keep all their FA’s . Time for the Hate Brigade to get their wish with Trask and a rookie QB.

  6. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    I’d give him 3 years – 90 million, 60 million guaranteed, with incentives that could boost his income to 40 million/year. (He’d have to get to the NFC Championship game or the Super Bowl to get some of the major incentives. )

  7. Esteban85 Says:

    Trask ain’t seeing the field.

    This Organization has fallen for their signal caller under center. He may not be the answer long term but he has earned the right to a 3 year deal. We need to find the mid round QB diamond in the rough and not blow our draft capital on a crap shoot first round QB at 26. Defensive and offensive line is the ticket.

    Time for Bruce to earn that paycheck and show us his expertise in analyzing QB’s.

  8. Tony Marks Says:

    Gipper Says:
    February 17th, 2024 at 3:01 pm
    That all sound very reasonable, Joe, but Baker has a date with destiny. He is going to be a Steeler and will punish Jimmy Haslam and the Bad News Browns for the next 10 years. The number will be $40million/ year for 5 years, with $150mill guaranteed.

    Gipper you know I am baker fan but – put down the pipe 🙂

  9. JimBobBuc Says:

    I think Baker could have some good games with Evans, Coen, and a better running game. Bakers stats with Evan and first time play caller Canales puts him in 11th to 16th best QB this year. With fewer 1st down runs by White we should keep ahead of the chains next year, so Baker and the offense should be better.

    Sign Baker and Evans to a two year contract with incentives.

  10. Larrd Says:

    He is as good a bet as all but a handful of superstar quarterbacks. If the Bucs don’t sign him, it will seem like a disaster at this point.

  11. Ethan Says:

    I do not consider a guy with a 9-8 or 10-9 record a “winner”. I mean, really.

  12. JimBobBuc Says:

    Baker and Mike would tear up the league with a bunch of moon ball practice in the off season. If Baker gets some air in his passes to Mike then they will kill it next year. They need to talk about their slow first quarters and figure that out. Neither Mike nor Baker started fast each game. There were huge opportunities for 1Q long balls this year that we rarely hit.

  13. Critmark Says:

    To me, the biggest question is who follows who re Baker & ME? I think that if they let Baker walk, ME is out the door. I don’t think he wants to pin his hopes on Trask or a rookie. Similarly, if ME walks, will that impact negotiations with Baker? Without his #1 guy, what does he have to look forward to, a poor O-line and the worst running game in the league.

    Get them both in a room and say, we want you both back, let’s make it happen. Then figure it out.

  14. The Truth be Told Says:

    They are lucky to have had him fall in their lap after the TB12 era. He showed that he is a Franchise QB. And he loves the Bucs for giving him the chance. He ain’t going anywhere franchise tag if need be. we need pass, rush, pass rush, pass rush.

  15. Bucsmarley Says:

    Still not willing to invest over 60 million a year for a .500 streaky qb and a wr that’s pushing 30. Father Time affects all.

  16. BillyBucco Says:

    I mean this is starting to be an attempt at Click Bait at this point.
    These arguments about the same thing gives me a headache.
    I guess if they generate the most comments you keep doing it?
    Is that what it comes down to?
    Like reading the same book 7 times a week expecting it to end differently!!!!!!

  17. Pickgrin Says:

    Critmark Says:
    “Baker & ME….Get them both in a room and say, we want you both back, let’s make it happen. Then figure it out.”

    Thats actually not a bad idea in theory. Especially if it could facilitate getting a deal done for both in the next 2 days which would free up (can kick)almost $10M against the cap this year….

    Unfortunately – thats not how it works. Sports Agents have to justify their existence some how – and 100% controlling the negotiating process (vs the player getting personally involved) is generally one of those ways…

  18. Joe Says:

    I guess if they generate the most comments you keep doing it?

    Comments generate maybe one-fifth of one percent of Joe’s traffic. On a “good” day.

  19. WyomingJoe Says:

    Dr. Marks and Mr. Gipper: As both of you know, Baker is hoping that he finally found a home with the Bucs. I can’t think of another young QB who has gone through as much organizational instability than he has. Therefore, I find it highly unlikely that he signs with another team unless the Bucs absolutely insult him with an offer something like 2 years @ $30M per. But JL won’t do that.

    I think that he’ll sign a team-friendly deal at either $35M per for 3/4 years with a guarantee to restructure his contract after two years depending on how successful he is. Because in 2 years, $35M per will seem like peanuts.

    However, if the Bucs don’t sign him before FA starts, it’ll cost the Bucs more later, maybe 3 years at $40M per. Because he’s likely to get other offers.

  20. Tony marks Says:

    Thats better WJoe but before people start talking going upwards 40 mill they need to show a team thats going to pay that

    its fine to compare his contract to other Qbs but the market is based on who is wiling to pay NOW or the bucs are just running up the money on themselves.

    What team exactly is going to offer BAker 40 Mill ?

  21. The Fighting Schianoes Says:

    Wyoming Joe,

    Dr. Marks! Bwahahahahaha! Reminds me when one of our coaches called Rick Stroud Dr. Stroud. I think it was Dirk.

    Funny stuff.

  22. Gipper Says:

    Tony marks,

    You are a reasonable man but when it comes to NFL QB salaries, we are in an unreasonable world. Kyler Murray at 46.5mill, Jalen Hurts at $51mill, The Steelers will feel they are getting a bargain with Mayfield at $40/mill. If not Steelers, then ATL. The old guy who founded Home Depot who owns the Falcons isn’t going to wait around for a QB development project.

  23. D Cone Says:

    Don’t think there are many that would say Daniel Jones is worth anything close to 40 mil a year. Carr maybe but it will take another year for that to be clear. I don’t. To base Mayfield’s worth on that is crazy. Minshew snd Mayfirld had similar salary and seasons yet one is projected at 5 and the other at 27. Can’t see how an offer of 30 is an insult because he is definitely not anywhere close to the same class as the Top 7.
    Go all in on Mayfield on a decent season and make excuses for pitiful play on the number of coaches? He’s got another new one this season.
    It’s a no risk it no biscuit team so push the chips in and risk he goes stale on the bench because his follow up year is garbage.
    He’s a one year up one year fown QB if not two down.
    Hood luck with that one. H

  24. WyomingJoe Says:

    D Cone: When you say that Mayfield isn’t worth a $40M contract because he not anywhere close to the Top 7, what do you base that on? Because only ONE QB in the Top 10 rankings (Mahomes) has won a Super Bowl. Only ONE.

    In fact only TWO in the Top 15 QB’s (Mahomes and Stafford) have won Super Bowls.

    So, what exactly makes them “elite” and Mayfield (in your eyes) ordinary?

  25. Tony Suede Says:

    @“I mean really!” Ethan…not a winner?

    Never a quitter.
    Walk-on success story.
    Heisman Trophy winner.
    Overcome hurdle after hurdle at every level.
    He took a woeful Bucs team predicted dead last to the playoffs.
    Beloved by his teammates.
    Does much charitable work quietly.
    Devoted husband and soon to be father.
    American success story…
    He’s a winner, if there ever was one.

  26. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Garbage Minshew?


    Put down the crackpipes

  27. Tony Marks Says:

    Gipper Says:
    February 17th, 2024 at 7:31 pm
    Tony marks,

    Kyler Murray at 46.5mill, Jalen Hurts at $51mill, The Steelers will feel they are getting a bargain with Mayfield at $40/mil

    If not Steelers, then ATL.


    okay…At least now we are r taiking real teams but thats also the problem.

    Atlanta has the eighth pick which isn’t good enough for top three QB tier but enough to get a good project. Pittsburgh would have to do a number of moves given their cap situation .

    and for either why would I not go with cousins who only want two years if I am talking 40s or even try out fields for a year

    None of those lock up 150 Million.

    I am sorry my man but your 150 million guaranteed is just pie in the sky. No ones doing that

  28. Tony Marks Says:

    D Cone Says:

    He’s a one year up one year fown QB if not two down.

    Pure Nonsense . Out of five years playing not injured He has had ONE down year.

    All seasons around 4000 yards adjusted for games played.

  29. Obvious Says:

    You boys just can’t seem to get it through your heads that if he gets paid an excessive amount, he won’t even have anyone to throw to. You can FORGET Mike Evens. Can’t afford him if we’re paying Mayfield 40+ million per year. And LET’S BE EXTREMELY HONEST ABOUT THAT! Without Mike Evens catching those Very Hard To Catch balls from Baker, THERE IS NO RIDICULOUSLY HIGH CONTRACT TO FANTASIZE ABOUT! Let’s get FAR MORE HONEST while we’re at it with a question I have for the COUCH GM’S AND FANTASY AGENTS and here it is.

    Can ANY of you name off the top of your heads WHO caught the second MOST passes from Baker? How many yards was the total caught by the mysterious second receiver, and how many did the second receiver drop and or had to stop the balls from being intercepted by MULTIPLE other teams in MULTIPLE games!??? AND BTW, specifically how many yards did the second receiver add the the FIRST HALF of ALL THE GAMES COMBINED?

    Baker is a super star huh? Doesn’t NEED a TEAM around him and he CAN AND SHOULD take up ALL the monies needed to pay for the MIKE EVENS of the world. (NOT MANY) so that the kid can sort of game manage? Can do it ALL by himself and should SUCK UP EVERY PENNY you say?

    You people are DREAMING! And CLEARLY YOU NEED MEDICATION If you seriously believe Mayfield doesn’t NEED EVERY WEAPON HE CAN GET in order to NOT BE THROWN AWAY AGAIN!!!! GET REAL!

    Baker can do “JUST FINE, WITH HELP.”…… And HE BETTER leave some money on the table!


    Go take your medications and REMEMBER WHY YOU AREN’T RUNNING a Pro Sports Team OF ANY KIND!

    Market Value? YEAH RIGHT! Not without A LOT OF HELP!

    I’m going to HAVE TO PRAY that Baker is FAR SMARTER than you guys trying your hardest to get him back to BACK UP STATUS as fast as possible! If he’s smart, and I believe he is, he’ll realize that THE LONGER he STAYS ON TOP, THE MORE MONEY HE’LL MAKE THREW THE YEARS! Tom Brady ALREADY showed the WORLD how to WIN SUPER BOWLS AND DIVISION TITLES FOR DECADES BY NOT GETTING GREEDY AND LEAVING MONEY ON THE TABLE FOR HELP… AND HE COULD “ACTUALLY” DO IT ALMOST BY HIMSELF! The FORMULA is RIGHT THERE already pre made..

    Do try to think it over BEFORE YOU BLOW IT ASPIRING GM’S OF THE WORLD!

    Apologies for me raising my voice. I’m just having a hard time understanding WHAT SOME CAN’T SEEM TO UNDERSTAND! That’s if you “actually support” Baker “long term” that is…….

    GO BUCS!

  30. Obvious Says:

    (SP) : THE more money he’ll make “through” the years.

  31. BillyBucco Says:


    Thats not even a 2-1 TD – INT ratio for his career. Any your close to 4,000 is dead wrong. Looking at those stats I would ONLY say outside last year, he had 1 other good season. Unless you are trying to say 22 TDs and 21 Ints is a good year. Sorry but we have already seen a TO machine in Tampa.

  32. Ethan Says:

    Tony Suede Says: “@“I mean really!” Ethan…not a winner?”

    Yup. 9-8 ain’t a winner. It’s a middle of the pack has been.

  33. Tony marks Says:

    BillyBucco Says:

    Any your close to 4,000 is dead wrong.


    You think that becausee you are a math nitwit

    Baker played 13.6 game his first season which adssuted is 4500 yeards pace. A qb cannot be penalized in comparison for his playing less game his rookie season

    his 2019 and 2020 were 16 game per season not 17 game seasons so you do the same thing there

    so again he has had ONE season healthy where he was down. and one season when he was injured

    all the rest have an averae 0f around 4,060 yeard

    like it? blows up your little hater world? No one cares

    those be the facts.

  34. Beeej Says:

    Robbie didn’t last long

  35. Cobraboy Says:

    My favorite Mayfield trait is he always had to fight for success, nothing came easily.

  36. lanshark Says:

    @Obvious – That’s easy …

    Chris Godwin, just over 1000 yards. Unfortunately, only 2 TDs, which is the biggest issue. I remember at least 3 TD drops, but I also remember at least 3 TD Drops by Evans. Next receivers were White and Otten, with 3 and 4 TDs respectively. But yeah, one issue is that Evans had 13 TDs out of 28 total for the season. That’s gotta change.

    No idea on 1st half vs 2nd – NFL doesn’t track that. But I remember Godwin disappearing in a few games, and definitely wasted in first half – not even many targets. Of course, if you look at the running stats by half, you will see that Canales WASTED 1st and 2nd down more in the first half. Hard to have a good passing half when you are in 3rd and long most of the half. Yet I remember Baker and TB being FIRST in 3rd down conversions for much of the beginning of the year.

    I’m NOT one of those who believes a QB can ‘carry a team’… that’s a load of horse hockey. Of COURSE he needs help… what worries me is that it was mostly ME last season, with a sprinkling of clutch CG 1st downs and Otten TDs. But they do need to spread the load more.

    I actually thought Palmer had more TDs than he did. He had 3, same as White.

  37. JD Still Says:

    For those looking for a first round , rookie savior at quarterback , history says you are going to be disappointed. Since 2011 there have been 38 quarterbacks drafted in the first round and collectively , those 38 quarterbacks have lost more games than they have won !

  38. Student of the Game Says:

    Tony Marks, if Tampa can’t get Evans signed before FA starts, you can bet Baltimore is going to offer 40 million multiple years to Mayfield. They are sick of Lamar and he has demanded a trade. The fact that no one is talking about it makes it “the deal” that is happening.

    Obvious, you sure have the right name. No QB of any team wins without a good supporting cast. NONE! If Evans walks Mayfield is likely gone.

  39. Gene Says:

    Mayfields a real talent who got the job done for Tampa this year and Tampa Is a good organization.That said, after what the BUCS pass game pulled off this year with issues on defense, line, and running game, Baker should definitely be getting respect. After viewing the comments on this page for months on end, I’m hoping Baker and Evans go to a team with better “fans” next year. Baker’s going to get 40 mil/year.