Todd Bowles Not Sure Of Devin White’s Status

January 25th, 2024

Uncertain future.

The 2023 calendar year and football season was not a good one for Bucs linebacker Devin White.

Last winter, White was so miffed at the Bucs for not throwing a Brinks truck loaded with Team Glazer loot at him that he demanded a trade.

After Bucs coach Todd Bowles and Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht calmed White down, he played so well that the former No. 5 overall pick got benched. In a tight divisional round game last week, White only had 14 snaps.

How the mighty have fallen.

So surely the Bucs won’t re-sign White? Well, Bowles didn’t see it that way on Monday. Joe asked Bowles after he spoke about Lavonte David and K.J. Britt, if White had played his last snap for Tampa Bay.

Bowles wasn’t sure.

“I don’t know, he’s a free agent from a business standpoint,” Bowles said. “I love Devin to death. From a free agent standpoint, I know it’s a business and things have to be out there.

“We’ll work together and work some things out and hopefully we can come out with something.”

Now think about this: A player whose coach loves him to death got benched by the same coach and barely played in the final playoff game. So you know Bowles gave White every opportunity to demonstrate he should have been starting.

Instead, the coach who professes to love White didn’t trust him to start in two playoffs games and had White listed as a healthy scratch in a key game at Green Bay. The job went to a third-year backup linebacker, K.J. Britt.

That sounds more like the foundation of a divorce, not a rekindling of a relationship. That is, unless White played such bad football that no other team will touch him in free agency and Licht and Bowles believe they can re-sign White for peanuts.

Joe doesn’t know if White will ever get over his drop in pay. He talked about how he was going to make major bank in 2024 from the day he was drafted. That’s all been blown up by his own doing.

Is that the kind of guy you want to keep around the locker room?

42 Responses to “Todd Bowles Not Sure Of Devin White’s Status”

  1. Jerseybuc Says:

    He’s done in Tampa. Unless he takes 4 million but white thinks he’s the next coming of DB. What happened man he was so dominant in 2020. He could get paid if he wasn’t living off 4 years ago white not going get nothing in free agency either other than a 1 year prove it

  2. TomBucsFan Says:

    Bye Bye !

  3. Pryda…sec147 Says:

    I think he stays

  4. Mike Johnson Says:

    White is a splash play type player. He is not consistent. Time to move on.

  5. BucU Says:

    It’s so weird how he dropped off. He has the athletic ability to be special but something derailed that from happening. Maybe his attitude. Who knows.

  6. Boss Says:

    I think he is being used wrong. Imagine him in a Dungy defense. The lions game was a perfect example of todd using a bad scheme and sticking with it. That is not the players fault. no one could have won without adjusting…they picked us apart all day…granted Goff had ALL day back there! lovie went back to bail on the blitz, zone D and slowly being picked apart hoping for a turnover.

    DW has been hung out to dry and his confidence has waivered. let the man go to someone who knows how to use him and lets stop the “todd is a defensive guru” nonsense.

  7. doolnutts Says:

    White is mentally soft. He didnt get the contract he wanted and ruined his own season costing him millions. If he played tough did well hed be getting paid now who knows what will happen.

  8. stpetebucfan Says:

    It doesn’t really matter what DW45 or his agent think.

    Imagine this…the 5th overall pick helps lead the Bucs SB D. It went to his head in such a MAJOR way that he’s tanked his career or at minimum cost himself millions of $$$.

    I saw one of the ubiquitous most valuable FA LB’s on the market. LVD was listed as the 2nd most desirable FA LB…DW was down at 7th. The 5th overall pick in the entire draft is now ONLY the 7th most valuable FA addition. How the mighty have fallen.

    IF DW has a reality check from that and he and the Bucs can negotiate the right deal…heavily incentive laden and no long term committment…perhaps DW45 could pull a Baker and gamble on himself in ’24 and reestablish his rep.

    The Bucs D give White his best chance to shine. If he wants to cash in right now bless him and I wish him well in his new job.

  9. Pickgrin Says:

    “That’s all been blown up by his own doing.” – True dat.

    “Is that the kind of guy you want to keep around the locker room?” – NO!

    See ya Diva… Don’t let the horsie barn door knock you on your ass (like most every blocker you ever faced) on the way out…..

  10. BucsFan81 Says:

    I don’t want him back even if he played for free. Dude is a cancer. Give me David back on a 1 year deal and put KJ Britt on the other side and draft a guy next year to replace David.

  11. Rick Says:

    He’s done. Somebody will take a flier on him in a different scheme. Biggest concern with White is that even though he has sideline to sideline speed, he sometimes looks a little slow to react and a bit robotic. Guy was such a great player for us for a while and a big part of the Super Bowl win.

  12. Bobby M. Says:

    Probably best to move on…White should look to sign with a team with an already good pass rush. He was most effective when we had JPP, Suh, Vea, Shaq….since losing Suh and JPP, both White and Shaq have seen their effectiveness drop.

  13. Popcorn Mike Says:

    This one is easy Whites gone. He’s pissed for some reason and Tampa is feed up with him. I am sure he will regain his swagger some where else. Tampa has been very good at drafting LBs

  14. Bosch Says:

    When Bowels answers a question he brings to mind Spicoli (played by Sean Penn – Fast Times aft Ridgemont High) answering this teacher Mr. Hand. “I dunno.”

    How many of Joe’s headlines contain “Bowles Not Sure…”?

    #FIRE the LIAR!!!

  15. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Boss Says:
    January 25th, 2024 at 9:23 am
    I think he is being used wrong. Imagine him in a Dungy defense. The lions game was a perfect example of todd using a bad scheme and sticking with it.

    Todd Bowles wasn’t out there missing tackles, overrunning plays, getting beat in coverage, loafing, and looking like he doesn’t know how to play football. That was Devin White. Bowles is to blame for playing White at all, though.

  16. jugheadfla1 Says:

    Dueces Bruh

  17. Steven007 Says:

    White’s problem is between his ears. He has all the athleticism in the world, and on occasions has displayed it. And while he’s a good pass rusher, as some have noted, he has to be employed in a blitz package. One-on-one against tackles or even decent guards and he gets stoned. There has to be an element of surprise with his rushing. And then it’s pretty much only speed. Not a hand fighter.

  18. Beeej Says:

    White makes over 10 times what Britt makes, yet. Britt is a superior player. I don’t think you need to know anymore than that

  19. John Sinclear Says:

    Our luck – he goes to New Orleans, becomes a stud, hates Tampa and we pay for it twice a year!

  20. dmatt Says:

    Let him go! After the Super Bowl yr he became braggadocious,cocky, n arrogant. His problem is he thinks his speed alone is deserving of top linebacker pay. He’s confused so maybe he want to explore the 100 meters in Olympics track n field. DWhite often overrun plays on potential qb sacks (smart qbs side step to let him over run), he’s poor in pass coverage, n will not man his gap. I heard KJ Britt during an interview say coach always preach man ur gap. That is probably the reason amongst others for DWhite being benched. I’m tired of him and his hissy fits. I’m sure many unknowns in the locker room feel the same way.

  21. Allbuccedup Says:

    Bowles is full of it he loves White but don’t know whats happening. Britt we will have to see if hes a starter next season. Only thing he knows for sure is when the buffet table opens.

  22. Greg Says:

    Pay LVD, and you have Britt. Get someone in free agency that’s reasonably priced and that’s it. Assuming there isn’t a hidden gem in the 3rd -5th round of the draft.

  23. Defense Rules Says:

    Bobby M … ‘since losing Suh and JPP, both White and Shaq have seen their effectiveness drop.’

    Great observation Bobby. The impact of Suh & JPP’s loss on Shaq is pretty evident, but hadn’t thought about how their loss might’ve affected other defensive players. Guys like Suh & JPP may EVERYONE better IMO.

  24. Defense Rules Says:

    John Sinclear … ‘Our luck – he goes to New Orleans, becomes a stud, hates Tampa and we pay for it twice a year!’

    New Orleans can’t feed the mouths they have to feed now, much less adding another $20 mil to their miserable salary CAP situation. I don’t see them being the threats in the future that some others do. Same with the Panthers (talent deficient although in a much better salary CAP position than the Saints). Atlanta’s our biggest threat in the NFC South for the next 2-3 years IMO.

  25. Dave Pear Says:

    Bowles’ status is the one that should be crystal clear. We should stop prolonging the obvious and accelerate his real estate / home improvement franchise career while hiring a real head coach who understands how to lead men, correct defects, and manage a football game.

    This wish washy Bowles stuff is a direct cause of why the Bucs under him have so often been mediocre and inconsistent.

    So sick of Toad.

    Meanwhile given other priorities, no way Licht lets Toad elevate Diva’s priority over any of the other stone cold studs like Wirfs, Evans, LVD, or Antoine.

  26. BucFanDMV Says:

    He can walk I recall him coming into the league talking about wanting to be a 100mil LB he can go. His play doesn’t reflect the big talk.

  27. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    There’s 31 other teams and it only takes one that thinks they can “save him” and overpay. So he’s definitely gone next year.

    What’s weird is that the first few games, he was a terror. An absolute beast. Then he got banged up and disappeared. So I figured it was injuries that derailed him again. I’m not sure how much he had recovered by the end of the year.

    I know that a 100% healthy DW is an all-world LB. But he’s rarely healthy, and apparently isn’t someone that can play through pain.

  28. dbbuc711 Says:

    Don’t resign him at any price. He will just pout that he is being treated unfairly because he didn’t get what he deserved

  29. Jeff Says:

    You gotta cut the cancer out. That’s the only way. Overpriced and mentally weak horse lover.

  30. Lakeland Steve Says:

    See ya, don’t let the door hit you on the butt on the way out.

  31. SB~LV Says:

    Ringing…. eerrr Stinging endorsement

  32. MNM Says:

    Not that it would happen but I wonder how White would do in a Shaq Barrett role.

  33. My Momma Says:

    If he feels he’s not being used correctly, and is a liability coverage, find the next guy who does fit, and pay him. Whether that’s Dennis or a FA, Licht knew he’d have to pay DW, or someone else. Licht has had a contingency plan in place for a long time.

  34. Pickgrin Says:

    Joseph C Simmons Says:
    “I know that a 100% healthy DW is an all-world LB”

    An all world LB is solid in pass coverage.

    An all world LB takes good angles and is a sure tackler.

    An all world LB doesn’t regularly get blocked out of plays by average OLmen and TEs.

    An all world LB makes a splash play or 2 just about every game.

    Devin White has NONE of those qualities….

  35. Buc4evr Says:

    Just coach speak, White is gone.

  36. CleanHouse Says:

    Boss I agree with your take 1000%

    You are someone who sees it clearly.

    Failure of management and coaching.

    D White will crush it for someone else eventually.

  37. Jeremy Goins Says:

    I feel this is very old news. I think we have no need for him let him try FA, then come back and take a major paycut

  38. Jeremy Goins Says:

    Let him go test FA then we can get him much cheaper once he sees no one wants him

  39. catcard202 Says:

    I’ll go to my grave believing the Bucs should have drafted OLB Josh Allen @ #5…Even with 45 helping the Bucs win a SB as a rookie. Hope the FO ponies up in FA to team JA up with YaYa.

    Britt is a good 2nd teamer…Good against the run but can’t cover.
    IMO, LVD needs to get a short-term deal to stay in Tampa…And look for Dennis to really blossom in yr2.

  40. BigMacAttack Says:

    White will go to Atlanta where Raheem will get him to play up to his full potential. We have a serious coaching problem. Bruce Arians leaving creates a serious vacuum in the leadership

  41. Oneilbuc Says:

    I think he was playing hurt this year but if white end up in Baltimore or Philly he’s going to ball out . I got a strange feeling he’s going to be good but for the money he wants the bucs can’t pay it and plus he don’t deserve 20 million that’s to much money!!

  42. garro Says:

    That is hilarious! You didn’t really ask that one did you Joe? His best player?…. SMH…

    Go Bucs!