Shady McCoy Is Still Down On Baker Mayfield

January 18th, 2024

Baker Hater alert.

Remember in July when LeSean “Shady” McCoy was on TV talking about how his former Bucs teammates didn’t think too highly of Baker Mayfield?

It was very intersting commentary.

McCoy is no fan of Mayfield, and he made that clear again during his co-hosting duties on Speak, the FS1 production.

A winning record with a new team, quality durability, 28 touchdowns versus 10 interceptions and a playoff win — McCoy says that’s not enough for big money from Team Glazer. He thinks Mayfield hasn’t done anything special and only deserves a one-year contract for 2024, perhaps a two-year deal.

Shady got passionate with his anti-Mayfield ranting.

“When you look at this win in the playoffs, you beat the Eagles. I can’t even sit there and pat your back … because everybody’s beating the Eagles,” McCoy said. “Everybody’s beating them. We’re talking about a long-term contract? …”

“You never touched a Pro Bowl? That’s not even hard to do. … I’m going to pay you some money? Some real money? Come on, man.”

McCoy maintains the Bucs weren’t a very good team this season and Mayfield has a lot of great players around him in a sad division. He says 9-8 isn’t worthy of big money. “That’s terrible. What are you paying for? As a GM or an owner, what am I paying for?” McCoy screamed.

Joe almost doesn’t know what to say. Mayfield had a strong season. It’s indisputable.

Why is Shady so down on Baker? Joe wonders whether Mayfield has an old buddy inside One Buc Palace feeding him Mayfield negativity.

100 Responses to “Shady McCoy Is Still Down On Baker Mayfield”

  1. TomBucsFan Says:

    Go Bucs

  2. Boss Says:

    I’m middle of the road on BM……as it should be for rational thinkers.

    What Shady says is spot on!

    BM looked good in Philly, although he started the game hitting the D in the numbers again. One of these days a DB or LB is actually going to catch the ball.

    40 mill? Puuuuhleaze.

  3. Smoothbayrider Says:

    What a turd.

  4. J Says:

    Clearly McCoy isn’t a golfer.

  5. Dom Says:

    Playing well in 8 of your 18 games isn’t a strong season, Joe. He’s had a solid season and is deserving of mid tier stating QB money, not franchise QB money

  6. BuxfaninTX Says:

    McCoy was a big part of Tampa and KC winn8 g super bowls….

    Said no one ever!

  7. D-Rome Says:

    Baker and the Bucs beat the Packers. Dak and the Cowboys couldn’t beat the Packers. I wonder if Shady McCoy has the same feelings about Dak Prescott like he does with Baker Mayfield. Baker has better averages (not totals) than Dak but I have a feeling Shady wouldn’t say the same things about Dak Prescott.

  8. DungyDance Says:

    Having stud receivers makes any qb look all the better. That said, and except for a few games, Mayfield was a solid starting qb and a team leader. 4 yr $160m makes me queezy, but 2 yr $75m is ok.

  9. Boss Says:

    never liked shadys music either!

  10. Not Says:

    Doesn’t shady remember the Glazer’s way ovepaid for his production. Why is he having trouble with overpaying others. Shady, Swaggy Baker, …

  11. DungyDance Says:

    On second thought, 4 yrs $160m is ok as long as a big chunk is tied to incentives.

  12. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Richard Sherman > McCoy. Sherman actually supports the Bucs and his former teammates

  13. Hodad Says:

    Not sure what teams might be lining up to sign Baker. We might be the only ones. The Bucs should let him test the waters.

  14. TomBucsFan Says:

    Baker would be a hot commodity for teams like the Steelers, Seahawks, ATL, and the Vikings.

  15. Wilder32 Says:

    Upgrade at center and guard through FA/draft this offseason and Mayfield will be even better next year.

  16. A Bucs Fan Says:

    McCoy loves Brady so he won’t give Baker his due.

    I was down on Baker all year but anything can happen in the playoffs. I think Mayfield is a better player thank Jim Plunkett. But I hope we have a Jim Plunkett kind of storyline like the former #1 pick in 1971 who played for multiple teams and then went on to win multiple super bowls.

    Again the story line is kind of similar… Mayfields statistics are much better though.

  17. NYbucsfan Says:

    I am not saying I would not keep Baker next year. But he is not wrong, we do play in a terrible division and Baker has has some really bad games this year, and everyone is beating the eagles lately. Hard to argue, those are valid points.

  18. Stanglassman Says:

    It’s not like he’s a dime a dozen RB. He’s a QB. A good QB is hard to find and they get paid.

  19. UGotRobbed Says:

    I know this is off subject, but just watched the game again, and man, did Stinnie get worked over! Think TB would make the change back Feiler?

  20. johnny Says:

    why was McCoy ever on the BUCS’ roster? 131 yards in 10 games? We coulda been developing a young player. He probably got paid way too much too

  21. snoop Says:

    “He says 9-8 isn’t worthy of big money.”

    He’s right. 9-8 is .500 ball. Which blows. Especially for a 7th year quarterback surrounded by talent.

  22. tucker Says:

    Definitely need a guard and center stinnie and hainsey ain’t it.

  23. Gotti-Dog-05-20-84 Says:

    I’ve never been able to watch that show…..just can’t get past Joy Taylor. I’d rather have a colonoscopy than listen to her…

  24. Luis Says:

    Only guy that says that
    Shady the turd

  25. RagingBrisket Says:

    What NFL team is he starting for? Right.
    Didn’t he piggy back a championship ring from the Bucs in 2020 season for doing jack sht? Right.

  26. doolnutts Says:

    I get what he is saying to a point this is definitely the most talented team Baker has played for especially along the offense. That being said Baker put in the work and saved his career he deserves credit for that. Some Quarterbacks never recover from their failures early in their careers but Baker has. I have confidence Licht will get a deal done that makes since and I do believe Baker is smart enough to realize that the bucs and Baker himself are good for each other and it would make since to get a deal done. I don’t think he wants a Wilson scenario where he goes somewhere for big money and is cut very soon there after if it doesn’t work out.

  27. 70yearorginalbucsfan Says:

    I think the Bucs should trade up to top 5 spot even give away the farm in picks(we did for Gruden) and look what happen. Get a top 5 quarterback sign Baker to a 3 year deal and have the new quarterback learn for 3 years behind Baker. Just like Love did with the Packers. Then we should have our Quarterback. Make sure he is an accurate passer and he can run. Coaching is for another day

  28. VATom Says:

    Year 1 for Baker. If Canales remains and if Evans re signs I can see Baker having another couple good seasons. If this offense gets blown up innthe off season and Baker gets a new OC and a F/A no.1 receiver then it’s pretty questionable.

    I think Shady has a good point. But he also isn’t giving Baker as much credit as he is due. Crappy division or not they still made the playoffs. They still win a game despite the competition. However, if it wasn’t for suspect tackling would they have scored as many td’s? My concern with Baker going fwd is those slow starts and the difficulty getting 6 points vs 3. Another yr in the same system, some stability I’d be tempted to give him top 10 money if he would take it.

  29. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Someone refresh my memory. Besides the multiple int game vs New Orleans 3 weeks ago how many games has Mayfield cost the Bucs?

  30. zzbuc Says:

    I love BM, but I don’t think he is 40/45 mm worth….

    I’ve been his supporter all year long against his detractor, but would be insane to pay him that money….

    Tristan Winfield and ME13, need to be payed first….

    I would pay in between 20/25mm, if he is not in, well go somewhere else, and thanks for everything he did for the Bucs…

  31. NE Fan Says:

    D-Rome@ the Patriots beat the Bill’s and the Bucs lost to them, means nothing from one week to another. Looking past the Lions at GB? A little premature don’t you think? Bakers PFF ranking #18, QBR ranking #16, sory folks that’s below average. Little tidbit, Kyle Shanahan tried to lure Brady out of retirement to start over Purdy in 2023, obviously turned them down. Short sighted he may have got another ring.

  32. Since76 Says:

    Mayfield is too inconsistent. Like Winston loaded with talent but very inconsistent. Winston threw ints but always produced Tds and yardage. Baker has been good at not turning it over but disappears for half’s and entire games. This team can lift any average QB up to the playoffs. Don’t pay Mayfield and lose the players around him. Remember the defensive players and skill players on offense are why we are in the playoffs. This team is better than it’s record.

  33. Tbbucs3 Says:

    The defense cost more games for the Bucs than the Mayfield did…..Texans, Falcons L (Ryan Neal), 49ers and Colts (couldnt stop the run)

    But all that’s irrelevant now, defense looks much improved and were right were we wanna be.

  34. stpetebucfan Says:

    This is the most talent Baker has been surrounded with? Really. He probably had much better talent in Cleveland when he took the Browns to the playoffs and almost knocked off the eventual SB Champs in their own crib.

    He probably had at least equal talent in LA and his FIRST decent HC!!!

    He comes here to a team that was not just missing the Goat from a team that finished FREAKING 8-10 WITH BRADY!!! What is with all this revisionist history?

    NOBODY thought the Bucs would reach the playoffs…talent? talent? talent?

    Cmon man…this team either got lucky according to the haters or reaped the rewards of one of the best GM’s in the league. A rookie starting at guard…a 2nd year guy next to him on the right playing a new position. The OL was a TOTAL ? before the season.

    He had a NEW #1 unproven RB in his second year…first as starter. He had a 2nd year TE…he had a FIRST year OC…

    I’m not saying Baker is Joe Burrows, Patrick Mahomes and a few others but he is NOT NEARLY as terrrible as some of the haters here wish to believe.

    Again you’ll see where you place your attention. Baker lovers have plenty of stuff to focus on and the haters have some as well. Take your pick!

    Hate Baker if you want but stop letting it make you utter absurdities!!!

    BTW “Shady” ran the ball for the Bucs TEN TIMES for 31 yards! Oh but he did manage to catch a whopping 15 passes for 101 yards. 142 yards total production. Thanks Shady. Your opinion of the Bucs suck as much as your performance with them.

  35. Chris Says:

    Sour grapes w Bucs… couldn’t make forth string in a group of running backs on a SB winning BUCS Team and had zero contribution…. Sour F’ing grapes

  36. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I think the Bucs will go with a more instinctive contract for Mayfield . I am with many others, Mayfield has played well but was every inconsistent and a few games this year was won by the defense So I am pretty sure the contract want be long term and will be incentive heavy Maybe a 2 year deal

  37. Trask To The Future Says:

    He has a point…

    How many come from behind wins did Mayfield have this season?

    How many games did Mayfield struggle in the first half in game and not even throw for 100 yards? So many of his 4K yards and TDs came in garbage time when games were already over and we were behind multiple scores. That HAS TO be taken into account.

    How many games did Mayfield fail to take shots down field?

    Mayfield balled out against the Eagles and he’s to ge given tons of credit for that. But McCoy is right. The Eagles had tons of injuries and were a team that finished the season 1-6 for their last 7 games.

    How many games did the Bucs win against winning record teams this season?

    Let’s see how Baker does against the Lions before handing the guy a massive contract.

  38. No Mercy Says:

    I heard all his takes he sounds like a retard who was good at football talking about football… oh and he gets paid for sitting in a chair jawing his gums and got two rings sitting on the bench doing absolutely nothing

  39. JD Still Says:

    Imagine that, someone who uses logic and reason ! Yes Mayfield had an ok year, better than he has had in his last four years and better than about half the quarterbacks out there this year, and you can even say Mayfield and Bowles will have a winning season this year, but, they are still sub .500 career performers , so, when was the last time a sub .500 coach and sub .500 career quarterback ever turned around their careers and were worth the expenditure of millions of dollars that will lock their team into mediocrity for the next four years and mandate a decade for the team to rebuild ? I hope they do well the rest of this year for the sake of the fans, but I would not sell the future chasing fools gold and mortgaging the next decade for the privilege. The city of Las Vegas , and those magnificent casinos were built with the money , hopes , and dreams of such people.PT Barnum was right .

  40. NE Fan Says:

    If you fans value Sherman, McCoy & Beckles opinion, why not Shady? Could it be because you don’t agree with it? The man has played the game at the highest level, I’d say it makes him more qualified to judge than us. Stp@ I am not sure what the final point average is but it wasn’t that long ago the Bucs O was averaging like 18/19 points a game. Doesn’t sound like a powerhouse.

  41. Gipper Says:

    Who, again, is Shady McCoy?

    Baker Mayfield is a Heisman Trophy winner and 1st pick in the 2018NFL draft.

    Mayfield career started with the worst team in NFL history. Thus far statistically Mayfield’s first six years in the NFL compare favorably to Tom Brady and Drew Brees first 6 years.

    Don’t get the point of this story stirring up a make believe controversy when the Bucs are heading toward a big showdown this Sunday in Detroit.

  42. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    All bad things aside if Baker can help us win a Super Bowl then he deserves the loot. We draft a 1st rd center, 2nd & 3rd guards jettison Stinnie and Turnstile and get some better back ups. One thing that the good games Baker had is that when he’s confident in his up front blocking he’s as good qb as anybody but it’s when he’s not is when it gets painful to watch. Even though he’s been consistently inconsistent his whole career and this year you pay a SB winning qb what he deserves. If not then tag him especially if he plays well against Detroit but loses. I was looking forward to us developing a qb we drafted since we’ve never done it yet. Once Trask was free from under Brady’s shadow he proved this off season how much he improved and I was very impressed by his growth. Even though it took until the Green Bay game to be impressed with Baker developing a qb will go to the back burner for the next 2-3 years depending on how well Baker does or doesn’t play.

  43. NE Fan Says:

    Gipper@ Brady had 3 rings in 6yrs, Baker has never sniffed one. Baker can’t keep a job, Brees and Brady were franchise qb’s. Baker lost to Chad Henne in his Cleveland PO game with one of the best D’s and the best rushing tandem in the league, not to mention O’Dell and Landry as wr’s and I believe a pretty good TE. The guy is for sure holding his own but to compare him to Brady & Brees? Don’t be ridiculous. Let the guy win a division title first before you get down on your knees. By the way Brady has like 16 of those maybe more. Don’t compare Baker to multiple All Pro, SB MVP’sand Pro bowlers to a #1 draft pick bust.

  44. Tbbucs3 Says:

    NEfan, Antonio Brown has also played at the “highest level?” Should we also value his worthless opinions too?

  45. darengibo Says:

    Well Baker had both Falcons and Houston games won for all intent and purposes.. had Todd not gone soft prevent zone it would have been 11-6.

    Not a baker apologist but I feel the dude did enough to be baxk long term.. if the negotiation breaks the bank, they can move on and he can sign somewhere else but bottom line Baker bet on himself and definitely won.

  46. Student of the Game Says:

    ZZBuc, say goodbye to Mayfield at the numbers you threw out. He was top 10 QB by every measure and still playing. If Mayfield walks, so will Evans.

  47. NE Fan Says:

    Tbbucs@ when it comes to football yes, life not so much. One of the smartest receivers to ever play the game and one of the dumbest off the field.

  48. Gipper Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:
    January 18th, 2024 at 4:13 pm
    All bad things aside if Baker can help us win a Super Bowl then he deserves the loot.
    Gosh, DavidBigBuc, we are all relieved that it will take just 1 Super Bowl for you to endorse Baker? Have been reading your criticism all season. I gather that you have humbly anointed yourself an expert on NFL QB’s. Sure that Licht, Arians and the Glazer Family will be pleased with your input. Anyone who stands up to your Mayfield criticism gets ruthlessly attacked beyond just a friendly sports disagreement. Take your bullying down to the loading dock. The guys there will know what to do.

  49. Student of the Game Says:

    NE Fan, the downfall of Cleveland and Baker was bringing in ODell. He didn’t want to be there. Dropped multiple passes per game then his dad bitched on TV. Poisoned the entire team. Toxic teammate. Brady had a strong supporting cast every season. Nothing like Carolina. He didn’t get drafted into a losing for decades team. Their careers are nothing alike. Yet their stats at Tampa look similar.

  50. Student of the Game Says:

    NE Fan, the downfall of Cleveland and Baker was bringing in ODell. He didn’t want to be there. Dropped multiple passes per game then his dad complained on TV. Poisoned the entire team. Toxic teammate. Brady had a strong supporting cast every season. Nothing like Carolina. He didn’t get drafted into a losing for decades team. Their careers are nothing alike. Yet their stats at Tampa look similar.

  51. Scott Says:

    He’s a decent QB, and will command Derek Carr money.

  52. Since76 Says:

    St Pete bucs fan……This team is built. Bowles said it they needed a game manager and that’s what they got. Look at mahomes without hill. He is still getting it done but not as well. Mahomes is making the players he has better. He lifts their play. Mayfield does not. He disappears in games and half’s. Especially first halfs. Then gets tds and yardage when it’s over. No Mayfield has not taken this team to the playoffs. This team took him to the playoffs. This team can take another QB for less money next year. Unless they give that money to Mayfield. Less talent around Mayfield means more losses. Here’s to the bucs”team success” in the playoffs this year. People need to stop the blind player worship and root for the team.

  53. Saskbucs Says:

    Shady sounds salty. Guy prolly didn’t like his role here. I don’t think Baker is a 40-45 million guy but 30 absolutely. If what he did was easily replicated, nearly half the league wouldn’t be looking for someone to sling the ball. New offense, new coordinator, a conservative head coach. Baker did great this year. Yeah he had a couple rough games but not half. A few games his teammates let him down big time with penalties and drops.

    The guy has won a playoff game with the BROWNS! And now the Bucs. He’s a 10-15 ranked QB in the league. At the right price you can build around that and go far. It’s being proven right now with a team that has 80 million dead money. Haters gotta wake up and accept that Baker is likely the best option for this club going forward.

  54. #99 the big fella Says:

    Me fan at it again? You get kicked out of patriots chat room? Why are you so infatuated in what the bucs are doing? You are like a person without a home. The patriots fans don’t want you and neither do the Bucs fans.. take your garbage crap over to the saints or eagles.. you will fit right in.and take David with you!

  55. NE Fan Says:

    Student@ What supporting cast? I will give that the Pat’s had some pretty good defenses but not until Randy Moss did Brady ever have a true #1 receiver. Bucs had Keyshawn and AB, talk about two problem children.

  56. P marcello Says:

    These tiresome trolls and braindead couch bound neck beards have been hacking at Baker since the day he showed up. They put the kid under the microscope and criticized his every move according the fake news tarnished image of Baker .A continuous bombaedment of BS.

    This is funny because their twisted perception is 180 degrees from the actual truth. Everything they accuse Baker of not doing and not delivering is in fact exactly what Baker had been doing since day one. He led this team and exceeded all expectations. He has built and mastered Canales new offense one brick at a time and made the teams goals manifest and is now advancing on a title. These creeps will keep hackling at Baker right up to the moment HE RAISES THE LOMBARDY TROPHY.

  57. Kidfloflo Says:

    Has everyone forgot this is a new team, new O.C and receivers he’s playing with?? What stats do people need to be impressed over 5000 yds passing and 35 tds and zero picks!? And lastly he beat the Texans and falcons, Defensive gave those games away at the end…and a non interference hail Mary and he beats the Bills away as well, all while being a team first guy, if you don’t think he’s worth Danny Dimes money then ur a clown

  58. dbbuc711 Says:

    Now is nothing, even tho before the season everybody was saying they would only win maybe 5 games if even that. Sheeesh.

  59. Tb bolts Says:

    How many franchise QBs put up 130 yards / 0 tuddys against 2-15 teams in a division clinching game? Thats who you want to franchise tag? Did you see the defense against the eagles? Baker is a small part of this teams success this season. If he comes out and balls up in Detroit then MAYBE you talk about a good deal to keep mayfield. But it shouldn’t be that easy to earn franchise QB money in tank division… especially considering the talent bakey boi has surrounding him as stated above. Get real bro

  60. Bojim Says:

    Jeez. Everyone is covering their bases. He’s good but not that good. He’s good because of his receivers. I have to see more. If we win another game. Oh, we won? Still need to see another game. And blah blah blah. Re-sign him. He’s earned it.

  61. Eckwood Says:

    Highest batted ball rate in the league isn’t 35 mil and he had several terrible games , so Shady is Correct ………. The real good games about equal to the bad games I think were more defenses they game planned well for on both sides of the ball and that looked like 50 mil …… so everyone is kinda right , don’t forget the eagles dropped two picks that would have changed that game at half T .

  62. Gipper Says:

    NE Fan Says:
    January 18th, 2024 at 4:29 pm
    Gipper@ Brady had 3 rings in 6yrs, Baker has never sniffed one. Baker can’t keep a job, Brees and Brady were franchise qb’s,
    Yeah right, How many rings would Brady have playing with the Cleveland Browns from 2018 to 2022? You say with certainty that Brady “won 3 rings.” Maybe the other guys and coaches on NE team had something to do with winning those Super Bowls. We just saw Monday night a SuperBowl QB, Jalen Hurts, get outplayed by Mayfield just like he was all season long. Did Philadelphia collapse because Hurts forgot how to play this year? Football is the ultimate team game. Brady, Baker, and any other QB would say that no QB does it alone yet you people insist that they apparently alone “win rings.” You spent too much time playing the clarinet in the high school band.

  63. RichieRich Says:

    Lol what who’s the moron that said the Brady would have won three Super bowls in Cleveland, under what coaches they had like eight of them in the last 6 years. That awesome Hall of Fame team was 1 and 33 before Baker won them a game ( 7 in his Rookie Year) when he broke Peyton Manning’s td record.

  64. infomeplease Says:

    Everyone has an opinion! And they are entitled to it! Doesn’t mean diddly squat until it’s proven correct!

  65. Marky Mark Says:

    I suspect there are some non football reasons for his hatred.

  66. Capt.Tim Says:

    Baker is a sh*t talker, and has pi**ed of quite a few opponents in his time.
    Probably threw shade at shady, when they crossed paths.
    McCoys lack of couth is why he cant land a good job as a talking head commentator.
    Hes just pouting publically

  67. RichieRich Says:

    I’m sick of people saying that could have had been interceptions could have been this could have been that, if you watch every NFL game there are picks that quarterbacks throw that the defensive backs don’t catch, if you want to talk about pics and then talk about all the drops too, you can’t have it both ways,……. so I want to hear about could be or might have been, I want to hear about what was ….Stop the what ifs.

  68. RichieRich Says:

    And then you have other people saying the exact opposite as Shady, for some reason Joe doesn’t point them out that much on his blog.

  69. RichieRich Says:

    I just watched NFL hof Kurt Warner break down Mayfields game tape, I trust his informed opinion way more than a clown like Shady McCoy. If you Einstein’s want to learn something about QB play I suggest you watch it Kurt
    Warner’s Mayfield breakdown on YouTube,

  70. RichieRich Says:

    The Bucs were +750 to win the division. I know because I’ve been on them in one, all these so called Einstein experts had a winning somewhere between two and seven games been in the crappy South Division, I don’t know who watched the Green Bay game when Baker and the bucs beat the s*** out of them, and the greatest game by a visiting quarterback in the history of Lambeau Field suck on that you f****** haters

  71. NE Fan Says:

    Hey Gimpy@ The Patriots were the Bucs pre Brady. Their record in 2000 was 5-11, in 2001 Brady takes over for Bledsoe, they go to 11-5. Brady’s season win avg is 12 games. What’s Bakers like 6 or 7 at best? Baker is holding his own, so it’s OK to keep spanking it to the poster of him on your wall. No wind instrument but did play the trumpet and proud of it. C’mon they benched him in Carolina and Rams waved bye bye. So all these team GM’s and HC’s are all haters and Bowles is a genius. Bucs played the 24th hardest schedule this season, not exactly the cream of the crop.

  72. Jay Says:

    First of all I have no idea how you find time to listen to all these shows and secondly who cares. I have a problem with any retired coach player or GM talking trash against any player. Mayfield is a good person and teammate so shady can go snort shark piss for all I care

  73. WyomingJoe Says:

    I had almost forgotten why I thought NE Fart was an idiot until I read her comments earlier. I know that Baker’s success is making her go absolutely crazy. And knowing that the odds are that Baker will be with the Bucs for the foreseeable feature, must make her sick. Keep pi*sing Baker off Fart because it’s working, Lol!

  74. Weebs10 Says:

    Ask AWj how hard it is to make a pro bowl…

  75. Tbbucs3 Says:

    TB Bolts

    CJ Stroud was terrible against the Panthers and lost….

    Its not a video game, the NFL varies week to week and sometimes good quarterbacks struggle againt bad opponents, happens ALL the time. Plus Baker was clearly hurt that game.

  76. Bradley Brown Says:

    Snoop. He’s a first year quarterback in a brand new system with brand new teammates, who had their own agenda on what’s going to make them happy. From what I’ve watched all year, he’s outworked everybody on that team, and it shows. He rallied the team through a low spot to a division championship and a playoff victory. Does it matter what he did anywhere else? Nope.
    I don’t know what constitutes a long-term deal these days, and there’s no telling how many other teams are going to be interested in Baker Mayfield. It’s going to be an interesting off season but I have a feeling that whatever he gets as compensation will be fair, and a team will get what they pay for.

  77. David Says:

    The pro bowl argument is ridiculous for a couple reasons.
    1. The pro bowl voting is garbage.
    2. He very well could have been in the pro bowl. His stats are right there with a lot of the quarterbacks who were arguing for slot 3

  78. NE Fan Says:

    Gripper@ FYI, the Patriots went 5-11 the 2000 season prior to Brady getting the nod. In 2001 they went 11-5. So pre-Brady the Patriots were pretty much the Bucs of the AFC East. How about we see if your bromance can win the division before you erect a statue. I think Brady & Brees have done this a couple of times. Two future 1st ballet HOFers > tossed around Baker

  79. Larrd Says:

    I have heard McCoy on the radio and he’s the dumbest of a pretty dumb crew. Good running back, poor thinker.

  80. Jonzee Says:

    The clown answers to Shady…. That’s all I need to know….🤡

  81. Rook Says:

    The fact that it isnt hard to get into the pro bowl sort of diminishes the argument in and of itself. I have never cared about the pro bowl in anyway. I don’t vote and I don’t watch. Its something that matter absolutely zero to me.

  82. CleanHouse Says:

    I agree with McCoy the Irishman

  83. Gipper Says:

    NE Fan Says:
    January 18th, 2024 at 8:53 pm
    Gripper@ FYI, the Patriots went 5-11 the 2000 season prior to Brady getting the nod. In 2001 they went 11-5.
    Yeah, you are right. Suggest you read Dan Campbell’s remarks today in Joe’s headlines. Forgot, you know more about NFL QB play than guys like Campbell. With your logic the Browns would have won how many Super Bowls between 2018-2022 with Brady?

  84. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    I sure hope Baker stays. Just imagine being able to start the year not having to learn a new system. I hope everyone stays. This team could very well be unstoppable.

  85. Woodenman Says:

    Student l call Bull spit on evans leaving if Mayfield leaves your nuts they are not tied together in anyway Evans been over 10 yrs and probaly owns most bucs rec. records and Mayfield 1 yr and you think he will leave if Baker leaves. I think he wants to stay badly and think the bucs will get a deal done with or without Baker.

  86. No Mercy Says:

    @NEfan shady is talking like he’s a GM when he only played RB. Dudes need to know their place. He knows a lot bout RB and should talk about that, but let’s be real, he has no buisness talking about QB’s and how much money they should make.

  87. Rappin Reporter Says:

    gotta wonder why Trask to the Future hates Baker….Texas Longhorn fan maybe? Why the hate!!! Give your QB some credit here..,,it’s my hope Baker leaves your team for another team in need of a QB….never seen so much hate from some of these posts!!

  88. NE Fan Says:

    Gippy@ They may have, they had pretty decent teams just lacked a t QB and leadership. Many on this site sat Belichick is nothing without Brady, if that is true why couldn’t Brady do it elsewhere? A place Baker couldn’t. Keep comparing the two you’re sounding foolish.

  89. NE Fan Says:

    Gipper@ Oh, by rhe way at 43 Brady came to your losing franchise and won. So to answer your question, yes he could do it in the place Baker could not, Cleveland!

  90. Leo Says:

    Dudes a hater and often wrong joy too they always move the goalposts when it comes to baker they say there and insulted him for winning games…them literally turned around and praised Brady for winning the same division make it make sense

  91. John Dixon Says:

    Boss Says:
    January 18th, 2024 at 2:12 pm
    “I’m middle of the road on BM……as it should be for rational thinkers.

    What Shady says is spot on!

    BM looked good in Philly, although he started the game hitting the D in the numbers again. One of these days a DB or LB is actually going to catch the ball.

    40 mill? Puuuuhleaze.”

    BS,That is all that can be said to that load of crap. Shady is an irrelevant joke anymore, just looking for attention. BM has earned the respect and payday. Is he elite? No. Can he win? yes. He should be paid above the average and obviously more than the top paid backups. Not his fault, what the market is. Right now a top quality backup is getting 15 million and an average starter is getting 30. BM should be in the Geno range.

  92. John Dixon Says:

    “Student l call Bull spit on evans leaving if Mayfield leaves your nuts they are not tied together in anyway Evans been over 10 yrs and probaly owns most bucs rec. records and Mayfield 1 yr and you think he will leave if Baker leaves. I think he wants to stay badly and think the bucs will get a deal done with or without Baker.”

    More BS. He wanted to leave already, so why would he want to stay now? and someone else will pay him more now after this year. BM feeds him the ball and that jacks up his numbers and pay. He very well may suggest strongly that they pay BM.

  93. BakerBucs Says:

    Since76 says well if that’s true bout mahomes without hill & still up lifts the cast around him then why does baker have a better qbr this season just saying u haters say many stupid things on this site I am glad to see that many baker believers counter you jackasses with much more sensible comments.thank God u haters have zero input with management & ownership

  94. BakerBucs Says:

    Jon Dixon Says u spew spit Mr Evens dropped more in his face passes this year than so called cream of crop WR in the league he alone cost us 2 games this year so don’t tell me how he elevated baker u joker that post was in the bottom tier in this site

  95. BakerBucs Says:

    I hope baker leaves this team then I can move on to a good posting site with legit fans on it.we r in the playoffs cause of 1 person & it ain’t Evans this QB has taken tons of punishment this season with a very average cast around him yes he has 2 good receivers & just because u get 1000 pass yards to me is not make u elite so at 17 games that’s like 60yards per game why the hell is that considered elite if u get 8 shots a game as receiver thats like 71/2 yds per attempt wtf

  96. BakerBucs Says:

    Leo says plus that was a losing record 8&9 these jokers on this site r too funny

  97. BakerBucs Says:

    So .500 is not 9&8 record that’s bout .575 at 9&8 and last I checked 9&8 is above average jackass last season that cheat Brady was below average & u sorry people say Brady was going thru divorce that had nothing to do with him losing he was already washed up several years ago it was just dumb luck like his career that he came to TB at the rite moment he sucked cause he was scared sh!tless about the crypto currency he cud have been in serious jail trouble that creep was part of the sam brinkman crypto crook deal not cause of that over paid skank Giselle he left the practice session to go cover his ass that’s why he left for 11 days

  98. jarrett Says:





  99. Becky Says:

    NE Fan Amazing how you Brady fans forget the draft pick losses and fines for CHEATING more than once. You are delusional if you believe Brady could have won in Cleveland under the same circumstances Baker was forced to play under. Stick your stats. Baker Mayfield plays the game honest, and doesn’t need the refs to save his ass from tacklers.

  100. Becky Says:

    What moron writes that Baker just isn’t good? Then why are we in the playoffs genius? I guess it was because of all those dropped passed that hit receivers right in the numbers. Or that fantastic run game we had all season. If you haven’t got a clue then don’t write.
    NE Fan, newsflash! Rceivers are only as good as the guy who is getting them the ball.