Baker Mayfield Is Listed As Questionable For Monday Night

January 13th, 2024

Three Bucs players questionable.

In an otherwise very light and team-friendly injury report for Monday’s wild card playoff round game between the Bucs and the Eagles, the lone concern is Baker Mayfield.

He injured his ribs in the final moments of the loss to the slimy Saints two weeks ago and messed up an ankle last week against the Stinking Panthers, Mayfield is listed as questionable on the final injury report of the week.

Special teams player/cornerback Josh Hayes, and reserve linebacker K.J. Britt are also “questionable.” Hayes is battling quad and knee injuries and Britt is dealing with a calf.

Those are the only active players on the injury report for the Bucs.

114 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Is Listed As Questionable For Monday Night”

  1. D-Rok Says:

    Here’s hoping whichever QB the Bucs trot out there will play well.

    GO Bucs ! ! !

  2. Bojim Says:

    Uh oh. Hope badger was fined. Just win!!

  3. SteveK Says:

    Don’t care about the name on the back of the jersey, just need Todd Bowles to win a January home game. Lost to the Saints two weeks ago, as Cam Jordan rightfully noted, and limped in the playoffs by kicking three field goals against an inferior, 2-15 team.

    The Buccaneers are better than that, and we demand it

    There is no excuse, so if Bowles doesn’t come out swinging (using 1st half timeouts strategically, and don’t make a “but they played hurt” excuse for any player)

    Go Bucs! Must win, or Coach is walking the plank.

  4. Since76 Says:

    The excuses will fly now if baker has another bad game. The only good thing that will come of that is it will be the last time we have to hear it. Because there will be a house cleaning.

  5. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Start whoever has the best chance to win. If Baker can’t throw then replace him. Bowles will have an “explanation” for a loss.

    Baker starts: he is hurt.

    Trask/Wolford start: they were back ups.

  6. Marine Buc Says:

    No more midget QBs.

    Put someone in who can throw farther than 12 yards downfield.

  7. djb0118 Says:

    @SteveK Who cares what Cam Jordan noted from his couch??

  8. Zwak Says:

    Bowels will start Baker no matter how hurt he is. As much as I would like to see what Trask has we refuse to give the kid a chance!

  9. Mike Says:

    It’s Baker or Bust for sure. if he has a pulse, he’s playing.

  10. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Would be pretty ironic if Baker Mayfield could not play…and Trask took us all of the way.

  11. Tb bolts Says:

    Watching browns and texans and I see two QBs who look leagues above mayfield. Effortlessly and accurately putting the ball through the air as a QB should be able to do. Something we hardly saw all season. Monday night is going to be tough to watch.

  12. go dawgs Says:

    It has to be Wolford over Trask if Baker can’t go. At least Wolford has actually played and completed passes in a real nfl game. He also has similar mobility to Mayfield. Thats all we need, basically a rookie qb that is average at best, standing back there like a statue pooping his pants not knowing g where to throw l, with that eagles pass rush in his chin.

  13. go dawgs Says:


  14. Tb bolts Says:

    Dawgs I’m sure you being a georgia fan has nothing to do with your open hate for Trask

  15. m milligan Says:

    Mayfield the only reason we’re in playoffs, He’ll play and I hope effectively.
    How u guys think Trask would fare if started, how many offsides, illegal motion, snaps, delay of game etc etc. He hasn’t taken a snap. Be setting him up to fail.
    If BM goes down, hopefully Cananles can at least help Trask go get the W. Trask can do it when his #’s called.

  16. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    o dawgs Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 5:35 pm

    It has to be Wolford over Trask if Baker can’t go”

    If that happens, Bowles should be fired on the spot.

  17. Tb bolts Says:

    Guys we all know bake is going to go. Its gonna be 3 n out city all night.

  18. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Tb bolts Says
    “Guys we all know bake is going to go. Its gonna be 3 n out city all night.”

    I think he will go…but if he is not doing well, Bowles needs to make the tough decision.

  19. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    m milligan Says
    “Mayfield the only reason we’re in playoffs”

    Well, that’s not true. If anything, our kicker is.

    And all season long, it was our defense that did better. Which is fine, since defense wins championships.

  20. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Midge Moxie will deliver!

  21. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I think we’re about to find out if this team has the ability to be better in the playoffs than outside of the playoffs.

    I really, really want to see the Eagles go down though. Too many times in the past they messed up our playoff chances.

  22. m milligan Says:

    On paper, Eagles should beat us by 21, beat us by 14 earlier this yr and played one of their worst games of the year, HOWEVER
    ANY TEAM, ANY DAY. Seen BM light it up to many times not to have faith, hopefully he’s still got one more in him

  23. m milligan Says:

    That fing Stroud is deadly, who would’ve known, Bryce vs Stroud, no comparison

  24. Buc4evr Says:

    Have to go withBaker and pray that he can do ok and doesn’t get hurt. You Trask fans may see him play, if so it won’t end like you think it will.

  25. m milligan Says:

    We had the Houston team on the ropes in Houston until Bowles let them go 75 yds for a TD with 45 seconds left.

  26. Since76 Says:

    Bonzai….I would love to see the eagles go down also. They always seem to be in the way. I worry about our lack of offense though. Sorry Baker bois I know it has not a thing to do with your man.

  27. Buc4evr Says:

    Yeah, the loss at Houston was so bad. Have to believe that Bowles is on the hot seat with Vrabel, Belichek, and Harbaugh available. This a must win for him, hope Canales has a better gameplan and Bowles doesn’t have another end of game brain fart.

  28. m milligan Says:

    Canales must do better
    Get the ball to white on the edge on screens or run option and hit him over the middle, they’ve got no power game.

  29. NE Fan Says:

    Could you imagine if Baker was playing in KC tonight? His rubs would be like twigs.

  30. HC Grover Says:

    This could get interesting

  31. Marine Buc Says:

    @ m mil

    “Canales must do better
    Get the ball to white on the edge on screens or run option and hit him over the middle, they’ve got no power game.”

    This is something we can both agree on.

    Our OTs are solid our interior O-line is horrible.

    Please stop with the worthless runs up the gut… Stupid is as stupid does.

  32. m milligan Says:

    Here Here
    One of these scrambles we’re gonna hit a 60 yd TD.

  33. Buc4evr Says:

    Next year Jason needs to bring in some vets for the interior O line. I assume Jensen is done? Agree that the screen and other quick plays like slants and seam passes to the TE must be used. White needs to be used in the passing game. Just hope we don’t see another Saints/panthers offensive gameplan.

  34. m milligan Says:

    Whites fairly deadly if u get him in a little space, get otten involved

  35. Rod Munch Says:



  36. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    Marine Buc Says: “No more midget QBs”

    You are aware that Hurts is also 6’1″, same as Mayfield, right?

    I guess it’ll be a battle of “midget QBs” Monday night. SMH

    And you added “Put someone in who can throw farther than 12 yards downfield.” Baker to Evans were 2nd in the league in big play TDs (20+ yards in the air). Again, SMH

    I’m no “Baker boi” but c’mon man. You have a lot of hate for a BUCS quarterback. He hasn’t been consistent and has had some pretty bad games BUT also has had some very good ones.

    I’ll get on him if he quits on his team be he hasn’t been close to doing that.

    I hope he’s healthy enough to play well and DC puts together a solid game plan. If he struggles in the first half, by all means go to Trask.

  37. Buc4evr Says:

    Well if the Bucs can’t sign Midget Baker next season, it’s looking like Flacco will be

  38. Whiners Aren't Winners Says:

    Tb bolts Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 5:28 pm
    Watching browns and texans and I see two QBs who look leagues above mayfield. Effortlessly and accurately putting the ball through the air as a QB should be able to do. Something we hardly saw all season. Monday night is going to be tough to watch.

    Right, Joe Flacco is the QB you Whiny fans deserve. Houston has an amazing Oline. Go cheer for the Panthers, loser.

  39. Whiners Aren't Winners Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “Well, that’s not true. If anything, our kicker is.

    And all season long, it was our defense that did better. Which is fine, since defense wins championships.”

    Bucs D allows teams score in the waning seconds of games. I would assume you don’t watch games. They also let average and good teams score 20+ every game.

  40. Rod Munch Says:

    I’m no fan of Baker, and the Baker Bois are truly obnixous hateable people, but shut up already with the crybaby stuff whining about losing the game that hasn’t been played yet.

    Yes, Baker will likely stink and not give the Bucs a chance, but who knows, maybe we get a ‘good’ Baker appearance and the Bucs win, which humiliates the awful, terrible, garbage Eagles fans.

    You don’t have to be part of #TeamPositive, but the throwing a fit before the game even starts, that makes you as annoying as the Baker Bois and them making excuses for Baker before the game is even played (which also proves none of them have any real faith in Baker, they’re just TV commercials stalkers who follow baker from town to town as part of their cult).

    I speak with authority on this issue as I was voted the most fair and balanced voice in the comments for the 9th straight year.

  41. Angry Since Kickoff Says:

    If you want to be really cynical about it, Baker had a “great” year already and is in line for millions. He’d be crazy to think they’ll win the Super Bowl … so why push it? He could do a college style opt out and let Trask take a beating Monday Night in his place.

  42. m milligan Says:

    Would never happen Bro, they’re bro’s going to put it on the line and get the W
    GTF otta hear with Dat

  43. m milligan Says:

    We’ll win with what w got

  44. m milligan Says:

    Just think of Evans, contract yr, playing against Slay, hope he doesn’t get hurt.

  45. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Glass Half full guy

    “You have a lot of hate for a BUCS quarterback.”

    Not true.

    I believe that Baker is a very mediocre NFL QB.

    I also believe – as long as he will sign a team friendly deal – Mayfield will probably be our starting QB in 2024.

    Mainly due to the limited choices the Bucs have…

    But let’s not pretend Baker is anything more than a mediocre NFL QB.

  46. Rod Munch Says:

    Glass Half Full Guy Says:
    You are aware that Hurts is also 6’1″, same as Mayfield, right?


    Did you know that Shaq was billed his entire career as being 7′ 1″ … then only after his career was over did he admit that number was fake all along, he was actually 6′ 11″. Back when I watched basketball in the 90s you could just look at Shaq, even with as awesome as he was, go up against guys billed at 7′ 0″ and see Shaq was shorter and that number was bogus, but no one cared, it’s showbiz afterall.

    In any case, Baker is not 6′ 1″. Just look at him on the field compared to other guys.

  47. D Cone Says:

    Team has to disclose injuries and the possibility of a player being out for gambling purposes. He’ll play. How well will be determined.

  48. Rod Munch Says:

    I don’t like Baker, but I want the Bucs home game to go just like this Houston home game, and we get to see Trask in mop-up duty as the Bucs are up 45-14 in the 4th.

    Do that Baker, in a big game with everything on the line, and you’ll be back next year, and might even change some minds about you.

  49. Bucs 95 Says:

    If he cant go they must start wofford instead of trask he actually has played in a playoff game and won one on the road in seattle when goff was hurt i dont care about seeing what trask can do this is the playoffs not the regular season

  50. D Cone Says:

    Angry Since Kickoff Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 6:55 pm
    If you want to be really cynical about it, Baker had a “great” year already and is in line for millions. He’d be crazy to think they’ll win the Super Bowl … so why push it? He could do a college style opt out and let Trask take a beating Monday Night in his place

    He’s had nice stats but proven to have durability issues. If the league goes back to 14 games he might make the end of the season and a couple playoff games before breaking down. Good luck on that multi year prediction.

  51. Tom M Sumner Says:


  52. m milligan Says:

    OMG, we dodged the nit wits but here comes Rod
    Rod who famously predicted Bucs would finish 4-13 with Mayfield traded by by wk. Talked sht then, why is he talking sht now after proving to be an idiot.
    GFY Rod, we’re going to get the W and BM will kill it or die trying. FU
    I’m signing out, BS coming to chain

  53. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Rod

    I agree.

    Let’s all get behind the midget QB and pray he can throw a football longer than 12 yards.

    Go Bucs!

    Super Bowl – here we cum!

  54. Rod Munch Says:

    Baker was 18th in QBR, 20th in scoring, was last in scoring among QBs that started all their games. In a year where a ton of starting QBs got injured, Baker still proved himself to be very mediocre (11 teams that started backup QBs for multiple games scored more points than the Bucs).

    For those that come back and say, but Baker had 4000 yards (in a 17 game season) and a xx completion percentage, etc – that’s why QBR exists. It takes QBs like Derek Carr and doesn’t give them credit for dumping the ball off to their RB on 3rd and long. BTW, White was one of the top receivers in the NFL on 3rd down.

    Anywho, those are all facts, not opinions.

    With that said, if Baker goes out and wins on Monday night, he’ll be back. It’s literally that simple, and if people who want Baker back, and claim he’s a franchise QB, compare him to Brady, Brees and Mahomes, you guys should revel the opportunity he has to go out and win a playoff game on the biggest stage.

    I truly, honest to God, hope Baker can do.

  55. m milligan Says:

    m milligan Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 7:16 pm
    OMG, we dodged the nit wits but here comes Rod
    Rod who famously predicted Bucs would finish 4-13 with Mayfield traded by by wk. Talked sht then, why is he talking sht now and in the playoffs after proving to be an idiot.
    GFY Rod, we’re going to get the W and BM will kill it or die trying. FU
    I’m signing out, BS coming to chain

    Rod, i think he earned every incentive offered for preformance. More of your projections, Please, ur bad news.

  56. m milligan Says:

    Buc4evr Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 6:39 pm
    Well if the Bucs can’t sign Midget Baker next season, it’s looking like Flacco will be

    Yeah, and all you Stroud enthusiists, which i’m one, how did Bryce Young work out.
    Go figure, I would have thought opposite, must have heard some BS from Rod and took it to heart, ROD FO, we’re trying to get the W.
    Rod, how many teams u been on. Your like Max Murphy on the Natural, GFY

  57. Rod Munch Says:

    This MIA-KC game doesn’t look that cold. All hype. They’ll tell us after the game the Gen Z moron they had reading the thermometer was giving us the temperature in celsius. Mark my words.

  58. m milligan Says:

    Yes like u questioning BM being 6 1
    Rod who famously predicted Bucs would finish 4-13 with Mayfield traded by by wk. Talked sht then, why is he talking sht now and in the playoffs after proving to be an idiot.

  59. Rod Munch Says:

    milligan – Does your parole officer know you’re back online posting about Baker again? You know what the courts told you. No going through his trash, no following around his wife, and no internet stalking. Even if you think he’s your friend, and you’re defending him, and you’d never hurt him, you agreed to stop doing this at the arraignment.

  60. m milligan Says:

    Munch, ur bad news, bad for the team, how many teams u been on, u suck
    I’m taking the Chiefs

  61. m milligan Says:

    I’ll call u Max

  62. m milligan Says:

    U every played ball Max
    “No but I make it alot more interesting:”Ur bad news

  63. Tony marks Says:

    Since76 Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 4:51 pm
    The excuses will fly now if baker has another bad game. The only good thing that will come of that is it will be the last time we have to hear it. Because there will be a house cleaning.


    I say youa are daydreaming. A coach beating every preseason projection in a cap strapped pay back year while winning a third division title who then loses becuse his QB1 is injured – is unlikely to be terminated.

    IF a big name is not interested its iikely Bowles stays on another year. Glazer’s never day dreamed they coulf do better this year.

  64. Rod Munch Says:

    Since76 Says:
    The excuses will fly now if baker has another bad game. The only good thing that will come of that is it will be the last time we have to hear it. Because there will be a house cleaning.

    Tony marks Says:
    I say youa are daydreaming. A coach beating every preseason projection in a cap strapped pay back year while winning a third division title who then loses becuse his QB1 is injured – is unlikely to be terminated.

    IF a big name is not interested its iikely Bowles stays on another year. Glazer’s never day dreamed they coulf do better this year.


    If you had any actual belief in all the nonsense you spew, comparing Baker to Brady, Mahomes and Brees and claiming he’s a franchise QB, you’d just say “well look forward to seeing Baker next year because he’s going to go out and destroy the Eagles.”

    But you Baker Bois never say that because you’re complete and total frauds.

    I’ve said more positive things about Bakers chances on Monday than all you morons put together who are still talking about the Houston loss as Bakers peak.

    It’s sad. Have some faith in your boy if you’re going to annoy everyone else claiming Baker is the best QB in football, that you’d want him on your team over Hebert, over Hurts, over everyone else that has ever played the game.

  65. Tony marks Says:

    m milligan Says:

    Rod who famously predicted Bucs would finish 4-13 with Mayfield traded by by wk. Talked sht then, why is he talking sht now and in the playoffs after proving to be an idiot


    Because thats what small boys do when they are not man enough to take the full weight of their fails –

    They move the goal posts so as to mitigate their errors

    Won’t make it pass the bye week, turns into won’t have a winning record, turns into not winning the division

    each time wrong then just go to the next new goal post move

    IF we win Monday watch. it may take a week or two but the next one will be – well no super bowl so there.

    all they do is fail and move the goal posts.

  66. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Start Trask and it may kill his career. The postseason ain’t the place to make your debut.

  67. Knothead71 Says:

    I don’t care who the quarterback is. Mayfield, Trask, Wolford or some guy from Plant City that cleans windshields. I’m a Bucs fan and I want to see a win. LFG!

  68. Tony marks Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 8:14 pm
    Start Trask and it may kill his career. The postseason ain’t the place to make your debut


    valid point but whats the chance of the eagles not making sure to get to Baker when one good hit and he is out?

    So who woud you go fo then? WOlford?

    Rams did want him and we did protect him so its not like thats impossible.

  69. WyomingJoe Says:

    MarineBuc and Muncher: You guys are such morons.

    Baker measured 6-5/8” at the NFL Combine in 2018 and 6-1” when the Browns measured him at Training Camp the same year. BY COMPARISON, Mahomes measured 6-2”. Yet Baker is a midget because he’s 1 inch smaller?

    Update: You guys are pathetic morons.

    Keep winning Baker.

  70. Rod Munch Says:

    The Baker Bois, who laterally make non-sarcastic comments comparing Mayfield to Mahomes, are still whining about week 9 drop by Mike Evans, even though he came back on the next series and got a TD, and claim Baker’s season was sabotaged by ‘drops’ (while also saying he’s had the greatest season ever recorded).

    Mahomes tonight has had more dropped passes in the 1st quarter than Baker had in the entire season.

  71. MadMax Says:

    F bakerhaters!!!

    He’ll be out there…COUNT ON IT!!!!!

  72. NE Fan Says:

    He will MadMax throwing those 4yd bombs.

  73. NE Fan Says:

    WyomingJoe@ Baker is not 6’1. Inflating weight & height in football starts in high school. Baker is 5’11” at most. I can only imagine what you’ve told the Mrs over the years.

  74. David Says:

    Moron Baker fans;
    Did you watch the Texans game tonight ? Are you still comparing your trash boy to the GOAT or CJ Stroud ?
    A new coach with a young qb blow through the first round of playoffs while Bucs still hanging on to a journeyman and a trash HC both with losing career records.

    Thanks to Trash Baker/Toilet Bowl barely wining NFL toilet division and lowering Bucs high draft picks. Uh, wait it wouldn’t matter anyway. Did we draft a qb in round two of NFL ? Is he still with Bucs?
    I think he was a bust as a scout qb. Uh, wait. I thought the drafted qb’s are evaluated in real games. Not with Bucs.

  75. David Says:

    This is just exact reoccurrence of Baker’s stats as questionable before he went and crapped the game out nearly losing the division all by himself. This is just another smoke scree by TB to cover for Baker and himself if they lose this game.

    It wouldn’t matter. They both be gone if they lose.
    Toilet Bowl,
    Start Trask even though it wouldn’t be fair to him as he has never played in a real game or with the starter. At least he can hit the open receivers more than 10 yards.

  76. David Says:

    Moron Baker fans,
    Did you see how a real rookie qb playing with mostly street receivers/offense is taking a team with only two games from the super bowl ?
    Anyone can name two Bucs HOF receivers? Can you name Texans receivers even after you watch Texan game tonight ? No, that’s what I thought. You aren’t Bucs fans. You are losers posting for the first time on this website following your trash boy around the NFL city to city.

  77. MadMax Says:


  78. Elijah Says:

    As Someone who is going to the game on Monday, I will honestly be so disappointed if I actually have to watch John Wolford or Kyle Trask play in a playoff game. I might clog Raymond James Stadium’s toilets with my vomit.

  79. adam from ny Says:

    We’re gonna ride and die with Baker till the very end this season…

    It’s just how it is…

    They’ll roll with the Moxie…

    They’re not changing the team quarterback, and the team vibe at this point…

    You guys are crazy man, crazy


  80. m milligan Says:

    Great game, BANG Looks like an old Packers game
    Bucs would handle either with ease

  81. m milligan Says:

    I’d rather b n Tampa LMAO

  82. m milligan Says:

    Got a bunch of Chiefs fans at the game, LOL

  83. Mike Johnson Says:

    Kinda sad. The man is truly banged up. Baker ;s out there because the Bucs have no confidence in Trask, And Baker is playing for incentives. He’s one of if not, the lowest paid starting QB in the NFL.

  84. Tony marks Says:

    Rod Musgh Says:

    “well look forward to seeing Baker next year because he’s going to go out and destroy the Eagles.”

    Yawn I actually guaranteed a win agains the panthers. Capped it too GUARANTEED. Am I going to guarantee it with Baker multiple injiury banged up???


    Hate to break it to you mushy but The adults in the room know what this is about for you even if the kiddies can’t process. This game is about you trying to save face for your EPIC fails in projections of Baker being benched and not having a winning record. You rooted against allegeldy “your own” team alllll season long

    And Baker whooped you rear end like a flapping live power line during a florida hurricane landing. You KNOW Baker is injured and you saw how it affected his play on Sunday BUt you see this as your last opportunity to try and save face.

    You figure if you can stop people from seeing and stating the obvious then you can claim vindication Should the Bucs lose on Monday. Instant problem. You can’t as you certainly won’t be stopping me from stating the obvious.

    I knnow it boiled your blood to read but again – nothing to lose for Baker in this game palying injured

    the winnign season , 4,000+ yard , top 7 in TDs and NFC divisioan tilte are all in the books. Any loss on Monday will have th asterisk of injury. Like it or not and if he wins then it will all be hero glory.

    You lose.

  85. m milligan Says:

    Already got the incentives, he’s out there for the W and taking it to the danger zone
    FO dave u pathetic birch
    Great game, going with the chiefs, what about this Scantling deba9kle, WTF,
    Could c hill back with chiefs
    We’ve got palmer and heart, canales will never pull the trigger.

  86. Tony marks Says:

    David Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 9:10 pm
    Moron Baker fans;
    Did you watch the Texans game tonight ? Are you still comparing your trash boy to the GOAT or CJ Stroud ?


    Your dadydy Mush has certainly taught you the family way of lying

    No one has compared Baker to Stroud in this entire page and Baker fans have not as a representation stated Baker is better than Brady or Stroud in their career.

    However I learnd a lot form watching Stroud – appparently if you are good Qb you can get your rear end of the pine. If not then three years later super glue couldn’t keep you there better.

  87. Tb bolts Says:

    Elijah but youll be happy to watch a baker performance similar to the last two games? Lmfao money well wasted there enjoy the 3 n out show

  88. David Says:

    Baker fans; There are FDA approved medications available for dementia if you can afford to see your PCP. You posted the comparison data’s comparing Baker to the Goat and how Bucs are a better team with Baker than Tom B. right after Jags and Green Bay game.

    Baker fans;
    The era of 30 to 40 years grandpa qb’s are over in NFL. Start barking at the younger trees might give you some fruits not the rotten ones.

    Bucs need to clean the house and start fresh as Texans with their young players/draft picks.

  89. David Says:

    Tony Mark says;”No one has compared Baker to Stroud in this entire page and Baker fans have not as a representation stated Baker is better than Brady or Stroud in their career”
    Oops, my apology Baker fans; Patrick Mahomes not CJ Stroud.

  90. Dave Pear Says:

    We really miss Suh and JPP. Yes they’re done but in the off-season after the Toddster is told to go sell real estate in greater Ocala, a free agent stud for the DL would be enormously helpful.

    And Whitehead, SMB and Mike Edwards. We turned the wrong guys loose.

    Too bad we kept the Diva

  91. m milligan Says:

    Daveco, it’s medication time Mr Cheswick, LMAO, what’s that from

  92. Jmarkbuc Says:

    SMB still blows..

  93. Bucs 95 Says:

    Wolford won a playoff game for the rams when goff was injured in 2020 against the seahawks on the road yall crazy saying start trask if baker cant played wofford could win this game for us

  94. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Whiners Aren’t Winners Says
    “Bucs D allows teams score in the waning seconds of games. I would assume you don’t watch games. They also let average and good teams score 20+ every game.”

    Spending so much time on the field will weaken any defense. That’s the result of 3 and Outs, not a bad defense. In nearly every instance you can point out, our offense failed miserably.

    If Baker is doing well, keep him in. If he isn’t, yank him and put in Trask.

    In the last game, Baker should have rested. He didn’t accomplish anything in the game, an that week of rest would have helped him get healthy.

    He scored zero points. He could hardly throw deep. Trask, who is more accurate, could have at minimum had the same production, and perhaps scored at least once.

  95. RGA Says:

    I don’t have any faith in the Bucs offense scoring more the 10 points with Baker Mayfield at the helm.

  96. Chris Says:

    Tb Bolts
    Buccaneer Bonzai
    Since 76
    Marine Buc
    Rod Munch

    Same crap coming outta your heads, different day. Baker will play. And you can suck his big fat contract in the off-season. You can’t undo what he’s done this year. It’s already done, and he killed it this year. He’s in th eplayoffs with a team that NOBODY projected to go to the playoffs, and he’s playing with house money so it doesn’t even matter what happens in this game, lol. I FRICKIN LOVE IT that he has you haters all hot and bothered by resurrecting his career after the media, tried to ruin him. The dude is too talented to be held down, and he has too much fight in him to be held down. He does not give up. If you can’t respect that then it says another about how poor your character is. All he is doing is what he had already done in Cleveland, and got no credit for. It’s not a surprise to anyone that refused to take the bait from the media that has had it in for him from day one. They can all suck his big fat contract too, ha ha ha!

  97. Tony marks Says:

    David Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 10:25 pm
    Baker fans; There are FDA approved medications available for dementia if you can afford to see your PCP


    FINALLY an area where I can trust that your experience has given you at least a little credibility.

  98. Usfbuc Says:

    I don’t understand the infatuation with Wolford. The coaches named him third string and I think at one point he was on the practice squad. The coaches have obviously made their evaluation and decided Trask is better than Wolford.

    This whole discussion shows just how bad the coaching is though because if we beat the Saints then we could have sat BM. That would have rested him for this game and shown everyone what Trask was capable of. But bc our coaches couldn’t come up with a plan and didn’t have the team prepared we lost that game. Now because of the incompetence our starting QB is injured greatly reducing our chances of success in the playoffs.

  99. Chris Says:

    @ NE fan

    Baker was measured at 6 feet and 5/8″
    at the NFL combine. That’s as accomplished a measurement that you will find anywhere. Teams want the facts about these players and that what the measurements are, facts. It’s not hard at all to look it up.Saying that he is 5’11” is a lie. That makes you a liar, and anything else you say is suspect at this point. His height is not an issue. He’s a successful NFL QB. A lot of QBs agave been successful at that height. Joe Montana, Steve Young, Drew Brees, Joe Theismann, Russell Wilson, etc. It’s a non factor, and he’s taller than most men, and he has no problem taking on safeties and LBs to get a 1st down, so you really need to find something else to bi+ch about.

  100. adam from ny Says:

    the thing is when you remove a rib, you shrink 🙂

    so after honey badger gave him that shot and he took a while to get to the podium, the trainer was removing that rib in the locker room…the one that was poking out of his body…

    so it took extra time for him to get to the podium…

    and when he finally got there he was one mcRib short of a big mac…

    and was only measure out at 5′ 11″

  101. Tony marks Says:

    adam from ny Says:

    and when he finally got there he was one mcRib short of a big mac


    and lets not take that difference for granted. IF Licht coudl get a big mac for Kyle trask its pretty certain he would go for it.

  102. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Nobody is claiming that Stroud doesn’t look great, but what are the chances of realistically grabbing a QB in the draft who will play better than Baker? The draft is a crapshoot, and reaching for a QB is likely to end in failure. You may also get your guy in round 2, 3 or later.

    I want us to take a guard or center first overall. Or bolster the secondary

  103. Tony Marks Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:
    January 14th, 2024 at 3:55 am
    Nobody is claiming that Stroud doesn’t look great,

    Stroud looks to be one of the 3-4 generational players that comes around every 7-10 years. If your Plan REQUIRES you to get one of those your chances are 12-15% you will be winning a super bowl in the next 10 years.

    Its actually much less for the Bucs since they landed one with Brady and the chances of getting two close together is vanishingly small.

  104. Larrd Says:

    Ebuka or Dejean in the first and then a guard in the second.

    UF QB in seventh, for the fans. I have no idea what his name is. LOL.

    Also: sign Chase Young and Derrick Henry.

  105. Former Browns Fan Says:

    Someone do a wellness check on rod munch. He’s just rambling…

  106. go dawgs Says:

    good point Larrd^ Can we even name a UF QB at this point? Let alone one that has had any success in the NFL… Oh my bad, Rex Grossman…Friggin losers… Go Bucs, Go Baker!!!

  107. Wild Bill Says:

    Too many personal insults but trying to keep it real. Baker is not the most gifted qb in the league. Probably no better than average. His biggest weakness is arm strength. He struggles to throw the long ball with consistency and has limitations seeing the field because of his height. But he does not lack courage! He has taken many very hard hits and kept on trucking. He has taken a lot big hits running for first downs when nobody was open. He is far from the classic tall drop back pocket passer but the guy does have true grit. I honestly did not think he would finish the season because of injury. And the Bucs offense is not a power house running or passing but here we are in the playoffs! Never thought they would make it (especially with Bowles). So even though Baker is no super star, he has earned my respect by giving everything he has got. Kind of a blue collar over achiever who does pretty well by fighting for everything he can get. I would have liked to see Trask get a few starts but that is water over the dam. And if the Broad Street Bullies game plan is to physically pound Baker, which I expect, we very well see what Trask can or can not do. Thus spake William the Great! Haha.

  108. BucsBeBack (Artist formally known as: BringBucsBack) Says:

    On a related note, SI ran an article this morning entitled: “Texans’ Instant Rebuild and Wild-Card Win Over Browns Shows Risk of Blockbuster QB Trades”, written by Connor Orr that I found insightful and loosely relates to our QB situation. It’s worth a look. Please forgive me, Joes.

  109. NE Fan Says:


    He was wearing cleats.

  110. Marky Mark Says:

    Might be trying to confuse Philly. If Baker can go start him. If he takes a hit bring in Kyle or wolford.

  111. orlbucfan Says:

    What a load of the usual loser BS. Trask is practicing with the first team O, and BM is right there with Canales. I hope BM kicks (verbally) some sense into Canales’ head about our Offense. This Bucs team is pumped. I am looking forward to listening to the Bucs Radio posse tomorrow night. Big factor is the weather. Wolford is #3 cos he’s not as good as Trask. Trask spent all his rookie time holding a clipboard and observing the fossilized GOAT. You think all that hasn’t rubbed off on him? We really have some serious stupid on here. Go Mighty Tampa Bay!!

  112. Rod Munch Says:

    NE Fan Says:
    January 14th, 2024 at 8:24 am

    He was wearing cleats.


    And had lifts inside those cleats.

  113. Kidfloflo Says:

    Are u maniacs actually pining for a back up QB with no starts and ONE preseason td on his whole nfl resume to now start his first game under the lights in a playoff game to replace the guy who got u there because of ur disdain for him!?? Unreal

  114. Bucsfan77 Says:

    Marine Buc Says:
    January 13th, 2024 at 4:58 pm
    No more midget QBs.

    Put someone in who can throw farther than 12 yards downfield.

    His height doesn’t matter, Brees proved that shorter QBs can be effective.