Two Quarterback Legends Move On; Teams Improve

January 8th, 2024

“That wasn’t supposed to happen, Aaron.

Lots of Bucs fans hate when Joe makes the simple statement that the Bucs were better at quarterback this season without Tom Brady.

Yes, facts can rattle people.

With Baker Mayfield at quarterback, the Bucs scored more points and had more yards per pass attempt than in 2022 with Brady. In each season, the weapons were similar and the running game statistically was the NFL’s worst, so the comparison is uniquely fair.

For those who like to dabble in the official quarterback rating stat, Mayfield finished this season at 94.6, better than Brady’s 90.7 last season. As for “QBR” they essentially tied, Mayfield at 54.2 in 2023 — 0.4 behind Brady last year. Mayfield threw 3 more touchdown passes than Brady and 1 more interception.

Brady had experienced No. 3 receiver Russell Gage, who had more production last season (51 catches, 426 yards, 5 TDs) than rookie Trey Palmer (39 catches, 385 yards, 3 TDs) did this year.

Both quarterbacks won the NFC South.

Of couse, Brady and the 2022 Bucs imploded in the playoffs; Mayfield gets his postseason shot a week from tonight.

Much like the Bucs’ situation, the Packers lost Aaron Rodgers after last season and their offense improved slighly with Jordan Love taking over. Love led Green Bay to more touchdowns passes and fewer interceptions — and a postseason berth that eluded the Packers last year.

Joe doesn’t see how the leadership lost by the departures of Brady and Rodgers were a factor for their respective former teams. However, Joe thinks Brady would have helped keep Devin White’s mind in a better place if Brady had been with the Bucs this season.

Regardless, it’s ok — and accurate — to say these teams are better at QB with the solid quarterbacks that replaced the legends.

130 Responses to “Two Quarterback Legends Move On; Teams Improve”

  1. DFW Buc Says:

    Offensive coordinators not the same

  2. Jeff Says:

    Mayfield enjoys better play calling. Byron was pure shi*

  3. Jeff Says:

    Baker enjoyed better play-calling. Byron was pure trash.

  4. JD Still Says:

    IMHO, that is an unfair comparison, Brady was having huge personal problems last year that proved too great to overcome , he was hit both with family problems and the financial loss of millions of dollars . It is amazing he did as well as he did.

  5. Joe in Michigan Says:

    How much did the Bucs improve when they got Tom Brady? Tremendously. So instead of thinking about just one year, last year, I think of the whole time Brady was a Buc.
    Am I happy with Mayfield? There’s been good and bad, the Bucs made the playoffs, which is great. I’m most happy about the goofball backup QB for the Saints isn’t a Buc…What a sh!tshow in New Orleans.

  6. miken Says:

    Kind of silly. Each team got one whole game better, but maybe Baker leads us to a Super Bowl victory in year one.

  7. Allbuccedup Says:

    Baker didn’t look so hot sunday. But I am sure we will sign him to a three year deal and be satisfied with mediocrity.

  8. Ed Says:

    Last 2 games Mayfield has been bad. This is the what have you done for me lately league. It doesn’t matter how well he played a few weeks ago if he has another stinker like yesterday or vs the Saints.

    He will have a far less challenge with the Eagles defense. They have been bad. I have friends that are their fans and they have been all over the Eagles coaching staff during their losing. They can’t stop anyone.

    If the Bucs lay an egg on offense against their crap defense than Buc fans are going to be boing them again on MNF.

  9. First Name Greatest Says:

    Makes a difference when your QB is all in

  10. Capt.Tim Says:

    What Baker Mayfied accomplished this season is much more impressive.
    We lost alot of good players this offseason, due to cap restraints.
    The cap had us crippled.
    Alot of our best players had quit on this team.
    NOONE expected us to win.

    But Mayfield rallied a pretty bad team, and showed them that theycould be Winners.
    Then he made them CHAMPIONS.
    Lets see how much further he can take us.

    This team plays hard for can tell they love him. Its a more energetic vibe than last year.
    Last year was a better team. This year, is a better attitude and chemistry.
    They are winning DESPITE their weaknesses.
    I cant wait to see if he can take them Further!
    GO BUCS!

  11. m milligan Says:

    Not a fair comparison, Brady was 45 yrs old, no wheels. Offensive line was about as good as they were this yr, no running game and TB always under pressure and just having to go down, he looked alot like Sam Bradford with bad knees.

  12. NE Fan Says:

    Wrong Joe, the final game in 2022 meant nothing and Bowles pulled his starters with the lead. This season was worse, they needed to win the final game to move on. Get your facts straight!!!

  13. Zoocomics Says:

    The difference between last years team and this years are that young players who got their first start under Brady were in their second year of experience. That’s huge to ask rookies and/or first time starters to replace Jensen, Cappa, and Marpet. NOT GOING TO HAPPPEN. Let’s be honest, it’s only modestly improved. When you look at points, Lefty didn’t do too bad considering.

    There were times this season I would have like to have seen Brady behind this offensive line, in this offense with White and Otten in their second year, and how Brady would’ve worked Trey Palmer into the mix being a better version of Scotty Miller. I think Moore as WR4 would have also thrived with Brady. I think Baker has missed a lot opportunities due to his size, which to me impacts his ability to go through his progressions. I think he does a lot of guess work and tends to force it to the wrong guys. Brady was fantastic finding the open receiver.

    What I will say about Baker, is that at least once a game he keeps plays alive with his legs… Brady was absolutely horrible getting anything with his legs. You don’t have to be a speedster, but there’s always defenses that over pursue and open up huge lanes for QBs to get 5+ yards with their legs. Baker gets those yards, that’s been a huge difference post-Brady.

  14. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Jose, You spent all last season badmouthing the OC and funny how you never mention him at all in this piece. It’s as if he had no effect whatsoever. Come on. Come on. A more accurate appraisal would have been to say the offense as a whole is a little bit better because of several of the new pieces that are intimately involved.

  15. Lt. Dan Says:

    “Lots of Bucs fans hate when Joe makes the simple statement that the Bucs were better at quarterback this season without Tom Brady.” Lt. Dan doesn’t hate it. It’s true. Lt. Dan watches every Bucs game.

  16. Not Says:

    Don’t over read and create your own stories. Joe’s post just said the team was better the year after the great QB left.
    We looked better this year. Brady never put himself out there to take a hit. The story on him has always been he is afraid of pressure. The Giants beat him twice by bringing tons of pressure ! At 45 he was even more afraid of pressure ! As soon as the clock struck 2.5 seconds the ball was headed to the feet of a Buc, maybe he will catch it.
    He won us a superbowl ! Awesome , that was an exciting year ! But his last year was not.
    Definitely saw more “moxie” from QB this year. Many bucs even praised that QB effort throughout the year (undoubtedly they were contrasting the effort from year prior).

  17. Pewter power Says:

    Come on Joe!!!! There’s a reason why the theme of the draft was to get younger and faster. Brady was old and so was his roster. Russell gage was useless and can’t compare stats that way. I agree to an extent but what can’t be debated is the o line is better this year.

  18. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Capt. Tim

    “What Baker Mayfied accomplished this season is much more impressive.”

    I have to agree with this.

    Most of the “experts” had the Bucs winning 4 maybe 5 games. There is no doubt this team exceeded everyone’s expectations and Baker was a big part of that.

    Not to mention this roster was put together with only $148M. I have to give major props to our GM and scouting staff.

  19. NE Fan Says:

    Joe, Brady had 4, 694 yds 25 TD’s and 9 ints and played in one less game. Two rookie TE’s, Godwin coming off acl, Gage had a hammy issue all season and Evan’s banged up as well and a make shift oline. A much tougher schedule, plus the division was done at week 16.

  20. NE Fan Says:

    Marine, the roster had the same people as last season less Lenny, Hicks, Ryan, Jones, and Rudolph. Other than Brady the rest were busts.

  21. Boss Says:

    one old guy gets divorced and has a horrible new coach with zero standards for excellence

    the other changes teams and tears his achilles on 1st drive…..

    but yeah, the teams are better off without them. Brady woul have 3 rings here, not 1, if not for toilet bowl. 2 DEFINITE!

    AR….I don’t even like the guy…but this article is simply triggering

  22. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “Byron was pure trash”

    This narrative is complete BS….the Bucs last season were not going to be successful regardless of who called plays with an aging immobile QB, terrible oline, bad run game.

    Arians got out at the right time….Leftwhich called plays to help bring Tampa a SB not sure if a “trash” OC could do that

  23. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Brady was not good last season and had one foot out the door….the players knew it hence why the “Brady effect” was dead last season…..go back and look at the players faces during Bowels locker room speeches and you’ll see bored disinterested faces from the entire team…..

    Baker has helped revitalize the team culture and I expect a much better effort than last years playoff game vs Dallas where disinterested vets like Lenny and Foolio Jones were thinking more about their vacation than they were the playoffs.

  24. BrianBucs Says:

    Last year Brady was the main victim of Leftwich unsuccessfully trying to adapt to the offensive restraints that new coach Bowles wanted to establish

  25. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I’m sorry…but although the official record is one game better, I DO NOT feel like the Bucs improved at all this year.

    This has been a really, really hard year to watch.

    If they keep Bowles…well, I’ll say I’ll boycott 2024…but we all know I won’t, lol. Still, I may put less priority in watching all the games and buying merchandise.

    In fact, I was looking at Bucs themed clothes for my just born Grandchild (first time!) and as I looked at the prices, I asked myself if it was worth spending the money. It wasn’t.

    Especially when I can design stuff myself for private use.

  26. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    BrianBucs Says
    “Last year Brady was the main victim of Leftwich unsuccessfully trying to adapt to the offensive restraints that new coach Bowles wanted to establish”

    That is accurate…but it also doesn’t go far enough.

    Brady had a lot going on last year, both personal and professionally. I imagine he has found an inner peace since retiring…but wouldn’t it be great if he announced he wants to play again…and we get to use him as trade bait?

    Maybe (dreaming) a first and him for the Bears top pick 😉

  27. Rod Munch Says:

    The Bucs were better because they fired Byron Leftwich.

    When I could sit at home, and almost 100% of the time know what the Bucs were running, run or pass, and which direction the play was going – what do you think NFL defensive coordinators were doing?

    The fact that Leftwich thought he’d ‘improve’ on Arians offense, by dumbing it down and running the same plays over and over again in the same order… he’s got to be one of the dumbest people to ever hold that position.

    To think the Bucs almost got a 3rd rounder out of him becoming the Jags head coach, and the moron rejected the offer because they wouldn’t give him his handpicked GM, again, it backs up the idea that he’s truly an idiot.

    There’s a reason that no one rushed to hire Leftwich, when, on paper, he should have had people clamoring to get him.

  28. OlBoy Says:

    Baker in his prime = Brady at the very end. Sounds reasonable in that context. Glad you keeping pointing out how much we need to draft a QB. Baker the bridge.

  29. Capt.Tim Says:

    Brady had the same team and Coaches, that had just won a superbowl and NFC championship.
    Where is Suh, JPP, Donovan Smith?
    The young players we lost this off season to salary cap issues- including a young DB who is sorely missed.

    No, I love what Brady accomplished here. Greatest QB in NFL history.

    But what Baker has done this season, with a bad team, is one of the most amazing things Ive ever seen in NFL history.
    My predictions on this site gotta be around 95%- but I didnt see this at all.
    Because it shouldnt have happened.

    Baker Mayfield accomplished the miraculous this season. Outstanding!

  30. David Says:

    It’s shameful to pick and choose a timeline and compare a trash journeyman to 7 times champion. Why are you comparing the trash Baker to the GOAT ? Most of Baker’s stats were generated at the garbage time with the games already had decided with the opponent defenses in preventive modes.
    Baker finished the season with 1W-6L against teams with the wining records and lost many of the home games. He also nearly destroyed Bucs chance in making the playoffs with his crap performance in the last two games.

    Bucs can always win with Baker when the other team scores zero points.

  31. Coburn Says:

    People already mentioned hi is divorce and bad offensive coordinator.. didn’t he also injure his rotator cuff in one of the very first games? Those things don’t heal when you’re practicing and playing a game every weekend. Pretty sure he played hurt last year and affected his deep ball

  32. David Says:

    Do you know why Bakers forced himself to play with the injured ribs ? I tell you he collecetd $1M with Bucs wining the division as his incentive. He really should give that check to Antoine W. and his dad, Toilet Bowl for saving his butt yesterday.

    why are you presenting us with such article after Baker’s two poor performance in the last two games? The defense with Antoine W. won the game yesterday not the trash Baker

    Baker fans: Again just shut up and brag about your trash qb if he wins next week not now after two trash performances.

  33. Rod Munch Says:

    Baker facts…

    – Baker finished with a QBR of 54.1, that’s 18th in the league. As a reference point, Jameis finished with a better QBR in 4 of his 5 years here.

    – The Bucs offense finished 20th in scoring – while being 7th in points allowed.

    – Baker scored the least number of points per game of any QB that started every game.

    – Every team behind the Bucs in scoring either had their starting QB injured, missing multiple games or the full season, or the starting QB was benched.

    In these last two games, with the playoffs on the line, and possibly a big new contract waiting for him, Baker literally played his worst two games of the year. Baker HAS to come out vs the Eagles and have a big game and win it, or he needs to be shown the door.

    If Baker is supposed to be a franchise QB, then there should be no doubt that vs the #31st ranked pass defense, he can have a big day.

    Because I’m a Bucs fan, and how much I hate Eagles fans, I really hope Baker can come out and play like he did vs the Packers and Jags. But keep in mind those games were the extreme outlier for a QB that has otherwise been the lowest tier starter out there. He needs to come up big in the playoffs if you want him back – if he bombs for the 3rd game in a row, with everything on the line, then there is no way he’s back on anything other than another prove it deal (although for those concerned, yes, he’d still get a big raise, I’d guess $20m/1yr).

  34. ATLBuc Says:

    DFW Buc Says:
    January 8th, 2024 at 2:34 pm
    Offensive coordinators not the same

    Brady was the offensive coordinator

  35. Tbbucs3 Says:

    How convenient of Rod Munch to mention only QBR and leave out QB rating which Baker is 10th overall in ahead of Justin Herbert and Pat Mahomes.

    I thought Baker would have a good season but if someone wouldve told me that he’d finish the year ahead of Mahomes and Herbert statistically I wouldve said their crazy….we get a guy who does that on a $4 million salary and theres still ppl who want to b**** and moan. Unreal.

  36. WyomingJoe Says:

    Brady is the GOAT. There’s no disputing that. But statistically sneaking, Baker had the better year.

    I mentioned this once before as well: During Baker’s first three years with Cleveland, he threw for more TDs and Passing yards than Brady did with the Pats. Notes: I’m counting Brady’s 2-3-4 years since he really didn’t play his rookie season. However Brady won a SB with the Pats.

    My point is, the organization surrounding a young QB is vastly important to his development and success. Brady had the Pats. Baker had the Cleveland Clowns.

    ReSign Baker (he’s only 28). Improve the O-Line (center & guard). Improve the pass rush (D-End)… and great things can happen.

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    ATLBuc Says:
    Brady was the offensive coordinator


    What stall did you read that on?

    Anywho, do you remember the Rams game, where Brady overrode Leftwich’s call and said let’s change the play to ‘this’, and the Bucs won the game.

    That was as involved as Brady ever got in the offense.

    For those that ever paid attention, they’d know how bad Leftwich was, because even with Arians trying to protect him, he’d still come out and talk about how conservative and predictable the playcalling got with Leftwich, and how Arians would have to push him to mix it up and to be more aggressive.

    Again, running the same plays over and over and over again in the same situation … when you have the Ravens game with the players on the field mocking the Bucs play calling, talking about how the Bucs are running the same plays over and over and over again, just out of different formations. The Seattle game where the Bucs run a trick play, then literally like 3 plays later run the same exact trick play – it was some of the dumbest, most stupid, moronic playcalling ever. And there’s not a chance in hell Brady wanted his name connected to it.

  38. WyomingJoe Says:

    David: Joe wrote the article to piss you off. You’re such a moron, lol.

  39. Rod Munch Says:

    WyomingJoe – The idea that you Baker Bois go around comparing middling Baker to all-time greats like Brady, Brees and Mahomes is just flat out embarrassing, and it’s why you psychopaths are so truly hated.

    Baker was, as proven above with stats and scoring numbers, literally the worst starting QB in the NFL this year, out of guys that stayed healthy. Literally not a single other QB who started 17 games scored less points. His QBR was 18th in a year where half the teams lost their starter. The team finished 20th in scoring. Baker choked these last two games with everything on the line.

    Baker needs a big game vs the Eagles if there is any idea of bringing him back.

    If you actually believe he’s a franchise QB, if you’re going to dare say his name in the same breath as Brady, then you should have no issues with that, and you should have total faith in him to deliver.

  40. WyomingJoe Says:

    Munch: It must really drive you crazy knowing that Baker may be the Bucs QB for the foreseeable future. And the negative comments you’ve shared with us throughout the season shows that you’re a FAKE FAN!

    Time for you and the Cult to disappear…

  41. WyomingJoe Says:

    Muncher: Your logic is as twisted as your comments. You’re a very sick individual and the group here knows it.

  42. Usedtocould Says:

    Clickburgler Joe

  43. HC Grover Says:

    Brady v Bakefield….I pick Brady

  44. SteveK Says:

    Think about all the rookie skill positions last year. Godwin coming off the acl. Jensen hurt in camp. Arians resigning in a weird way.

    45 year old, going through a divorce, Tom Brady is elite and it is stupid AF to say Baker will ever be better.

    I will give baker credit. He’s tough as nails.

  45. SteveK Says:

    Tom Brady right now would give us a better chance to win next week than Baker!

    This had to be from “Jameis Joe”, always coming up with stuff that is a great read and makes one think. But I think hell no lol!

  46. unbelievable Says:

    Honestly they’re pretty similar, though we did indeed score more points overall this year.

    However, both the defense and the run game were clearly better in 2023 compared to 2022, no matter what Joe says:

    2022 Bucs:
    4586 passing yards, 26 passing touchdowns, 9 INTs
    1308 rushing yards, 5 rushing touchdowns
    Total points scored: 313
    Total points given up: 358

    2023 Bucs with Mayfield:
    4094 passing yards, 28 passing touchdowns, 10 INTs
    1509 rushing yards, 8 rushing touchdowns
    Total points scored:348
    Total points given up:325

    So the 2023 Bucs scored 35 more total points than the previous, but more importantly, also gave up 33 less total points.

    Also interesting is that we only missed 2 FGs this season (both of which were blocked I believe). In 2022, they missed 7 FGs.

  47. NE Fan Says:

    In 2022 the division was won in week 16. That’s the difference. If Buc beat the flailing Eagles then the season is better. For the Bucs Fan base, I hope Bowles prepares his D better than the ass whipping PO debacle last season.

  48. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “ However, both the defense and the run game were clearly better in 2023 ”

    False , the 2022 defense was far better than the 2023 one. I dont recall the 2022 D getting toasted in pass coverage like they have been much of this season. That 7th in points allowed is misleading.

    The Bucs pass defense was top 10 last season while was bottom 5 this year. Were better at strong safety, had a better pass rush and stronger run D.

  49. heyjude Says:

    JD Still Says: “IMHO, that is an unfair comparison, Brady was having huge personal problems last year that proved too great to overcome , he was hit both with family problems and the financial loss of millions of dollars . It is amazing he did as well as he did.”

    Agreed, Brady seemed to have a lot more going on then we probably are aware of too. Baker also had some type of financial thing going early on this season. Brady never seemed to get injured except a torn knee and never missed a game either. Baker does have that moxie. I hope he takes the time to recuperate and we get a big win.

  50. WyomingJoe Says:

    NE FAN, DAVID, MUNCHER: “Yes, the facts can rattle people.” Lol…

    Keep winning Baker.

  51. SteveK Says:

    Baker is tough, but not great. He’s mid.

    He gutted out a tough performance yesterday, @WyominigBuc, but are you serious that he’s a driving force towards victory? He’s a bus driver.

  52. Buc1987 Says:

    I would straight up trade Baker for Brady in a heartbeat.

  53. Popcorn Mike Says:

    DFW I think that’s a true statement, different OC Canales is running Bowles offense and Mayfield was a better fit this year, last year Bowles wanted Leftwich and Brady to be a run first pound the ball team. We all know Brady is a passing QB. Not sure there’s a big difference but that’s been the talk for years in the NFL and college, you need a QB who fits your system

  54. Tony Marks Says:

    Rod Mush Says:

    Baker was, as proven above with stats and scoring numbers, literally the worst starting QB in the NFL this year, out of guys that stayed healthy. Literally not a single other QB who started 17 games scored less points


    ROFL Mush you are as always dumb as dirt

    You are actually trying to fudge out a category ON THE BASIS BAKER STAYED ACTIVE FOR HIS TEAM ALL SEASON. Hahahahaha what a horrible thong for a QB- being available for his team

    I LOOOOVE you utter desperation – Now that you have no prayer of taking away his winning record and his leading the team to a divisional title

    You can’t touch his TDs because he is ranked 7
    Yu can touch his ints because they are low
    You can’t touch his yards because 4000+ is no slouch
    You can’t touch his QBR because he is top half of the league
    and you can’t touch his record because its a WINNING one

    BAker has made a COMPLETE FOOL OF YO U with your five wins projection and that he would be replaced by the bye week. It has you desperately trying to find ways of excluding other QBs who have worse stats and wins in order to find something – anything to hold on to your hate.

    Soon it will be Baker is dead last among Qbs that play on the east coast on the day o f a full moon with the letter M in their last names…lololol.

    Right now its hard to tell which one is hurting more inside – You or your son David…

  55. JA Says:

    I usually don’t agree with Munch, but I do today.
    Mayfield played horribly these past two games, the most important games of the season. Yesterday, he was three dropped easy interceptions, a penalty TD overturned and another spectacular TD save from Winfield from being shown the door.
    However, he did lead the team to three field goals against the worst team in the league, including a monster 57 yarder after taking a stupid sack that almost cost three points.
    He has not led the Bucs to an opening drive TD the entire year—zilch.
    On the plus, I love his moxie and his team first attitude, and he is better than some starters who play in the NFL, but he is not the one to take this team to the promised land.
    Like all fans, I want Super Bowls. The two the Bucs won were magical seasons.
    So … throwing away the people here who will call me crazy followed by a litany of grade school insults, is there a rational person who posts on this site who thinks Baker can create a magical, Super Bowl season of his own?

  56. Tony Marks Says:

    WyomingJoe Says:
    January 8th, 2024 at 4:24 pm
    Munch: It must really drive you crazy knowing that Baker may be the Bucs QB for the foreseeable future.


    Bang on the money!!

    Its driving the Kyle Kult crazy. Bowles has probably done enough already and He is s baker guy but one more win and for all their lobbying and whining and crying It will be Baker , Bowled and canales for at least another two years

    Bye bye Kylie. I’ll root for you on another team

  57. Tbbucs3 Says:

    How convenient of Rod Munch to leave out Bakers QB rating which is 10th best ahead of Herbert and Mahomes….guess it didn’t fit the narrative

  58. 1sparkybuc Says:

    Brady and the Bucs played a much tougher schedule than Mayfield faced this season. Brady would have had at least three more wins with this OC and roster. He could at least see wide open receivers. Jm

  59. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    This is amateur hour stuff.

    Interns writing now?

    Articles like this are embarrassing.

    Wanna bet the FSU honk wrote this one(or some intern from FSU).

  60. Bucsmarley Says:

    No way you seriously are will to pay a .500 qb 25-30 million a year plus
    Need to worry more about keeping Winfield, Evans and a few others. Baker has played about as well as he could…,,. Sorry in the big picture it’s not good enough. Nothing personal against baker. What kind of terrible coach plays an admitted injured qb and has two healthy qbs sitting. Especially after seeing baker’s absolute crap performance yesterday. How you can talk about giving a guy that kind of money. Seriously threw for 137 yards. 0td should have been 2-3 interceptions if Carolina could catch.

  61. BucaneroJim Says:

    Yeah right, the comparison of Baker 2023 to Brady 2022 again. Joe and the Baker boys use TB’s only losing season to prop up Mayfield. TB was done in 2022. Let’s see how 2023 ends and compare Baker 2023 to Brady 2020.

  62. NE Fan Says:

    Wyomingblo@ until Bowles Brady’s regular season win percentage was 12+ games. Bakers is what? I will concede that Bakers game first loser Bowles offense better.

    FYI, the locked the PO spot week 16 in 2022. They didn’t limp in week 17. (Pun intended)

  63. unbelievable Says:

    @Tbbucs3 – You’re just plain wrong.

    Guess how you win games? By scoring more points than you allow the other team to score.

    The 2023 Bucs defense has allowed less points than the 2022 Bucs defense did.

    Facts do not care about your feelings.

  64. Oz Len Says:

    Rod Munch and David. Two cheeks of theA$$

  65. unbelievable Says:

    More facts for ya @Tbbucs3:

    The Bucs 2022 defense allowed 29 passing touchdowns

    The Bucs 2023 defense only allowed 23 passing touchdowns.

    But please, tell us how much better they were in 2022 lol.

  66. Zzbucs Says:

    Facts???? You mean some stats.
    Well, Joe ley me tell that another words exists on the vocabulary and is OPINIÓN.
    And there are as many opinions as humans.

    Stats are a part of reality……..

  67. NE Fan Says:

    FYI Wyomingblo@ Brady had 2 SB wins in his first 3 years. How many does your boyfriend Baker have??? How many PO games? Just stop you sound as ridiculous as TTbucs that relies on QB rating as his qualifying factor. When Faker throws the ball 700 times then let’s compare.

  68. Tony Marks Says:

    JA Says:
    January 8th, 2024 at 5:49 pm
    I usually don’t agree with Munch, but I do today.
    Mayfield played horribly these past two games, the most important games of the season.

    Ja you are fooling no one. You are at best a closet hater (if not a second name for Mush) . Anyone that saw Baker yesterday knows full well he was severely injured. Trying to tag a QB who is injured as playing poorly as a point is simple minded or hating

    Take your pick

    and lest we hear the refrain about him putting himself out there as selfish. The dude was CLEARLY injured and SHOWING It. Under those circumstances if behooves the COACHING staff to put in QB2. The fact that Bowles refused shows it was the COACHES preference that Baker play.

    “So … throwing away the people here who will call me crazy followed by a litany of grade school insults, is there a rational person who posts on this site who thinks Baker can create a magical, Super Bowl season of his own?”

    A) don’t want even hear about grade school insults. No group of people have been called more names than Baker fans on this blog. Cry me a river we started to push back.

    B) yes Prior to the advent of Brady and likely for years after non GOAT players have won and will win the super bowls numerous times. Baker is quite capable of leading a team to the super bowl. For those who say no – lets see your patent for the world’s first crystal ball as proof he can’t.

    Take away the NIners and there is not a single team in the league that anyone should be shocked to see lose. So frankly I could see multiple Qbs getting their team to the big dance if the niners fall off in the next year or two.

    IF you want to talk rational give me a rational reason why not. What I don’t subscribe to but many of you do is that QBs win championships by themselves. IF that were the case Brady should have a lor more than 7. He played for 23 years and was the best qb for most of those years

  69. Mark hardt Says:

    Baker gets better after he sees a team a few times. He will review the Eagles tape and clip their wings.

  70. geno711 Says:

    Hey, Munch, why the hell are you still spewing that garbage QBR statistic? I mean, seriously, ESPN and their bunch of fanboys cling to it like it’s the holy grail, when we’ve got the far more reliable passer rating just a click away on places like Pro Football Reference.

    I challenge you, just for a day, try living in a world where you don’t let Steven A. Smith and Mike Greenwell dictate your opinions. Those two are stuck in some alternate reality where they think Justin Fields is some underrated prodigy. Give me a break!

  71. Let em bake Says:

    If baker is franchise tagged, is the total amount Guarantee? I would guess yes. As a baker fan ( who just won 4k on the division win😊) I’d be good with that. With more cap space free after next year , a good season would bring the nice extension. Going to be tough sledding with next years brutal schedule , relative to the saints.

  72. NE Fan Says:

    TonyMarks@ Injured like a torn MCL in 2020? Hmm I can’t remember who it was but I believe the QB took a team to their first PO game in 10 seasons and a SB victory. That Baker has a lit if grit. He limped more yesterday than BA did when he blew out his knee. The man was looking for an exit strategy.

  73. NE Fan Says:

    Let em bake@ whew, $4k, a real nail biter wasn’t it?

  74. Tbbucs3 Says:


    If you think the pass defense was good this season then you need to learn what good defense looks like..….the loss of Mike Edwards being replaced with Ryan Neal hurt the defense greatly. I dont recall WRs running wide open down the field last year

    The Bucs defense single handly cost the team 2 wins this year with the Texans and Falcons. The Bucs last season didnt have the luxury of facing a historically bad Panthers team twice which helped pad some stats.

    That unit has not been good this year while they were very stout last year

  75. Tbbucs3 Says:

    The Bucs literally made the playoffs with a bottom 5 offense last year, how does one think they won the NFC south with such an incompetent offense? It was the defense that kept them in games and most of the time Brady was still clutch enough to make plays in 2 minute drills

  76. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I don’t really care who had the better stats, my concern is, my QB can win the big game when needed. Also coaches who can make in game adjustments to accompany that

  77. Jack Clark Says:

    Can’t argue with stats, Baker won more games and threw more touchdowns than Brady did last year. We are a better team than were last year.

  78. NE Fan Says:

    Jackie boy, the season was over in week 16, Bowles gave away the last game. There was no need to win week 17 in 2022 the Bucs were already in. Baker has thrown more ints and over 600 less yds. But I guess those don’t count.

  79. Rod Munch Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    January 8th, 2024 at 5:58 pm
    How convenient of Rod Munch to leave out Bakers QB rating which is 10th best ahead of Herbert and Mahomes….guess it didn’t fit the narrative


    Literally no one talks about the old broken QB rating system, which is why everyone who has even an ounce of credibility, if you’re going to use a single number, talks about QBR.

    QBR, unlike the old QB rating system, doesn’t give you credit for throwing a 1 yard pass on 3rd and 12, it takes into account when you make plays, and when you don’t.

    In QBR, Mahomes was 7th, Baker was 18th, right behind Derek Carr who was 17th.

    If you truly think Baker is on the same level as Mahomes, Brady, Brees, then you should have absolutely no issues with the idea that ‘Big Game Baker’ is going to deliver huge on a national stage in the playoffs vs the 31st ranked passing defense. Yet, again, I don’t hear a single Baker Boi saying don’t worry, Baker has got this, he’s going to shine. Instead it’s all excuses, that someone dropped a pass, his ribs hurt, the sun was in his eyes, etc.

    Own the Baker Bois Band Wagon if you’re going to be on it, and tell everyone how Baker is going to dominate and get the victory.

    I know I want to see the good the good Baker show up in this big game, because I want the Bucs to win, and I want to see Eagles fan crying, and hopefully rioting and burning down their city. If Baker can do that, then I’ll be fully resigned to him coming back next year, and will hope he can improve.

    What is not fair about that if you actually think he’s a franchise QB on par with the best QBs of all time?

  80. Rod Munch Says:

    Hey Tony Marks – wantabe leader of the Baker Bois cult.

    Why have I literally never ever seen you post a single comment that isn’t Baker related?

    Why don’t you share with everyone your deep Bucs knowledge, when you became a fan, why you became a fan, etc.

    Oh right, you’re not a Bucs fan, you’re a psychopath who started stalking Baker because you thought his commercials were funny, and you’ll go to any length to defend your friend you met on the TV.

    Do the world a favor and have yourself committed.

  81. unbelievable Says:

    @Tbbucs – I never said they were “great”, I said the defense this year was better than last year.

    Allowing less points = better. Who cares if they gave up 300 more pass yards for the season, if they allowed 33 less points?

    Last I checked, points win games. Not yards.

    And while yes, I agree they collapsed against Houston this year, they were not stout last year either and had plenty of fails, with receivers were running wide open plenty of times in 2022.

    Did you forget the Chiefs put up 41 points against us last year (28 by halftime)?

    Or the 49ers beating our brains in, with a 28-0 lead by halftime?

    Or the collapse against the Bengals, letting them score 31 points in the 2nd half?

    Or letting the Ravens score 24 points in the 2nd half of that game?

    Even the Falcons scored 20 unanswered points in the 2nd half in week 18… so perhaps you are the one who doesn’t know what good defense looks like?

    I agree we missed Mike Edwards, but his 2 INTs didn’t make a difference at the end of the day. Truth is he played better as a part time role player than as a full time starter, which is why they let him walk.

  82. HC Grover Says:

    Find me a Stroud in the draft please

  83. Craig Says:

    GOATS versus Goat turds.

    If Baker gets a long term deal there will be many more than learn to hate him. A great many will see Trask come back and haunt the Bucs and wonder why we let him go.

    This year was the simplest, competition wise, next season will be much different. The Saints will be better, as will the Falcons and Panthers.

    Enjoy the division championship for a few days, it will be a long time until we see another.

  84. BakerFan Says:

    It really does not matter what the Bucs do with the coach, the qb, the oc or for that matter any player on the team…. There will be those that will whine, bash and bitch because that is just your nature. You know who you are, miserable in life, aren’t you.

    There is one thing I know you can not be on a coach carousal or qb carousal and ever win consistently. So you stooges keep playing make believe owners or gm’s. It is real easy for you because you don’t have any $$ in the game. You sound ridiculous and don’t even know the ins and outs of Cap Issues.

    I would be happy if I were you that the Bucs are in the tournament. You Fools would probably like to see New Orleans or Atlanta in there besides the Bucs while claiming to be a Bucs fan. SMH

  85. Tbbucs3 Says:

    2022 Bucs defense results
    3 points vs Dallas
    10 Vs Saints
    12 vs Packers
    15 vs Falcons
    16 vs Seahawks
    13 vs Rams
    16 vs Saints
    17 Vs Browns (before OT)
    16 vs Arizona

    Unbelievable, want to talk about points? The Bucs last year had 9 games where they held the opponent to under 20 points and just 7 times this year. Context matters.

  86. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    I respect Baker for what he did this year on a new team in a new offense. He gave everything he had, putting his body on the line.

    That said, comparing him with Brady is absurd. For one thing, his QBR was NOT higher than Brady’s (as you pointed out). Brady’s QBR was a hair higher despite the fact he is an immobile QB, lost Ryan Jensen, an important leader on the OL and the offense as a whole, and was going through marital issues causing him to miss part of training camp, and he had an offensive coordinator who was unable to make adjustments.

    Not only did Brady lose Ryan Jensen, but also lost Ali Marpet to retirement, and had Luke Goedeke as a rookie on the OL in a position he couldn’t play well.

    To make a true comparison you’d have to have Baker play in that exact same offense with the same players and same OC.

  87. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Mayfield better than Brady?

    Joe went there.🤢 Anything for clicks.

  88. EricTheViking Says:

    Never forget folks, Joe wanted America’s turnover machine resigned by the Bucs. Imagine how bad we would be.

    This article is further proof that Joe should be committed.

    Baker is a trash QB. He’s been slightly better than a broken down 45 year old veteran in his only losing season.

    TB zero will lead us to a proper pounding next Monday.

    Then Joe will praise him and ask for thirds and fourths.

  89. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Ne fan… yes! Thx that the late td was called back! Got the bucs at 9 to 1 to win the south. Got baker at 20 to 1 for comeback player of year, bet 400 also.
    Bet 500 on Bucs to win nfc.. that’ll pay 20 grand if the miracle happens
    !! Wish me luck😊

  90. Capt.Tim Says:

    Hey Rod,
    Ive followed the Bucs since year 1. Iwas in the big Sombrero in 1979, when the Bucs lost in the NFC Championship 9-0 to the Rams. Some friends and I watched the Bucs close out the Vet, beating the Eagles. I was there with some dangerous people, and we were still worried about our well being.
    And Ive been posting on JoeBuc along time. I dont know if Ive been here longer than you, but we’ve both been here a long time.
    To question a QB that took a bad team to the playoffs, made them NFC South CHAMPIONS- you’d have to be an idiot. To support a QB who has only played a brief instance, and looked bad at that, you’d have to be a fool.
    I dont waste time on fools

    Any fool can complain, condemn, and criticize. And most Do
    Benjamin Franklin

  91. NE Fan Says:

    Let’meBake@ should change your name to LONG SHOT@ You’re reaching buddy!!! You need more than luck. Flacco the shoe in comeback player of the year.

  92. Jack Clark Says:

    NE Boy, if the Saints were 9-8 last season like they were this season then the Bucs would have had to win their last game against the Falcons. Speaking of the Saints, you remember when they curb stomped Bill Belichick’s sorry as defense 34-0? 😆 It was more hilarious than your weak as team’s 4-13 record.

  93. Capt.Tim Says:

    Ive seen every QB who has ever played for Tampa Bay.
    Every single one. Yeah, Ive seen decades of horrible football.
    Tom Brady is the Best QB we’ve ever had.
    Jeff Garcia was a great QB
    Brad Johnson did everything we needed him to do.
    Id put Baker Mayfield right here.

    And hes young. Hes a great, charismatic QB. His teammates play hard for him. They love him
    He is a franchise QB. And we got him for nothing.

    After decades of garbage QBs, Its the definition of Ironic

  94. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Providing some context for the Brady vs Baker comparison.

    The 2022 Bucs offense was injury plagued, and the 2023 Bucs offense was not.

    In 2022 WR2 Chris Godwin got hurt in the first half of the first game against Dallas and didn’t play the next two games.

    In 2022 WR1 ME13 got hurt in the 2nd game and missed the 3rd game because of that injury.

    In 2022 WR3 Russell Gage was hurt in the 7th game and missed the next 4 games because of that injury.

    In 2022 starting center Ryan Jensen was injured in a preseason practice and didn’t play for the rest of the regular season. His backup Robert Hainsey became the starter.

    In 2022 starting LG Aaron Stinnie was injured in a preseason game and didn’t play for the rest of the season. His backups Nick Leverrit and Luke Goedeke rotated as starters.

    In 2022 starting RT Tristan Wirfs was hurt in the 11th game in Overtime against Cleveland and missed the next 3 games because of that injury.

  95. NE Fan Says:

    Jackieboy@ Ya but they weren’t and Carolina didn’t have 2 wins. What’s your point? Why would you bring up the Pat’s when your team hasn’t seen a PO for over a decade pre Brady?

  96. Falconrap Says:

    Joe, you can’t be serious with this comparison. Leftwhich without Arians around to help his game planning was absolutely horrible and Brady was down 12lbs due to his divorce. Give me a happier Brady from this year, with his weight back up, and put him on this team and we win at least 3 more games. With as much as Evans and Godwin have been open this year in this offense, Brady would have been shredding teams. That’s how much Baker is holding this offense back, and even more so when he’s injured.

  97. m milligan Says:

    All u girls penix BS sure looks like sht tonight
    how do u like him now,
    Buc’s took a non discript team into PO, what do u think about thatMunch,
    Yes, glad u picked out all those BS stats leaving out any bucs contract they offered he covered. Why don’t u post that u pathetic birch.
    Also, 4-15 team taking it to the playoffs and may win, GFY

  98. m milligan Says:

    Tell u what all these draft lovers, look at BM’s #s vs everyone in the draft.
    Taking this pathetic POS team to the playoffs with everyone on board to go get the W. Just FO and go find a different team

  99. m milligan Says:

    You’re bad news, bad for team

  100. geno711 Says:

    You know when someone does not understand a concept, Munch.

    There is no QB rating system.

    It is passer rating.

    In week 5 of 2011, ESPN’s QBR gave Tim Tebow a rating of 83. Tebow was 4 of 10 passing for 79 yards and 1 passing TD. He also ran 6 times for 38 yards and another TD.

    That same day Aaron Rodgers passed for 396 yards on 26 of 39. He had 2 passing TDs. Rodgers rushed once for -1 yards. His QBR was 82.

    Neither guy threw an interception. My senses tell me that Rodgers game was better than Tebow despite what ESPN’s QBR says.

    Stop sucking on ESPN’s teats.

  101. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I congratulate licht on signing mayfield to the Bucs this year. I hope we get him signed for a few more years . It’s a great fit for the Bucs. And guess what? Playoff bound. Yup, good decisions get rewarded sometimes. Lfg!

  102. Let ‘em bake Says:

    New fan….. I thought so, too, until I remembered he only played 6 regular season games. He is a great story .I am happy for him. What if he beats deshaun out in next years camp😳

  103. Jack Clark Says:

    NE boy, the point is that the NFL South was more difficult to win this year than last year. Plus the Bucs are still making the playoffs and #1 in their division without Brady unlike your clueless as 4-13 team. And I was bringing up your team to remind you that you were wrong about the NFC South being a weak division because the Saints curb stomped Bill Belichick’s sorry as defense and beat your weak as team 34-0 😆

  104. Rod Munch Says:

    Capt.Tim – We get it, you’re old.

    Anywho, you still didn’t say Baker is going to win the game.

    That’s really the biggest issue I have with the Baker Bois.

    They literally talk about him in the same breath as Brady, Brees, Mahomes, and yet they won’t say he’s going to play well on the biggest stage vs the 31st ranked pass defense.

    That says it all.

  105. Rod Munch Says:

    geno711 – What was the situation of each throw in those games, what was the score, what was the yards after catch? Why the lack of details if you’re going to talk stats and try to pull up numbers to prove your case, while leaving out crucial information.

    Of course no single number is going to tell you everything – but no one with any credibility, literally no one, talks about the old passer rating as being anything but broken. QBR isn’t a magic fix, but it’s a lot more accurate with what you see on field, and doesn’t reward (as much) QBs like Derek Carr and Baker Mayfield for dumping it off on 3rd and long like the old rating system does.

  106. toad bowels Says:

    As they said in the 1970’s “Love is the answer”

  107. BakerBucs Says:

    NE fan says get u r facts straight wtf r u saying we had to win the last game to get in I’m I stupid or didn’t they have a losing record last year u sir r a total moron

  108. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    First, I’ll admit that I didn’t read all of the comments. I got down to just after Rod Munch’s list of Baker issues saw a couple responses, then skipped to the end.

    So maybe this has been said already…but…

    I agree with Rod Munch.

    I think he actually went easy on Mayfield by not including past years, but everything he pointed out is accurate.

    So attacking him for telling the truth is low class. If you have more to add, or if you have contradicting information, then present it. More than one person can be right.

    As to Baker Mayfield, I was anti-Baker most of the season. He gained my support when he had 4 great games. Beating the Jags after having a good game the week before made me think that maybe I was wrong about him.

    My standards are high, I admit it.

    These last two games were horrible…the worst. I don’t really blame Baker though.

    Any good player will fight to stay on the field, no matter how much pain he is in. Some call it moxy. I call it heart.

    I believe Baker Mayfield wants to be great.

    No, I blame the last two games on the head coach. I suspect the Bucs will get fined for letter Mayfield play injured eventually.

    Bowles should have put Trask in. He should have told Baker to sit. His day was over.

    No one can convince me Trask would have done worse in the last game. Mayfield accomplished absolutely nothing by being in there. Bowles should have been focused on preserving Mayfield’s health for the playoffs.

    In the end, I’m still not 100% sold on Baker…but he’s convinced me that he has some potential. Not enough to be the only egg in the basket though.

  109. BakerBucs Says:

    Falconrap I hate rappers & u r assessments Brady was 12lbs under weight have u seen him lately he is lighter than last year he even said he feels great at his natural rite now stop with the stupid pitty party he was washed up in 2020 he was fortunate that the bucs brought him in cause bucs already had the entire lineup except the rite QB he was just lucky throughout his career & he is a convicted cheat baker does not cry & cheat so yes I can compare the 2 of them

  110. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Jack Clark Says:
    “…the point is that the NFC South was more difficult to win this year than last year.”

    I don’t know if I agree with that.

    I’m to tired to think, so you might be right, but the NFC South division seemed historically bad this year to me.

  111. BakerBucs Says:

    Bellevrade buc u r stats r skewed 2022 has the same starting line up as the SB team 2023 has 12 rookies new QB new OC so u r stats r total stupidity & we made playoffs with a winning record not losing record

  112. BakerBucs Says:

    Flacco come back player of the year he only played in 4 games out of 17

  113. BakerBucs Says:

    Ethevoking why r trolls like u on the opposing teams post site u r so bad there must b more excitement for u on our team site how pathetic u & that moron NE fan joker

  114. Rod Munch Says:

    Bonzai – I know the Baker Bois don’t believe this, but I want good Baker to show-up and for the Bucs to destroy the Eagles, and that doesn’t happen if Baker doesn’t play a good game, and I’m resigned to the fact if he does have a good game, that he’ll be back.

    I, of course, think that is a huge mistake, but if he balls out in the playoffs and looks good when it matters, maybe I soften that stance.

    Baker played great vs the Packers and Jags, and if that guy shows up, the Bucs will have the ability to beat anyone. But if the Baker of the last two weeks shows up, the Bucs will lose by 30.

  115. Tony marks Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    As to Baker Mayfield, I was anti-Baker most of the season. He gained my support when he had 4 great games. Beating the Jags after having a good game the week before made me think that maybe I was wrong about him.

    My standards are high, I admit it.


    Nah stop the lying Bonzai. You have never been anything but anti – baker but of course you have jumped on and off seemng to support him as the winds changed. and no your standards are NOT high

    You have made it clear on repeated ocassions clear that your standards are a quick fix because you think you will die before the bucs win another championship (why football has a priority in that situation I have no idea)

    Thats what fuels your Traskie status. A dream of a quick fix – Its the brady rental syndrome. Skip building a whole team and dream you will get another saviour even though its Willie Wonka Land that a qb at the bottom of the scond round will be the next Brady

    Plain and simple.

  116. Tony marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    January 8th, 2024 at 7:23 pm
    Hey Tony Marks – wantabe leader of the Baker Bois cult.


    Nah! We elected our leader long ago because we are not like stupid Kyle Kultists electing commenters with no power.. We elected Bowles and he is doing a great job!!

    My connection to Bucs goes way back to my days at University of Miami

    I know you won’t be able to process what the connection could be so I suggest you try ChatGPT

    Just thtowing you a bone because the idea of being asked to prove i am real Bucs fan from the guy that rooted for the bucs to have an injured QB and begged for a blow out on national TV to suit Trask(yes we know you will lie to deny both)


    IN fact no traskie can ask anyone anythng about fan status because you all have proven over and over you will root against the Bucs to suit you Kyle Crush

  117. Vsyl Says:

    Why do you insist in throwing shades at the GOAT Joe??? Last year this team had immense problems, starting at OC. Brady was having serious personal problems. It’s so disgusting to see the GOAT being compared to Baker again and again…

  118. Mary England Says:

    Total bs to compare and contrast Brady and Shake and Bake. He’s a shrimp can’t read defense, plays sandlot football, guess who’s open , no play action, double pump then look right at receiver and overthrow in double coverage! It’s a wonder Mike Evans isn’t crippled!! Brady would never risk his number one weapon like that!!

  119. Falconrap Says:

    BakerBucs, I’m not a rapper. Those three letters mean something separately. I hate rap. I;m also not a Falcons fan, but an F-16 fan (my handle is one I’ve used for decades). I don’t care that Brady is even lighter now. I was making a point. The guy was going through a divorce which clearly affected him tremendously. It was obvious. And the o-line that year was horrible in pass pro. This year, the line is middle of the pack – not great, but not bad. Baker has taken many sacks after 4+ seconds of holding the ball. I can’t help that you had a hatred for Brady. That must have made you fun at Bucs parties last year. Maybe you’re really just a Baker fan and not really a Bucs fan? In any case, he’s the definition of a mediocre QB, one that pads stats in games that are already decided.

  120. NE Fan Says:

    Jackieboy@ Bakerbucs@ Every team in the NFC South had at least 7 wins in 2022, a little better than 2023. By the way Jackieboy@ your Bucs team got curb stomped by the Saints that’s why you had to scrape by a win against a team that already had tee times and were CLEARLY throwing the game. Bakerbucs@ not sure what school you went to if any but my point was the Bucs got their playoff berth by week 16 in 2022 and starters were sat in week 17. Unlike 2023 Baker boys that had to play if you call it that week 17. Brady won the division by week 16.

  121. Tony marks Says:

    Falconrap Says:
    The guy was going through a divorce which clearly affected him tremendously.

    Stop embarassing Brady with your nonsesne. Divorce rates being what they are at least 20% of the guys in the NFL have love/family lfie issues they are dealing with on any given Sunday and they still have to take the field and play to the best of their ability.

    Baker had family apparently ripped/mismanaged millions from him so had to go to court. Far greater betrayal issues invovled there. Don’t see you giving any slack for that.

  122. orlbucfan Says:

    Capt.Tim Says:
    January 8th, 2024 at 8:19 pm
    Hey Rod,
    Ive followed the Bucs since year 1. Iwas in the big Sombrero in 1979, when the Bucs lost in the NFC Championship 9-0 to the Rams.
    You’re not the only one who watched that one at Tampa Stadium. Talk about frustrating. Jack Youngblood and his Rambois outplayed Doug Williams and Co.

  123. unbelievable Says:

    Lol @ tbbucs cherry-picking stats from only half the games, while ignoring the Chiefs, Bengals, Ravens, Niners, Falcons etc who each scored 30-40 points on that 2022 defense.

    It’s real simple, the 2023 defense gave up less points.

    Facts don’t care about your feelings. Neither defense was great, but this years did better.

  124. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Providing some context for the Brady vs Baker comparison.

    The 2022 Bucs offense was injury plagued, and the 2023 Bucs offense was not.

    Only a truly incompetent football person with a football acumen of less than zero would say that losing 8 out of 11 offensive starters = 73% during the season is not a big deal.

    That person would be next level Gomer. Those who know who used this expression as a Buc’s commentator are truly fans.

    Tell me smart guys, how do you get backups ready to start when the practice time is reduced greatly once preseason games start per the CBA and if one player or agent complains about it to the union rep or a member of the media reports it which triggers the union involvement and you now face even greater reduction of practice time to make up for the violation, fines and a loss of draft picks?

    In 2022 LT Donovan Smith got hurt in the first half of the first game against Dallas and didn’t play the next two games. He re-injured it in the 14th game and missed the 15th game.

    In 2022 RB1 Leonard Fournette got hurt in the 10th game against and didn’t play the next game.

    In 2022 WR2 Chris Godwin got hurt in the first half of the first game against Dallas and didn’t play the next two games.

    In 2022 WR1 ME13 got hurt in the 2nd game and missed the 3rd game because of that injury.

    In 2022 WR3 Russell Gage was hurt in the 7th game and missed the next 4 games because of that injury.

    In 2022 starting center Ryan Jensen was injured in a preseason practice and didn’t play for the rest of the regular season. His backup Robert Hainsey became the starter.

    In 2022 starting LG Aaron Stinnie was injured in a preseason game and didn’t play for the rest of the season. His backups Nick Leverrit and Luke Goedeke rotated as starters.

    In 2022 starting RT Tristan Wirfs was hurt in the 11th game in Overtime against Cleveland and missed the next 3 games because of that injury.

  125. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    -Tony Marks

    Baker being robbed of millions and betrayed by his family is a huge deal and it’s complete nonsense to suggest that that stress didn’t affect him.

    TB12 was losing the right to see and communicate and be a father to his own flesh and blood children. The courts and his ex-wife now were in control of that. It’s complete nonsense to suggest that that stress didn’t affect him.

    Both situations suck equally, none greater than the other, in their own separate ways and all parties deserve our prayers and sympathy.

  126. NE Fan Says:

    Didn’t Brady also have that e-coin law suit going on as well as the divorce?

  127. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Unbelievable, your literally cherry picking the meaningless week 18 Falcons gane where the Bucs were already in the playoffs and half the starters were pulled

    You have to apply context instead of just using misleading stats. Last years Bucs defense put the atrocious offense in a better position to win than this years defense.

    Must be a big Ryan Neal fan

  128. Tbbucs3 Says:

    You also have to factor in that how good your offense is plays a role in defensive performance

    This years offense is clearly better than last years. Shouldnt even be an argument about that. Its much harder to play defense when every game turns into a punt fest like it was last season.

    It’s honestly impressive how last season’s defense was able to lure the Bucs in the playoffs with virtually no offense whatsoever.

  129. unbelievable Says:

    There is nothing misleading about how many points you score vs how many points you allow. The only one cherry-picking is you.

    The FACTS are that the 2023 Bucs defense gave up less points than the 2022 defense. That makes them better (albeit slightly). Which is all I said.

    Neither defense was great. The 2022 defense blew more leads though, no matter how you spin it.

  130. unbelievable Says:

    And I already said this years offense was more productive. I don’t know what you’re even still arguing about at this point, but have at it. I’m done.