Gerald McCoy Sees Bucs Winning A Playoff Game

January 6th, 2024

Joe loves hearing the Bucs optimists. Those great folks know Tampa Bay will take out the Panthers easily tomorrow, complete a love-worthy regular season and advance to the playoffs where the Eagles likely will greet them at The Licht House.

Gerald McCoy is in that camp. The six-time Buccaneers Pro Bowler had no hesitiation in his voice during his visit to The Jim Rome Show yesterday.

Not only does McCoy see the Bucs making the postseason, he’s smelling a Round 2 game deep into January.

“Yes, they can advance,” McCoy said of his Bucs. “Philly is on a downslope.”

Of course, “Philly” is the Eagles. It’s highly likely they will be the top wild card seed — and face the Bucs next weekend.

“I see Tampa getting revenge on them from Week 3. That’s not the same Philly team that played then,” McCoy said of the slumping Eagles, 11-5 after starting 9-1. “They’ve exposed themselves … I feel like going on the road, they’re just not the same dominant team that they were. And the Bucs can at least make it to the second round [of the playoffs].”

Joe firmly believes the Bucs will beat the Panthers. This season, the Bucs have faced three awful-at-the-time clubs: Chicago, Tennessee and Carolina. They won every time. Joe thinks tomorrow’s Panthers edition, coming of a shutout loss to Jacksonville, is the ugliest bunch the Bucs have seen all season.

As for taking out the Eagles in the playoffs, Joe’s not jumping into that pool yet.

46 Responses to “Gerald McCoy Sees Bucs Winning A Playoff Game”

  1. HC Grover Says:


  2. NE Fan Says:

    Says the guy that can’t get a job. His crystal ball warrants doubt.

  3. Since76 Says:

    What year?

  4. John Sinclear Says:

    Why not? I fully agree with GMC.

  5. Mike C Says:

    Grover you are such a jack as*

  6. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Kimonos for everyone!!!

  7. Rayjay1122 Says:

    Hopefully we will even have a playoff game to win. Everyone acts like us winning the NFC South is a foregone conclusion and after last week, I won’t be guilty of misplaced confidence in this team to be prepared and play with any semblance of energy. C’mon Bucs, play like you are able and not like a bunch of paycheck collectors.

  8. realistic-optimistic Says:

    GMC is such a homer, lol. He was a Bucs fan before playing for the Bucs. Of course he said this.

  9. PanhandleBuc Says:

    I can’t think about playoffs until our inconsistent, sub par coaching, and predictable offense gets the W tomorrow!!! Just don’t trust this team…

  10. Boss Says:

    Well, there went any shred of optimism

  11. YaYa Winfield Says:

    NE Fan – yeah the guy that went to numerous pro bowls and was one of the best at his position finally aged out of the league. Why don’t you compare bank statements with him and figure why you need a job and he doesn’t.

  12. Tony marks Says:

    I wouldn’t worry about the naysayer comments. Judging by the names – they have to be

    Bowles winning a playoff game is their NIGHTMARE scenario

  13. ChiBuc Says:

    As long as they ‘execute better, don’t miss their assignments, take advantage of opportunities, and don’t turn the ball over,’ according to the monotone one. Then they will proceed to come out flat with a retread gameplan that fails in the first half. After halftime, no adjustments; and in the waning 3 minutes when down multiple scores, they will fire up the hurry up offense to ensure the sports books don’t lose any money.

    McDonald’s, Disney, and now the NFL all have their winning formulas

  14. Tony marks Says:

    NE Fan Says:
    January 6th, 2024 at 11:13 am
    Says the guy that can’t get a job. His crystal ball warrants doubt.


    Yo NE – why aren’t you on a Pat’s site getting ready for your last tune up game before the pats play their first playoff game????

    Oh wait……….

  15. Buc1987 Says:

    Tony..I’ve asked him numerous times why he’s still here…he won’t answer.

    An actual Masshole that won’t answer…believe it or not.

  16. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    I don’t gamble, but if I did, I wouldn’t bet one red cent on the Bucs to beat the Eagles in the playoffs.

  17. Obvious Says:

    I like his spirit. I’m not as convinced as him but I LIKE HIS SPIRIT!

    It’s Bowles that I’m having trouble with. ANY COACH that isn’t Deeply Aware of both sides of the ball is doomed to fail. And it seems Clear that Mr. Bowles isn’t keeping HIS SIDE OF THE STREET clear and tight much less has a Clue as to the Offensive side of the ball. Not now. He has lost his edge with the defensive scheming.

    So do I believe we have enough “talent” left to pull it off? Yes I Do. Do I believe that the two coaches running both sides of the ball are savy enough? No I don’t. Not at this time.

    HOWEVER…. I DO GIVE US A “PUNCHERS CHANCE” because of the talent we have and the “ONE” IT FACTOR Baker Mayfield DOES HAVE…. WILL TO FIGHT FOR IT!

    IF, IF, IF in a very TRUE SENSE, IF the coaches STAY OUT OF THE WAY, COME TIME…

  18. Obvious Says:

    And why not leave NE alone. He embraced the buc’s as much as if not more than most fans. He’s Not taking creepy troll shots. He may not agree with some’s “hero worship” (UNLESS IT’S TOM BRADY LOLOLOLOL) but it’s a spirited debate. I’m sure you fellas can handle the heat right. So why so concerned with poor NE?

    And I no longer wonder why concerning NE. No it’s “obvious”. HE’S GOT THE BUCS BUG! IT IS CONTAGIOUS! The SAME ONE that hooked you fellas. Well except Marks…
    He’s being paid. At least I hope so for his sake because otherwise…….


  19. BucU Says:

    I won’t hold my breath on Bucs beating the Panthers much less a playoff team.

  20. DoooshLaRue Says:

    I just hope our players have fun tomorrow.
    Winning is secondary to fun, comic books and ice cream.

  21. Capt.Tim Says:

    Said it all year.
    If Mayfield is playing, we have a chance.
    If not. Then no

  22. David Says:

    Yeah just like your trash qb gave us chance to win last week. Uh, wait, did we win ?
    Why you trash Baker fans are so afraid of Baker’s back ups where ever he goes ?

  23. #99 the big fella Says:

    Tony marks , now that is funny! I have been thinking of the same thing about NE Fan.. He always has a smart ass remark about anything buccaneers.

  24. #99 the big fella Says:

    David hitting the booze hard already? You are pathetic, go play in the streets

  25. dmatt Says:

    Bucs are unstoppable when come out throwing n go up tempo, no huddle.That’s a no brainer. If we take that approach from the beginning, we are NFC champs. However, it seems time n time again, we wait till we’re trailing by two scores with under six minutes remaining in 4th quarter with 1 time out left, then go up tempo which is successful but the end result is too little, too late.

  26. Ugotrobbed Says:

    What’s Gerald been taking! I could use some of it! lol

  27. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Never understood the hate GMC gets on this site. Hall-of-very-good kinda player, fun guy, and stuck by the bucs no matter how bad things got in the lost decade.

  28. NE Fan Says:

    YaYa, so I’m wrong? The guy constantly drops hints he wants to be on a team. You have no idea what my financial status is but I know one thing Inwould give Gerald a pretty good run for the money. I have no idea what his portfolio consists of.

  29. m milligan Says:

    McCoy was a stud. Need to come out firing tomorrow on both sides of the ball.
    No reason to not let it go full bore. Need to get on top early.

  30. Capt.Tim Says:

    Blocking my post?

  31. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Yeah cuz mcsoftie was on so many playoff teams he knows

  32. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    I understand, sort of tough to go out on a limb when you’re exposed to all these people and their opinions. I’ll climb out there, I’m just old guy with an opinion. Bucs win tomorrow and host a playoff game. Philly comes to town, and loses. Bucs on the road against 49ers? Probably lose but they won’t get embarrassed. The future is bright

  33. orlbucfan Says:

    NE Fart the plague, is back infecting our site. Whatever. I wish GMC was a part of the 2020 SB Defense. He deserved a SB ring. This Bucs team is better than that one that Washington crushed back in the early 2000s. They have to win tomorrow before all this playoff noize gets started.

  34. Fansince76 Says:

    Sure do hope McCoy is right on.
    We need a playoff victory after last year’s Dallas embarrassment.

  35. Badbucs Says:

    Bowles has to win. Next year he can go 4 and 13 with the rookie QB. THEN we dump him. No Mike, no Baker, no Shaq, no Davis, no DW, no Hainsey I hope, no Otten, get some young new blood. Let Bowles take the hit and start 25 with shiny new coach, team and salary cap. Go Bucs!

  36. Mark hardt Says:

    One game at a time.

  37. Natron Says:

    Bruce Arians solved the GMC problem

  38. Buc You Says:

    The Bucs are guaranteed to win tomorrow… the Panthers are not only the worst team in the NFC, but the worst team in the NFL.

    No way the Bucs lose tomorrow.

  39. Bucs Fan From Philly Says:

    I am just laughing at Joe for using this picture lol

  40. Capt.Tim Says:

    Gerald McCoy was a fantastic player, on a pathetic defensive line.
    Spent his entire time here, being double or tripe teamed.
    But there are alot of haters on this site. They cant stand to see a young successful man- unless he is always angry and miserable.
    Hateful. Like them.
    McCoy paid to take kids to the movies. He helped guys up- after he knocked them down.
    And some people here hated him for it

    Gerald McCoy will go in the Hall of fame. Hes earned it.
    He wil go in the ring of Honor.
    And alot of “alleged” Buc fans will boo him.
    They’ll be so angry, it will affect there shift at Krystals.

    And it will say more about them, than Gerald McCoy

    I think hes right. Love the fact that he is always so pro Bucs.
    Wish some of the fan base was smart enough to appreciate him

  41. m milligan Says:

    Arr Captain, MaCoy was a stud, first rounder, would dominate line of scrrimmage
    One of the best.
    DO BUCS bring it home

  42. Natron Says:

    Yeah, love the GMC photo Joe, the irony is overwhelming

  43. Oneilbuc Says:

    Look at the Texans with a rookie quarterback and new HC and they made the playoffs. But some of yall bucs fans want Baker Mayfield back a average quarterback. Lol 🤣🤣

  44. heyjude Says:

    Always liked McCoy and am glad he is on the NFL Network as a sports analyst.

  45. David Says:

    I can totally see that if the BUCS bring they’re A game.
    The Cowboys and the Eagles have both been struggling, very inconsistent, especially on the road

  46. David Says:

    No one better be overconfident. The Buccaneers need to bring it. They beat the Carolina Panthers at home and it was not easy. WAAAAY to close.