It Wasn’t Only Baker Mayfield Who Missed Practice Today

January 3rd, 2024

Injury report.

While naturally the starting quarterback not being able to practice four days before a do-or-die game will get much of the attention, other Bucs also could not go today.

The practice was sort of a walk-through, Bucs coach Todd Bowles said earlier, which is the midweek format the Bucs had all through December.

Joining Mayfield on floppy hat patrol was left tackle Tristan Wirfs with a bum shoulder and tight end Ko Kieft who also has a hurt shoulder. Kieft did not play Sunday; Wirfs did.

The good news is Bucs sacks king Shaq Barrett was a full participant. Shaq is trying to come back from a groin injury and he didn’t play against the slimy Saints.

Cornerback Carlton Davis, who has been in concussion protocol, was limited along with rookie safety Kaevon Merriweather, who has a thigh injury, and receiver Trey Palmer (hip).

64 Responses to “It Wasn’t Only Baker Mayfield Who Missed Practice Today”

  1. StormyInFl Says:

    If Wirfs can’t go and statue Trask starts? Brian Burns is going to have a career day…

  2. JamesEvans24 Says:

    The last time I felt like this after a game, was the Jameis Winston performance after he tossed 4 INTs vs the Bengals a few years ago (it was truly a disgraceful effort from him). Like then, I was sickened by what I saw from so called pro(s.) Here I am fixing computers for a living (with a Bachelors and certs) and these dudes be banking millions REGARDLESS, how they perform. I hate this.

  3. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    I came to my senses last night!! us fans are in a win -win situation… win we move on party another weekend!! lose get a new coach, I can deal with that. Since I already won $500 on the over for wins. Lets go bucs…

  4. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    @ JamesEvans24


    You don’t need a BA or certs to fix computers bro

    ……I suggest you get another job because it sounds like you’re over qualified!!!

  5. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    What is the kittens injury situation?

  6. Citrus County Says:


    My post in response to you in a previous thread or whatever this is called (make fun of me if you will) is under moderation. But don’t you see how things are aligning? Suddenly our starting left tackle may not start or his play may be diminished due to injuries. This all looks very scripted to me.

  7. Citrus County Says:

    Now I have 2 posts under moderation.

  8. Boss Says:

    The kittens star D player is questionable with a rib injury

  9. Bill in Seminole Says:

    Been searching for this answer but can’t find it. Anyone know?

    1. If Bucs win, we are in the playoffs at #4 seed.
    2. If Saints beat the Falcons, and we lose, who gets in?
    3. If Falcons beat the Saints, and we lose, who gets in?
    4. If we tie the Panthers, and Saints beat the Falcons, who gets in?

  10. StormyInFl Says:

    If they don’t win they won’t win the division. If they lose no playoffs at all. End of story.

    If they tie, then seattle has to lose or gb has to lose or tie. Then they’re in as a wild card.

  11. Bucnjim Says:

    Bowles says they weren’t bullied but it sure as hell sounds like it! Not only did they steal their candy they smacked them in the back of the head while doing it. Love the Bucs and really hate criticizing, but professionals show up for every single game not just the ones they feel like giving maximum effort.

  12. Bucnjim Says:

    Also no matter who you are maximum effort or lack of is easily spotted.

  13. orlbucfan Says:

    The team and the coaches stunk last Sunday. Bowles has admitted it several times including on here. So, they’re banged up? Not as bad as past years. I have a piece of advice for that yahoo Panther owner. You better take a boatload of Valium cos you can bet his team knows he went after a fan. That’s insulting the team and its loyal fans. No Bucs owner ever pulled that stunt. Closest deal was John McKay’s famous comment about executing his team.

  14. HC Grover Says:

    Bake prolly has separated rib very painful.

  15. Since76 Says:

    Baker needs all the practice he can get. If he could still play he should be at practice. Even if he is just watching.

  16. HC Grover Says:

    Bowzo will play Bake hurt long enough to get too far behind. Another BOZO BLUNDER

  17. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Trust and believe Wirfs will go even if his arm falls off midgame. Hope Mayfield is able, but realistically even the statue Trask should be able to deliver a win.

  18. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    I don’t know about you but I’m thinking if Baker is hurt a little, that Canales may call more runs on first down. May be a good idea to protect him, no?

  19. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Is Vea a full go? I didn’t see him do anything last week.

  20. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    They better smoke the Panthers…and, I think, they need to win a playoff game or goodbye Bowles.

  21. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    If the Bucs do not beat the 2-14 panthers, they certainly do not deserve to be a playoff team.

  22. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Saints and 49ers literally beat this team up this year. Still unforgivable They played so lifeless last Sunday with so much on the line. I hope the entire coaching staff and certain players (JTS, D. White, Davis, Dean, Hall to name a few) are gone after the season which may end Sunday.

  23. m milligan Says:

    Bucs win they’re in, Buc’s tie they’re in, Buc’s lose and Saints lose, Atlanta in,
    Saints win, bucs lose, Saints in

  24. m milligan Says:

    Correction, if we tie saints win, saints in

  25. m milligan Says:

    If we tie saints tie, not sure LMAO, who cares, Is TB gonna bring it or stink it up.
    Who knows, hope BM can go but like to see Trask light it up for Xmas.

  26. kaimaru Says:

    @Bill in Seminole

    1. If Bucs win, we are in the playoffs at #4 seed.
    2. If Saints beat the Falcons, and we lose, who gets in? Saints
    3. If Falcons beat the Saints, and we lose, who gets in? Falcons
    4. If we tie the Panthers, and Saints beat the Falcons, who gets in? Bucs

  27. kaimaru Says:

    Sorry 4 is saints

  28. Bosch Says:

    Just what the Bucs need in preparation for Sunday. Lots of excuses.

  29. Citrus County Says:

    Early on I said that it would take at least a 10-7 season for the staff to be retained and stability achieved. I stated that 9-8 would be the worst case scenario for the Glazers. Less that 9-8 would make it an easy decision for the Glazers. Well here we are at 8-8 with an injury disaster. Had the loss to the Saints been a close well coached and well played game it would have made things more difficult. Having observed the Glazers from the start of their reign, this is my conclusion; the coaching staff is soon to be gone and they will hire a new head coach who will demand his choice of GM (just as Lovie did). I hope I’m wrong. Jason has done a good job.

  30. Citrus County Says:

    Todd Monken is the likely target for the Glazers. After a year in Baltimore and his success there he will ask for the moon. He’ll likely want control. He already knows the Glazers. But will he want to come back here ? He will be able to call the shots any way he wants especially if he wins a SB with the Ravens.

    If that scenario plays out we will have another Gruden situation (total control) albeit with a much different personality.

    Maybe we will get lucky and get a good 20 years like Kraft did with Belechick.

  31. quarteback whisperer Says:

    how does everybody like that added 17th game now? would be in playoffs if season was 16 games long

  32. adam from ny Says:

    i kinda think it would be really cool if trask has to start, and leads the bucs into the playoffs…

    it’ll make the team really come together even more…

    kyle has been waiting in the wings- it might be his time to add in on this playoff run…i think it’s a cool story and would be even cooler if it happens – then pass it back to baker for the playoffs because baker probably really needs a couple weeks to rest up…

    he might not be able to get zip and accuracy on the ball if he can’t pivot and move the midsection properly

  33. adam from ny Says:

    bottom line is baker can not take any torso hits at all in the carolina game…

    not a single hit

  34. m milligan Says:

    Saint’s get in on TB tie and Saints win

  35. m milligan Says:

    Yes Adam, that would be cool. Tough assignment, sht loads of pressure, hope he comes in if BM takes a hit and lights it up. HA, that would be great.

  36. IrishTony Says:

    Oh this is what bugs that crap out of me about Licht. They go into the season with “no” veteran qb backup? Just like they failed to sign veteran depth at corner in 2019.

  37. IrishTony Says:

    Here’s the deal if this team was the real deal and had fire and desire they would have won last week. I just feel like if they win this week are they really deserving? Nothing about this team right now is “playoff like.”

  38. Citrus County Says:

    The Glazers are right back where they have been before. They have only been able to lure a coach when they could offer a Super Bowl ready team. In the absence of that they had to pick over the scrap heap. We are not a super bowl ready team and are likely not viewed as having a franchise QB. Of the several coordinators mentioned, I wonder if any would prefer Tampa over a big market team. Now the scenario that I have seen mentioned involving Canales and Baker to Atlanta seems plausible and after his time at UGA Monken might view Atlanta better than Tampa.

    Do the Glazers REALLY want to throw Jason overboard just for a coach that wants to pick his GM. Our current front office is stable, competent, and proven.

    The Glazers rolled the dice for a super bowl and hit but the aftermath has been a disaster. TB12 and the Kangol Hat screwed us big time. The Glazers are negligent in not having the foresight to see those potential dangers and prevent them from happening. Some of the fans could see it coming.

  39. SB~LV Says:

    Rest all the starters for the playoffs..

  40. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Does someone wanna tell me how in the hell Antoine Winfield did not make the pro bowl? has a separate article for the pro bowl snubs.
    Winfield is number one on that list.

    Winfield stats this year are insane. None of the other safeties that made the pro bowl for the NFC can come close to him.

  41. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Bryan Anger made the pro bowl as punter for the NFC 🤦🏻‍♂️…

    Call me crazy, but doesn’t Jake Camarda have better stats than him?

  42. Proudbucsfan Says:

    The only Bucs player that made the pro bowl was Mike Evans. Yet Winfield will be all pro and not make the pro bowl. You know the only other player to do that was Lavonte David

  43. ScottyMack Says:

    Kaimaru wrote:

    “1. If Bucs win, we are in the playoffs at #4 seed.
    2. If Saints beat the Falcons, and we lose, who gets in? Saints
    3. If Falcons beat the Saints, and we lose, who gets in? Falcons
    4. If we tie the Panthers, and Saints beat the Falcons, who gets in? Bucs”

    Not exactly correct, but the question is not phrased too well, either …

    You got the first three correct (at least for who wins the division).

    #4. If Bucs tie and Saints win, the Saints are the division winner. (Bucs would be 8-8-1 and Packers would be 9-8).

    #5. (Okay, there was not a #5 but because the way the questions were phrased, there needs to be a #5). The Bucs can still make the playoffs by not winning the division. Scenarios #1-4 only account for who will win the division. If the Bucs lose, they can still make the playoffs as a wildcard team if they tie with the Panthers, the Seahawks lose AND the Packers tie or lose.

  44. ScottyMack Says:

    Oops, in my #4 (above), I meant the Saints, not the Packers would be 9-8.

  45. ScottyMack Says:

    Another oops … in my scenario #5, I meant to say if the Bucs don’t beat the Panthers … (clearly, if they lose, they cannot also tie)

  46. Jack Clark Says:

    Hopefully Baker Mayfield’s mediocre two touchdowns and 200 yards will be enough for us to beat the Panthers 14-10 and make it to the playoffs

  47. beeej Says:

    You mean Baker, the #8 qb in the NFL?

  48. Since76 Says:

    Buc fan 88- pro bowl is a popularity contest. If you have ok season and on a big market team your in.

  49. Rod Munch Says:

    JamesEvans24 – you have a degree to do a job that I could teach my 13-year old nephew to do in half a day? Then you have the gull to complain about what other people make because you think you’re so important?

    Wow, embarrassing.

    In any case you’ll be replaced by AI within a year, maybe two at the max. Perhaps McDonalds will accept your BA — except they’ll all be replaced by AI as well as no one wants to pay some moron $20/hours an hour to hand someone a bag.

  50. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Just announced Pro Bowl alternates…..

    Baker an alternate??? Wowwwww!!

  51. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Since76, yeah I know….

    Pro Bowl totally lost its glamour when the better players stopped getting in.

  52. Rod Munch Says:

    If you can’t beat a team that averages scoring 12-points a game, then the entire coaching staff, and Baker, all need to go.

    Hopefully it doesn’t come to that, but that should be the result.

    Also, yes, I legit do hope they pull off the win and get into the playoffs AND win a game.

    There would literally be no worse outcome for this season than if the Bucs lose this game, miss the playoffs AND aren’t drafting high enough to take a franchise QB. There could not be a worse outcome to this season than that.

    If the team makes the playoffs, then Bowles should stick around. To keep Baker, at what will be a very high salary, he needs to actually go out and win the games – not pass for 40-yards at the half with an INT and all the Baker Bois say that it was the best and most perfect half of football ever played.

    Go win the game, then win in the playoffs, and you’ll have something to build off of.

  53. J.B. Says:

    Let’s hope Baker can go, he got Mike Evans back to a Pro bowl performance!

  54. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Always go for the win no matter the situation. Anything less is loser mentality. I don’t care what the draft situation is. I see nothing positive from losing a game, any game, ever.

  55. Jack Clark Says:

    beeej Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 9:33 pm
    You mean Baker, the #8 qb in the NFL?

    Yes, the same Baker that only scored 13 points last week

  56. Rod Munch Says:

    beeej Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 9:33 pm
    You mean Baker, the #8 qb in the NFL?


    #8 at what?

    He’s #16 in QBR, which might be fine in a different year, but considering league wide the QB play was really bad this year, and a bunch of starters got injured, it’s not an impressive finish.

    But go out and beat the Panthers and win a home playoff game while playing well, and that will help change opinions on him.

    Or just be like the rest of the Baker Bois and claim he’s #8 in some unknown ranking while claiming he’s better than Mahomes, Brady and Mario, combined – which you’d think would make him a lot higher ranked than #8.

  57. Mike Noblin Says:

    You wonder why more bucs don’t get enough votes for the pro bowl ? Next time you see a visiting team with twice the fan presence you’ll have the answer! Fans don’t care, fans don’t show up consistently other players see that too and coaches from other teams. Tampa is a overpopulated sweatbox with team support only so far. Need a fan base like Seattle or Gb. Then you’ll get votes and respect

  58. Rod Munch Says:

    Mike Noblin – What else is there to do in GB during the winter other than go to a football game and sit around eating cheese and trying to break 400lbs on the scale?

    As for Seattle, everyone there is a homeless drug addict or some hairy hippie that smells exactly like a homeless drug addict.

  59. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Tampa fans didn’t turn up to see their own team in a World Series. Yeah it’s a home for retirees and transplants, but jeez.

  60. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Incidentally, Baker is 8th in yards and 4th in passing TD’s. 13th in interceptions.

    And if you’re relying on QBR as an effective measurement of QB play, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

  61. Tony marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 11:55 pm

    Or just be like the rest of the Baker Bois and claim he’s #8 in some unknown ranking while claiming he’s better than Mahomes, Brady and Mario, combined – which you’d think would make him a lot higher ranked than #8.

    Like I ‘ve said many time and you keep PROVING – When you type its the same thing as when you lie. Its part of being the riciuclously poor human being you are when you very much rooted for a Buc’s player ( Baker) to be injured to suit the developemnt of a linesman ( Deny that as much as you want as well. Its in print and many people saw it)

    NO “rest of the Baker bois” has EVER said Baker was better than brady. Just like the Joes have in articles they have compared YEARS against years.

    Never seen any Baker fan say Baker was the GOAT and Brady was second to him. You should be in furniture manufacturing. Your nose produces enough wood from its growth when you type to make diining room tables for most of the North East.

  62. Tony marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 9:36 pm
    JamesEvans24 – you have a degree to do a job that I could teach my 13-year old nephew to do in half a day? Then you have the gull to complain about what other people make because you think you’re so important?

    Wow, embarrassing.


    ROFL Yes for YOU

    James said he fixes computers. For all the ntiwits attacking his training and profession He never said PCs only. If you think you can learn how to fix any computer in the world in half a day. You are a TOTAL moron. Stick to sports and drop attackimg people based on their profession when you understand nothing.

    Shucks even with PCs you all are showing what ntwits you are. In order to fix PCs for a lviing you have to be able to recognize software issues not only on Windows but Linux, MacOS and probably android. In particular If you repair for business you need to know Javascript ( because errors in JS in the browser can be alot like OS glitches) and networking ( which for business isnt like Plugging your wireless router at home)

    So leave people alone with their professions because the more you type attacking people’s profession the more fools you reveal yourselves to be

  63. Tony marks Says:

    adam from ny Says:
    January 3rd, 2024 at 7:21 pm
    bottom line is baker can not take any torso hits at all in the carolina game…

    not a single hit

    THen Baker should sit and they should give Kyle all the first reps in practice. If you think you can’t win with Kyle against the panthers then you are saying your defense sucks and Kyle shouldn’t even be the second stringer.

    IF either Baker or the coaching staff forces him in when he is still feeling the effects that has disaster wriitten over it. Frankly I will blame Baker for it if he pushes it. After playing injured all season with the Browns he needs to have grown up to not make mistakes of playing hurt again. IF he does that on a one year cotract,and with a child in the way then it will be all on him. No excuses.

  64. BucU Says:

    Good. I hope the whole team is sweating bullets over these injuries. If they had beat the Saints at home like they should of they wouldn’t have to worry about playing injured starters against Carolina.