Average Team, A-List Passing Numbers

January 1st, 2024

Stunning production.

The 2023 Bucs have defined mediocrity. They couldn’t beat NFL heavyweights and have won eight games against average and weak clubs, largely what most Bucs fans expected.

But their quarterback has rung up very impressive passing numbers. Consider the following:

Through 16 games, Baker Mayfield ranks …

Tied for 4th in touchdown passes (28)
2nd in completions of 40 yards or more (two behind Brock Purdy)
8th in total yards at 3,907
7th in total pass attempts

Mayfield also has thrown interceptions on 1.9 percent of his pass attempts. Any rate under 2 percent is considered quite good. Tom Brady is one of the all-time greats at 1.8 percent for his career, though more picks were thrown leaguewide during the early years of Brady’s career. Brady was at a 2.0 percent interception rate in 2020.

Evaluating a quarterback certainly isn’t all about stats. But they are a legitimate measuring stick of performance when not clouded with terms like “adjusted” and “expected.”

Bucs fans not totally bitter after yesterday’s debacle against New Orleans might think Mayfield has proven to be a franchise-caliber quarterback through 16 Bucs games, especially considering he’s operated with the NFL’s statistically worst running game and was new to his teammates this season. Heck, it’s reached the point with Mayfield where he had a bad game yesterday and still threw for 309 yards.

After Texans rookie C.J. Stroud and Lamar Jackson, Mayfield has had the best season from a quarterback new to his playcaller in 2023.

Now Mayfield has to finish the job at Carolina next Sunday against perhaps the worst team the NFL has seen since the Browns’ 2017 club that rookie Mayfield resurrected the following year. Carolina (2-14) averaged 12 1/2 points through five December games.

70 Responses to “Average Team, A-List Passing Numbers”

  1. Boss Says:

    Baker gets my admiration for his guts, but my head still ain’t buying his skills as a passer and d reader.

  2. Nybucsfan Says:

    The numbers are a little bit deceiving, wouldn’t you agree? Look at his last five games. He had two good games and three where he was absolute trash. You can twist it however you like, and I’m sure he will, but yesterday, except for the last two drives, once the game is over. He played terribly. But he’ll play it off like he had some OK quick game when the stinking Saints knew the game was over, and Baker had a couple of good drives during garbage time. When you play terribly and put your team in a massive hole for your team, you don’t get a pass because you had a couple of good drives, but you continue to do so.

  3. SufferingSince76 Says:

    I’m confident that the Bucs will make the wrong decision. It’s the pirate curse.

  4. Bobby M. Says:

    I think there’s a real belief that this team has the talent to win this division but simply needs new leadership. Baker’s body of work has shown he’s a top 15 starter, not elite but serviceable. Bucs easily have the most talented roster in our division so why are we constantly hovering around mediocrity? Common denominator is Bowles, 9-8 or 8-9 is par for the course with Bowles. Think about it our 4 win streak….where did it get us? Back to a mediocre 8-7….we had to win 4 straight games to get back to being avg. Unles he wins a playoff off game at home, I think Bowles is done.

  5. itzok Says:

    Stats are for losers.

    This is the same crowd who would tell me about Brian Griese’s completion percentage. to justify him as a good QB. Good QB’s put together drives and score TD’s. and win games.

    Losers suck and can never put plays together but will pad their stats when the game is out of hand.

  6. nick houllis Says:

    NOTE TO BAKER MAYFIELD: Jameis Winston was here too. He too had the Bucs at .500 and was THIIIISSSSS close (hold fingers 1″ apart when doing this) to getting a long contract. And then the pick 6 in OT sealed his fate: he is irrelevant and has been ever since. In fairness to Winston, he didn’t have Evans or Godwin in those last two games.
    Baker does. Get the job done, and your all invited back. There’s spending money to go shopping next year. We can buy an O Lineman. We can buy a TE. We can buy more pass rush and become a defensive monstrosity!
    Or… we will do all those things without you.
    Balls in your court. Serve Baker..

  7. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    He is a good QB……and is usually not the reason for losses……depending on the price, we should keep him.

  8. Hodad Says:

    Keep Baker, and Bowles if want to root for a .500 team. That’s all they’ll ever be.

  9. Buc Prophet Says:

    Jacksonville is the only team above .500 that the Bucs won.

  10. Tony marks Says:

    waaah waaah waaaah

    we lost a game ( because we went AWAY fromt passing game)

    So the QB sucks even though his TDs ar etop fiv and ints is very low.

    Next week we go back to raving about winning the division. Its th stupdid cycle of this part of the fan base.

  11. NJbucs23 Says:

    “Stats are for losers”

    Yesterday was a crap show. That game plan was a disaster. Why can’t we have somewhat of decent runs. Just handing ball to pound up the middle is stupid!!!!

    What do these teams do all week in practice?

  12. heyjude Says:

    When you look at these stats, Baker looks good. I like him. He keeps his head down, is humble, and is out there really trying. He was the one yesterday yelling “Let’s go.” The team seems to stand behind him. And he got banged up yesterday. Hope he is okay to play next week and throws more to Evans and Godwin. I agree with others, better play calling is needed. And that is on the coaches.

  13. NE Fan Says:

    GARBAGE time!!! It is easy to throw when the DB’s are discussing the evening plans walking into the dressing room at the end of a smoke show. 100yds, 2 ints score 20-0. GARBAGE time!!! Same as Detriot, Buffalo, SF etc. Smoke & mirrors.

  14. Zoocomics Says:

    All you guys have made good points. @Bobby M. I would argue that the Saints are the more talented roster. They should have won this division. They are a freaking anomaly to me on why they don’t have a better record. The Saints looked like a playoff team yesterday, and they don’t have the healthiest squads. Thomas is down again, Olave didn’t have a good game, and Kamara who is a great pass catcher, barely got any yesterday.

    I feel like most of you are somewhere in the middle with Baker, and I agree. He had a better game than I first thought. Tough drops by Otton, White fumbling. Palmer fumbling. Just a calamity of errors. It’s so hard to gauge sometimes what’s his fault… Baker throwing up that loft on the opposite handside to Palmer, that was on him.

    Canales needs to take most of the blame for this one. He needs to call a better game. It’s so frustrating when you know what the next play is going to be, and don’t you think the f-ing the opposing does too. This guy passes on first down, he runs it the next play. He runs on first down, if we manage to get 4/5 yards, he runs it again on second down. I get analytics, I get win probability on short yardage with specific play calling, but that sh** hasn’t worked all season. If I know this, the def knows this. They watch film on this team. Why is it so hard for us to win on 2nd Down? Def knows what’s coming on 3rd and for a poor pass rushing team the Saints claim to be, Baker looked under duress the whole game.

  15. Beeej Says:

    That’s the third game I’ve seen where we’ve lost to a team playing suffocating man defense (AND with a good pass rush) We feast on zone, man, not so much. As we typically can’t run the ball, we need to come up with an answer (the answer ISN’T a different QB either, NO did this to us a few times when Brady was here)

  16. Why Not Says:

    The offense sucked yesterday. Mayfield’s yards came in the second half when we were trying to make a comeback. Those are empty yards. If you look at Mayfield’s stats for the year, he looks like a very good quarterback, but he is very uneven, which is hidden in the aggregate stats. I will give Mayfield his due: he has exceeded expectations. Great for him! I want better for the Bucs.

  17. Dreambig Says:

    Mayfield has done Ok this year, the stats point to that, but what they don’t show are the things he continually misses. Yesterday on 3rd and 9, Godwin streaks by his defender 12 yards out, wide open. Mayfield throws a 7 yard pass to the tight end, who is immediately tackled and we punt. Three and out. Mayfield plays his worst when Canales is calling that crappy game plan we have used most of the year. When Canales open’s it up, he seems to be more accurate and make better choices. Chicken or the egg?

  18. adam from ny Says:

    bucs gotta shake the loss off by not only winning the game at carolina, but blowing them out on their home field..

    like 33-13…

    then the saints game is old news and mojo is back in the building as they head towards a home playoff game with a little swag…

    beating carolina 17-14 on a late 4th quarter field goal, or something like that, is sort of limping back to tampa for the playoff game…

    a convincing and dominant win from all 3 phases is def needed next sunday

  19. adam from ny Says:

    but are they being hush hush about baker with potential broken ribs…?

    in baker’s podium ser presi think he referred to x-rays and all as being negative and good right now…but he sort of hinted that it can change moving forward,,,he left it a little open ended – which is a cause for speculation – at least on my behalf

  20. adam from ny Says:

    typo ^^^

    in baker’s podium presser i think he referred to x-rays ***

  21. Georgia Redneck Says:

    I keep saying this. Bowles and Mayfield have a history. See it, believe it.

  22. Bucaroo zoo Says:

    I woke up yesterday morning and checked which network the game was on and seen FOX and knew the Bucs were in Trouble. This year the Bucs suck on Fox. Their 4 game winning streak was on CBS. Next weeks game is on Fox.

    Bucs on CBS 6-2 The Loses being Houston and Indy
    Bucs on FOX 2-6

  23. nick houllis Says:

    TO EVERYONE who says Bucs only beat bad teams. You want the Bucs to be the kind of team that can knock off the Cowboys and Steelers and Eagles? I know a team thats done that. The Cardinals.
    You think the cardinals are patting themselves on the back for beating 3 good teams and having double digit losses?

    The Bucs were never supposed to be THERE this year. But they’ve beaten the teams they are supposed to beat, and lost a few too. No blowouts.

    Give this team some free agents and see what happens.

  24. ScottyMack Says:

    This team’s problems have nothing to do with the QB. For sure, the plays and play calling are a bit suspect but the real problems with this team are the offensive line and the defensive pass rush.

    Mayfield was under duress the entire game and the receivers could not get open in the short time Baker had to get rid of the ball.

    On the opposite end, there was zero pass rush the entire game by our defense and Bowles’ stupid zone defense left massive wide open spaces for every tight end on the team to exploit over and over again.

  25. Buc4evr Says:

    Mayfield is a good QB as long has he has a talented team. Unfortunately the Oline showed who they really are yesterday. The defense is just plain pathetic. Against playoff caliber teams, the Bucs are no match. Lots of marginal players and a few decent ones. O line needs to be rebuilt as well as the Dline and secondary.

  26. D-Rome Says:

    Someone tell me the last time a QB on a prove-it deal put up these kind of numbers and the team walked away from him in the off season. I won’t hold my breath.

    Oh, and that “stats are for losers” line that I’ve seen repeated. You guys know the coach who said that ended up getting fired because his stats sucked, right? No winner on or off the field has bad stats.

  27. bob in valrico Says:

    My take is that the Saints rattled Baker in the first half with the way they collapsed the pocket. It has worked has affected some of the best QB’s over the years. game plan or Canales changed it out of necessity.
    The Saints passing was a good running game and supplemented by a good number of outlet passes to tight ends. There are few tight ends out there that excel at crossing routes. If we used our tall tight ends to chip and then slip out
    for outlets and let them rumble for first downs. It might help Baker change the trajectory of his passes to get passes over charging D lineman. This was effective for Jason Witten ,Gronk and even our own Dave Moore. It might even open up
    seam passes later in the game.

  28. bob in valrico Says:

    ^ Not sure if the Run, Run on first ,and second was in the original gameplan or Canales changed it out of necessity to take the focus off of Baker to get him in sync.

  29. Mark hardt Says:

    Da Saints game: 1. Futile commitment to the run. 2. Way too late on the no huddle offense. Start when two scores down regardless of the Quarter. 3. One interception was an under throw. The other a tip. Both fumbles were bad. Still if you had started the no huddle after going down by 14 you might have won. Baker operates best at pace. I would do two random no huddles every half regardless of the score. Also when you win the coin flip take the damn ball. I don,t care what statistics say. The first drive sets the tone and that long Saints drive to start demorilized the Bucs and they never recovered. Highly paid professionals, yes, but still human. Baker was on roll from the Jags and it would have carried over. Take the ball first if you can.

  30. SB~LV Says:

    Baker is a average starter, GREAT teammate and would be a excellent backup
    The rest of the coaching staff is Peter Principal
    Change is coming!
    Get Bruce Arians out of OBP !

  31. JD Still Says:

    Two of the things that were not mentioned , or we downplayed in this evaluation of a quarterback is quality wins and points per game, quality wins are wins against quality competition , that is wins against teams with winning records, we have one! Think about that and what it means , only one of our wins came against a team with a winning record ! One! W

  32. DBS Says:

    We play that team twice a year. If you really thought we would beat them twice this year you were fooling yourself. It almost never happens. Atlanta is usually a split also. It is only worse because the title was on the line. But it the outcome should not be a surprise.

  33. D-Rome Says:


    Wins against quality opponents is a dumb argument. The Miami Dolphins only have one win against a team with a winning record. Do you think they are moving on from Tua and McDaniel? Besides, winning records fluctuate throughout the season. Green Bay and Minnesota had winning records at one point of the year. Prior to yesterday, the Bucs were on 7 other teams’ “quality wins” list since they were 8-7.

  34. JD Still Says:

    Oops! Big fingers little keys! LOL! The other thing not mentioned is points per game, we average around twenty or less and we have some of the most elite receivers in the game , compare that to San Francisco, Miami, Baltimore or Dallas, not all the blame can be put on the quarterback , but if if you want to get credit for the wins and get paid accordingly you have to take the blame for the negative side of the ledger as well, you can’t win without putting points on the board and our elite receivers can not throw the ball to themselves, so that kinda narrows it down. So, if the owners are satisfied with where we are, so be it, it’s their money , but , if you keep doing the things you have always done , You will continue to get the same results you have always gotten, it is a business after all .

  35. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    How about a New Year, New Hope perspective?

    This team at the beginning of the year had a new QB on his last chance starting for the only team that could afford him because they were in salary cap hell (not mad, got a ring, all good). This team just hired a guy as OC that never called plays before, and the head coach was in last chance saloon. Of all the teams in the NFC South the only thing the experts agreed on was the Bucs were bottom rung trash.

    It’s possible we will win the division with the worst team we will have for the next five years. Not saying I am sold on the TB, Canales, Baker combo but I am damn sure curious what they would look like with a year of seasoning and the ability to acquire some more pieces. If we can figure out how to do that without breaking the bank, why not. Unless we mortgage the future, we aren’t getting our version of Mahomes with our draft position.

    Of course, lose to the Panthers and lose the division, I might just have a different take a week from now.

  36. JD Still Says:

    D-Rome , Yes ! Miami is an excellent non Buc example, how did they do yesterday? And yes, winning records do fluctuate, but over time they are the most reliable indicator of success, So if Tua and McDaniel continue like yesterday, how long do you think they will be tolerated there ?

  37. Couch Fan Says:

    Some of you are still completely blind to the truth of Baker. His numbers come in garbage time. The only thing consistent about him is that he stinks it up for 3 Qrts of practically every game. Then throws tons of yards when were down by 10 or more in the 4th which make it look like he had a good game when its quite the opposite. He is absolute garbage and his numbers are completely deceiving. You cant just look at the stats and say hes good, you have to actually watch how he plays the game. So dumb that anyone wants to give him $30 million to watch him stink it up for 3 Qrts every game.

  38. adam from ny Says:

    why is it that canales and the coaches don’t realize baker works best at pace and at roll outs…?

    we on a website realize this. while coaches making millions don’t…?

    i simply don’t understand, why they don’t understand, something so understandable 🙂

  39. SB~LV Says:

    We have been watching this coaching staff for two years now….

  40. adam from ny Says:

    yeah everybody wanted this win so bad…to wrap sh!t up…seal the deal, put a bow on it…perfect during christmas and new years…

    but…reality is…

    when you play a decent divisional opponent, more often than not, you are going to split the 2 games…most teams split the season series with division rivals…it’s just how it goes…

    the goal in my mind was to come out of the sum total of the divisional series with a 4-2 record…

    t@ints – split
    birds – split
    cats – sweep

    equals 4-2

    anything better would be downright amazing

  41. Lynchmob47 Says:

    The Baker/Bowels experiment needs to end. Yesterday we hears the back story of Todd and Bake relationship, states in Oklahoma….so like BA tried to help Todd get another chance (big fail) nw Todd was doing the same for Baker(fail)…..let them step over to the bar and and cheers to a try……they gotta go….Yesterday was so embarrassing. I hope all the media hyping up Baker and saying Todd for coach of the year, choke this morning. Fools gold….how could no one remember the previous 14 games….I was hopeful heading into Sunday. I even was rooting for Baker rather than hoping for Trask and I got fooled too….hope Baker ribs are OK, but everything happens for a reason…Baker and Todd story coming to an end…..and they both know it

  42. WyomingJoe Says:

    I think that A LOT of the “fans” on this site are full of s*it! Just whiners and losers. Clowns like you will NEVER be satisfied.

    Why we didn’t go with a hurry-up offense and attack with our passing game MUCH EARLIER is a mystery.

  43. Burt Says:

    Do our fans watch the games? Baker was horrible until the last 4 min of the game yesterday, the only reason he was not as horrible late was the saints were dropping into coverage. I swear people just look at espn and come here to defend baker.
    His biggest positive this year is he hasn’t been a turnover machine like in years past. He continues to get credit for good games when he has bad games. We have one of the absolute best receiving cores in the nfl, but for the majority of the year the only receiver he could see was Evans.

  44. Henry Says:

    Heres to hoping Joe is right and someone offers Canales a HC job. Then, fingers crossed, he hires Bowles as his DC.

  45. adam from ny Says:

    don’t sleep guys……………..

    trask might be starting this sunday…

    honey badger tried to take baker out late in the game, and caught him in the ribs real good

  46. SB~LV Says:

    Baker is playing his former team next game… the only thing that the Panthers have to play for is that of a spoiler

  47. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    This is the reality of the play calls of run v pass for the first half for each of the Bucs drives:

    1st Drive-run, pass, run, punt
    2nd Drive-pass, run, pass, run, pass, pass, run, pass, pass, pass, pass, run, pass/int
    3rd Drive-pass, run, pass, punt
    4th Drive-pass, pass, pass, punt

    Halftime losing 17-0
    4 drives
    7 runs
    15 passes
    1 interception
    3 punts

  48. realistic-optimistic Says:

    This was the second game in the last 4 weeks in which Baker had fewer than 50 passing yards at halftime. He was sitting at 100 passing yards in the 4th qtr in both games. The defense wasn’t smothering, but they only gave up 20 points by the 4th qtr. The offense (specifically the QB) should be able to score once in a while and keep the score close in a game like that. Putting up 200+ passing yards in the 4th qtr, after letting your team fall into a 20-0 hole is not impressive. That’s garbage stats against a defense trying to run out the clock.

  49. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Thanks @BelleGladeBuc. That’s for all the people claiming we always run on first down. They passed on first down on 3 of the first 4 drives. 15/7 pass/run ratio. Doesn’t matter, they’ll still blame everybody except Baker. It’s exhausting.

  50. The daily corner Says:

    Autopsy results:
    Gross examination- extensive bruising of left guard, center and right tackle.
    Gross examination continued – atrophy of muscles of left guard, center, right tackle and edge rusher.
    Gross examination continued – lax ligaments of wide receivers and running back.
    Conclusions: 1. Lack of consistent offensive production likely related to the above findings.

  51. Gipper Says:

    Offense didn’t touch the ball until 1Q was half over. When offense got the ball, 1st and 2nd downs were 1 yard runs. Rashad was 9carries for 14 yards at one point. Really a poorly called game. When things are not working try something different. Fans cannot see on TV what pass coverages look like yet they pretend they can. Given reasonable time to throw Mayfield threw some really impressive passes downfield. This not withstanding the same group here who continually says he is inaccurate deep. Bucs have lots of problems but Mayfield isn’t one of them.

  52. Couch Fan Says:

    “When things are not working try something different” I agree. Lets start at the QB position. Or is does that not count?

  53. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Bucs 1st Drive of the Saints game play by play from nfl.com:

    1st and 10-White 5 yard run
    2nd and 5-Mayfield pass to Otten for 4 yards
    3rd and 1-White -1 yard run
    4th and 2-Camarda 51 yard punt

  54. Swanny Says:

    I’ve been quietly reading this site for about a month. Some of you are smart gentlemen, others? Calling Mayfield “trash,” or calling the coach “Bowels,” or “Toilet Bowls?” It strikes me as unintelligent, not clever, tired and trite.

    Before Mayfield got here, I can only recall seeing him a few times. Aside from that, he had a bad reputation as a spoiled brat. You can’t dismiss Mayfield as having “only two good games.” The other 14 were two useless runs up the gut and then? “It’s third and long Baker, please save us!” Careful what you wish for with Baker Mayfield.

  55. m milligan Says:

    Whole team sucked yesterday, NOBODY did anything the first 1/2, why try to put it on one player.
    Garbage time D’s don’t give up 50 yd TD’s and strikes behind a prevent D. Had white not fumbled and Palmer coughed it up may have made it a game. Regardless, they sucked yesterday. We might have more luck hoping Falcons knock off Saints then the likelihood of us beating the panthers.
    Entirely out coached yesterday and thrashed on both sides of the ball. Sht Car looked like a hero.
    Doesn’t look promising even if they get to playoffs

  56. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Couch Fan Says:

    “When things are not working try something different” I agree. Let’s start at the QB position. Or is does that not count?


    Oh it absolutely counts, but I’m not sure what you might hope for it to achieve without bolstering the offensive line or changing the gameplan. Both of which could also be used to help BM

  57. D Cone Says:

    Mayfield 2.6% Career over 88 games. Brady’s was over 350+ games.
    Look at any snippet and you can make a case for him as HOF.
    309 yards passing looks great in print but when the game mattered Mayfield was s steaming pile.
    Mason Rudolph has a 118 season passer rating this season @ $ 1,080,00.
    Should that be taken into consideration when figuring Mayfield’s next deal?

    22.1 Passer Rating when the game is on the line. Lights out when coverage looks just like practice with limited rush.

    Mayfield was lights out on Third Down earlier in the season but has come back to the Average.

    Mayfield has played the same way he did in preseason to win the QB competition. That won’t take the team very far after next week.

  58. Couch Fan Says:

    Hey im all for that UK. Since were switching it all up might as well try a new QB to. We have 2 more on the roster we’ve never seen in actual real games. Lets change it all up. As far as what im hoping for? Well more than 43 yards and 0 points at halftime would be nice.

  59. Craig Says:

    Stats can be spun to show anything. I would still prefer a consistent QB who can sustain drives.

    The biggest stat for yesterday was 3rd down conversions, it is big because it stunk so bad the room had to be cleared.

  60. Del Says:

    Just leave Baker alone; at least he’s trying…..it’s funny how “Couch Fan” & other clueless slobs who just plop on couches & bitch about people at least being productive in life. can put these professional athletes down when they can only muster enough strength to stagger to the fridge for another beer…..please look at your selves, for a change….

  61. m milligan Says:

    Correction from previous post;
    If Buc’s and Saints both lose next wkend, Falcons win division…………………..

  62. Rod Munch Says:

    This is the same argument made by Derek Carr backers — ignore what your eyes tell you and focus on the box score.

    Anywho, it’s easy to checkdown on 3rd and long and inflate your stats.

  63. orlbucfan Says:

    I hope the Offense has a serious sit down/team meeting with green boy Canales. He was braindead yesterday.

  64. Capt. Tim Says:

    These are facts
    This is a bad team
    Next to last running game. We can not run the ball.
    Cant block
    Cant pass rush
    Cant pass defend.

    That should be the death blow to any team.
    Yet, we will win the division.
    Its all because of Baker Mayfield.
    We should be a 4-13 team

    Anyone who looks at those facts, and doubts Mayfield, is simple minded.

  65. Rod Munch Says:

    So every win is because of Baker… every loss is because of everyone but Baker.

    Spoken like a true Baker Boi!

  66. ScottyMack Says:

    Wow, the apples oranges in this statement are pretty unbelievable …

    “Mayfield 2.6% Career over 88 games.

    Mason Rudolph has a 118 season passer rating this season @ $ 1,080,00.
    Should that be taken into consideration when figuring Mayfield’s next deal?

    22.1 Passer Rating when the game is on the line. Lights out when coverage looks just like practice with limited rush.”

    That’s right, dude. Lets take Mayfield career stats from horrible teams and put them up against a backup QBs two games played this season.

    Why didn’t you choose to use Rudolph’s career stats? = 85.2 passer rating, 18 TDs to 11 INTs, 62.3% completion rate?

  67. Rod Munch Says:

    Passer rating is literally a meaningless stat, it was broken years ago when QB’s figured out they can just check down every 3rd down (ie, Mike Glennon, Derek Carr) and inflate their rating by boosting their completion percentage. It’s literally the reason the new modern quarter back rating was invented, which actually takes into account things like down and distance and the situation in which plays occur (for example, a half-time hail mary INT isn’t going to count the same way a 4th quarter INT on 2nd down is counted, unlike the old rating which makes no difference between the two).

    Bakers rating for most of yesterday was in the 20s, which is literally as bad as it gets – before the Saints went to a prevent and let Baker run up his numbers in a meaningless situation.

  68. Capt. Tim Says:

    Rod, youve lost all credibility.
    As I mentioned to you earlier, No one can give anything you say any consideration.
    Please dont respond to my post.
    Im here to discuss football.
    That leaves you out.

  69. JD Still Says:

    From the comments , it looks like most Bucs fans have seen enough, as reported earlier this week, Mayfield was gifted the starting position by his long time friend , TB, ,( there never was a real qb competition ), he was then given a full season , uninterrupted, to show what he has, and the results are pretty much what we have seen from the other teams he quarterbacked, if he is given a long term , big money contract there is no reason not to believe what you have already seen is what you will get more of, for the next three long years, mediocrity and inconsistency, interspersed with occasional wins against bottom dwelling teams that will be used to pad his stats , but as far as competing for championships , no one is going to gift that to us.

  70. Rod Munch Says:

    Capt. Tim – The fact you claim to be talking football, while literally saying every win is because of Baker, every loss is on everyone but Baker, it’s just laughable, and exposes you for being a Baker Boi – and literally the last thing you want to do is talk football, what you want to do is give Baker a foot massage.