Slimy Saints Looked Like The Team Playing For Postseason

December 31st, 2023

His team wanted to win.

One team wanted to win. One team played like a playoff berth was on the line.

That team was not the Bucs today.

The Bucs had the NFC South title in their hands. Instead, they shat their pants and dropped the… opportunity.

Today, Joe could see one team wanted to play. The other looked like it was going through the motions, as if they already had the division. Or they hit the egg nog a little too hard last week.

A loss and the slimy Saints’ season was done. They played like a team on a mission by curb-stomping the Bucs.

How the hell can you face your most hated rival with a division crown on the line and sleepwalk through the first three quarters? Was there no one on the sidelines to put a foot up someone’s backside to get going?

How bad was today’s alley-beating? If Joe was Team Glazer, Joe would begin rethinking Baker Mayfield’s potential new contract. In fact, this game was such a terrible no-show, you have to wonder if Todd Bowles is back on the hot seat again?

Yes, this game was that bad given the high stakes.

The offensive gameplan was so awful and such a radical change from what the Bucs did the past two weeks to get them in position to win a division, it almost has the scent that Bowles last week scolded Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales for passing too much.

20 Responses to “Slimy Saints Looked Like The Team Playing For Postseason”

  1. QBKilla Says:

    The HC didn’t have his team ready to play….period.

  2. Darin Says:

    New contract? Playoffs? Not all of us think with our hearts. Not a good team. Saints aren’t either. That should tell you all you need from know. Time to move on. Time to get going

  3. Mike Johnson Says:

    Saints played hard guys. They wanted it and we did not. We could not stop any of their 3rd down conversions in the 1st half. And to boot, our punting game was bad. Bucs gotta be ready for the Panthers next week. Panthers might go all out and play balls to the walls. This will be their Superbowl. Cheer up. Win next week and that one more than we did with the Great Brady last year.

  4. Woodenman Says:

    Wow where is everybody l am never been first before. Well l will say It’s a Bucs Life .

  5. Frank Pillow Says:

    A good HC has his team hunting today. Instead they took a holiday break and were asleep at kickoff. The game-plan on both sides of the ball were sooo basic. No adjustments. No answers. No passion / fire. None. Anything less than 5-2 down the stretch and a home playoff win should get these clowns bounced.

  6. Bucs Guy Says:

    Bucs lose next week, finish 8-9, fire Bowles and get a better draft pick. Next coach Kellen Moore, San Diego and former Dallas OC.

  7. Ww50 Says:

    This is unbelievable?!

  8. CleanHouse Says:

    Called it and got labeled a hater by many of the delusional people on this site.

    Average team


  9. HC Grover Says:

    We are going to get stuck with Bowles next year. Guaranteed.

  10. Ed Says:

    One of Joe’s best columns. Everything word is nothing but the truth.

    I wish no ill will to people who have jobs on the line but I do believe that ownership has to draw a line and let the HC and OC know that they have invested loads of money in key stones of the Buccaneer core and if the HC and OC cannot find a way to put the ball in the hands of those proven Super Bowls winning players then they have failed to live up to their contracts and someone else that will get a team fired up to win a division title in front of the home fans has to be hired.

    Happy New!

  11. unbelievable Says:

    Completely predictable.

    I told y’all all week long that this was a trap game and then Bucs would likely think too highly of themselves and come out flat. And look what happened. And it’s not just the players.

    Our moron head coach gave everyone an extra day off, as if this team has earned anything yet this season. Another Toilet Bowles Blunder.

  12. BucsLife Says:

    If the Glazers truly cared about winning Licht, Bowles and others will be gone !!! Not only has the owners ruined American football, but also took a dynasty and ruined European Futball

  13. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Sadly, I’m not surprised.
    See my earlier posts.
    We almost NEVER win when we SHOULD.

    Just more excuses.
    Always…….. just more excuses…….

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    One team had Baker Mayfield at QB, and the other team did not.

    That was the difference in this blowout loss.

  15. Coburn Says:

    They definitely looked like they wanted it more. Our team should have been licking their chops to climate a rival and clinch… Instead looked like nobody gave a crap. Even our punter had a bad day

  16. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    A Sleepy Bowels game if there ever was one.

  17. CleanHouse Says:

    Where’s that genius Mike C at? We could use his wisdom and threats! Loser…

  18. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I’ve been a Bucsfan for a long time and I usually know what’s up but I’ve been tricked. I fell for it, Im very disappointed the coaching staff needs to go no matter what happens next week.

  19. Bobby Says:

    Im just disgusted after watching that game. I can’t believe the coaches and team blew this today. The team had everything at there fingertips and the coaches and players make too much money. We have a defensive head coach right?? Where was the defense today. Baker hurt his ribs after today as well. That is most likely going to hamper him for the next few weeks. And can’t you imagine how inaccurate his passes maybe with hurt ribs. Dirty hit by Saints player again. Everytime Bucs play a Dennis Allen coached defense that team does late hits and hurts Bucs players deliberately. Well if the Bucs look like that against the horrible panthers. Bet we Trask in the game at some point. Just so Glazers can see what they got. The national attention was outstanding last week and the team let get in there heads again. Just awful today. Hey Devin White where are your plays today???

  20. Brandon Says:

    Sky is falling haters are back out. Huge surprise. Teams coming off Thursday night games have a great winning percentage late in the season. It’s no surprise the Saints looked fresher and better prepared. They were. After we win next week, the bipolar fans will be back to their usual highs.