Buccaneers 30, Jaguars 12

December 24th, 2023

It’s official. The Bucs are a good football team.

Could they be a dominant team?

Joe can’t go that far, but a four-game winning streak in December is stunning by any measurement. And the Bucs are improving steadily through the month, dropping a quality ass-wuppin’ today on a good but sliding Jaguars team.

Jacksonville has now lost four in row.

The Bucs offense came out firing and scored on its first six possessions. Game over (Joe’s not counting the kneeldown just before halftime. The rhythm was there and it continued until the Bucs showed the NFL they don’t have a running game good enough to close out a game.

Joe was downright embarrased that the Bucs left Baker Mayfield in the game in garbage time, presumably because they can’t get a first down on the ground when they need one.

Mike Evans is a star. Mayfield was sharp out of the gate, and Joe has all kinds of love for offensive coordinator Dave Canales.

Devin White came out playing with his hair on fire, and the Bucs defense looks damn dangerous when he does, along with the elite play the defense is getting from Lavonte David and Antoine Winfield, Jr.

Rookie edge rusher YaYa Diaby now has 6 1/2 sacks on the season and he was a terror in the Jaguars backfield. Jacksonville had no rushing attack, only 37 yards as the Bucs sold out to stop the run as they always try to do.

Every Bucs fan knows the team did exactly what it was supposed to do today, jump on an opponent and close it out in all phases of the game. The knockout blow field goal came with 4 minutes left in the third quarter.

Todd Bowles has the Bucs playing hard. There’s no denying that.

What a Merry Christmas it will be.

33 Responses to “Buccaneers 30, Jaguars 12”

  1. I’m tired and 87 is right Says:

    With a sad Christmas I have had to deal with its nice seeing a Buccaneer Baker Mayfield in the making. He was meant for us. What does it take to be a Buccaneer? He will answer the question. Merry Christmas Bucs fans! Go Bucs!

  2. Jack Clark Says:

    Thank you for the early Christmas gift!

  3. Bucsgoham12 Says:

    Baker must have needed incentives since Trask should have finished it out.

  4. DI Says:

    What spirit has possessed our coaching staff?! Whatever it is, I hope it never leaves. This is the most exciting the team has been to watch in back to back weeks since the Arians era. I was hoping last week wasn’t a fluke. I am hoping this is the new Bucs

  5. All_da_way Says:

    Bucs beat the Jags and refs today. Well done game plan by the coaching staff.

  6. lanshark Says:

    Its fairly obvious what this coaching staff thinks of Trask. With an 18 point lead and 4 minutes to go, they sent out Mayfield, even though he seemed a bit banged up. IF they had any confidence in Trask whatsoever, he’d have been in the game.

    That’s about as clear a vote of No Confidence as can be sent.

  7. Baking with Canales Says:

    Let’s eat more Ws next week!

  8. FairMinded Says:

    Absolutely stunned. 4 in a row! Shades of 2020. None of us saw this coming. What a ride!

  9. Tony marks Says:

    Bucsgoham12 Says:
    December 24th, 2023 at 7:00 pm
    Baker must have needed incentives since Trask should have finished it out.


    I think that sucked. You play Trask whenever you can . As the backup you never know when he will be needed.

  10. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Balanced offense: 86 yds to ME, 79 yds to CG. Great Christmas present today with the W!

  11. Drunkinybor Says:

    Well we’ll I’ll gladly eat done crow. I’ve been calling Canales one of the highest paid internns in America and that Blows gifted him a career with another team after this season. He’s certainly improved vastly.

  12. Jerseybuc Says:

    Man this team is on right now!!!
    Welcome back 45!! They keep playing like this there going to be a problem in the playoffs baker em dam man keep doing you !! Diaby has been fricken great!!
    Plan bust 9 is right where he needs be the sidelines

  13. Usfbuc Says:

    Offense has been different these past two weeks. Looks more competent and confident. The offense possessing the ball is also helping the defense out so we finally see them making some stops and performing better too.

  14. Chad Says:

    Time for people to apologize to baker

  15. orlbucfan Says:

    Well, what can I say? I’ve been predicting this, and man, did it happen! Bucs’ record W streak is 5 in a row. Why not 6? Gotta laugh at DWhite with the pick. I still say sayonara so Bucs can reward ME13 and LVD.

  16. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Apologize to Mayfield?

    Kyle was even robbed of playing in garbage time because of the deep state conspiracy against him.

  17. Trask Cult Leader Says:

    Great game though!
    Addmitedly I’m sirprised the Bucs suddenly got badarse down the home stretch.

    Beware of the bouny hunting Saints next week!

  18. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    Interesting how you knuckleheads never compliment & acknowledge Baker Mayfield when the Bucs win.

  19. ModHairKen Says:

    A month ago, all is said was Bowles was gone. I was wrong, wrong, wrong.

    This is a hell of a turnaround. Everything is clicking right now.

    Mayfield is playing as hard as any QB this team has had. Running. Accurate. Good decisions. Both Whites showed up today. The roughing call was absurd.

    And Mike Evans, what a performance.

    I’m glad I was wrong. Just don’t make me wrong again by blowing this.

  20. Mord Says:

    Winfield Jr. for DPOY

  21. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    4 wins in a row with the last 2 being dominant from start to finish! How sweet it is!

    Merry Christmas Joe’s and everyone here at JBF!

  22. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Another solid game. Keep it up.

  23. Bobby M. Says:

    Great win….Go Bucs!

  24. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Great win. Team getting better at the best time. Bowles may be turning the page here. An aggressive offense and aggressive defense is the way today’s game is played. May be one of the best he has coached. He appears to be pushing every single button to get the best out of his best players now.

  25. Buccaneric Says:

    Really like this mayfield guy.

  26. Chris Says:

    A complete win? Great all around effort, and game plan.
    The team is gelling at the right time which makes sense. New OC, and quite a few new players.
    Baker looks in command out there, and this was another win without much of a running game, oline did allow some pressure, but was good enough.
    Baker actually looked better this week than last week considering the Jags defense, and lack of running game.

  27. Lakeland Steve Says:

    Freaking A baby. Go Bucs!

  28. Bojim Says:

    Was waiting for a couple more TDs in the second half but I’m really happy. 😊

  29. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Every dang win more and more fanbois we’ve never seen before come out of the shadows like cock roaches saying we owe him an apology. Get out of here with your estrogen filled but hurt feelings! Buc fans don’t owe him jack. He deserved the flack he got and now deserves the praise he he should receive. He plays well and helps win the next 3 games he deserves a multi year contract. Right now deserves a deep consideration but 3-4 good games out of 15 don’t guarantee him one.

  30. adam from ny Says:

    this was pretty much an old fashioned azz kicking…

    and yes coach put the brakes on, it could have been even more lopsided…


  31. Tony marks Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:
    December 24th, 2023 at 9:05 pm
    Get out of here with your estrogen filled but hurt feelings! Buc fans don’t owe him jack.


    Thats ABSOLUTELY true but since you aren’t a real bucs fan it doesn’t apply to you. Too much hating from you to let you hang on to the back wheel of the band wagon.

    Wack!…..off you go. Stay in your Hating loser lane. Application denied again.

  32. unbelievable Says:

    Pretty hilarious to read the first 50 or so comments in the game thread before things got going… a whole lot of doom and gloom.

    I got very critical of Todd Bowles after the bye week- but he deserves the credit for turning things around too. The wins against Carolina and Atlanta were sloppy and weak, but we’ve looked downright dominant the last 2 weeks. Hope they continue to play with the same fire against New Orleans and carry that into the playoffs.

  33. Bucfan94 Says:

    @davidbigbucsfan99 most people don’t comment cause losers like you who always hate on the real fans for being fans with hope. Like a real fan should have. We don’t need you. Go cheer the jaguars