In Todd We Trust??

December 17th, 2023

Bucs fans are not largely fans of head coach Todd Bowles.

That’s been the case for at least two months. Has that changed?

Bowles got the team December-ready and poof, the Bucs have won three in a row, including back-to-back road games to show the NFL world they are for real.

Today’s 34-20 win in Green Bay was significant and impressive. The Bucs looked like a balanced and somewhat dangerous playoff team.

The head coach deserves credit, right? Yes, the Bucs are 7-7. Not bad, but not good. But Bowles has done a lot with the young talent and limited salary cap resources with a first-time playcaller. Joe isn’t here blessing a Bowles return for 2024; the team must close out this season with a winning record. No excuses.

Joe, however, must commend Bowles for where he is right now. He’s weathered a lot of adversity, albeit some self-inficted, and he has his club in fantastic shape.

Finish the job, Todd!

56 Responses to “In Todd We Trust??”

  1. Adrnagy Says:

    To all you Todd Bowles haters. … the players have responded. You fake Bucs fan have not.

  2. NE Fan Says:

    Another win against a crap team. Baker for MVP!!! Joke

  3. Boise Bucs Fan Says:

    Godwins wife the real MVP

  4. 02,20,2022 Says:

    Yeah it has Offensive play calling is now sinking with Defense play calling. No more tired units on field. Playing complimentary ball. Joe eating crow with White. Lets see how it all plays out. Go Bucs!!

  5. Casual Observer Says:

    Agree that it was an impressive win today Mayfield looked very good. Bodes well for the rest of the season.

  6. bucsince79 aka bumanner Says:

    In any race it’s not where you start it’s where you finish!!! TB has the hot hand!! Kudos to the entire coaching staff!!

  7. realistic-optimistic Says:

    First impressive game since week 1 against MIN. If Bowles can keep this team performing like this for the remainder of the season, I’ll move toward “some confidence.”

  8. Jugheadfla Says:

    I would say in Canales we trust…..that Defense is still dog doo

  9. Tye Says:

    I see the Bucs winning IN SPITE of Bowels…
    Forget TB’s method of run heavy and let the defense get constantly scored on…

    Looked more like Seattle/Canales type game with pass heavy, score quick and often bully ball!….

  10. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Offense played like they are built passing. Running game showed up again today. Maybe it’s finally clicking. Maybe Bowles took canales handcuffs off and let him call it the way canales sees it. Baker aired it out they got 14 involved all game and used 13 to 1 doing his thing in the passing game is dynamite. We have the weapons to be a great offense even if we can’t run the ball which we have the past 4 games now. Baker can be a legit point guard just push the ball into your playmakers hands

  11. bucs107 Says:

    Tampa fans
    He’s got a team nobody gave a shot in the middle of playoffs in December
    Good job coach!!!

  12. johnny Says:

    today, the head coach deserves a TON of success. If he wins the rest of the games he’s a COTY candidate.

  13. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Absolutely not. One game doesn’t change his loser history or loser future. You people are delusional or drunk.

  14. firethecannons Says:

    I still do not trust in Todd Bowles but now I am no longer clamoring for us to tank and go after a top pick in April. Glad as usual to see the Bucs win, Chris Godwin looked good among others. Go Bucs!

  15. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Good. The players seem to genuinely like and respect him. Looks like they won one for their coach. Congrats Bucs

  16. Jerseybuc Says:

    Not a huge bowels fan but he did a nice job today. No turtle mode showed nuts at the end on that 4th down play. Defense gives heart attacks still but dam that O rolls when they get all them playmakers involved

  17. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    NE fan needs to go Zappe somebody

  18. NE Fan Says:

    A couple more wins and your stuck with Bowles for at least another season.

  19. YaYa Winfield Says:

    LMAO at NE Fan. You boldly proclaimed a couple days ago that GB would coast to an easy win and route the Bucs. Nice call loser. Just go away and watch the Patriots lose. Tom is gone and now you need to be as well.

  20. Dlavid Says:

    Absolutely not!!!

  21. HC Grover Says:

    Good play calling.

  22. Boss Says:

    1st game I missed that I wish I could have watched. Bowls has a loooong way to go to get even a smidgeoun of confidence.

    Highlights looked good, but they looked like the same plays as usual. Did the players just finally say f it and ball out in spite of bowls…or was gb just that bad…..

  23. Mike Johnson Says:

    Come on guys. Most Bucs fans, including me had written Bowles off. He still has a way to go. But our Bucs are displaying toughness and resiliency. Wins always keep the Boo birds away. Good Job coach Bowles.

  24. I remember 21 Says:

    This is exactly why some people rooted for us to lose. This creeping acceptance of mediocrity that comes when someone exceeds artificially low expectations. A broken clock is right twice a day. The coaching was once again TERRIBLE in the Falcons game, even though we won. You will never convince me bowles doesn’t do less with more as far as talent. He makes the WORST personel decisions! Doesn’t put players in position to succeed. Vaughn shouldn’t have made the team, Neal should’ve been benched after week 2, R White should’ve been used in space from the beginning of the season, etc etc. The single most important thing that we can do this season is get rid of bowles. The idea of him getting his stink of failure on a first round QB gives me nightmares. He’s already screwed our draft position for the potential of getting mollywopped by DAL or PHI on the national stage, great. I know it sounds crazy, but even if we won the Super Bowl, I’d want him gone. I just have no faith in the guy. He has GOT to go.

    #FIREbowles #NOconfidence

  25. Abovedalaw Says:

    The whole premise of this post is wrong. We’ve watched Bowles blow games for the team all year, sticking to the run on every single first and second down, managing the clock poorly, turtling much too early when they had a small lead, and presiding over a defense that melted down at some of the worst possible moments. That he finally has allowed the run/pass balance to shift a tiny bit and it coincided with a spate of weak opponents is the worst thing that could happen. If they go 10-7 and look consistently good/periodically dominant for the next three games, I’ll change my tune. But anything less than that and the Bucs are best off letting him go rather than settling for mediocrity that gets them to the playoffs because of a bad division.

  26. geno711 Says:

    Good team win. I give the coaching staff and players all credit.

  27. Zzbucs Says:

    Plenty of football to play.
    But if Bucs make playoffs,Bowles has to stay.
    Tons of talking heads and fans didn’t, gave a dime on the Bucs, remember?..
    We have way less talent than we think, and if we get into the playoffs,Bowles and his staff deserve serious credit.

    Remember joebucsfan confidence polls?

    Again still some football to play, todays game was really good, except the secondary…..

  28. Tony marks Says:

    NE Fan Says:
    December 17th, 2023 at 4:07 pm
    Another win against a crap team. Baker for MVP!!! Joke


    Whats up NF. congrats on the patriots team coming together and today’s win


  29. Bee Says:

    I want to see this team for the rest of the season. They played a complete game today

  30. Beej Says:

    We lose: “Bowles sucks, fire him. Baker sucks, fire him”

    We WIN: “Well, they STILL suck”

  31. Jerry Says:

    If the Bucs win the division with a winning record, it’s hard to see Bowles being fired after only 2 years.

  32. EternalSon Says:

    Bowles deserves a lot of credit keeping this team together, and improving right on time. *And with a team with a lot of dead cap.

    Pretty cool how the team is FIGHTING

    Go Bucs!!!

  33. Tbbucs3 Says:

    NE fan, If only the Bucs had Zappe

  34. Mike C Says:

    Haha Ne fan who is your coach? Word is your boy Bill (losing record without Brady Bill) isbout the door, your team is the Biggest joke in the league no that the Panthers won today hahahaha

  35. fred Says:

    Happy for the win!!! Still feel Bowles is in way over his head as a head coach

  36. Rjscheapseats Says:

    Impressive win on the road – second in a row
    This will depress the loser Bowles haters

  37. adam from ny Says:

    nice to see godwin back in his more natural position…

    he looked like the pro-bowler we’ve been missing…

    coach looking smooth right now – like billy dee williams 🙂

  38. orlbucfan Says:

    Spare me. Canales actually had a major brain fart. He had a mental brick dropped on him. White, Otton, ME13 and CG14 are all major involved. The OLine is slowly improving. Offense won this one. So stick it all you trolls, AI bots, etc. Methuselah Brady and BA are gone. GOOD RIDDANCE. The is a victor that belongs to Central FL.

  39. orlbucfan Says:


  40. JA Says:

    Why are some of you referring to a personal dislike of Bowels and/or Mayfield as Bucs haters?
    Personally, I’m not a big fan of either, but I’m willing to admit they both had their best game today as a coach /quarterback combo. I hope they have many more, but their collective histories tell us to expect otherwise.
    I’m sure both are fine people, but I want better for this team. I want them to win every game, and my personal choice would be to upgrade both positions. In the meantime I’ll pull for both to be successful because I AM a Bucs fan—not the hater as defined by someone with comprehension issues.

  41. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    I hope they win out and proves doubters like me wrong!

  42. NE Fan Says:

    Bucs will lose 2 of next 3 and you will all want Bakers & Bowles head on a platter AGAIN!!! Because that’s who you are.Bucs played Lions, SF & Eagles, the only teams that aren’t a losing team at the bottom or close in their division. The NFC South doesn’t count they all suck. Best scenario you go one & one the next two games win the division and Bowles sits the starters the last game and another losing season.

  43. Weebs10 Says:

    3 wins in a row and trending in the right direction!

  44. matthew a veal Says:

    i’ve been a waning supporter of bowles recently, ironically as the team has done better. the nervous system had me turn the game off twice.

    i really thought baker fumbled it all away today,, his career, and bowles too.

    let’s see what happens and lets hope for the best. i do wish him well

  45. Leslie Opyd Says:

    One great game ,but can they carry it over to the next game ? Hope so .defence still needs work .offence coming along . Now that we are using are recievers the way we should this game .let’s see if it keeps up or we go back into are shell .

  46. Kalind Says:

    Nope. Still not on board. I fundamentally disagree with his coaching philosophy. 3 game win streak against sub par talent ain’t gonna convince me I’m wrong either.

  47. nick houllis Says:

    Bucs fans always so fast to want to fire a coach. You look at teams that do good, they have consistency. when you fire coaches, you have none of that. new coach just wants HIS guys. All you need to do is look at Bucs from Fired Gruden 2008 to 2018– new coach every couple years, need to build the team over again to fit the NEW guys scheme.

    stop it.. this team is 7-7. if we don’t make playoffs, he’s prob gone. But if they do, and if they actually do something competitive IN the playoffs, I want to see this team improve. Not get blown up.

  48. Astralturf Says:

    To the people expecting a bad loss: you were ready to come on here and unload afterwards, and if someone responded and said “shut up. you would still rip them a new one even if they won 34 to 20″, you’re response would be ” #1 there’s no way in they win 34-20 with this coaching staff, #2 I’m not biases, I call them like I see them. If they do the impossible, I’ll be here to congratulate them”.

  49. steele Says:

    Knee jerk overreactions, as expected. Now you love Bowels. Now you want him locked up to a long term contract because he’s a champ and a great leader.

    Nothing has changed. The dumpster is still on fire, the lid’s just closed a bit. Bowles needs to go. The team needs to be rebooted.

  50. Mcruzer Says:

    Chris Godwin was the number two reason why we won the Super Bowl. It is criminal why he wasn’t used in the first part of the season, his ability to get first downs on third downs was the reason why we sailed through the playoffs. The road to 2024 playoffs goes through Chrid.

  51. SED14 Says:

    I will never trust Sleepy Todd with the long term keys to the Bucsmobile. But i will give credit where credit is due and he had our team ready to play in Lambeau today. But let’s not annoint him our saviour in chief. He still has a .600 career losing percentage as HC and still looks like a lost AF deer in the headlights on the sidelines every Sunday.

  52. Jmarkbuc Says:

    What Steele said.

    If Mayfield throws a pic or two next week and Bowles’ seemingly mystifying coverage schemes continue…

    He’ll be right back on the 🔥 seat. Deservedly so.

    Nice win today, Going in I honestly thought GB was the better team.

  53. RC Says:

    I thought the offense would get better over the course of the season. Even when TB12 came on, it took a while before he started cooking. I would say, with all the issues with the pieces of this team, probably since the Lions game, you could see that the plays were there to be made. But we were misfiring, whether it was drop, penalty, bad throw or missed open receiver, the plays were there to be made. The right calls were called. The execution was lacking. Now, the execution is better and things are starting to open up and they are making plays. You see Mike and Chris blocking downfield. Everyone is playing. The youngsters on defense are playing hard.

    New coach, new schemes, new players, are you seeing improvement? The answer is yes. I don’t watch coache’s film, but I bet when they watched the film, they were likely seeing things just not being executed, little breakdowns. Slowly they have cleaned that up.

    Bowles backed White, made him feel supported. We thought he wasn’t holding White accountable. He did. Sometimes with young players you gotta be sure you are giving him ample opportunity, especially if you have to make decisions. He thought he had White available today, and still had Britt starting – there’s the accountability.

    I get that everyone wants us to be the Dolphin’s offense with 49er’s defense. We aren’t built for that. There are other ways to win. Bowles has his style and if he has the right pieces, I am sure you can win that way too. I think Bowles has earned another season. I think Canales has done a good job, but there’s more to do still. Let’s win out.

  54. Davenport Says:

    What? So that erases the horror show that Bowles has been and the loser he will continue to be if he is retained.

    2024 represents a chance to find a potential SB winning coach. Bowels has proven, time and again, that he will never be one.

  55. Pewter power Says:

    Adrnagy Says:
    To all you Todd Bowles haters. … the players have responded. You fake Bucs fan have not.

    Give me a break, go ahead and falls for the mirage and ride the roller coaster!! That’s like saying baker mayfield should get a big contract based on this one game. Close wins against falcons and all panthers ain’t all that impressive

  56. T. McGee Says:

    Or… Green Bay isn’t good. Didn’t Carolina also win in Green Bay this season?

    But sure, beats losing. Bowles seems like a nice guy and could make a claim of improvement from youth after Brady. So good for him. But still a lot of gaffes… so maybe the question is what assistants need to go?