Bucs Should Win The NFC South Because Of Baker Mayfield?

December 13th, 2023

Playoff experience matters.

The NFC South is a sorry lot. Someone has to win the division.

Scanning the division’s starting quarterbacks on teams in the playoff race, all with 6-7 records, Mike Jones of The Athletic sees a spiraling Derek Carr, a slumping Baker Mayfield and a lost cause in dismal Desmond Ridder.

Jones leans towards the Bucs keeping their heads above water because of Mayfield.

This will come down to the wire, and it might be too close to call. But I’m going to say Tampa Bay. I have more confidence in Baker Mayfield — and the connection he has with his receivers — and the Bucs’ defense than I do in Desmond Ridder and the Falcons or Derek Carr, who doesn’t seem quite right, and the Saints’ offense. All three teams have multiple division games left, and nothing has come easily for any of them this season. The Saints even made a 28-6 win over the hapless Panthers look challenging at times. But making the playoffs will hinge largely on a team’s ability to make plays on offense and defense and limit mistakes, so the Bucs rank slightly higher on my confidence meter.

Jones has a point. Mayfield is playing better — despite slumping — and it’s not like the Bucs don’t have receivers. It’s that the Bucs don’t put much faith into the forward pass and seem scared of explosive plays.

When White scored on a short pass from Mayfield for a 31-yard catch-and-run, Joe had the feeling White was going to get chewed out for scoring too quickly. It’s like the Bucs crave third-and-long situations.

185 Responses to “Bucs Should Win The NFC South Because Of Baker Mayfield?”

  1. SB~LV Says:

    Low bar

  2. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Mayfield is forced into too many 3rd downs….
    Let the man throw on more 1st & 2nd downs please.

    Use the TEs and backs more in the passing game.

    We look no better (and no worse) than the Tom Brady led Bucs of last year.

    Todd Bowles has found a way to stifle our offense.

  3. Wayne perez Says:

    Let’s win in green bay before we talk winning the division

  4. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Baker is 6-24 when he attempts 35+ passes (0-4 with the Bucs).

    Baker is 1-12 when he attempts 40+ passes (0-3 with the Bucs).

    Baker has 61 (out of 85) career games with fewer than 250 passing yards.

    Baker has 33 (out of 85) career games with fewer than 200 passing yards.

    Baker has 35 (out of 85) career games with a completion percentage below 60%

    The peacock strutting around here for this QB is ridiculous and nauseating.

  5. Beeej Says:

    We’re debating the wrong thing (I had an epiphany while starting my 4th cup of Awful House coffee)

    The pool of available QB’s from last off-season…. WHO would be doing a better job here than Baker, esp considering what we’re paying him?

    I’m not opposed to Trask, but Bowles isn’t going to trust his professional future on whether he can play at a professional level. Sure, the guy can throw a ball through a tire at 40 yards, but that’s only a small part of it, as Bryce Young is finding out

  6. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    The Aints are cooked. Carr in a shouting match with an OLineman sure looks like locker room dysfunction. They could lose to Tommy Cutlets and Matt Stafford really easily. Tommy D looks like he is getting better every game and the Rams are on fire lately.
    The Birds have the Colts then go up to play Da Bears. Bears are playing good ball lately, Colts have been pretty good also.
    Gonna come down to division games

  7. realistic-optimistic Says:

    @Beej, this year should have been a youth movement year. Clear some cap and evaluate young players. I don’t care what Bowles wanted. He should never have been given the HC job. Licht tried to straddle doing what’s good for the Bucs and doing what’s good for Bowles. I hate that decision. The team deserves better than that. You don’t sacrifice the future to appease a hot seat HC.

  8. bucnjim Says:

    It looks like the Falcons have an easier schedule the rest of the way. Bucs absolutely have to win this week against the Packers. Have to go 3-1!

  9. stpetebucfan Says:

    Scroll alert. I promise to get to the Bucs, but I wish to suggest another way to look at all of this. I tire of the same old same old.

    I turn 76 next week. I wear a T Shirt that says “Gratitude is my Attitude” because I’m really LUCKY. This is the best time of my life. I now actually stop and sniff the roses and find my “perfect moments”. Yesterday at daybreak I was in Northshore pool turned East for my breaststroke and the Sun was coming up over Tampa Bay and literally reflecting right down my lane! A “perfect moment”.

    Now for the Bucs…While we’ve spent all the time this week debating the same old crap…I’m seeing the “perfect moments” in the Buc’s win over the Falcons.

    These moments are not about winning and losing or the standings. It’s about appreciating the “perfect moments in that game.”

    The go ahead winning TD was a “perfect moment”. The OL held long enough for Baker to loft the perfect pass with just the right touch and Otton made a clutch if an easy catch.

    Another perfect moment for me was not even successful, the pass from Baker to ME13 in the end zone where nobody but Mike had a chance to catch it. He made an INCREDIBLE diving catch, toe tapped in bounds but his fingertips touched down out of bounds negating the TD but not the “perfect moment”.

    1st and goal Baker on the dive, the OL does their job opens a crease, but a Falcon was still there and Baker had to suck it up and plow ahead and take the punishment. A “perfect moment.”

    I suspect “perfect moments” vary for all of you. D.R. who loves defense probably loved Carlton Davis jumping a route for an int inside the ten. Or of course Winfield who has given us many defensive “perfect moments” this season, provided yet another with his strip sack and forced safety.

    Ok let the hate begin for my “woke” post. For those of you who are not jaded enjoy YOUR team being in first place and still providing us with perfect moments.

    I’m curious as to the “perfect moments” you saw in the game.
    For those who wish to focus on the suck moments, it’s your choice and I respect that. Sorry though I just can’t go along.

    I’m a Bucs fan…and “we’re” in first place still delivering “perfect moments.”

  10. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Kinda hard to tell when Mayfield’s ‘slump’ started isn’t it?

  11. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Now, we’re not winning despite Mayfield, but his slow starts are putting the team in a hole and that is what is leading to your +-20 points stat. Hard to score over 20 (for this team) when you don’t get started til late in the first half.

  12. Beeej Says:

    Again, you are assuming the slow starts are attributed solely to Mayfield. Were they last year attributed to Brady also?

  13. WyomingJoe Says:

    Realistic-optimistic: Once again, you never cease to underwhelm. The numbers don’t always tell the true story. As I remarked yesterday, take a look at the horrible teams Baker has played for.

    With the Browns: In 2018, Baker inherited a team that was 1-33 before he played in his first game as a rookie just before halftime in Game 3. However, he got them to the playoffs less than 2 years later. Btw, he also broke Peyton Manning’s record for most TDs thrown by a rookie in just 13 1/2 games!

    With the Panthers: After playing through an injury-riddled season in 2021, the Browns re-payed Baker by trading him to the WORST team in the NFL in July of 2022. Not much talent there, especially after they traded McCaffrey.

    With the Rams: Later in 2022, Baker asks for his release and gets picked up by the Rams. But the Rams had already lost most of their O-Line, and their #1 and #2 receivers. That’s right, no Cooper Kupp. But Baker still manages to win a couple of games for them with 5 games remaining in their schedule.

    So, once again R-O, quit being so ignorant and do your homework. Now go back to your trolling.

  14. orlbucfan Says:

    stpetebucfan Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 8:21 am
    I turn 76 next week.
    stpete, for real? Cos you sure don’t comment/write like it! 🙂 My perfect moments (I’m the radio fan, remember) were the pick6, our punter and kicker, White’s gorgeous 31 yard score. Talk about a highlight! Now, get with it, Canales. And, of course Ungodly CG14’s big catch, and Otton’s TD catch to win the game Cardiac Bucs style. Bucs better win for your birthday. Why not?

  15. stpetebucfan Says:

    Thx orlbucfan

    I agree with your moments! In fact watching Camarda punt is a thing of beauty.
    Camarda of course is a great all around athlete and watching him kick is like watching a great NBA player soar, a baseball player with the perfect swing.

  16. infomeplease Says:

    The team that wants it the most, that plays the hardest, that executes the best, who’s coaches put them in the best position to win, that makes the play when the game is on the line, will win. Should be interesting and aggravating!!

  17. Couch Fan Says:

    The combination of Bowles/Mayfield is taking us absolutely nowhere. If we luck into the playoffs, and thats a big if, we are 1 and done. There is no hope with these 2 career losers any way you look at it Accept of course for the couple who for some reason believe Baker is some god among QBs.

  18. zzbucs Says:

    @WyomingJoe .

    I agree with you that numbers don´t always tell the true story, I am convinced that Mayfiel was one of the steals of the season, signed him for 4mm+ and be able to compete (in a poor division) with a first time OC, and a mediocre roster, and playing with true grit.
    That being said, I don´t think Mayfield is the answer for next season, but porbably his destiny is sealed on what spot we will pick on next draft. If we have a medium high pick, his chances staying will be high, if not I think he is gone…..

    But again I think so far he´s been better than average

  19. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    The occult of Trask doesn’t care about facts they live in their own fantasy world obsessed with little Kyle. Baker isn’t great but the other qb’s in the division are pathetic. Baker is making 4 million on a one year deal. Derek Carr is getting 100 million over 4 years . I think we can see which team got the best deal. I do think little Kyle is probably better than Ridder but that’s not saying much.
    All that to say this, who’s the next head coach and which quarterback are we drafting?

  20. Marine Buc Says:

    Well Baker Mayfield is the best QB in the NFC South…

    So he probably gives us the best chance to win the division.

    I just hope D. Carr is still playing when we play the Saints. My worst nightmare is “Captain Crab Legs Winston” getting the starting nod and coming into Tampa with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove.

  21. realistic-optimistic Says:

    @Wyoming, it’s tiring to continue throwing stats at you, only to have you deny the validity of stats. But I’ll stoop again.

    Baker was 1-4 before CAR fired Rhule. He was 1-5 BEFORE they traded McCaffrey and Anderson. He was 0-1 with interim HC Steve Wilks. Then CAR released Baker and went 6-5 with PJ Walker. CAR was so much better after Rhule and Baker left town. You wanted context, there you go.

    Now let’s talk about him throwing for 230 yards or less in 11 of his 12 games last year. The one exception? 235 yards in his revenge game against CLE. His completion percentage was below 60% in 7 of his 12 games. He threw for fewer than 200 yards in 8 of his 12 games.

    Don’t like focusing on 2022? Only want to focus on 2020, his high-water mark? Okay, let’s do it. He threw for fewer than 250 yards in 11 of his 18 games. Fewer than 200 yards 7 times. He had a completion percentage below 60% in 7 games. He had a 1-3 record when attempting 35+ passes.

    “But, but, but did you guys see that one game in 2020?” “Did you guys know he was accurate at OU?” “Everywhere he’s ever played is a bad team, it’s not his fault.” “Give him some good skill players and he’ll be better.” GTFOH

  22. WyomingJoe Says:

    Couch Fan: You’re my perfect moment. Your inspiration is infectious!

  23. Couch Fan Says:

    Mayfield was outplayed By Desmond Ridder twice. Even with the turnovers he played better. Best QB in the south? Very debateable. Also the most experienced.

  24. Couch Fan Says:

    Aww sorry Wyoming. Theres not room on Bakers backside for all of our lips. So enjoy the taste buddy.

  25. WyomingJoe Says:

    Stpetebucsfan: Wonderful post. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

  26. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    WyomingJoe is correct, CLE was absolutely unwatchable before they drafted Mayfield. The Oline was trash other than Tretter and Bitonio until the playoff year. Baker is an NFL average starting QB. No shame in being on of the 16 best QBs on planet earth in my opinion

  27. WyomingJoe Says:

    Couch Fan: Watch your mouth!

  28. WyomingJoe Says:

    Realistic-Optimistic: Your ramblings just proved my point, lol. In retrospect, do you regret not finishing grade school? You’re such a joke…

  29. realistic-optimistic Says:

    That’s your response to a reasoned post? You don’t even have stats or context to throw back? Just grade school wit? It’s okay, I won’t call you out anymore.

  30. Couch Fan Says:

    Sorry, did I expose your true “perfect moment”? Ill try to keep it to myself next time. LoL

  31. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Joe’s have put me in posting jail I guess….All my comments on to eir articles removed yesterday…..Tony Marks gets off Scott free 🤦🏻‍♂️

  32. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Be careful Trask fans, don’t defend yourself too much or call out others that are putting down other commenters for expressing your position on the better QB.
    Joe’s will delete all your posts….

  33. Couch Fan Says:


    Im not one to defend the Joes and im not defending them here either but I do know there are words that you cant type or it will flag your posts. Some of the words are rather silly but I dont think its you personally The Joes are going after. It happens to me a lot. You just have to try to find the word thats being flagged and change it.

  34. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Couch Fan, no the Joe’s deleted EVERYTHING I posted yesterday….Just normal comments as well…

    Tony Marks gets away with crap on here and he gets nothing. Comments about Rod Munch & his wife which was below the belt..

    Yeah I used 2 silly phrases yesterday, and evidently I’m a mean bully now..Guess you can’t say j_ck sniffer or knob sl_bber, lol….
    That was it…no cursing or nothing.

  35. Since76 Says:

    Tonymayfield does get a lot of grace. He needs it. But to think this team will win due to Baker is a laugh.

  36. realistic-optimistic Says:

    went 6-5 with PJ Walker

    And here I am, even correcting myself. CAR did go 6-5 after releasing Baker. That just wasn’t PJ Walker’s record. He was 2-3. Apologies Baker fans, Walker was only slightly better than Baker.

  37. Bucfan1988 Says:

    SINCE76, TOUCHE’ !!

    We will never be where we wanna be with Captain Average..

  38. Couch Fan Says:

    Lol Yea I know the feeling I wanted to call the Baker cheerleeaders something else but it wouldn’t allow me to post that either. So I just been sticking with “cheerleaders” since that seems to be the only thing it will allow me to call them.

  39. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Couch, someone yesterday called them the Baker N_t Washers (add the u).
    Thought was hilarious. Joe’s probably axed that as well…

  40. Couch Fan Says:

    I guess thats what we get for being so mean to such nice and open minded people who love the Bucs soooooo much.

  41. Defense Rules Says:

    St Pete … ‘I’m a Bucs fan…and “we’re” in first place still delivering “perfect moments.”

    I’m a dyed-in-the-wool Bucs fan also St Pete, and I totally get what you mean by ‘perfect moments’. And yes, Carlton’s pick was a ‘perfect moment’. (I’m still convinced that he scored BTW, but we won’t go there).

    You know what my previous profession was, and unfortunately it somewhat jaded how I view the world. It was all about the quest for perfection, and those ‘perfect moments’ were always counter-balanced with those ‘I can’t believe you just did that moments’.

    Example: a 1 hour air combat training mission would typically be followed by about a 1 hour debriefing. It was normal though to get about 5-10 minutes of attaboys for the things that went right (perfect moments?) and 50-55 minutes of soul-searching critique for the things that didn’t go perfectly. Even on the best missions, we tended to focus on the things that needed to be improved upon, because mission accomplishment & survival in combat depended upon doing things to perfection. Doing that day after day after day tends to jade how you view the world me thinks.

    But maybe that’s why I can empathize with Todd Bowles more than many on this site. Consistent improvement seems to be his focus, and I can see the value in that. Unfortunately, this year hasn’t been one of CONSISTENT IMPROVEMENT at all. Far too many mistakes over & over & over again. His ‘stoicism’ on the sidelines most likely masks a desire to wring some necks on many plays.

    I’d love to see this Bucs team finish 10-7 & win the Super Bowl. THAT would be a ‘perfect moment’. Do I believe in my heart that’ll happen? Nah, not really. And IF it did I have no doubt that the Lombardi would end up in the drink as Baker threw it from 1 boat to another … and someone dropped it.

  42. UGotRobbed Says:

    The way I see it is, if TB does win the division, then there’s a really good chance both the Falcons and the Saints will take QBs. So where will that leave is!?
    It’s a Bucs life!

  43. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “Baker is making 4 million on a one year deal. Derek Carr is getting 100 million over 4 years”

    BINGO!!! The whining of these Baker trolls never ceases to amaze me….your getting basically getting top half production for a guy on a backup QB salary…..

    If Baker was making what Derrick Carr is making or close to it then theres a legitimate reason to complain, until then shut it!

  44. Conner50 Says:

    Baker is a great back up qb nothing more nothing less. People who want mayfield to keep starter settle for mediocre football.

  45. Bucfan1988 Says:



  46. stpetebucfan Says:


    Agree about Davis int/TD! I get your background. Fighter jocks have to play not to lose because you only get ONE shot and a loss generally leads to death.
    I hear you about Bowles as well and it makes me wonder if he doesn’t have a great personality for a fighter pilot. What is derided here as stoicism and lack of emotion is valued in the cockpit. Lives literally depend on it so I certainly take your point.

  47. Buc50 Says:

    “Bucs Should Win The NFC South Because Baker Mayfield Isn’t As Bad As The Other Guys”

    There fixed it.

    We need a new coach with the opportunity to draft a new QB. Winning the division is the worst thing that could happen this year. Our divisional foes will get first crack at the new QB’s coming out and we will be stuck with 225 yds per game guy who head butts his linemen.

    Rah Rah Doink

  48. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Buc50, 225 yards per game is one of his “better” games 🤦🏻‍♂️…

    Bowles, PUH-LEASE wake up & make the QB change!!

  49. stpetebucfan Says:


    First let me say I appreciate your posts even though I disagree with your conclusions. You stick to facts, do research to provide stats to back those facts up, and eschew juvenile insults.

    Here is where we part. At the risk of sounding passive aggressive your name is a total misnomer. I accept Realistic but you are clearly not optimistic. I’ve yet to read a post of yours that is anything but negative. You might counter with well that’s just the way it is. But optimists NEVER argue for a reason to be pessimists.

    And that’s OK. You wish to be a REALIST. And while I disagree with your conclusions I give you props for at least doing your research.

    But…here comes the passive aggresive lol…The famous Zen saying you see what you’re looking at…where you place your attention. Your attention is TOTALLY focused on Bakers’ weaknesses and bad numbers without a shred of balance. You never mention that he took the sucko Cleveland Browns to the playoffs…something Belichik NEVER did in his five years…won the first round on the road and came within 5 of knocking Mahomes out of his SB drive.

    And D.R. who is my favorite poster here is a master of stats and he keeps his objectivity, he nevers looks for stats to simply make his point…IE VALIDATE his opinion, he looks at them for answers.

    You’re looking for proof of your OPINION which is very common here. I loathe JW for his betrayal of the franchise but I do not simply say he sucks because he started his Buc career with a pick six on his first throw and ended it the same way. In fact if JW went to the New York Jets I wouldn’t be surprised if he succeeded IF he’s had a character transplant and grown up. I’d be fine acknowledgng his success.

    And while I DO respect stats I always try to look behind the numbers and recognize there are anomalies.

    So the debate over which should come first…take a flier at finding a QB in the first round of the draft, OR build the team first is ongoing with some truth to both sides. And in that debate I can find a stat to mislead and then correct it.

    If you take the average draft position of all SB winning QB’s it’s 62nd!!

    That stat is flawed and skewed by the GOAT who won seven SB’s and went in the 6th round. Simply subtract Brady from the equation and that stat drops to 28th a late FIRST ROUNDER.

    It depends WHERE you look and how you interpret the stats. I’m genuinely curious as to how an erudite fan like you, a guy whose posts I respect, got sucked into what seems like blind Baker hate. You NEVER post his good stats only the bad. Whatever…again I close with respect for your effort even though we disagree.

  50. Hodad Says:

    He’s a below .500 QB no debating that. Todd Bowles is a below .500 coach. They are truely made for each other. If the Glazers want to sell me that sh#t next year I won’t be buying it. I gave both of them the benefit of the doubt, I thought we’d win ten games. But I see Baker, and Bowles are what their record says they are. I f we are below .500 at the end of this season, they need to go, because they will never be better then that.

  51. Let em bake Says:

    Stpete: good take. My moment? “Get yer weight up, boy!”… that was cool.

  52. WyomingJoe Says:

    Stpetebucfan: Your comments are truthful and often inspiring. Unfortunately, I often find myself falling to the dark side because i don’t like bullies who try to destroy players, especially Mayfield. And there are many on this site. I find them offensive and reprehensible. I also find myself becoming more and more like them with each passing game.

    Keep winning Baker.

  53. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Baker is a 50-50 guy, and right now a losing record. I like Baker, plays with guts,but he is not the long term solution. Bakers accuracy is just not good. Anyone who wants to say this year or that year means nothin. The 2023 version of Baker is a hit and miss QB. Again he is a good teamate but he is a 50-50 guy, which means he is not rhe solution, but a bridge to hopefully a Qb that is at least a 60-40 guy.

    Go bucs!!!

  54. Allbuccedup Says:

    Bucs are a totally mediocre team on the verge of becoming a future cellar dweller with Bowles coaching this team again in 2024.

  55. firethecannons Says:

    I think we win vs Greenbay

  56. realistic-optimistic Says:

    @stpete, thank you for the reasoned criticism. I’ll accept that I’m a tad cynical in some regards and, I agree with your remark that you see what you look at. I’d call it realistic, as you mentioned. You’re one of the posters I appreciate, even if we disagree about a given topic. That being said, I don’t think I’m only negative.

    I’ve championed Rachaad White and argued with Joe over it. I’ve been supportive of this crop of rookies. I’ve even stood up for Canales a few times. Maybe you’re not reading everywhere I post. Maybe you’re also seeing what you look for (not being mean, just cheeky).

    But we do disagree about Baker. And it’s not because of all the poor stats I’ve been posting. It’s because he doesn’t pass the eyeball test for me. The thing that wins everybody over — his x-factor — is gumption. That’s a fantastic quality in your QB, I love it. But, can it be attached to a QB that regularly moves the offense? That I’ll take. Even Baker’s doppelganger Jeff Garcia was able to do that.

    You NEVER post his good stats only the bad.

    This is fair. He does make a few nice plays. Maybe I can call them out. But there is less to compliment IMO. Here’s a couple examples of why I don’t like him, despite having a couple reasons to compliment him.

    The TD pass to Otten was OK, not great. He actually underthrew it a little (not terribly) despite a clean pocket. This allowed the defender to make a play. Otten actually ran a fantastic route and had plenty of space toward the back pylon. In contrast, Baker’s throw to Godwin a couple plays earlier was fantastic. Perfect pass.

    Another example was his TD run. It was a read option. Sure did look like the correct read was to put the ball in White’s belly. White had the lane. Baker kept it and had to deliver/take a big hit. Yeah, I’m stoked that he’s willing to take hits like that. That’s awesome. But it wasn’t necessary. He made a bad read.

  57. stpetebucfan Says:


    Thanks for the nice response. I concede that you have defended White and I too have stopped defending Bowles so we probably agree there.

    As for the pass to Otton I thought it was perfect, I heard at least one commentor call it a dime.

    Not sure about Baker’s dive for the TD. I’ll go look at the video again.

    Again I concede that you are REALISTIC and it’s not so much that I think Baker is great…I agree with you..he’s Jeff Garcia’s doppleganger. Jeff won with the Niners a couple of years when they were good and don’t quote me I have to run but if I recall Jeff finished 14-10 with the Bucs.

    Again I appreciate potential but I respect performance. If I see a guy do something I at minimum give him the benefit of the doubt.

    Oh and btw my son who is overseas right now but lives in Columbus is a huge Brown’s fan. His take on Baker was he had talent and could play but Cleveland had really crappy coaches. Does that seem like a familiar refrain. Where has Baker ever had a decent coach…why LA where he did OK for the situation.

    Again just for the record since some here think ANY support of Baker is tantamount to calling him HOF or AllPro. IMHO Baker CAN win with the right team ala Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson and a few others. But he’ll never resemble the GOAT nor will he ever…again only my opinion…CARRY a team on his back.
    Surround him with talent and he can succeed especially since he seems to have learned to control his ints…not great but not horrid.

  58. Chuckys Bucs Says:

    Would love to have dialogue in these threads without needing to sift through the repetitive nonsense Bucsfan1988, st pete, and rod munch spew. All they read is the headline and if it mentions baker they flood the thread with ignorance.

  59. Oz Len Says:

    stpetebucfan Says: , That was a nice post. I’m 67 and have some of the same thoughts myself. I’m at the point where I’ve realized you have to enjoy every season. I think this Tampa Bay season has been a thrill ride. If you look at New Orleans and Atlanta, same record as Tampa, they haven’t had nearly as much fun as a Bucs game. Baker Mayfield, love him or hate him he brings excitement and anguish almost every game. And Tampa usually is in it until the end. I find these Baker haters very puzzling. Would one of these guys tell me who Tampa could have signed that was better? Trask? This team decided last year he wasn’t it. They would have made him the starter and told Mayfield he was backup unless he beat out Trask. They didn’t do that, they told him he was in the fight, not much of an endorsement. I’m life long Browns fan myself. I didn’t like the quarterback they brought in (Watson) so instead of fighting with the faithful fans, I decided to watch Tampa for the season. I would recommend the same thing to all you haters. This flawed and imperfect team is still in the playoff hunt. Enjoy that and let the people who care enjoy it. Go follow the Jets or Giants, plenty of griping over there. But thanks again, stpetebucfan 

  60. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Baker Mayfield 2023….20 TDs 8 Ints. 6-7 record.
    Justin Herbert…..20 TDs 7 Ints. 5-8 record.

    Both QBs are held back by horrid defense and bad coaching yet Mayfield has the better record. One of those guys cost about $260 million less.

    Keep the “play Trask” calls coming your only making yourself sound like a fool!

  61. NYbucsfan Says:

    Mayfield stinks!!!! 48% completion percentage and 144 yards passing. He has not had a good game in weeks. The only reason he is still playing is because Bowles thinks he can still save his job. If Bowles is the coach of this team next year the fans will lose their minds. By the end of this season, Mayfield will be in the bottom half of the NFL in passing. Personally, that’s not good enough for me I’m not a big fan of losing. There is a reason that he’s been on so many teams lately they clearly recognize that he was not the answer. I’m always shocked when I read the comments I cannot believe how many fans are okay with losing. By keeping him that’s what you’re saying I’m okay with an average Quarterback and losing 50% of the games every year.

  62. Chuckys Bucs Says:

    The article points out a reported from the athletic has more confidence in baker compared to the other nfc teams. I agree with that. Low bar as it is the discussion is about winning our division and who is the better qb – not if baker is the best qb in the nfl or our future. Tanking for a draft pick – which no nfl player will purposely lost and out bad play on tape – at this point in the season Ains pointless. Go as far as we can with mayfield and evaluate alternatives in the off-season. A draft pick is not a guarantee as we see with the panthers and other top picks over the years.

  63. Chuckys Bucs Says:

    * typos fixed

    The article points out a reporter from the athletic has more confidence in baker compared to the other nfc teams. I agree with that. Low bar as it is the discussion is about winning our division and who is the better qb – not if baker is the best qb in the nfl or our future. Tanking for a draft pick – which no nfl player will purposely lose and put bad play on tape – at this point in the season is pointless. Go as far as we can with mayfield and evaluate alternatives in the off-season. A draft pick is not a guarantee as we see with the panthers and other top picks over the years.

  64. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Dear TBBUCS3,


    Your Cult of Trask 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️!!!

    Soooooo, we’re “fools” for wanting to see what this kid has after watching 144 yards / 48% completion….

    Maybe you’re the fool for accepting Captain Average 🤷🏻‍♂️!!!!

    I’m a gambler, Trask deserves the shot.
    Once again, if he sucks, then he sucks…
    BUT, what if he actually DOESN’T suck???
    What if he can spread the ball around, throw downfield, and be accurate with it??

    Once again, I’m gonna keep saying it until I’m blue in the face…

    Aren’t you the least bit curious to see what he can do THIS YEAR after how his camp looked?

    It will answer questions and will help Bucs Brass develop their draft strategy for 2024. How is that a bad thing???

  65. Chuckys Bucs Says:

    Bucfan1988 – you post the same comment everyday on every post you can. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you have amnesia.

  66. UKBuccaneer Says:

    We should absolutely look to play Trask as much as we can. But not while there’s a playoff berth on the line. The kid’s basically a rookie, and he’s gonna do rookie things. More so when he’s faced with ‘by the way, I know it’s only week 14, but we’re in playoff mode now so you can’t lose’

  67. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Chucky, that’s correct!!!!!

    I’m gonna keep posting it as well every time I can 🙂
    Nice to see you read my posts. Much appreciated 👍🏻…

    UKBuccaneer, I totally understand your point.
    Tell ya what. How bout this. If Captain Average struggles to move the ball downfield in the Packers game for another 3 quarters before trying to make a game of it, will you agree that Trask should start the following game against the Jags?

  68. Chuckys Bucs Says:

    @UK – Trask is in year three and couldn’t win the backup job last year. Rather than debate the traskidians because I know it’s pointless, I’ll ask – what have you seen in Trask that the coaches haven’t in the last three years?

  69. Gerald Says:

    Go Bucs Go Baker Beat the Packers Positive mojo incoming Playoff bound!

  70. Chuckys Bucs Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 1:31 pm
    Chucky, that’s correct!!!!!

    I’m gonna keep posting it as well every time I can 🙂
    Nice to see you read my posts. Much appreciated 👍🏻…

    Hard to miss them. The mods would do us a favor by blocking you.

  71. UKBuccaneer Says:

    I’ll agree that Trask should get a start of and when we’re mathematically eliminated from the postseason.

  72. Tony marks Says:

    Couch Fan Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 10:03 am
    Lol Yea I know the feeling I wanted to call the Baker cheerleeaders something else but it wouldn’t allow me to post that either.


    Don’t worry Couchy. We have all kinds of names we would like to use too only I never tried.

  73. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Chucky, how much coaching & development do you think Trask really got in his first 2 years behind the GOAT & Gabbert??? Seriously, think about that for a minute…

    Year 3, you saw a little progress in Spring OTA’s with the new coaching staff & Canales. Then you see a massive jump in July training camp, THAT QUICK.

    Call me crazy, but maybe he’s now getting coached up with more attention by the staff after the GOAT & Gabbert have moved on??

    Didn’t Trask do the same thing in college?? Sat on the bench for a couple of years then took the bull by the horns when he got his chance.

    Just sayin….

    That’s why I wanna this kid play. Let’s get all the questions answered.

  74. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Chuckys Bucs Says:
    @UK – Trask is in year three and couldn’t win the backup job last year. Rather than debate the traskidians because I know it’s pointless, I’ll ask – what have you seen in Trask that the coaches haven’t in the last three years?

    Oh don’t confuse me with a Trask Stan, I think if he was any sort of talent we’d not have brought Baker in at all.

    I just think that if we’re mathematically eliminated from the playoffs it’d be useful to see him get a full game with the starters. But if I want to win with this roster, I’m taking Baker over Trask all day long.

  75. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Chucky, awwwwwe don’t cry.
    You still get to cheer for your man-crush, Captain Average!
    You enjoy that while it lasts.
    Probably only another few games 🙂

  76. Tony marks Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 1:26 pm
    We should absolutely look to play Trask as much as we can. But not while there’s a playoff berth on the line. The kid’s basically a rookie, and he’s gonna do rookie things.


    They don’t think so though. They swear Trask is going to come in and blaze the world. Its consistent. I give them that. Its all in on the conpsiracy theory because if the guy was THAT good and brilliant it woud show in practice. So its Bowels risking his JOb just for Baker

    Conistent but bat crazy can be a thing.

  77. Chuckys Bucs Says:

    UK – I’ll find common ground with you on that.

  78. Bucfan1988 Says:

    UKBuccaneer, yeah, I don’t blame the Bucs for bringing in an outside F/A QB this offseason. Trask had shown NOTHING in his first 2 years being at the end of the QB bench.

    His OTA’s & Training Camp were shocking. I remember one of the Joes commenting on this for several of IRA’s podcasts. I think it was Lee. He was bewildered by Trask’s improvement.

    This coaching staff had no clue this was coming..

  79. Chuckys Bucs Says:

    Bucfan1988 – I’ll cheer for whoever the starter is that’s the difference between us. The article is about who the best qb in the division is not if Trask should play over mayfield.

  80. Wild Bill Says:

    “the Bucs don’t put much faith into the forward pass”

    Who throws the pass forward?

  81. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Chucky, you don’t think I cheer for Mayfield??
    Is that what this is all about??

    Bro, I PRAYED Mayfield would flourish when we signed him.
    I still want the Bucs to win every week.
    I don’t wanna see them tank for a better draft pic.

    Watching this guy every week literally stresses me out & gives me more gray hair. I think he’s actually been getting worse with his accuracy over the last month. He makes moving the offense soooooooo hard!!

    I just want the Trask questions answered.
    If that makes me a “Traskian” or member of “Cult of Trask”, so be it.

    I do know one thing. Mayfield is NOT the answer.
    Someone else commented earlier about the eyeball test.
    You can see the struggles he has.

  82. Capt.Tim Says:

    “Trask fans”
    Lmao! How can you be fans of a guy who has done nothing in the NFL- but look like Garbage? Both in Camp and preseason. Arm to weak to make half the throws!
    And to the “ we should draft a QB” clueless.
    We have drafted a ton of QBs. Including Winston and Testaverde with the FIRST PICK OVERALL.
    With all those QBs we have drafted- name one good one.
    Im waiting.
    There has only been one good one.
    Doug Williams.
    Every Good QB we’ve ever had, besides Doug, was drafted by Someone else
    Brad Johnson, Jeff Garcia, Tom Brady, Baker Mayfield.

    So do yourself a favor- STOP CRYING FOR US TO DRAFT A QB!!!

  83. Conner50 Says:

    It’s pointless to argue with these guys about seeing what we have in trask, they are the same people who want Bowles gone, yet trust his decision to not play Trask. When his player evaluation is suspect, considering how long it took to give YaYa the starter roll over JTS. There also content with mediocrity obviously, being that mayfield and this offense has struggled all year long, but when we have one decent drive it’s all forgotten. They also compare Mayfields stats with Mahomes and Allen type qb’s who are on a whole other level than baker lmao. They would rather watch there boy mayfield struggle week to week than throwing in a 2rd pick that could do the same thing which is throw 200yards and one touchdown a game. There idiots

  84. Bucfan1988 Says:


    I keep trying to show some of the Mayfield cult “the light” but they want to bask in mediocrity.

    We got spoiled by the GOAT for a couple of years, and all of us now know what solid QB play is supposed to look like on this team.

    Mayfield is average. He is what he is….
    I have a problem with average now. I want more for this team 🤷🏻‍♂️…

    I especially love dudes like this Captain Tim joker,
    Saying Trask looked like garbage in TC and has a weak arm.
    Obviously this guy needs to hit the optometrist for a script on some glasses.
    He calling Trask’s TC playing garbage when he was better than Mayfield. Thats pretty funny…

  85. Bucfan1988 Says:


    I keep trying to show some of the Mayfield cult “the light” but they want to bask in mediocrity.

    We got spoiled by the GOAT for a couple of years, and all of us now know what solid QB play is supposed to look like on this team.

    Mayfield is average. He is what he is….
    I have a problem with average now. I want more for this team 🤷🏻‍♂️…

    I especially love dudes like this Captain Tim above…
    Saying Trask looked like garbage in TC and has a weak arm.
    Obviously this guy needs to hit the optometrist for a script on some glasses.
    He calling Trask’s TC playing garbage when he was better than Mayfield. Thats pretty funny…

  86. Mr.Objective Says:

    In 13 games this year, Mayfield has been outplayed by the opposing QB 9/13 times. He did outplay Carr,Young,Fields and Levi’s tho lol. I want you to look at the yardage disparity. Keep in mind these were losses or close wins. So it’s not like the other QB was stat padding. In 8 games this was the yardage discrepancy between Mayfield and the opposing Qb: Stroud+200 more,Ridder +200 more,Cousins+160 more, Goff+145 more,Hurts +130 more, Purdy+85 more, Allen +75 more and Minshew+50 more. That’s almost 1100 yards over 8 games. That’s disgusting. Your record in those games:2-6. Ranging from 3 and 4 point wins to (2) 14 point losses. Pretty competitive games but your QB is throwing for 150 yards less. WITH THE SAME # OF ATTEMPTS!!! That’s 8/13:games. The first Falcons game Ridder was better. He threw for 25 less yards but also had 17 less attempts and was far more efficient.

  87. Tb bolts Says:

    Pressure only increases from here and it’ll be more of the same from midfield. Panicky in the pocket and balls thrown with zero accuracy. Defense wont be able to save midfield every game as weve seen. Baker had one of his worst games of the season when the Oline and run game was firing. So what excuses will we see from the baker ball washing club when the bucs miss the playoffs? Only time will tell. Just like the six years bakers been in this league tells us he’s a losing less than back up caliber QB. Ceiling pressing against his scalp.

  88. Bucfan1988 Says:


    I keep trying to show some of the Mayfield cult “the light” but they want to bask in mediocrity.

    We got spoiled by the GOAT for a couple of years, and all of us now know what solid QB play is supposed to look like on this team.

    Mayfield is average. He is what he is….
    I have a problem with average now. I want more for this team 🤷🏻‍♂️…

    I especially love dudes like this CaptainTim above,
    Saying Trask looked like garbage in TC and has a weak arm.
    Obviously this guy needs to hit the optometrist for a script on some glasses.
    He calling Trask’s TC playing garbage when he was better than Mayfield. Thats pretty funny…

  89. Bucfan1988 Says:

    [Joe has been over this 500 times. He has no desire or want to purposely moderate people’s comments. And frankly, Joe has much better things to do than stare at a moderation queue like an Aspie 24/7 waiting for a comment to come in to approve. Why your comments keep getting moderating? Something (perhaps something in your IP address) is triggering the moderation queue. And no, Joe has no idea how to rewrite WordPress code. Rest assured you are not being singled out. Frankly, pulling people’s comments out of moderation is a massive pain in the ass for Joe. — Joe]

  90. Mr.Objective Says:

    4/13 games Mayfield has less than 200 yards.1-3 in those games by the way. He also has a 5th game against Detroit with 206 yards and a 6th one against Carolina with 202. 6 games with supbar numbers that the team is 2-4 in. He also has TEN,that’s right TEN games with LESS than 150 yards going into the 4th quarter.

  91. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Tb Bolt, be careful bro!

    Joe’s may start moderating your comments if you’re too mean to Mayfield fans…

  92. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Testing 1 2 3

  93. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Every comment I try to make gets moderated now….
    Thanks Joe’s 👍🏻!!

  94. Beeej Says:

    You can’t judge Baker versus the other quarterbacks by how many yards he throws in a cane. We have a short to intermediate pass offense, and per head coaches wishes they don’t throw all that often.

    That aside, there’s some 230 million tied up in salaries just for the players. Wanting to “see what Trask has”, is that experiment worth 230 million?

  95. Capt.Tim Says:

    I did the research.
    The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have drafted 26 QBs in their history.
    Including the first pick in the draft Twice.

    None of them took us to The SuperBowl.
    Two took us to the playoffs.

    No winning records.

    Our Wining QBs have all been drafted elsewhere.
    Brad Johnson, Jeff Garcia, Tom Brady.

    Kinda makes you wonder why we would EVER draft a QB.
    Those picks have all been flushed dow the toilet.

  96. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Can’t even post anymore. Everything is being blocked now…

  97. Mr.Objective Says:

    Yeah Cleveland really screwed him with those 9 pro bowlers on offense aged 23-28. 6 multi time pro bowlers on offense all the n their mid 20s. Poor Baker Mayfield handing off to Nick Chubb behind 4 pro bowl lineman. Oh, Chubb Takes a breather? Insert former rushing champion Kareem Hunt. Or you can throw to a 26 year old pre injury Odell Beckham or the equally young Jarvis Landry. Still not enough,25 year old 2x pro bowl TE Austin Hooper. Poor Mayfield!

  98. Capt.Tim Says:

    Mr. Objective
    Why the F would I care how many yards Mayfield throws for??
    Stupidest thing Ive ever heard.
    I only Care That Mayfield has us in first place. If we win 3 of the next 4,
    He will have won the NFC South, and we will be in the Playoffs.
    Because I am a Buc fan

    You want to see us lose horribly, so a noodle armed QB will play.
    Because you dont care about the Bucs. You only care that Trash went to Florida.
    If he ever plays in the NFL, he will carry on the proud tradition of UF QBs that are losers in the NFL.

    Seems odd that so many of you would be excited about seeing yet another Gator
    Embarrass himself and the School on a national stage

  99. Mr.Objective Says:

    Rob Johnson and Trent Dilfer were different era of football. Mayfield will never be half the players Garcia was in San Fran. And for the love of….stop posting that 20td/ 8 int crap. Russell Wilson has 23td and 8 int. He’s playing OK. Kaepernick hadv16tds and 4 int his last season and he sucked. Wentz had 27td and 7 int 2 of his last 4 years. He was replaced or traded after every 27/7 season. Stop!!! This is a bottom 10 offense.

  100. Bucfan1988 Says:

    That’s pretty funny Mr O 😉

  101. Mr.Objective Says:

    Capt Tim get off your knees. I don’t like Trask. The ppl who made you are worthless. I don’t even like Trask. But you can campaign for a undersized,overmatched midget who one Dan said ” runs like a pregnant lady”. Yeah, facts are stupid. You must live in a trailer. Your quarterback is getting outperformed by 150 yards in close losses. Ok bud. Let me guess, your ok with having a top 15-20 QB but you would be pissed if you had the leagues 20th best free safety LOL. Yeah that’s idiotic.

  102. Capt.Tim Says:

    Mayfield took that team to the AFC championship
    Was one 4th down play from beating the Chiefs in Kansas City.
    One play from the SuperBowl- with the Worst Franchise in The NFL.

    Trask will never win an NFL game. No playoffs.
    Except in the dreams of a few clueless.

  103. Mr.Objective Says:

    I’m not PFF but I’ve seen the Line ranked as high as 10th and the lowest 16th. Not elite but good enough to not be a bottom 10 offense. Godwin and Evans at WR. Who COULDN’T get 225 yards on 34:attempts on this team while leading a bottom 10 offense? Every game has been painful. Except the Texans game. Put up 37 points and alot had to do with field position. BARELY went over 300 yards total offense. The man is hotdog water. You want to hope the division is the worse in football for a 3rdxstraightvyear and you can go 8-9;again? Great!!!

  104. Capt.Tim Says:

    Mr. Objective
    But thats why I had you on your belly.
    Yeah, a QB who can win the division with the worst Offensive line i the NFC.
    The Worst running game in the league. Worst Coach in the league.
    That man is a winner

    And I always support fellow winners.
    Which is something Im sure , with your obvious Intellectual handicaps, you know nothing about.

  105. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Capt.Tim – Sooooo, when Trask wins his first game with the Bucs here in a couple of weeks, then you’ll shut your pie hole forever????

  106. Mr.Objective Says:

    Didn’t go to championship game. Would have if he didn’t suck. They lost 22-17. He was…. Baker Mayfield like. 23/37 for 204 yards.1td and 1 int. Was only sacked ONCE in 37 attempts but still barely went over 200 yards. Both RBS averaged over 5 per carry. Got the ball back with 6 minutes left, down by 5 and threw 3 straight incompletions. But carry on.

  107. orlbucfan Says:

    I don’t know where all the usual pissing and moaning is coming from about being blocked/censored on here. I get that italic being checked on my posts frequently. What a lot of it is is tech problems with the program this site uses. Hey BF1988: is that the year you discovered the Bucs? Man, that was still the Dark Ages if you were a fan. Fellow GENUINE Bucs fan stpete has a BD coming up around this weekend. Bucs will win for him. Hey Joe, where is my locker room video?

  108. Mr.Objective Says:

    Winner..37-45. 5/6 losing seasons.11-22 over his last 33 starts. 4 teams in 9 months. ” Leading” a bottom 10 offense? ONE 300 yard game in his last 33 starts? All you needed was 2 missed fgs,a int inside the 5 and a safety to beat Desmond Ridder. Last 2 Mayfield games against Green Bay….last year his team scored 6 points and he threw for under 150 yards. Tear before that he barely went over 200 yards as he threw FOUR picks as his team lost by 2 points. I love watching him dink and dunk every week. Excluding the occasional jump ball to LeBron James. I mean Mike Evans. Sign me up for another year of this!!!! There is no way the division can improve and I’m sure he’s gonna benefit from not having Evans around. Lol

  109. Beeej Says:

    There are no censors here, Joe just has a very inexpensive chat mod program, to be charitable. Those that get blocked…. They look at them later and release them more often than not. I’ve had a bunch

  110. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Again testing 1 2 3

  111. unbelievable Says:

    The Saints even made a 28-6 win over the hapless Panthers look challenging at times.

    Ummm, so what does that say about the Bucs just barely eeking out a 21-18 win against the same team?

  112. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Beeej, they removed practically all of my posts last nite on a few of their articles. The comments normal and people were responding in reference to them.
    Today all my comments are gone, but people’s responses are showing from them…

    Now again, I try to post something standard with no issues and it’s blocked…

  113. Dave Pear Says:

    I’d like to see Baker in a regime with a proper Head Coach and OC. Keep Canales as the QB coach. He’s obviously very good at that.

  114. Mr.Objective Says:

    Not the worse OL or running attack. Cincy has that. Cincy also has a better offense/ passing attack. When Cousins was healthy, Minnesota was #32. He was on pace for 5000 yards and 40td passes.

  115. Mr.Objective Says:

    Capt Tim must be busy filling the propane tank outside his trailer. Thinking of more excuses and lies to support this bum QB. Btw, they can cut Trask. I could care less. Want one in the draft

  116. RGA Says:

    The Browns are now 8-5 with Mayfield not even 2 years removed.

  117. NJbucs23 Says:

    future XFL player

  118. Mr.Objective Says:

    So because they drafted Testvarde in 1987,Freeman in 2009 and Winston in 2015, we should bypass one in 2024. Yeah, because this is 1998 and retread journeyman are really flourishing in the NFL. At least with Winston we got to see some exciting,monster umbers football. This is the worse offense TB has had since 2014, when Winston was in College. Can’t wait to stop Fane ks when he’s a Falcon and we have a 30 year old journeyman. QB, like ANY other position is a crapshoot. You take a safety at #19, he not guaranteed to be a pro bowler. And if you operate out of fear, you will ever get anywhere. There is only ONE way to attain a young gun. I don’t know if a Penix,Nix or Daniels will be great Qbs. But I do know Mayfield will NOT be. So every year, let’s pass on some talent d rookies out of fear they won’t work out. Sure!

  119. Mr.Objective Says:

    Capt Tim looking for stats to support Mayfield….Lol, he can’t find any. He wanted to look for Big time performances from Mayfield and he found them! He was soooo excited. Until he realized he was reading box scores from the Oklahoma days lol.

  120. Mr.Objective Says:

    Sunday was Mayfield 3rd 4th quarter comebacks in 6 years. Maybe,maybe 4th. I forgot but his track record for the 4th quarter and game on the line is ATROCIOUS.

  121. Beeej Says:

    He’s done at three times this year, only one turned out to be a win, as defense could not stop the other team from scoring with less than a minute left

  122. Tony Marks Says:

    I think its about time to ask the question

    For all of you who all season long have been typing things like


    A) exactly who do you think you are addressing _ Bowles? He doesn’t read these comments. He couldn’t care less about them or your ( or my ) opinion.

    B) If you have typed the same thing every week and its track record is 0 for 13 bearing in mind the definition of doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result – Why do you continue the In sanity?

    Your keyboard fury isn’t doing a thing but raising your blood pressure. Kyle still rides the pine and theres NOTHING you can do about it by posting on blogs.

  123. Mark hardt Says:

    Not sure how many of these posters are Bucs fan but the negativity is stunning. Why is it a bad thing that the division sucks? It is a good thing because it allows for in season improvements that could pay off in this years playoffs not next year. The Lions came on strong at the end of last year but it was too late. How valuable would playoff experience be for this years lions team? We lost the GOAT for God,s sake. In the west this would be a lost adjustment season. But with the good fortune of a sucky division we can make adjustments that can payoff thus year.

  124. Tony Marks Says:

    Mr.Objective Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 4:10 pm
    Sunday was Mayfield 3rd 4th quarter comebacks in 6 years.


    Thats awesome . That means He was so dominant before he got injured he took the browsn to 11-5 with almost no 4th quarter comebacks needed in 2020

    BAker Bois say – THANK YOU !!

    Bakes Da man!

  125. Beeej Says:

    Mark, you should read the in-game posts. Even during the Super Bowl season it was nothing but”this team sucks!” “Brady’s washed!”

  126. Mark hardt Says:

    8 Fourth Quarter Comebacks, 10 Game-Winning Drives
    Rk Year Date
    Rk Year Date
    8 2022 2022-12-08
    Rk Year Date
    9 2023 2023-09-10
    9 more rows

    Baker Mayfield’s Career 4th quarter comebacks and game-winning drives | Pro-Football-Reference.com

  127. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Mr. Objective – it’s hard to be objective when your information isn’t correct. I am not a Baker fan and I don’t think he is the future of the franchise. However, be fair. Mayfield has eight 4th quarter comebacks and 10 game winning drives. He could have had another in if the defense didn’t fold against Houston.

    Mayfield is at the top of a mediocre, at best, crop of QB’s in the NFC South. He could manage the Bucs offense to a home playoff berth only because of how terrible the rest of the division is. I like to see the team win in such a financially constrained season but I honestly am hoping for coaching changes this offseason and with that a new starting QB next year.

  128. Bucfan1988 Says:

    This is for you Tony Marks…


    From the “Traskian” fans AKA Cult of Trask.

    Actually I think your blood boils when you see fans not wanting to see your man-crush, Captain Average, as QB1 anymore 😬….

    Btw how do you know that Bowlea doesn’t read JBF articles??
    Maybe a lot of the players do 🤷🏻‍♂️

  129. Tony Marks Says:

    Mr.Objective Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 3:08 pm
    I’m not PFF but I’ve seen the Line ranked as high as 10th and the lowest 16th. Not elite but good enough to not be a bottom 10 offense.

    You and the Joes can’t fool anyone with that who has actually watched the games. Bake’s average for most of the season was 3-4 houdini escapes per game to donate toward the line’s alleged goodness. He gets inured in one game and can’t do the houdini escapes and what happens?

    6 sacks

    Anyone that can’t see the Oline’s ratings have been rescued by Baker’s escapability is on heavy drugs

    Kyle would have been earing so much grass and artificial turf he would be saying “Mooo” to get snaps off

  130. Beeej Says:

    Well if they DO, a lot of you had better hope they don’t find out your real names lol

  131. Beeej Says:

    It’s difficult to have factual arguments with people who rely on emotion, it’s like arguing with a woman

  132. confido75 Says:

    I seriously laugh when I hear folks asking for Trask to start, not because he might not do well, but because this Oline would put him in the hospital. Trask cannot escape preasure like BM. BM is the right guy, right now to work behind this suspect Oline.

  133. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Beeej, I don’t care if Baker knows my name, lol!
    Nothing wrong with being an average QB for a career.
    He can still make good $$ as one of the top back-ups.
    I’d take that all day long !!

    Imagine if DW45 knew our names…
    He might wanna meet a lot of us in a dark alley, haha…

  134. Tony Marks Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 4:50 pm
    Actually I think your blood boils when you see fans not wanting to see your man-crush, Captain Average, as QB1 anymore 😬….

    LOL because to no surrprise you are D-U-M-B. My guy is PLAYING dude.

    where’s your guy? – indenting pine

    and you think I am fuming because dingbats on a blog have been trying to get their guy to replace him and have EPIC FAILED for 14 weeks

    You toooo funny

    and no silly _ NO NFL coach has the time nor interrst in reading through blog comments. Get a grip

  135. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Confido75, you know Trask has a better 40-time than Mayfield right??
    Also, he’s bigger, & stronger….

    Don’t think Trask is worried in the least about our O-line.
    I didn’t think they’ve been playing that bad this year honestly in terms of pass protection…

  136. Tony Marks Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 5:01 pm
    Confido75, you know Trask has a better 40-time than Mayfield right??
    Also, he’s bigger, & stronger….


    ROFL….traskies do live in fantasy world…..NO way trask has Baker’s maneuverability

    Just stop – you are making my sides hurt. Call Fallon . Your comedy is gold!

  137. Gipper Says:

    TonyMarks is one of the few that has insightful things to say about the Bucs football team and prominent Tampa players.

    Most of the commentators here are chronic whiners and never do wells who get some comfort in bad mouthing people who are by definition skilled at what they do. Kind of blame the boss syndrome for holding you back in life. Know the type very well. Curiously when they are proven wrong, they still won’t relent. I will be around to copy and paste these remarks 4 weeks from now. Keep whining whiners.

  138. Tony Marks Says:

    and no

    dem boney legs do not look particularly strong

    I’m concerned for him as I am for chicken wings…lolol

  139. Buccos Says:

    StPeteBucsFan- I enjoyed your post. It was a perfect moment here on JBF. I believe this team is in good hands with JL as our GM. Bowles has the opportunity to save his job here in these next few games. I hope that he succeeds because he has put in the work during his many years in the NFL. He has paid his dues and hopefully he will be rewarded with some success. I don’t think his time with the Jets was a real opportunity and so I don’t judge him by that. But this division is ripe for the taking and if he could win a home playoff game that would be amazing considering what he had to work with

  140. BakerBucs Says:

    Stpetebucsfan well said see what happens when u grow up in life & enjoy the moment novel gesture I do appreciate smart people cause we seem to have very few these days

  141. Bucfan1988 Says:

    C’mon Tony Pompoms!!!

    I’d be willing to lay $$ down that at least a couple of players read JBF’s articles…
    Maybe coaches in the off season. Bowles would be wise to read some of them. He might learn how to address his flaws a little better.

    As for Baker, yeah your boy is playing. Just not playing well. Sorry if it hurts your feelings. It’s ok to be average Tony.

    I’ll keep supporting Trask to get some playing time so we can see if there’s any potential with him.

  142. Tony Marks Says:

    Gipper Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 5:08 pm
    TonyMarks is one of the few that has insightful things to say about the Bucs football team and prominent Tampa players.


    Thanks but thats sometimes .

    right now I am in full tease the traskies mode. I figured out two weeks back no common sense will EVER reach them so now I post a lot more just to tick them off and get la a few laughs for myself.

    I could see myself rooting for Trask

    when they trade him.. 🙂

  143. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Tony, I know Trask had a slower NFL combine 40 than Mayfield….
    4.84 to 4.98 ……it’s cool that you’re paying attention to my posts 😂😂😂….

    Trask lost a bunch of weight since then remember??
    He moved great in preseason.
    Would love to see a race between them now.

    But seriously, I saw something during the summer on either a video or interview saying Trask was faster than Mayfield…I was surprised….Trask did look streamlined in preseason though..

  144. Bucfan1988 Says:

    It’s cool Tony PomPoms….

    You keeping that poster all shined up in your room of your man-crush and let’s see how he does this weekend.

    Bro, I hope he does well cuz I wanna see the Bucs win, PRIORITY #1….
    If he plays like slop, I hope they give Trask the nod.

    Jist don’t know if average is gonna be good enough this weekend.
    We’ll see…

  145. Mr.Objective Says:

    A BUCS FAN: I did relay alot of info on Mayfield. The stats and W-L were accurate. I was wrong about the 4th qtr stuff but I do know he has a awful record in those situations. As you see CaptTim had no rebuttal for my myriad of stats tho

  146. Tony Marks Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:

    As for Baker, yeah your boy is playing. Just not playing well

    thats funny I saw his passes on NFL highlights last sunday.

    where were kyles? Oh thats right I saw him on Nature – He was giving impromptu lecture on how pine keeps human cheeks firm

    beautiful thing is anything you put up as bad for baker

    totally runs circles around 30% 23 yards and ZERO TD – in 3 WHOLE YEARS


  147. Mr.Objective Says:

    Tony Marks: Forget that 2020 was FOREVER ago. 3500 yards,62 percent completion percentage and 26td vs 8 int is DOMINANT over a 16 game stretch?????Maybe for 1989. But in TODAY’S NFL,guys like Prescott and Cousins get 3500 yards before December. A 11-5#6 playoff sred. WOW!!! Low bar for dominance.

  148. Mr.Objective Says:

    2017 draft. Alex Smith was 32. Having and eventually had a better career than Mayfield will EVER dream of having. And actually,not too much older than Mayfield is now. Had led KC to the playoffs 4 straight years. Well, KC moved up 10 spots to take Mahomes. 2020 draft. Carson Wentz just turned 27. Was coming off a playoff season of 9-7. In 16 games he threw for 4000 yards 27 td and 7 int.Kerp on mind not ONE Wideout had 500 yards receiving. What did the Eagles do? Take Jalen Hurts. 2 years later,Wentz go for 3600 onna 9-8 Colts team. 27td and 7 int. They got rid of him after ONE season. Certainly worked out ok for KC and Philly. Indy? Not so much but at least they came to the realization they didn’t have the guy. Better to rebuild than to hope to back into the playoffs every few years with a garbage QB. I’m sure the FO know all the stats and numbers. I’m willing to bet he won’t be back next year.

  149. Mr.Objective Says:

    Everyone ( and there is a lot of us) who think Baker stinks are NOT Trask fans. Smfh. I want us to scout and get one on the first round. Let’s get our guy!

  150. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    baker is going to get $25-30 mill a yr


  151. Beeej Says:

    Triumph of emotion over logic

  152. Tony Marks Says:

    Mr. NON Objective Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 5:38 pm
    Tony Marks: Forget that 2020 was FOREVER ago. 3500 yards,


    Debunk to Dufus point A – 2020 was two season between not “FOREVER” ( he actually capped his stupid claim). Call your english teacher that taught you words for a refund.

    Debunk to Dufus point B – the browns had a great running game obviously that affects passing yardage – welcome to the NFL. You’ll learn as you mature and become more familiar with the game

    Debunk to Dufus point C – 11 and 5 which according to YOU ( and your failed point) had very few come from behind wins WOULD BE DOMINANAT. It would mean Baker put them in the lead for good such that in 11 wins they never needed much come backs .

    Don’t come crying to me like a baby because your point got blown up by using your OWN reasoning. I don’t give out hankies.

  153. Mr.Objective Says:

    Tony”the mark” Marks. A guy drafted in 2020, is in his 4th season you inbred moron. That was Brady’s FIRST year here. Tennessee also had a run heavy offense in 2020 but scored more than Cleveland and placed much higher in yards per game. Let’s compared Tannehill 2020 season and Mayfields. Tannehill threw 5 less times and had 300 more passing yards.7 more TD passes and 1 less interception.He also won 11 regular season games. Mayfield had 27 total tds 26 passing/1 rushing. Tannehill had 40 total tds. 33 passing/7 rushing. And we talking Tannehill. So WHO was dominant in 2020? Must hurt that the ” magical” 2020 season you harp on was squashed on by a above average Qb. Do better. Be better.

  154. BucsFan2520 Says:

    Bucfan1988 – Youre still going!? Posted 30+ times in this thread and complaining about being moderated/posts being deleted. You must be at home collecting Biden bucks with that much time on your hands!

  155. Tony Marks Says:

    Mr.Objective Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 5:58 pm
    2017 draft. Alex Smith was 32. Having and eventually had a better career than Mayfield will EVER dream of having. And actually,not too much older than Mayfield is now. Had led KC to the playoffs 4 straight years. Well, KC moved up 10 spots to take Mahomes. 2020 draft.

    Oh be quiet with this infantile nonsense. This is like Traskies pointing to Purdy and saying – “see? thats what’s going to happen with us? Trask was also was a second pick”

    Would I take Mahomes over Baker as a bucs fan? Yep. Brady as the goat over Baker? OF course. Now how often do players like this drop into your lap? We got lucky with Brady once now you all think its going to happen again

    Grow up already. We are not drafting high and plenty of teams have more to trade up with . No one was going to beat Panthers to the bottom or many other lower teams especially while still getting ME his numbers like everyone wanted.

    COMMON SENSE ALERT! – You can’t tank and get the star WR his numbers too. Thats not how real life works. Go play Madden

    So go ahead and day dream you are going to find THE ONE to turn everything around by his lonesome after all the teams above us make their picks ( or trade up to get). LOL it sure is working for the panthers eh?

    Just don’t think you are smarter or know anything about football better because many of us see the surer bet in building the rest of the team that has a shot without THE ONE ( which in any given decade is never more than 4//5 guys in the whole 32 team league and in the hey day of Brady was ONLY one guy )

    Besides you make not a lick of sense. IF baker is so awful then why complain? You claim you are not a traskie so whats the beef? Surely if he sucks so much he will give the better chance at a higher pick.

    even from your own narrative you make ZERO sense.

  156. Tbbucs3 Says:


    Maybe it’s a sign that the computer is getting tired of your pro Trask propaganda?

  157. Tony Marks Says:

    Mr.Objective Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 6:23 pm

    Tennessee also had a run heavy offense in 2020 but scored more than Cleveland and placed much higher in yards per gamet .

    Keep typing . You are showing yourself to be a total nitwit.

    2020 titans passing yards 3653
    2020 Browns passing yards 3539

    SO your STUPID Point is 7 yards per game difference? Talk about moron. first you don’t know the meaning of the word forever and now don’t know the meaning of much

    Meanwhile to no surpise you are lost in your own dumb argument. Dominant came in because YOU ( not I silly) claimed Bakeer doesn’t have much come behind wins supposedly as an indication of how bad he is. . SOOOOO el stupido that means that Baker would have put up the winning numbers earlier in less minutes.

    THATS where dominant came in bozo – debunking the moron who made the argument that less come from behind wins means worse QB.

  158. Bucfan1988 Says:

    TBBUCS3, nah, not the computer. The Joe’s are hating me for being pro-Trask…
    Feels like I’m in a political war 🙂

  159. Tony Marks Says:

    Bucfan1988 Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 6:56 pm
    TBBUCS3, nah, not the computer. The Joe’s are hating me for being pro-Trask…
    Feels like I’m in a political war 🙂


    Nope in fairness to the Joes…Plenty of my posts have been moderated too. So apparently even intelligent posts like mine are being caught in filters along with the less so ones like yours..lolol.

  160. Mr.Objective Says:

    Tony Marks is probably the dumbest and most unsuccessful poster on here. I see you looked past the TD difference (40 vs 27 in favor of Tannehill) but you made up stats. Yes, Tannehill threw 5 less times than Mayfield. Completion percentage was 5 percent higher.Yardage was Tannehill 3819 and Mayfield 3563. That’s 256 yards difference. Like I said 7 more tds and one less int.6 more rushing tds over 13 more tds overall. Now, you piece of garbage,let me repeat myself. Tennessee was #3 in total of offense in 2020. Cleveland was #16. 13 spots ahead is kinda big isn’t it? Especially for two 11 win teams that were both run heavy. You wanna know the difference: Tennessee had MUCH better QB play. As the numbers indicate.

  161. Tony Marks Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 6:35 pm

    Maybe it’s a sign that the computer is getting tired of your pro Trask propaganda?

    It seems to be an equal opportunity filtering. So far I think the joes are playing it even handed. I will admit the bickering has increased since I got tired of the traskies and started giving some of what they have been giving all season.

  162. Mr.Objective Says:

    Tony Marks that useless vessel that carried you for 9 months should have swallowed you for 9 months. No matter what falsehood, made up stats or outright lie you come up with,I always have a accurate rebuttal. Just like someone should have thrown cold water on your drunk daddy, I threw cold water on your “Mayfield was dominant” in 2020. LMAO!!! Tannehill is a above average Qb and his 2020 season took a long Kong sized dump on Mayfields. The only thing you can cling on to is a wildcard 4’seasons ago,3500 yards onna 16th ranked offense. Your not very successful are you? Your giving off trailer park vibes. Like your dad and brother are the same person type. But make up another stat and another lie. I enjoy beating you. You barnacle scraping piece of garbage. MAYFIELD will be GONE pretty soon and hopefully you will be. Your not a TB fan, your a Baker Bro. Follow his 5th team because he’s outta here LMAO. The only record he will have is the one for playing on the most teams. It’s 9. He halfway there already LOL!!!

  163. Tony Marks Says:

    Mr.Objective Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 7:07 pm
    Tony Marks is probably the dumbest and most unsuccessful poster on here.


    🙂 🙂 Evidence against that is your last three posts have all been about me. Pretty successful l!

    “Tennessee was #3 in total of offense in 2020. Cleveland was #16. 13 spots ahead is kinda big isn’t it? ”

    unless you have reading comprehension as most people do and realize that since the passing numbers are not that different then its the running game
    sily not the passing that made the real difference between spots.

    Besides why do you need to score more TDs when you are already winning the game? You still are lost in your own dumb argument. A winning QB that has very few come from behind wins is dominating not because of more TDs but because he is putting teams away faster and more definitively.

    Its YOUR argument silly, in regarding come from behind wins, thats shooting you in the rear.

  164. Mr.Objective Says:

    You keep harping on the cone from behind nonsense. Tannehill played better in EVERY metric as a QB. Threw less and accounted for 13 more tds while leading a much better offense. You dancing around it like Muhammad Ali but I’m not gonna let up. But I think we can dispel this he was DOMINANT in 2020. Your a fool

  165. Beeej Says:

    Pardon me whilst I shove a spoon in my eye

  166. Mr.Objective Says:

    I see what you “tried” to do lol. You put the Titans ” net” passing yards ( after sacks) as Tannehills passing yards and leave Mayfield ” gross” passing yards as his number. Even doing that Tannehill STILL has more yards lol. Nice try …well not really. I’d definitely hold off on any victory laps if I were you. I don’t think your going to have to worry about how to buy playoff tickets. Again, I ask …if Mayfield was dominant 😂😂😂 then what the hell was Tannehill lol.

  167. Mr.Objective Says:

    Beeej please do.Show photos!

  168. Tony Marks Says:

    Mr.Objective Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 7:27 pm
    You keep harping on the cone from behind nonsense.

    LOL …. he abandons His very own argument that started this discussion because he KNOWS he lost.

    “Tannehill played better in EVERY metric as a QB.”


    Time to drop the bomb on your silly tannehil argument as well

    HE was ranked NUMBER EIGHT by THE NFL that year Nitwit

    LOLOL …YEP I AM like Muhanned ALi. I let you prance for awhile and then gave you the KO.

    All this time you have been claiming Baker was average in 202O by claiming Tannehil was average and Baker fell short of his numbers but instead like a verifiable fool you’ve been comparing him to a player that was top 8 in 2020

    Now the fact that he came in Just a tad behind Tannehil BUT ACCORDING TO YOU had the games he won early in hand – well thats dominant – no matter if you don’t know the meaning of that word either.

    Now would I have said baker ( or Tannehill) was DOMINANT in only his third year in the league without your stupid come from behind argument? Nope. But you made it silly not me.

    Try harder. Your effort intellectually is lacking.

  169. Ha-Ha-Ha Says:

    Quit your bit chin `bout Baker.
    TB 12 had a losing record with this team and coaches. Did you think anyone else would do better?
    Y’all should be after Arians for creating this mess.

  170. Tony Marks Says:

    Mr.Objective Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 7:42 pm
    I see what you “tried” to do lol. You put the Titans ” net” passing yards ( after sacks) as Tannehills passing yards and leave Mayfield ” gross” passing yards as his number.


    Kid stop lying because you lost. I took the same numbers for both. Total yardage would yes probably include sacks but thats often credited to a QB for taking them so you will have to live with the L

    I didn’t try anything. Those were the stats I read and gave under the same column for each

    Lick your wounds and come back another day…. this exchange has gone on long enough but really shows how much of a Non objective you are. Like most pure haters you just couldn’t live with a real world in which Baker was an upper tier QB before he was injured

    Its kiils you because he has been rated 14 for most of this season so could easily return to near top ten if not top ten

    So much for the stupid ceiling argument which for haters is always about last year not his best year – just to hate..

    Victory lap on my way out and as always


  171. Mr.Objective Says:

    Quit your dumb comparison to a 45 year old Brady . A guy in his 23rd season vs a 28 year old……What do you know,Brady IS human. He still had 4700 yards,25td and 9 int while directing a top 12 offense. The only reason we even have a chance is the defense is on pace for the most turnovers since 2002 and allowing the fewest points since 2010,employing the bend but don’t break. Minnesota thoroughly outplayed us but the defense got 3 RedZone turnovers. Chicago was driving and we got a pick 6. The defense set up a short field like they have all season for a short score and scored onna safety. Last year Brady would have this exact team 8-5 or 9-4.Cime on man. Even a cooked Brady better than Mayfield. And it’s not close but people like you like to compare Brady at his low point. Now compare 2021 Brady to 23 Mayfield…..I DARE you

  172. Mr.Objective Says:

    Tony Marks anybody can Google and see Tannehill 3819 in 2020 and Mayfield 3563 lol. Only victory lap is mine. ” Top tier” lol. Brady was gone,Burrow and Herbert were rookies and he still couldn’t even sniff the Pro Bowl…..lol. Team#5 coming up. Sorry I had to beat you like that. I won. It’s what I do son.

  173. beeej Says:

    wf;sdnkknksdl I can’t seesd;l,asccalkanc

  174. Mr.Objective Says:

    #14 QB with Burrows,Rogers and Cousins out. And how is he 14th? Not in yards or TD passes. He in the 20s in completion percentage and yards per attempt. He can put his resume on LinkedIn. ” Backup QB seeking FIFTH” team😂😂😂

  175. Conner50 Says:

    Yea I wouldn’t bother with them too much there all drinking the baker koolaid still. I have no problem with mayfield on him giving all to the game and trying his hardest week to week. But he’s just not a great franchise qb, he simply don’t have it. He won’t ever lead the team deep in the playoffs or take a team to the Super Bowl. He struggles to distribute the ball to Godwin and evans consistently for Christ sake. Don’t know if trask is better but I’d be willing to bet his stats would be either similar if not better, and if not then we know he’s not the answer either

  176. Tony Marks Says:

    Mr.Objective Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 8:33 pm
    #14 QB with Burrows,Rogers and Cousins out. And how is he 14th? Not in yards or TD passes.


    Really? Do you even check your numbers McFLy? or don’t you see an even better ranking?

  177. Daniel Hammond Says:

    It won’t be because of Baker I promise you that it will be our defense that does it like I said a hundred times Baker Mayfield is not a starting NFL quarterback well obviously is for us this year but prayers go out that he is not next year he’s not that good maybe on the bench you know a backup that’s what he is I don’t see much more out of him

  178. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    First, Las Vegas had the Bucs total wins line at 7.5 prior to the start of the this season.

    Second, if you are going to compare TB12 to Baker Mayfield you have to apples to apples compare them.

    TB12 by the time he was 28 had led his team to 3 Super Bowl Championships, was a two time Super Bowl MVP, and had a record of 58-20.

    Baker at the age of 28 has never won a Super Bowl, never been a Super Bowl MVP, and has a 37-45 record.

    No football fan who is knowledgeable and in their right mind would ever try to equate Baker Mayfield with the GOAT TB12.

    Please stop.

  179. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Fakerbois cu*****s can’t see beyond his shkrotums on their faces. They come up here bashing anyone who doesn’t see Fakerboi as the next best thing in football. This man has played well in only one game all year maybe mediocre in a few more and turrible in all the others. They hang on to every sack escape he makes and the few good passes he makes like that makes him a great qb but ignore all the horrible play he makes and missed passes that good qbs make on a regular basis.

    I have come to the conclusion they are Rudy type personalities. They attach themselves to the short little guy, aka the underdog who doesn’t have the physical stature to play football but is spunky and has moxie because they relate to him. They see themselves in them so they take any attacks on their heroes personally. These people will accept mediocrity from their heroes and this is exactly what we will suffer from Fakerboi he is a mediocre qb extraordinaire. When it comes to evidence backing up Faker’s career of middling qb play they are blind in one eye and got cataracts in the other.

    Brady fans can be irritating as all but at least he has earned their fandom, Faker’s fans the way they hang on to him doesn’t make sense. Not much for the little guy story in football because most never go on to do much.

  180. beeej Says:

    how many names have you typed under today?

  181. Tony Marks Says:

    beeej Says:
    December 13th, 2023 at 11:35 pm
    how many names have you typed under today—–

    He’s objectively going for the record.

  182. sdm5821 Says:

    Baker Mayfield is an average quarterback, that can excel in the right system. Quote whatever stats from whatever year, whatever team. Either accept that as a factual statement or stop reading.

    Trask has had 3 years to show what he can do to the folks at One Bucs Place and they have decided he is not a better option, but let’s look at it from a different angle. Let’s say, as many have on Joe’s pages, that Trask is better, won the competition, blah, blah, blah. The Bucs are still 6-7, still in first place with four games to go.

    Sorry, you don’t get to say he’d have better stats and a better record, because as of this date, there is absolutely nothing to support that assumption. And it is just that, your assumption or opinion. For this discussion we’ll say Trask has the exact same stats, thus the same rating as Mayfield. Are you still calling for a quarterback change?

  183. steele Says:

    NFC South sux. The bar has never been lower. In this sorry bunch of QBs, the inconsistently inconsistent, often mediocre Baker is not the worst.

    The low quality of the division does a great job hiding how bad this team and this coach really are. They can zombie their way to a “respectable” record, which will justify keeping the Bowles disaster going. And going. And going.

  184. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    @Tony Marks

    @any commenter with Baker

    Been at this comment section for YEARS.

    Defense Rules can tell you that. We’re old timers here.

    You all are newbies. Welcome.

  185. Robbie Says:

    PLAY TRASK!!!!!!!!!