Saints Management Gives Dennis Allen A Hearty, Public Vote Of Confidence; What About Todd Bowles?

November 30th, 2023

“Bryan, did you see what Mickey Loomis said?”

The New Orleans general manager giving his slumping head coach a proud and prideful public endorsement yesterday didn’t slip past Joe.

It was quite vote of confidence slimy Saints GM Mickey Loomis gave Dennis Allen, who has never had a winning record as a head coach. It’s linked here.

Why did Loomis do that? Well, Joe will take the man at his word. So in addition to expressing his true feelings, Loomis knows Saints fans want Allen launched in a hurry after their loss to rival Atlanta on Sunday.

Allen is now 20-44 as a head coach and the Saints sit at 5-6 with two division losses.

So what about Todd Bowles, the Bucs’ head coach?

Will general manager Jason Licht make a public statement? Will Team Glazer issue a statement delivered by carrier pigeon from their in-season cone of silence?

Bucs fans are way down on Bowles. In fact, Joe’s weekly confidence poll on Bowles is seeing Bowles get much lower marks than former head coaches Lovie Smith and Dirk Koetter before they got launched from Tampa Bay.

With a home game upcoming and Licht having easy access Sunday to a broad cross-section of media, it sure would be an ideal time for Licht or Team Glazer to send word that Bowles’ job is safe and he’s return for Year 3 of his long-term contract.

Unless, of course, the power players at One Buc Palace have no interest in sending that message.

27 Responses to “Saints Management Gives Dennis Allen A Hearty, Public Vote Of Confidence; What About Todd Bowles?”

  1. ElioT Says:

    Well Todd is 38-57 career as a HC (.400)

    What’s to endorse?

  2. stpetebucfan Says:

    There is no statement needed or any that is appropriate. There is no need for some people here to be calling for Bowles immediate firing if the Bucs lose Sunday.

    The Glazers have too much class to fire somebody before the season is over. It accomplished nothing except saying the owners do not see things to their conclusion.

    Undoubtedly the Buc management is covering their backsides in case Bowles doesn’t turn it around. They have probably had conversations with friends and experts outside the Bucs about what to do next.

    It’s not just Bowles. At minimum Todd Licht may start getting some heat for his selections. I’m not down on Licht at all except for drafting a QB in the first few rounds. I just don’t trust him with that much draft capital and the Bucs future on the line. Can you say Fameis Jameis…some here will also wish to lump Trask into that record but IMHO Trask has yet to fail or succeed but a 2nd rounder should have probably been so talented they would have him backing up Brady.\

    Brady obviously got his way here and if UF fans wish to say Trask should have been ahead of Gabbert but Brady didn’t want the competion. Perhaps Brady and BA simply lacked the confidence to let him play? I do not know.

    What I do know is perhaps the biggest mistake at drafting a QB in Buc’s history came under Licht’s regime. Perhaps Todd was overruled by the Glazers?
    Again I do not know.

    I’d be curious to learn from somebody who did know how that decision came about. BTW Full disclosure I supported that pick because I saw talent in JW and believed the FSU guys that his stupid moves were just immaturity not his cement head and lack of character. Hindsight is 20 20 I get it…but how did the entire Bucs management miss ALL the red flags?

  3. SlyPirate Says:

    Endorse Bowles publicly and they’ll lose every season ticket holder

  4. WiscoJoe Says:

    I’d lay cash Allen gets launched. Public “vote of confidence” from the higher ups is usually a bad sign

  5. SB~LV Says:

    3 blind mice

  6. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Saying and doing are different things

  7. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    A Vote of Confidence also known as The Kiss of Death.

  8. zzbuc Says:

    The exact moment management needs to Back you up publicly, is the exact moment you know you are dead man walking…………

  9. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Its the NFL. A public vote of confidence means nothing. Bowles is on the knife edge, win the division and dont get totally embarrassed by the Cowboys and he might slip through. Anything less looks pretty bad for him

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    I think the biggest thing we’ve learned is what a difference a top tier elite head coach makes.

    Let me ask you, right now, take this exact same team and situation — what if Arians was suddenly back in charge. Do you have more, or less, confidence, that this team would win the NFC South?

    For me, I’d put the chances, with Arians at 100%.

    With Bowles, I’ll put it, honestly, at around 10% – although I feel like it’s probably closer to 0%.

    I don’t know who the next coach will be, who they can bring in that is an elite top tier guy, but I do know that the Bucs should pay whatever they need, in salary or draft picks if they could trade for someone elite.

    At the same time, they are still going to have to do a rebuild – so if they wanted to do a complete teardown and don’t feel like paying another coach, and just need a place holder next year to get the team to a 3-14 record as they clear up the cap and try to get the #1 pick in the draft, I guess I’d be fine with keep Bowles around for that, since he’s probably the best guy for the job, if the job is losing.

  11. Pewter power Says:

    What about Todd Bowles? Yes what about him? He should get a public vote of confidence because……

    Technically he has a public vote of conference because he’s still employed.

  12. Oxycondomns Says:

    Im sure the saint’s management would endorse bowles as the bucs coach

  13. stpetebucfan Says:

    California Dreamin

    That is certainly a plausible explanation. I don’t really know,

  14. Sly Pirate Says:

    Oxycondomns Says:
    Im sure the saint’s management would endorse bowles as the bucs coach.


    That would be amazing! I remember when Cam Jordan endorsed Donovan Smith’s long-term deal. Hilarious!

  15. Hodad Says:

    Just like they won’t fire him till season’s end, they won’t endorse him either. Bowles like the rest of us will know his fate at seasons end when the Glazers decide what to do. These guys don’t show their cards till they’re on the table. As far as Allen, good as gone. That’s the owners kiss of death.

  16. gotbbucs Says:

    Mid/Late season vote of confidence is a kiss of death.

  17. Fred McNeil Says:

    That’s like the kiss Michael Corleone gave Fredo when he disowned him and was simply waiting for his mother to die before having him shot. The Glazers will probably endorse Bowlzo if he loses Sunday. Don’t go fishing, Todd. That’s how Fredo got it.
    Hey, guys, as far as Jaymiss went it was either him or Marcus Mariotta. Both turned out meh. It wasn’t long after that we saw Goff and Wentz go #1&2. Goff started off terrible, but he’s fairly good now. Wentz started off great and then went down the hole. Ya really can’t blame Licht. Did you want another year of McClown? One thing we don’t want to do is give up a lot of draft capitol to move very far up. That’s what’s really gonna kill the Panthers. Several other teams have given up the farm for a super high pick and suffered twice as bad when it blew up in their faces.

  18. Allbuccedup Says:

    Dennis Allen sucks, Todd Bowles sucks and the coach for Atlanta I forgot his name but he sucks to they should all be fired and forfeit the playoff spot.

  19. NE Fan Says:

    Give him the one finger salute.

  20. Buc4evr Says:

    Please give Bowles the vote of confidence. We all know what that means….

  21. Bucsfanman Says:

    I’ve always found these “endorsements” to be the kiss of death. I don’t care if they do it or not.

    Just win baby!

  22. Locked In Says:

    Frank Reich. has any other coach ever been fired during the season 2 years in a row?

  23. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Glazer kids have been inept owners with the exception of three years when Licht was able to bring in Tom Brady.
    Licht imo is a very good GM.
    The haters are just trolling.

    This season is debacle.
    Bowels is who we thought he was.
    Bowels is who the Jets thought he was.
    How on Gods green Earth was he ever gifted the HC job?
    I seriously doubt that was Lichts decision….
    The Bowels hire has Glazer fingerprints all over it.

  24. Terry Says:

    Stupid thing about Allen. Had a bad loss going into the bye. Had an even worse loss coming out of bye. This bunch just got worse! With a week and half off to help correct things. Nothing!! Look at Allen’s awful career record. The Saints are what his record says they are! Geez!

  25. Chris f Says:

    This whole division stinks ,none of these teams going nowhere, coming from a saints fan, Dennis Allen sucks as a head coach

  26. Dave Pear Says:

    I’d be confident in Todd getting the guys a round of beers. As long as he kept it simple. Pitchers of beer. Yeah. No craft beer choices. It would end up like the end of a lot of games where his defense collapses .

  27. Dave Pear Says:

    Vlad makes the important point. Licht was wedged into Bowles as BA’s successor, as a condition of BA agreeing to come out of the booth. He was hired by Lovie so didn’t pick him. Glazers and Licht agreed that for JW development, Koetter was a good choice. But Dirk loved Mike Smith who was his death. So BA is Licht’s only true pick for head coach.

    I love seeing who he hires to be the Bucs next HC. He will be offensive minded and will be an exciting pick for all but the dullards who think they could do the job better while sitting in their fat boy chair eating chips.