Four Bucs Didn’t Practice On Wednesday

November 29th, 2023

“Sit down, Kyle.”

Buccaneers injuries are mounting but only four players were held out of practice completely today.

Iconic linebaker Lavonte David, who sat out Sunday’s game with a bad groin, did not practice. Neither did Jamel Dean (ankle/foot), rookie linebacker SirVocea Dennis (sick) or backup defensive tackle Mike Greene (calf).

Limited in practice was Carlton Davis (ankle), YaYa Diaby (ankle) and Devin White (foot). Contrary to wacky rumors, White didn’t leave practice early to get a moving company estimate.

Baker Mayfield (ankle) was a full participant.

46 Responses to “Four Bucs Didn’t Practice On Wednesday”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    Baker does not even come up to Trasks nose.

  2. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Baker is not “too short”….. Everyone else is too tall.

  3. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I remember that pic! That’s from back when Trask was the obvious leader in training camp…just before Bowles revealed that it didn’t matter!

  4. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Dungy said it takes all 53 to go the distance..Smart man. When the injuries pile up this time if year, who you got behind the starters? That’s what is going to drive the last nail in Todd’s coffin. McVay has overcome that. Todd not do much

  5. DJB Says:

    Baker listed at 6′ 1″ is a load a crap – he might be 5′ 11″

  6. SBucs Says:

    I’m shocked…based on their production during the last six weeks I believed no Buc players practiced and the coaches napped all day.

  7. David Says:

    I warned you before that Baker will tape the hell out of his ankle before he misses the Sunday game. He knows he will not see another game if Trask starts based on Trask’s track record.
    Fire Toilet Bowl and the journeyman who destroyed the season as did in the past with other teams.

  8. Pewter power Says:

    Damn Dennis your sick after finally getting significant playing time?

  9. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    David is correct..Brucey was not really a QB whisperer, he put Gabbert #2 on the depth chart out of spite. Bowles did not to disagree with an expert but played the cards to keep this wonderful talent one snap away from unveiling his greatness, and now the time has come. Dude, pull your head out, its brighter and smells better. He has been evaluated for 3 friggin years. Wasted draft pick. He is a dud. Mayfield is a league average QB, not Marino or Mahomes by a long sight. Still light years ahead of Tim Tebow without the arm or wheels. Deal with it

  10. WyomingJoe Says:

    It’s true! The photo of Trask looking away from Mayfield shows how frightened he is in Baker’s presence. I don’t blame the 25 year old “kid” for being frightened. If I botched an easy pass for a touchdown, I’d be hiding my face too. The photo also reveals how thin and fragile Trask looks as well. So sad!

  11. Tony Marks Says:

    David Says:
    November 29th, 2023 at 4:20 pm
    . He knows he will not see another game if Trask starts based on Trask’s track record.


    LOL “trask’s record”. You just can’t make that quality of comedy up

    Trask’s record
    3 of 10
    23 yards

    The second bit of comedy will be citing college as NFL

  12. Pewter Pride Says:


  13. Bucs since 76 Says:

    The Bucs record over the last six games is 1 – 6. Trask couldn’t do much worse. If we lose to the Panthers. It’s time to bench Mayfield and start Trask. Also fire Bowles so we can start looking for a new coach and the candidates know the job is open.

  14. pmarcello Says:

    I think it is passed timeto address one of the biggest fallacies of the year that the fake Media along with the dirty dozen and the rest of the talking turds on this site.
    Yunz have been harping . that your golden boy Trask actually won the Qb competition in training camp.
    Trask won nothing. If he really had he would bee starting. Remember when everybody was chattering about Baker throwing Ints in practice and golden boy wasn’t? What did Bakser say about it? And thsi wa only the 1st time it was possible to discern who was the real pro. Baker stated openly that during practice that he was trying to see jut what he could and could not get away with.He was testing himself againt the D while getting to know the guys and how they played in certain situations. That is what real pros do. They prefer to make their mistakes in practice when it doesn’t cost the team.
    Remember Baker was broght in on a one year dirt cheap “prove it” contract. Baker was a complete outsider to this organization. He didn’t know anybody. He had to start from scratch and win the players and the coaches one at at a time. He hadto and has had to walk avery fine line.
    Trask on the other hand knew almost everybody except for Canale and he tried to play the part of the goody two shoe perfect practice player. He already knew the recievers and theri tendencys. Baker had to walk the line and keep hi noe to the grindtone every minute of everyday and watch what he said beside.
    Baker has had to do what ever the Coaches said and he wasn’t permitted the luixury of any kind of mistake. He has been under the microscope with his every move without allies in this town. He bought into the system and played it the coache way and he hasn’t thrown that many Ints. He has gone with the hort paing game partly because that is what the Coaches wanted and alo without a run game he had to move the team with short pases. He gets the ball out in 2.33 econds. That is f ast and it still i not at enough becaue their lousy O line just couldn’t give him enough time to look down the field. He has contantly had to face third and long situations all season.
    In short he ha had to play “small ball”. and not make mistakes. He hasn’t made too many considering how much he has been chased arount.
    People complain that he is not accurate on the long Ball. It i hard to throw the long ball accurately when you have virtually no time to look down field. Only his elusivene and grit have kept the Buc ofense going at all. A hard as the long ball are concerned maybe he han’t been allowed and worse he has not been permitted to throw them in Practice. If he i not practicing it then it i hard to be good at it. These coache are o afraid of him toing Ints that they are mising the chances. Also your vaunted all pro recievers haven’t shown to be o all pro. They keep dropping TD passes. And another thing . Has anybody noticed that after long scoring drives or even short scoring drives the d turns around and lets the other team march right down the field for easy return scores.
    No you prejudiced blind talking turds Baker is not this team problem. He gives this team a chance in every game which the defense or the coaches blow every time.
    The simple fact is thi organization mortgaged itrs future to buy one super bowl and now jut doesn’t have the horses to dominate. Your vaunted defense stinks on ice. Many of the games the Bucs lost hould have been won but the Defense made the other sides rookies and all look like supermen.
    Not to worry Baker there are experts from other teams watching and at the end of the season will be calling you with lucrative contract offer. As for the losers in this town let them have their golden boy or play roulet in the draft. Yunz deserve what you get.
    If the Steelers had Baker now they would be a lock to make the playoffs and a good shot to make it to the big dance. Baker will win your lousy diviopn for you and probably at least one play of game. But I would advise him not to sign another contract with this team which is paying an insultingly cheap salary when he is play above all the bums like Carr .I hope Baker goes with Rams or Raiders and leaves you stupid blind losers to your deserved fate. Another ten years in football limbo.

  15. Tb bolts Says:

    Joe trolling ppl who want Trask to have his shot. Joke is going to be on you when bucs miss the playoffs by a mile.

  16. Knucknbuc Says:

    Shocking. lol of course baker is going to play mans wants to remain a starter. Barring a broken leg he’s going to play through any injury. This is his last chance

  17. WyomingJoe Says:

    Unfortunately for you Trask fans, Kyle is exactly where he should be. Baker will soon be in the Top 10 QB rankings. And he has the the next 6 regular season games, plus the playoffs, to show the Glazers that he should be resigned. If all that happens, will you Baker Haters please start following professional bowling?

  18. adam from ny Says:

    were they at practice standing next to bowles doing the mannequin challenge?

  19. Tb bolts Says:

    Wyjoe and tony miss the marks… your guy is 4-7.. two of those wins were in september. Bakey has had an abysmal season and you two still come on here daily acting like he’s the league MVP. It’s both hilarious and a little concerning.
    It’s also proof that you know Trask would smoke mayfield as soon as he got the starting job… why else would you two circus clowns feel the need to show your faces when midfield has been the most unclutch player in the league. Its pathetic and you should go outside and touch grass. Can’t wait to see what excuses you come up with if they lose to the Panthers.

  20. UKBuccaneer Says:

    We have no evidence that Trask would outplay Mayfield. None.

    He might. Sure. But anyone stating that he definitely would is talking out of their hat.

  21. Tb bolts Says:

    UK its not hard to improve on garbage. Just common sense.

  22. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Well so far we have admittedly limited evidence of Trask’s NFL calibre. He’s completed 30% of his passes, for a couple dozen yards.

    If the coaching staff had faith in him, we’d not have brought Mayfield in. If the coaching staff had any faith in him, they’d have me he’d Mayfield weeks ago.

    I’m all for seeing Trask once we’re mathematically eliminated from playoff contention. And then we’ll see what he has, but I’m not expecting much.

  23. Brandon Says:

    Baker’s official Combine measurement was 6 foot and 7/8 inches.

  24. WyomingJoe Says:

    PMARCELLO: Well said my friend. You explained Baker perfectly. The Baker Haters will now officially hate you.

    TB BOLTS: Lol, lol, lol, lol

  25. PowerOfPewter Says:

    As long as Bowles tries to hang on to his job, he’ll start Mayfield.

  26. DJB Says:

    PMarcello says: War and Peace

  27. DJB Says:

    Brandon: He must have had his cleats on hahaha. . .

  28. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Not impressed with Mayfield or Trask – and this isn’t a pissing contest. Our record sucks and why wouldn’t fans want to see what Trask can do? Really, why not – because we can still mathematically make the playoffs? That’s a joke. So you would rather not see what Trask can do just to prove the your love for Mayfield is legit? Not impressed.

  29. Ex-Browns02 Says:

    Mayfield’s height is 6′ 0.625″ (measured at the combine). NFL player height measurements are subject to simple rounding — hence, the published height of 6′ 1”.

    The record of 4-7 is on the team, not the quarterback alone. The team understands that, why don’t (certain) fans? Baker has had some great, and not so great, moments this year — along with numerous other teammates.

  30. Tony Marks Says:

    Tb bolts Says:
    and you two still come on here daily acting like he’s the league MVP.


    “Liar liar pants of fire

    Looks like Baker will start so traskies ears are on fire”

    I’ve NEVER placed Baker as top 5 or even top 7. I could see him in the right system settle around 10 -12 but am quite fine where he is now at 14/15

    Like I have said many teams before, a good amount of you and even the joes at time have Brady rental syndrome. You don’t learn a darn thing from Panther’s and the bears. There’s only a few teams every five years that get the QB thar can turn things all around by his lonesome and draft order doesn’t guarantee you will select THE ONE .

    You confine yourself to only being successful if you have a generationally good QB then you will join the ranks of most teams that won’t see another ring for a decade.

  31. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Baker Mayfield led the Cleveland Browns to 3 losing seasons out of the 4 that he played there. He only led Cleveland to one winning season.

    Last year with the Panthers, Baker Mayfield led them to a 1-5 record, that’s a losing record.

    Last year with the Rams, Baker Mayfield led them to a 1-3 record, that’s a losing record.

    This year with the Bucs, Baker Mayfield has led them to a 4-7 record, that’s a losing record.

    That’s 4 franchises, 6 losing seasons and 1 winning season.

    You are your record.

    TB12 is the GOAT because of his record.

    Baker Mayfield is a quarterback who will lead your team to a losing record.

    That’s what he’s done his entire career.

    Nothing personal, it’s just business and the numbers don’t lie.

  32. David Says:

    This is what Toilet Boel said about his qb toughness:

    “That’s the way he was brought up and coached,” Bowles said. “He’s got an old-school mentality. He’s got a work ethic that is undeniable. He loves to play the game and he does everything he can every week to be ready to play.”

    LOL. If you notice he didn’t say anything about Baker’s plays or his above average game.

  33. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    LOL Joe is riding his horse right into the dirt.

    LOL who needs to win games anyway?

  34. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Pmarcello tl;dr

  35. (Please use a different handle. Thank you.) Says:


    So you sont watch football but like to comment on football topics, its ok you may do so

  36. Crickett Baker Says:

    Baker is doing a fine job. He has thrown some long accurate passes and even run for some yards. He hasn’t (like Brady did) thrown 3 INTs in one game. I have seen VERY few actual mistakes he has made. I am one of the few who think we have enough in the QB room not to draft another one high. We need DOGS on our team and one for a head coach. I love Canales
    ‘s attitude and feel he should be given some time to grow. Compared to Lefty he is a fresh breeze. Even Licht has done wonders for our team. Many of you on here just aren’t looking deep enough.

  37. Hodad Says:

    Who’s the little kid with the towel on his head standing next to Trask?

  38. tbc 1 Says:

    If this team had the whole team with the attitude of Mayfield we would be 9-2 instead of loafing on plays and not blocking before running your route. How many drops have the receivers had in critical situations-Mayfield would be in the top 10 of qbs-yes Mayfield is trying way to hard but how many buccs are trying? Give him a 2 year deal and build the team around him and after 2 years draft a competent QB out of the draft-Trask is not the guy. Trask could not get the gift of getting a TD done on the 1 yard line.

  39. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    You’re attacking the messenger and ignoring the message.

    Everything that I stated is a fact. You’re your record when you are a quarterback.

    TB12’s record is that if the winningest quarterback of all time.

    Baker’s record is that of a losing quarterback for 4 franchises over 6 seasons.

    Please don’t take everything so personally. Football is a results based Business. Nothing personal. If you don’t produce results then you will Not be there For Long. Mature and knowledgeable football fans get this. Maybe one day you will too.

  40. stpetebucfan Says:


    “the fake Media along with the dirty dozen and the rest of the talking turds on this site.”

    Wow what a great opening line that made us all want to read the rest of your screed! NOT!

    So P are you a talking turd since you’re on this site. I will give you one thing your post did smell to high heavens!

  41. stpetebucfan Says:

    AGAIN…Baker is not elite but he’s NOT the problem. Canalas is NOT the problem.
    A young improving OL is not the problem.

    This team could and SHOULD be 6-5 minimum and more likely 7-4 if the Defense had held up their end of the bargain.

    The team was supposed to suck this year based on a horrid offense, nobody knew our defense would play so poorly. This offense has not carried the team, D.R. a defensive guy could accurately point out they didn’t possess the ball long enough to HELP the D…true dat…but they did accomplish enough to win more if the D had simply held up it’s expected end of the bargain.

  42. Oneilbuc Says:

    Stpetebuc. Baker Mayfield is a average quarterback at best he ain’t it bro give it up . The guy is on his 4th team in 6 years and no other team wanted Baker Mayfield as a starter but the bucs and our average quarterback loving fan base. Baker Mayfield had 11 yards passing in the third quarter in the colts game. But he’s a great quarterback and the losses is every one else fault but Faker Mayfield. Lol 🤣🤣

  43. Cobraboy Says:

    @Belle Glade: If “you are your record” please explain Steve Young, Doug Williams, and Trent Dilfer as QB’s.

  44. Bucsfan61 Says:

    Stop trying that damn run game..start with Evans..Godwin..and Otton for pete sake..our run game sucks..and Bowles dont give a darn bout this team..he shows no emotion on the sideline…just saying

  45. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Dilfer: Sorry Big Dog Steve Deumig, I have to talk about him, has a winning record and led his team to a Super Bowl Championship.

    Steve Young: HOF player, 2 x NFL MVP, had a winning record and led his team to a Super Bowl Championship.

    Doug Williams: Has a losing career record, but led his team to a Super Bowl Championship.

    2 out of 3 like the great Meatloaf sang ‘ain’t bad, but a Super Bowl Championship puts you on another level.

    All 3 are Champions whose accomplishments are recognized in the Hall of Fame.

    All 3 are a part of an elite group of 34 Super Bowl Champion Quarterbacks in the 57 Super Bowls Bowls that have been played.

    So @Cobra, all 3 are much more accomplished quarterbacks than Baker Mayfield. It’s not even up for debate.

    You know who is a losing quarterback who has never led his team to a Super Bowl Championship? Baker Mayfield.

  46. Mark hardt Says:

    The short jokes are making fun of a disability and the same class as the N word. Moreover there are many starting QB,s shorter than him that nobody says anything about such as Kyler Murray. If you are going to take the position short QB,s are no good at least be consistent.