It Starts (Ends?) On Sunday

November 29th, 2023

Todd Bowles

Is there a sense of do-or-die with the Bucs? Bucs coach Todd Bowles suggested the locker room ought to appreciate the need for a win.

He sure does.

With the Bucs losing six of their last seven games and in the midst of a spiral, Bowles today was asked if his locker room recognizes a fast turnaround is required or there may be no playoff run.

“It has got to start Sunday,” Bowles said. “We don’t care if it is a 1-10 team or a 12-0 team. We have to start with ourselves.”

And Bowles emphasized what is going on in Carolina (new interim coach amid a staff upheaval) or what the Stinking Panthers’ record is makes zero difference, nor should it matter. The Bucs must play better and win.

“We have to play hard no matter who we are playing on Sunday,” Bowles said. “The urgency has to be there no matter who is on the other side of the field.”

Of course, Bowles later added his stock comment, “We have to coach it better.”

This week would be a good time to start.

43 Responses to “It Starts (Ends?) On Sunday”

  1. Allbuccedup Says:

    If they lose against the hapless panthers the Glazers should fire Bowles immediately.

  2. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Todd Bowles is hoping to save some more time-outs, planning to pass them on to his grandchildren.

  3. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Let it end bro……..seriously.

    Todd Bowles reminds me of old Norv Turner………and this

    Norv was a fantastic coordinator…..but everytime he was a head coach….<—–he did HORRIBLE.

    And Todd Bowles has done the same thing.

    I like Todd Bowles…..but just not as a Head Coach

  4. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    …….and with the EFFORT or should I say “LACK OF EFFORT” we’ve been seeing from this team’s losing…..

    I just cannot realistically see them winning anymore than 2 games max!

    …….and that’s a sad thing to say

  5. Sly Pirate Says:

    Sounds like he has it all figured out (sarcasm)

  6. Buc Fan in CO Says:

    I keep expecting him to say “Simple as that.” 🙄

  7. David Says:

    Toilet Bowl needs to stop messing around and address the real issue which is a poor 23ed NFL total offense with a MAXI-MAN whom he appointed as the leader of his team at the helm.

    He mostly and publicly criticize and holds the players on the defensive side of the ball. He hasn’t once blame his loving son, Baker for his role in losing three game sat home scoring an average of 12 points a game or losing six out of seven games at home. Baker has had 5 turnovers and 7 near picks in just last two games.

    Baker played again with an injury in he last game as he was sacked 6 times as he couldn’t step in and out pocket which is one of his main attributes. Otherwise he will not be able to thorw accurately as a drop back qb due to his height.

    Let’s start Trask this Sunday. We have been losing any way with Baker. At least we as Bucs fans will have some reasons to go to the stadium going forward.

  8. TomBucsFan Says:


  9. David Says:

    Baker will played and will play with his injured ankle as he did with his injured shoulder in Cleveland to make sure we lose the rest of the games this season.
    Here is a report to prove it;

    “Browns’ Baker Mayfield playing injured some weeks was ‘small …
    Mayfield played through shoulder issues — he also suffered a fractured humerus bone in Week 6 — wore a harness to prevent it from repeatedly dislocating and also dealt with lower-body injuries (left heel, right knee, groin) throughout the season”.

  10. Ultra ClodHopper Says:

    Can we get Lovie to give him a call and tell him it’s after Thanksgiving. The season has started now.

  11. Voice of Truth Says:

    After the past two months the season is following the exact pattern described in all my off season comments

    I got moderated numerous times and called out by many posters

    We did exactly what Todd always does, peaks at week 2, crashes back down to earth – then scapegoat the coordinators at seasons end and repeat the same cycle

    It doesn’t matter who we beat or don’t these final games, if the owners can’t see the miserable mess Todd has made of this group of players then they deserve to continue to suck out loud just like him.

  12. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    @ David

    They won’t bench Baker because that would send a glaring message to the team that Bowles believes he’s essentially given up on the season.

    The only way Trask would start if Baker is hurt and cannot play at all.

    All this talk of “Trask starting” makes me wanna vomit in my mouth……he ain’t good or even has potential……because if that was the cause, he would’ve been #2 behind Brady and they would’ve never signed Baker if the Bucs Organization thought Trask could lead this team.

    So stop it with all this nonsense of Trask.

  13. Jack Clark Says:

    Fortunately the Panthers are only scoring 10 points a game so Baker Mayfield can win this one for us by throwing his measly two touchdown passes a game 😂

  14. David Says:

    Baker refused to be benched for an in season shoulder surgery against the team medical suggestion and continued playing with his bad shoulder while producing many turnovers.
    Baker is a cancer to a team per the past six years and the cancer has caught up with the Bucs.
    The GM did great job in hiring Tom B. to win the super even though resulted in a high salary cap going forward.
    We won a super ball at high cost but he has done horrible job to damage control since then by some reason promoting or allowing Toilet Bowl as the HC.

    For this reason, The GM, HC need to be dismisses after this season.
    Baker shouldn’t be benched. He should be cut now as growing cancer.

  15. DoooshLaRue Says:

    TheBucsAnthem Says:
    November 29th, 2023 at 1:19 pm
    @ David

    They won’t bench Baker because that would send a glaring message to the team that Bowles believes he’s essentially given up on the season.

    The only way Trask would start if Baker is hurt and cannot play at all.

    All this talk of “Trask starting” makes me wanna vomit in my mouth……he ain’t good or even has potential……because if that was the cause, he would’ve been #2 behind Brady and they would’ve never signed Baker if the Bucs Organization thought Trask could lead this team.

    So stop it with all this nonsense of Trask.

    My problem with this is that the talent evaluators on this team ain’t exactly batting a thousand.

  16. Buc1987 Says:

    Start Trask before the end of the season.

  17. David Says:

    @ BucsAnthem,

    Are you vomiting? You must be used to vomiting while watching your boy, Baker laying turds every week.

    Dude, your trash Baker with his loving daddy are done here. GO follow him on his instagram not here.

  18. David Says:

    Here is how we will win this Sunday and the remaining games. Fire Toilet Bowl and cut Baker. Start Trask. I guaranteed it.

  19. Confido75 Says:

    Why is this dude still the HC? He is HORRIBLE at being a HC. Simple Jack even knows he is horrible at this job. Hey, Glazers, WTFU!

  20. Erik The Viking Says:

    Nothing will change. He’s a diversity hire.

    The record is meaningless in the modern NFL.

    Identity politics have ruined this league.

    Barely watchable product at this point.

  21. Mackey Says:

    I was stunned that the Bucs promoted Bowles to HC in the first place. As somebody else basically said, his best destiny is being defensive co-ordinator. Add him to the list of coaches who are/were great coordinators and lousy head coaches. The New York Jets were really bad back then, and Bowles added to that lousiness as their HC. We should learn from history.

  22. adam from ny Says:

    if they lose this sunday, there’s no saying how the glazers will react in regards to keeping the sinking ship afloat…

    they might not wait until the end of the season to make changes…

    if you know what i mean

  23. Pewter Power Says:

    The only downside to losing this week is Glazers doing nothing but waiting for it to happen the rest of the season. The fact that in week 12 we are questioning whether we can beat the panthers is enough for me. If we win fire him at the end of the season, if we lose fire him now so all the coaches out there know this job has an opening.

  24. Duane in Sanford Says:

    This game was a gimme before the season, and should still be. I dont see a change until the end of the season, but I do think a decision has been made for third prize. You hold your nose and make Bowles play his way through this mess. At best, he gets the division and a first round matchup with them Cowboys. Team Glazer gets the playoff loot. At worst, you miss the playoffs and get a top 10 pick. Both outcomes get Bowles to walk the plank. I honestly do not see any reason for Team Glazer to make any overt decisions at this point.

  25. Scott Says:

    If we lose Sunday we need to fire Bowles and put Trask in.

  26. Bucsfanman Says:

    First off, this has to be the funniest thing I’ve heard all week!:

    “Todd Bowles is hoping to save some more time-outs, planning to pass them on to his grandchildren.”

    2nd- I’m not saying that Baker hasn’t contributed to our woes but, what game are you people watching that think HE’s the lone problem? And that Trask, is suddenly the solution?!

  27. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    I can see the Panthers leading 10-7 in the 4th qtr and the Bucs making a field goal to tie with 3 seconds left, then losing in OT. It’s a Bucs life.

  28. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs should blow em out with EZ win against these bums…they are the worst team in the NFL. 47-3

  29. Confido75 Says:

    Does the new Rooney rule apply for promotion on minority coaches to HC or executive positions. According to the new rule, a team losing a minority coach to another team for a HC or exec position gets two 3rd rd comp picks as long as the minority hire stays in their new job for 2 years. Are the Bucs being compensated for promoting Bowles to HC. Only reason they would hold on two him for so long.

  30. J Says:

    Ask Bowles if Godwin still plays on our team.

  31. Pewter power Says:

    What’s the update on baker? I don’t like the idea of a short guy not being able to escape the pocket plus I want to see Trask play out of sheer curiosity

  32. Jonny Says:

    @TheBucsAnthem: it is downright silly to assume the opinion of our coaches is worth a whole lot when it comes to judging Trask. Leftwich was one of the least creative offensive coordinators to coach the game in Bucs history. This year Bowles is coaching for his job. There is no way they would let an unproven QB take the reins. Trask is probably inferior to Mayfield. But to say he is some damn joke is silly, because he is on the active roster backing up Baker even though we have another backup QB with a playoff win under his belt in John Wolford.

  33. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    @David is suddenly a Browns expert.. Stefanski had a perfectly capable backup in Case Keenum but put a hard pass on playing him more than one game. Nick Mullens started a game because Case and Baker failed the Covid test. After the Patriots game old boy had a bum shoulder, high ankle sprains and just really couldn’t go. But they played his a$$ anyways because “the Browns were going to the Superbowl” after a playoff win in Pitt. Well guess what, that dream died when Conklin went down, Jed Wills played through a high ankle sprain, and old Bake got beat TF up. Get your facts right

  34. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    #HC Grover, you’re right about the Lap Kittens being the worst team. Not sure about your score though. Tepper def screwed the pooch making Tabot the interim, Evero was the correct pick. I say 27-7 Bucs

  35. Mike Johnson Says:

    If Bowles loses on Sunday, I say the Glazers should not even let him do a post game press conference. Fire him as he walks off the field.

  36. Bobby M. Says:

    He’s had 4-5 years to “coach it better”….the defense isn’t littered with rookies, the vast majority are veterans of this system, it simply doesn’t work. That’s the reality of Bowles defense….it doesn’t work and I don’t think it ever did. The SB team was stacked, we didn’t have to have perfect execution each week. We had a high scoring offense that could string together nice drives which kept the defense fresh and put pressure on the opposing offense to keep up. Up front we had Vea, Suh, JPP, Shaq,White, LVD….pick your poison we could beat you 1 on 1 at any of those matchups. That front seven made Davis/Dean look better than they actually are. Other than LVD and Winfield, every other starter has regressed….there’s no coaching it better, guys are getting worse.

  37. Show Me the TDs Says:

    The Bucs keep sucking me back in, but if they lose this one it’s over and out. Loved the headline, BTW

  38. infomeplease Says:

    If the Bucs lose on Sunday, then I hope I get fired as a fan of the Bucs!!!!! Miami is looking like an entertaining team!!! Something that left the Bucs when BA’ s health forced him to retire!!!!!

  39. Rod Munch Says:

    “We don’t care if it is a 1-10 team or a 12-0 team. We have to start with ourselves.”





  40. Bill in Seminole Says:

    For us, a new season starts on Sunday, and a win will go a long way. We play the Panthers and must win. The Saints play the Lions and should lose. The Falcons play the Jets; the Jets could (maybe) pull out a win. If it goes that way, we, the Saints and Falcons would all be tied at 5-7.

    A new season then starts. Of our then remaining 5 games, 3 are against division opponents. Win Sunday, win the 3 division games, win 1 of 2 remaining non-division games and we finish 9-8.

    It could happen.

  41. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    You absolutely take his keys away if he loses on Sunday.

    We’ll probably scrape a win in the 4th quarter and goobers will be claiming we are playoff bound.

    All you need to do is get in…the goobers say. SMDH.

  42. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    You absolutely take his keys away if he loses on Sunday.

    We’ll probably scrape a win in the 4th quarter and yokels will be claiming we are playoff bound.

    All you need to do is get in…the yokels say. SMDH.

  43. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    I’ve been hard on the guy as of late (understandably) I hope they turn it around, I hope he assists them in turning it around, I like the guy. I want nothing but greatness for them all.