Hot YaYa Diaby

November 21st, 2023

Play this man (more)!

If Joe doesn’t see this man get more snaps in Indianapolis on Sunday, there is a good bet you will see Joe at Kilroy’s after the game doing shots.

It seems per Brad Spielberger of the PFF tribe, no Bucs player is hotter than outside linebacker YaYa Diaby right now.

Buccaneers rookie edge defender Yaya Diaby notched two sacks and three tackles for loss, following up his best game as a professional in Week 10 with his new best outing as a pro in Week 11. He boasts three sacks and five defensive stops over the span.

So Diaby has back-to-back strong games and he still cannot get more snaps. Diaby had 27 snaps on defense in a win over Tennessee and 21 in San Francisco when the Bucs needed him most.

Meanwhile, Joe Tryon-Shoyinka has turned into a photo on a milk carton. The last time he had a sack was against Detroit over a month ago. Diaby has three times as many sacks in the past two weeks — when Bucs coaches granted him permission to take the field.

If Diaby doesn’t have at least as many snaps at Indianapolis as JTS on Sunday, Joe just might go mental. That would tell Joe the Bucs coaches are not serious about winning.

That may seem like a ridiculous statement, but how else do you explain why a better healthy player is not allowed to get more playing time than a guy who has turned into an empty uniform while a team’s playoff chances hang in the balance?

Winning usually requires your best players are on the field. At least more than guys who have turned into warm bodies?

39 Responses to “Hot YaYa Diaby”

  1. NutterBuccer Says:

    More diaby and watts. We’re 4-6. Wtf does this team have to lose. Mayne they have 2 studs ready to rock for next year. But let’s remember this is todd Bowles. He played brady for first half vs the falcons in a meaningless game. Then brought in Blaine Gabbert before Trask in the second half. If it wasnt for a Ryan Neel injury he would still be playing as well.

  2. Miller5252 Says:

    Since the bye week the Bucs fans have been begging for Yaya to start and get a lot more time on the field over project 9. I don’t get why everyone can see 9 isn’t doing enough and Yaya has been showing a great upside. Bowles needs wins to keep his job so he may want to let Yaya play and let him make Bowles look like a genius for letting him be the starter.

  3. gotbbucs Says:

    “If you want to win games, don’t you want your best players on the field? At least more so than guys who have turned into just warm bodies?”

    Oh, let the conspiracy start. Glazers are paying Bowles under the table to sneaky tank the season.

  4. Bobby M. Says:

    He’s not on the field because he hasn’t mastered his assignments/reads. The more he learns where to be in situational football, the more he’ll see the field. JTS knows his assignments…but he’s average at best. We’ve seen repeatedly how one missed assignment can lead to explosive plays nearly every week. Yaya’s time is coming….hes just really raw at the pro level and Bowles is coaching for his job.

  5. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Yea you said it perfectly Joe. Yaya is producing and JTS isn’t doing much. You gotta get your best players on the field and get them the dam ball cough cough ME13 n CG14. Like come on canales feed these guys they are healthy and can produce they have done it for years. Pass to set up the run. The most targets should go to ME13 , CG14 RW1 and CO88 in that order. What’s the problem ?

  6. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Bowles is like Grandpa watching some crappy show on the tv because the remote is too far away. “Ah screw it, guess I’m watching The Nanny”

  7. garro Says:

    Joe I believe Bowles and most of the Bucs staff will be there with you because they will have been fired.

    Go Bucs!

  8. AtlBuc Says:

    Conventional wisdom says, If a player does well in a small sample size, increase his load. And, if the team needs injections of better play, try something different. But Bowles is an old coach like Love Smith and Mike Smith. They seem to draw up a game plan at the beginning of the season and don’t deviate from it come what may.
    YaYa should be starting, Watts should be getting more snaps and Trask should replace Mayfield. Not only does he miss wide open receivers but his rate of turnovers has increased.
    Before the season the Joes reasoned that with his job on the line, Todd Bowles would rather rely on Baker to save his career. Right now, I’m not sure his job can be saved. The Glaziers see that Bowles is not playing better players. They see his defense getting burned. There is no reason to bring him back.

  9. PSL Bob Says:

    Totally agree! Get JTS off the field. Put in Diaby and only let JTS spell him when he needs a break. Jeez, this isn’t rocket science.

  10. PSL Bob Says:

    Zero’s the Hero.

  11. stpetebucfan Says:


    THANKS. A well thought out post without mind numbing hyperbole that actually makes perfect sense.

  12. Jonny Says:

    @AltBuc, agree with you on most everything except Trask replacing Baker. I am not high on Baker myself, but he is playing average. It is totally understandable why he will start rest of the year. Our coaches are coaching to keep their jobs.

  13. AtlBuc Says:

    Bobby M. Says:
    November 21st, 2023 at 9:16 am
    He’s not on the field because he hasn’t mastered his assignments/reads. The more he learns where to be in situational football, the more he’ll see the field. JTS knows his assignments.

    2 sacks, 3 TFL, doesn’t know assignments vs. zip. Knows his assignments. Which one do you want on the field more.

  14. Hodad Says:

    It’s not going to be funny when Indy beats us. They do have a better record then our Bucs. This is a must win for Bowles.

  15. realistic-optimistic Says:

    @Bobby M, at a glance your argument looks reasonable. But try applying that same logic to Ryan Neal, Matt Feiler, Devin White, Carlton Davis. Have they “mastered [their] assignments/reads?” If not, why were they sent onto the field?

  16. Beeej Says:

    It’s understandable that a DT might not have much, if any, stats. A lot of what they do doesn’t have a metric. An edge rusher? Not so much. JTS, Neal, Logan Hall, Feiler, last year Goedeke…. I’m not sure if Bowles has some sort of misplaced loyalty, or he simply doesn’t want to change some sort of pre-arranged plan in his mind.

  17. Defense Rules Says:

    Bobby M … Excellent post; spot on, but I’ve got a question. 49ers had 3 long runs around right end in Sunday’s game, plus 1 long run around left end. Which end does JTS play? (we got burned on both outsides, but more-so on the right). I thought he play left OLB which would make him the guy to stop right end-arounds, but they move players around so much now I’m not sure where he plays anymore.

    Three things I love about Diaby are his size, quickness & strength. He reminds me a lot of JJP in that regard.

  18. AtlBuc Says:

    @Jonny I agree that Baker has not played terribly. But we will not go far scoring 19 points a game when we have 3 of the best offensive weapons in the league. like you, I don’t think it will happen but why not put Trask in to see if he can spark the offense? We’re definitely not going far with Baker quarterbacking. Currently, we’re not on track to make the playoffs in the worst division in the league.

  19. Bojim Says:

    Makes top much sense.

  20. Couch Fan Says:

    Everything this coach does makes zero sense to me. Im starting to agree that maybe he is tanking on purpose. But IMO this team has to much talent to want to tank so that makes no sense to me either. It has to be imcompetence.

  21. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 9 must be assinged to observe the action from a safe distance and file a report to coach Bowlzo.

  22. Pewter Power Says:

    At this point if you have a defensive coach who won’t give the better player more reps because of rotation and you’re getting roasted , you are useless as a head coach.

    Bowles is coaching as if he doesn’t know this may be his last chance. He didn’t didn’t learn anything the first time. There are rookie heads coaches out here making their teams winners immediately but this guy with this talent has the franchise considering blowing it all up

  23. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    i would leave him out there until he’s begging for mercy to the sideline for help.

    He’s a young guy….in shape….motivated……let him do his job!!!

    it’s JTSs responsibility to revive and save his NFL career……not the coaches’.

  24. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    Todd Bowles would not play Lawrence Taylor if he had him. He is so anti-rookie. Hell Hutchison and Micah Parsons would just now start seeing the field if we drafted them.

  25. Jack Clark Says:

    I’m starting to think the only reason why Todd Bowles keeps starting JTS sorry as is because Jason Licht drafted him in the first round and the Bucs are spending more money on him than YaYa Diaby who was drafted in the third round and Markees Watts who was an undrafted free agent. But if the purpose of signing edge rushers is to produce quarterback sacks and make them run for their life on game day then YaYa Diaby needs to be our starter backed up by watts. I’m sure JTS can be useful somewhere on special teams like for blocking field goals since he’s 6’5 tall or chasing down kick returners since there will be no offensive line men to block him 😂

  26. ModHairKen Says:

    This is exactly why Bowles must be FIRED. He plays guys based on some analysis that has nothing to do with production. He has game plans that have nothing to do with outscoring the opponent. He makes no adjustments.

    A wasted season. If we are all lucky, we get 75-90 seasons on Planet Earth and he just ruined one.

  27. Brandon Says:

    Diaby is a marvelous testing athlete. Elite speed and explosion, good power, and the last few weeks he’s been productive… but only as a bull rusher. Until he learns how to turn the corner and run the arc, he’ll be a strict one-trick pony that doesn’t offer much in bag of tricks that warrants him staying out on the field. On one of his sacks from Sunday, he was literally unblocked… he wasn’t even schemed to get free, the LT just blocked down on the blitzer and let Diaby have a free run. He works hard, he gets push, but he has zero bend to his game. Until he can speed rush and turn the corner, I wouldn’t count on him being in the game full time.

  28. realistic-optimistic Says:

    At least Diaby CAN bull rush. Unlike the guy stealing snaps from him.

  29. BA’s Red Pen Says:


  30. teacherman777 Says:

    JTS would make a good ILB.

    I say we give him some reps at ILB.

    We will need a replacement for Devin White.

    Why not JTS?

    I bet he could play ILB very well.


    Looked slow to me. But he has looked heavy footed and slow on special teams.

    Just look at him jog. He’s so slow!

    Dennis will end up like Britt.

    Another 4.8 linebacker who can only play special teams.

    I want to start drafting NFL athletes at ILB.

    Britt and Dennis are not fast enough to start in the NFL.

  31. Beejezus-belt Says:

    I still don’t understand how JTS can line up offsides and still not get to the quarterback. I’m not sure he needs to be out there, what does he bring. Healthy scratch the rest of year and I don’t think his stat sheet would change.

  32. Obvious Says:


    Do you hear yourself? It’s kinda the point of the article…

    “He’s trying to save his job”

    That IS the point. He’s NOT “COACHING” to save his job as is…

    Now you may feel sorry for Bowles. Don’t. He knows better. And if he doesn’t do to an anal retentive philosophy then he’s FAR out of date, not in touch with reality, and needs to be replaced ASAP!


    Most of the players ARE fighting HARD. Why isn’t he? It won’t be long before he COMPLETELY sucks the life out of them. If you have players that are ON FIRE, YOU LET THEM BURN BRIGHT! He REFUSES to LET THEM SHINE!

    He’s either in on the TANK or “HE IS WHAT HIS RECORD SAYS HE IS”. A 4 TIME LOSER ON HIS WAY TO NUMBER FIVE AND FAST as he drags US ALL down with him.

    Mediocrity (if even that) and half measures GETS YOU REPLACED…. and as far as I’m concerned, the sooner this man is given his walking papers THE BETTER!

    Life is too short for this GARBAGE and COLOSSAL waste of my time AND YOURS. That’s if you ACTUALLY like how it feels to be a WINNER. STOP EXCEPTING THIS LOUSY QUALITY OF A FOOTBALL LIFESTYLE! “DEMAND MORE”! “YOU’RE WORTH IT!”

    GO BUCS!

  33. Buddha Says:

    Ya Ya, a simply GREAT draft pick. I can take Bowles or leave him. The truth is that the Buccaneers have played a very difficult schedule. Expectations were too high. I’m not against high expectations but this was always going to be a difficult year. That we still are talking playoffs in Week 11 is way more than I expected. The young players need to play more, no doubt.

  34. stpetebucfan Says:


    Another voice of sanity!

  35. adam from ny Says:

    yaya,,,,,,,,,,,,the diabolical one

  36. Bobby M. Says:

    IMO….JTS knows the system much more in-depth than YaYa, doesn’t mean he executes consistently but he’s much more versatile in the play calling. Young guys tend to be assigned one “read” or duty so their heads don’t spin…keeps their responsibilities simple.

    As for the other players referenced, if the veterans look lost occasionally, then you can bet a rookie will to. I’m not a fan of Bowles scheme, he just blitzes…if that’s not working he’s got nothing but a soft as tissue zone package that teams eat up.

  37. adam from ny Says:

    brandon’s post is on point…

    yaya has no bend or turn on the corner…

    he’s gotta work on his moves this off season because if he gets a full repertoire of moves, the dude is dangerous…

    meanwhile jts has bend, arc, turns etc – but it’s so flimsy – it’s like he’s flailing around out there like a puppet on strings (i noticed the puppet like movements almost immediately when he got here) …he’s often just like a pair of arms and legs flailing around out there…this year i’ve seen a little less of the flying arms and legs…a little less…

    but if you have no edge in jts, you take the simpler bully baller in yaya and get him more snaps…simple

  38. adam from ny Says:


    it’s like this…expounding on my above post….

    we are coming down the home stretch now…7 games left…

    we have who we have…

    we have chosen to basically stay with our rb room…so that’s who we have down the homestretch…

    gotta go with yaya at this point…it’s what we have that’s working on the edge…

    once again – gotta go with yaya down the homestretch…

    there is no street meat out there that’s gonna change things

  39. Daniel Hammond Says:

    Good player