Maybe The Bucs Have A Chance

November 19th, 2023

Can or will Bucs adjust?

Joe had sort of a bipolar afternoon at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara today as the Bucs lost to the 49ers 27-14.

At times, Joe was furious to the point of wondering if what this team needs is a full-blown housecleaning. At other times, Joe thought the Bucs might be on the cusp of a helluva run.

For the glass-is-half-full crowd: The Bucs lost by two scores to the 49ers. The mighty Cowboys got their arses handed to them in the same crib earlier this year, 42-10.

For the glass-is-half-empty crowd: The Bucs are still too damned stuck wanting to run the ball with the league’s worst run game. When the Bucs were marching the ball in the second half, how did they do it? By throwing!

When will they learn?

Today Joe had hope the Bucs still can turn things around in the lousy NFC South. Last year, the Bucs got the snot knocked out of them against the 49ers and the second half was basically San Francisco trying to run out the clock. The Bucs were not in that game at all.

In the second half today, the Bucs very much came back and damn near pulled within a score. If not for a couple of plays.

“I need to catch that ball,” Bucs tight end Cade Otton told Joe of his dropped touchdown. He didn’t want to hear about any close calls or spinning.

Bucs head coach Todd Bowles said everyone in the Bucs locker room should be “pissed off.” And for one of the rare times, Bowles looked as if he was seething behind his stoic-behind-the-mic facade.

Joe fears, however, this team has no chance for a turnaround until they quit embracing the NFL’s worst running team and realize they have a potent offense by throwing.

As the Navy likes to say, “Adapt, adjust, overcome.” Is Bowles and his staff willing to do that for the betterment of the team and franchise?

47 Responses to “Maybe The Bucs Have A Chance”

  1. ModHairKen Says:


  2. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    I quit watching at 20-7.
    Thank God I did.
    Got some errands done!

  3. Pewter Power Says:

    everyone in the Bucs locker room should be “pissed off.”

    I guess this will be so every other week trend. Since when did good defensive teams not play pissed off. When I don’t want to see a coaches press conference it means I’m out on him

  4. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Glazers fully intend to give Toad another year.
    Write it down.

  5. Rod Munch Says:

    I’d agree with passing it more if you had a better QB, instead of a middling QB that puts up 246 yards, 1 TD, and 2 TOs on 45 attempts.

    If you’re going to pass that much, you need more points. And it’s not like this is a one week thing. Each week you can expect for Baker to get you around 250 yards, and on a good week, 2 TDs.

    That’s why he shouldn’t be starting. He’s not been bad, he’s just not good – and what we’re seeing now is him at the top of his game, and Baker at the top of his game equals a 13 point blowout loss vs a good team.

  6. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Winnng is about 3 steps down from the top of the Glazers priority list

  7. realistic-optimistic Says:

    the Bucs very much came back and damn near pulled within a score.

    This is what we’re playing for now? Pulling within one score?

  8. realistic-optimistic Says:

    How about keeping the opposing QB from having a perfect passer rating.

  9. Tye Says:

    FIRE bowels for ANY hope of winning in the future!
    Curse of Bowels racks up another LOSE…..

  10. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Carlton Davis was immolated

  11. Tony Marks Says:

    I happen to believe Defensive minded coaches don’t want explosive offenses. Ir over shadows rhem . Like us all if we could chose we would want an organization to thrive on what we are known to be good at . It makes us and makes us feel more valuable.

    Either Canales is a lousy OC or he knows what offense Bowles wants.

    If you keep harping on how your QB is smart then up tempo and no huddles should be a well suited weapon. Team always sems to look several times better when they do.

  12. orlbucfan Says:

    Really, joes? Am I reading this right? Bucs have a very good chance of winning their division if someone will wack Canales upside the head. I used to get frustrated to the nines with Koetter. This game brought back those feelings even tho I knew what Tampa Bay was up against. BTW, John Lynch looks really bad physically. His team better go to the Stupid Bowl this year.

  13. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    past tense: immolated; past participle: immolated

    kill or offer as a sacrifice, especially by burning.

  14. HC Grover Says:

    Hope Joe did not step on any of the Clunkers on the sidelines. They were all over.

  15. Bill in Seminole Says:

    Seven games left. Four are NFC South; 2 vs. Panthers and 1 each against Saints and Falcons. Win 3 out 4, and take 1 out of 3 from Colts, Jaguars and Packers and I think we can win the division. The key: play defense like we did last week.

  16. Tbbucs3 Says:


    You know what opens up the pass game? Having a real running back not Charles Sims 2.0

  17. Buc1987 Says:

    “Improvise, adapt, overcome” is an unofficial slogan among the U.S. Marines.

    “Pissed off”…not me this game was a lot closer than I thought it was going to be.

  18. Rod Munch Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 8:25 pm
    How about keeping the opposing QB from having a perfect passer rating.


    Well, that’s what they mean by almost a moral victory – the team almost kept the opposing team from having a perfect passing day. And Baker almost had 3 TDS (does that also mean he almost had 5 INTs?!). The Bucs almost got within one score, and if they had done that, then they could have almost lost by a closer amount.

  19. Daniel Dream Says:


  20. Daniel Dream Says:

    The TOs and that damn 76 yard TD killed us today

    IMO it was a lot closer than the score indicated and without the major screw-ups I think we’d have won. The bad news is we lost. The good news is the schedule gets a lot easier and we appear to have the talent to win this division with a good finish to the season, but we need to cut out the dumb shizzy! That needs to be the matra from now on- “no more dumb shizzy!” We’ve lost 4 games completely becuz of the dumb shizzy. Please let’s get this cleaned up!

  21. Rod Munch Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 8:29 pm

    You know what opens up the pass game? Having a real running back not Charles Sims 2.0


    If you take away Bakers 1.7 yards per carry today, the Bucs almost averaged 4.0. What’s the issue with the running game today?

  22. adam from ny Says:

    joe tryng to shank ya is a joke at this point…

    meanwhile it’s………………


  23. steele Says:

    It was a winnable game+ Niners overrated, especially on defense. SF secondary vulnerable and pass rush barely made an impact. Bucs left a lot of points behind.
    In the end, it came down to a few plays and, true, a difference in talent (SF overloaded with talent, on paper). But it is the job of a HC to find ways to overcome that difference and pull a team through in exactly this kind of game. Bowles is Bowles, and the result is the result.

  24. Buc1987 Says:

    Tbbucs3….Baker throws a terrible deep ball.

  25. adam from ny Says:

    joe trying to shank ya ***

  26. HC Grover Says:

    I do not think I even care if we win this division. This division is the slums of the NFL.

  27. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    My worst fear is that we limp to an undeserved NFC South championship and buy Bowles another season. This team would be at least 6-4 right now with a good coaching staff. Instead we keep making the same mistakes and continue to look unprepared and outcoached. Bowles will never be a champion as a HC, we need to jump ship.

  28. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Another day another 10 carries for 30 yards for Bucs running backs.

  29. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Watching JTS attempt pass rushing is like watching a zombie mindlessly slam into a garage door.

  30. Tony Marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 8:24 pm
    I’d agree with passing it more if you had a better QB, instead of a middling QB that puts up 246 yards, 1 TD, and 2 TOs on 45 attempts.


    you have have no point as you almost never do. Your analysts is always trite and falls apart when examined. In this case its your own claims that bite you in the rear.

    Sure if you are running an open pass dominant scheme you should have plenty of yards in many cases ( subject always to the defense – NO scheme guarantees yardage or it would guarantee scoring.) but of the 45 we ran – a good chunk of it is what YOU claim is “Running the ball in the air” which YOU (laughingly) claim replaces the need for any RB in the NFL in 2023

    Those by nature are drop off , tosses dinks and dunks and screens that in YOUR argument replaces the shorter yardage gains of a running attack. That cannot be compared with 45 passes moving the ball down the field. Its ignorant in mathematics to claim it does.

    Meanwhile you only show yourself again to be a traskie. You can tell the kiddies that if Trask hit 3 receivers in the end zone and two dropped them you would hold that against Trask. Kiddies will believe anything

    Adults with common sense know better than to buy that trash.

  31. Rod Munch Says:

    Tony Marks – 5.5 yards per pass attempt on 45 passes.

    Rachaad White had 6 catches for 28 yards on 7 attempts, and not all of those were dump offs or behind the LOS.

    BUT, for your sake and to give you every out possible, let’s take off those 7 attempts and 28 yards, and you got…

    218 yards on 38 attempts, which is … 5.7 yards per attempt.

    So yeah, that’s awful – and I gave him the credit for being middling. So if the point is to make me downgrade my ranking, you’re doing a good job.

    Once again, a Baker Boi is humiliated and goes down in flames.

  32. Tony Says:

    I’ve never seen anybody get hurt more than Jamel Dean & Carlton Davis. Carlton can join him because he’s always hurt a bunch, too! Get rid of both of them. They should’ve saved that $$$$ they gave them & used it on Antoine, Wirfs, Evans & Lavonte next year.

  33. Crickett Baker Says:

    We may not have to worry about re-signing our best players. After this game, several free agents may want to “jump ship”. The 9s rush game was sooo much better than ours, anyway..

  34. Tony Marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 9:00 pm
    Tony Marks – 5.5 yards per pass attempt on 45 passes.

    Rachaad White had 6 catches for 28 yards on 7 attempts, and not all of those were dump offs or behind the LOS.

    218 yards on 38 attempts, which is … 5.7 yards per attempt.

    who in the world said anything about just White you nincompoop …lolololol

    “Once again, a Baker Boi is humiliated and goes down in flames.”

    once again talk to a head traskie long enough and and he shows his grade point average without needing to see his records.

  35. Duane in Sanford Says:

    They can still turn it around based on competition, but Todd Bowles has been a major disappointment. He gives up over 20 today, and I just wonder if his 3-4 defense is just all smoke and mirrors. It feels like we have 4-3 defensive talent, and Bowles plays cute by running it out of 3-4 sets. You have Vita and Kancey in the middle now. 54 and 45 arent the dynamic they used to be, and are likely to be counted on way too much. Secondary is not consistent. The offense is a total question mark and work in progress, with no run game. Not sure how you cant lean on Evans or Godwin if you know you have to throw to them. It does seem more fixable on the offensive side with a run blocker and a better back. Baker currently doesnt move the needle for me, but I can easily imagine ever more depressing play from the position. I pray to the football gods for something to look forward too over the holidays.

  36. JD Still Says:

    The game was like a movie, The Good ,The Bad, and The Ugly, the Good , the ball was finally passed around to all our receivers and that did stretch the field and made it more difficult to cover our receivers and easier for our receivers to get open, also the end arounds , screens and pitchouts were effective , these opened up our running game a little better also , Special Teams did very well , Thompkins was outstanding , 120 yards on kickoff and punt returns was great! Blocking was really good , especially against what is probably the best front seven in the league, the receiving was good could have been better but I don’t remember seeing any easy drops , We still need to get more yardage on our catches , Jarret had the longest catch of the day a pretty 40 yarder but we can’t compete if our receptions are averaging under ten yards and the competition is doubling that, we didn’t even get close enough to try a field goal, we also had multiple passes knocked down , a fumble , and 4 sacks , drive killers all, but we were competitive on time of possession which helped to keep the game close, Defensively, We played some really good ball, held them to under a hundred and twenty yards running , some good tackling and some ugly tackling , some pretty pass and run defense and some really ugly defensive plays but to allow only 27 points against one of the top offenses in the league is something to be proud of especially with all the injuries we had , pass rush was great , 4 sacks! But overall IMHO, all things considered , If We had played like that all year, we would be firmly in first place and looking at home field advantage , keep it up guys!

  37. Kidfloflo Says:

    Joe’s- In recent losses against the Falcons, Bills, and today, Baker has thrown it 42, 42, and 45 times against the niners and u keep pining for more and more passing!!?? I know the run game is not good, but ur suggestion is to what, pass it 60 times a game!? C’mon that’s silly and is not the answer to why we lost, or the reason we would suddenly win

  38. Hodad Says:

    Joe they threw 46 times, and lost. They could’ve thrown 146 times, and they still would’ve lost. They’re losers if they pass, they’re losers when they run. Doesn’t matter, like beating a dead horse.

  39. PowerOfPewter Says:

    When the Bucs gave up a 98 yard touchdown drive in 3 plays in Niners first possession of the second half, the game was over. Niners pass defense could just pin their ears back.
    The only good team remaining on Saints schedule is the Lions. Falcons have no teams on schedule currently over .500 . Bucs have a pretty good Colts team, plus the Jaguars, besides winnable games against Packers, Saints, and Falcons. Plus two easy wins vs Panthers. Bucs likely have to go 6-1 or 5-2 including wins against Saints and Falcons to have a chance at division title, as it will take 9 or 10 wins to win the division given NOs and ATLs easy remaining schedule.

  40. Richard Says:

    More poor clock management by coach(es?) today.
    With time running out
    at the end of the 4th quarter (about 5 minutes left), the clock was running after the 49ers failed to get a first down on third down. Instead of calling their first timeout the Bucs let 45 seconds run off before the 49ers punted.

  41. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Rod Munch, any comment on the 3 play 98 yard TD drive? Or was that Bakers fault?

  42. AMI_Chris Says:

    Canales, Leftwich…we have the most unimaginative offense in the league. Look at Shanahan scheming to get CMC or Kittles open. When was the last time an announcer said, “Wow, what a great play design by the Bucs”? Their guys are wide open…our guys are covered like blankets. It looks like it’s all we can do to get 10 yards in three plays; they get huge chunks of yardage at a time. If I’m Evans, I sign with a winner next year to try to go out with some meaning. I’m tired of watching this dreck.

  43. Greg Says:

    Holy crap, Joe busting out the Navy quote, right on shipmate!

  44. Rod Munch Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 10:10 pm
    Rod Munch, any comment on the 3 play 98 yard TD drive? Or was that Bakers fault?


    Baker is responsible for the 14 on the scoreboard.

    14 isn’t beating anyone, unless you have teh 2002 Bucs defense out there allowing 12 points a game.

    But since we don’t have the best NFL in the history of the NFL, 14 points isn’t going to get it done.

  45. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Nice job avoiding the question Munsh.

    The Bucs defense has sent 2 quarterbacks jerseys to the hall of fame in the past 3 weeks 1 with Stroud setting the rookie passing record 1 with Purdy having a perfect QB rating.

    Id say the defense is a FAR bigger issue than the offense.

  46. Ninety9buc Says:

    This team is actually very talented offensively. It is ridiculous how the coaching staff seems to be determined to stunt the growth of our offensive weapons. It is like having a Ferrari in the garage but you drive it around the block once a week!!!

    Our secondary is almost comical!! Every time Davis or Dean get beat long for a touchdown they come up injured!!

    Dam, I miss Bruce Arians!!!

  47. I remember 21 Says:

    @AMI Chris
    I’ve said this for years, even the SB season. No matter who we play, I see their WRs running wide ass open like deer in a field while our guys are just blanketed. I think other teams do a better job (which isn’t hard) scheming guys open, and our soft zone D doesn’t help. The difference is during the SB season we had the offensive talent to go out there and just out talent almost every D in the league. But that roster was once in a lifetime and had multiple players accepting less than market value contracts (Brady, Gronk, ab; Godwin was still on his rookie deal as well I believe). That’s not gonna happen again any time soon. So maybe we could make an effort to start scheming guys open?