Another Embarrassment For The Bucs Defense

November 19th, 2023

So the third quarter wasn’t even finished today and the 49ers had 315 yards passing and 83 yards rushing on the Buccaneers, and they had 27 points and a big lead in time of possession.

What exactly is Todd Bowles doing with his defense? It’s embarrassing to be so impotent with so many young Super Bowl veterans, plus Pro Bowlers at every level of the defense.

It can’t be that Bucs defense players don’t understand Bowles’ defense. He’s been calling the defense for five years.

And look at how the defense tightened up in the fourth quarter. Where was that earlier?

It’s starting to remind Joe of how Jets defensive players quit on Bowles late during his tenure there. Joe can’t think of any other reason why the Bucs defense looked so lost in the two of the past three games, with receivers running wide open and some questionable effort from a few top-line Bucs.

Of all the bad looks on this Bucs team right now, this one is the worst for Bowles.

Yes, San Francisco is a top-flight team, but it was far too easy for them today to not point a finger at the Bucs defense.

107 Responses to “Another Embarrassment For The Bucs Defense”

  1. DoooshLaRue Says:


  2. Seattle Buc Says:

    But Baker scoring 7 points in the first 3 quarters is not an embarrassment?

  3. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Come on Man, did anyone really think Bucs were going to beat SF? geez.

  4. Ugotrobbed Says:

    Yeah! Bowles is a defensive mastermind… Lol!

  5. Rod Munch Says:

    White is good at rushing the passer and blowing up the run game, but is not good in coverage… but everyone knows that… so that’s why you do the unexpected! This is 4D Chess man – Bowles is thinking about this stuff at a level none of you little people can understand.

  6. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Joe needs to join #TEAMPOSITIVE.

  7. BucThis Says:

    Glazers, Licht… if you do read the comments on this here site…. Do what you’ve never done before and fire Bowels before the season ends. Show the fans you’re listening and you care about this team

  8. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I’ve never used the phrase Hot-Mess, but this would be a good time to use it.

  9. JA Says:

    Five potential picks dropped by SF and and another 5-6 batted down at the line of scrimmage by the defensive line.
    Yep, he’s our man.

    It ain’t all the defense, Joe.

  10. MikalDikal Says:

    That was rough.. D White is a weak link, imo.

    Go Bucs!

  11. Red86 Says:

    Stop blaming the defense. Baker sucks! Three and out on the first drive. Missed throws with multiple pick opportunities. Offense is on Baker lack of execution when needed.

  12. Bobby Says:

    I hear you Joe on the points layed out in your article, agreed. Don’t forget though Peter King thinks Bowles survives as HC beyond though lol.

  13. Oxycondomns Says:

    Bowles makes those comments about not needing to prepare for opponents its more about making sure bucs do fundamentals correctly . Thats why bucs always seemed to be outgame planned

  14. ModHairKen Says:


  15. adam from ny Says:

    weird game…they sorta got low out, but they sorta didn’t…

    cd3 has really fallen off hard…what is up with this new cd3 we are seeing…

    and the offense just doesn’t really generate points…

    just a few quick thoughts

  16. adam from ny Says:

    ***weird game…they sorta got blown out, but they sorta didn’t***

  17. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Baker would have had more completions, if the Bucs and Niners hadn’t dropped so many of his passes.

  18. Red86 Says:

    One TD from a qb is unacceptable in the high scoring NFL.

  19. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Joe it’s obvious :

    This team is in semi – QUIT mode

    ……it’s all about self-preservation now with these players…….they’re not giving 100% effort because they’re not trying to get injured in another BUCS lost season…….it’s obvious now

  20. Austin Cline Says:

    Offensive loss. On the road, 14 points. Pathetic attempt.

  21. Bucs13 Says:

    Not fair to throw them under the bus! The offense did nothing in the first half once again. The D was great in the second half

  22. YucsBucsYucs Says:


  23. realistic-optimistic Says:

    @Rod, I don’t even think he’s good at blowing up the run game. One of the sloppiest LBs in the league. He freelances too often, can’t shed blockers, loafs, bites on every play fake. But every once in a while Bowles schemes him up for an unblocked sack. That’s all the media sees, so he’s “great.” smfh

  24. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you defensive genius for a masterful game plan!

  25. adam from ny Says:

    we were def offered a window to climb back into the game, but didn’t have the hunger or talent to do it

  26. Drunkinybor Says:

    I’ve been saying for weeks. Something happened it’s over for blows. His voice is no longer being heard. I don’t know if he did something or made a biotch move. He has no respect anymore. It’s a wrap. Let’s hope our f.m. is angling to get Bellicheat. I’m predicting we get belicheat

  27. BFFL Says:

    One team has inside linebackers that cover and the other doesn’t

  28. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Carlton Davis and Jamel Dean are just stealing $

    Their best moves are faking injuries after they get burnt

  29. Bucs13 Says:

    I knew fans would blame the defense. Baker almost had 3 picks! It was a complete loss.

  30. adam from ny Says:

    the lack of targets in the first half to mike and chris was mind boggling

  31. ShakeandBaker Says:

    SF went vanilla on offense in the 4th quarter with a big lead. Before you type you might want to pause a few seconds to consider why that may have happened. When the game was in the balance the coach on the other side simply out coached our guy. The fourth quarter their only goal was to eat up clock.

  32. NE Fan Says:

    Defensive GURU 😁😁😁😅😄

  33. HC Grover Says:

    Coach Bozo is just a football Bozo and it is rubbing off on Canales too.

  34. Allbuccedup Says:

    Jamal Dean gets injured everytime he screws up trade him after the end of the season.

  35. ElioT Says:

    3 PLAYS




  36. BrisketBuc Says:

    Bowles can take up gardening. Or knitting. Or wood carving. Just not head coaching. He’s awful.

  37. Kgh4life Says:

    The Bucs CBs are over paid.

  38. Anonymous Says:

    Bowles was completely outclassed in this game, this loss is solely on him. Did you see his horrendous clock management in the game? Did you see his incapability to adjust after half time. There’s a reason the 49ers took off post HT they adjusted, something Todd Bowles is incapable of doing. This man can’t get fired quick enough.

  39. HC Grover Says:

    Don’t forget the contribution by Plan 9 whom Bozo insists on playing for some strange reason.

  40. adam from ny Says:

    d white was a couple steps behind all day….jetlag?

    and cd3 probably got drunk this morning

  41. ElioT Says:



  42. Chrisonthecape Says:

    Joe, you said it. Bowles been calling plays for 5 years, it’s clear it’s him. There are some dogs on the d – Neal, white, davis, Deen but they no doubt have the most talent in the nfc south and are in 3rd place in a crap division. CLEAN HOUSE!

  43. realistic-optimistic Says:

    It’s both offense and defense. Baker is a problem. Period.

    But yes it’s also the defense. Purdy: 21-25 334 3 td 0 int 158.3 rating. How can you not blame a defense when a QB does that to you??

  44. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    If it was easy, everyone would want to do it.

  45. Craig Says:

    It was nice of Hot Toddie to allow Purdy to have a perfect QBR; the first for a 49ers QB since 1989.

    What is the use of press/man DBs who line up in man and don’t try to disrupt the route of the WR they lined up against?

    Why let D. White try to cover Deebo or McCaffery? He blew them both by half a field.

    Did we even have any DEs on the field? They were invisible to me.

    All in all a badly coached defense and an ineffective offense, it is no longer one of the first games of the season but the offense is worse than some high schools around here.

  46. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Carlton left the game after he injured his Vagina.

  47. Lombardi Lenny Says:

    Shut up snowflake…..

    YucsBucsYucs Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:10 pm

  48. ElioT Says:




  49. D-Rok Says:


  50. Seattle Buc Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says: “Purdy: 21-25 334 3 td 0 int 158.3 rating”

    Another pine rider the “experts” got 100% wrong.

  51. Tom Says:

    Todd Bowles sucked at the Jets and he SUCKS at the Bucs!!! Tank fo QB and new coach!!!

  52. adam from ny Says:

    it was clearly a blowout until it was not longer a blowout…

    i’m guessing sf coach pulled back realizing we don’t have the horses to score 27, so that’s when the chess match ended

  53. Rod Munch Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:13 pm
    It’s both offense and defense. Baker is a problem. Period.


    And coaching.

  54. Marine Buc Says:

    At least Devin White got to see first hand what a $20 million dollar per season ILB looks like.

    I don’t think I would make an offer to D. White. Let him test free agency.

  55. TonySoprano Says:

    How about we blame everyone? Because everyone in this crappy organization should share blame. Licht has assembled an embarrassment of below average players these last 3 years. The defense has quit. The offense is full of slow, undersized scrubs. The coaching staff possesses the unenviable combination of playing scared and clueless. Blow this sh*tshow up completely

  56. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles isn’t some guru, he blitzes….that’s all he has and he routinely fails. His $30 million per year CBs are trash, his MLB is overrated, JTS is a joke, Barrett hasn’t been remotely effective since we lost JPP and Suh. Bowles was never a good DC, the Super Bowl year our front seven was stacked….since losing JPP and Suh this defense is trash. Ultimately I put it on Licht, we handed the job to Bowles with zero competition for the job no different than with Koetter and the results are mediocrity. Licht has had FOUR! Coaches in 10 yrs…’s unacceptable

  57. Tbbucs3 Says:

    This is a bad team with legitimately good QB play

    As soon as the supporting cast offensively and defensively steps up the wins will come…

    Baker Mayfield continued playing at a top 15 level and moved the ball up and down the field in the 2d half….

    Sorry haters but Baker Mayfield is your 2024 starting QB…so either get the F on board or get the F OUT!!!!

  58. HC Grover Says:

    But he is HC/DC not just DC, we have a problem it is BOWLZO the great loser.

  59. MegaFailure Says:

    we no longer need wins this season and must try for the getting the highest pick we can manage. bucs cannot hang with the big boys. they dont have the head coaching or qb’ing for it

  60. Mike C Says:

    Perfect pass rating for the QB…… nuff said

  61. Rod Munch Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:18 pm
    This is a bad team with legitimately good QB play


    246 yards, 1 TD and 2 TOs and losing by 13 is good QB play?


  62. Rayjay1122 Says:

    BUCS will win 6 or 7 games and will be irrelevant by missing the post season and no top 10 draft pick.

  63. Jmarkbuc Says:

    What good is a high draft pick with these coaches and FO?

  64. Boss Says:

    I thinks the Bucs are the reason recording games was invented.

  65. Kurt Westbrook Says:

    Complete team loss. Even still they had chances . Is there still hope for the season?

  66. TonySoprano Says:

    All of the highest-paid players on this team are underperforming at best (Shaq, Godwin), and straight up quitting at worst (Davis, Dean). Nobody is exceeding expectations- that is an awful indictment on the front office/coaching staff. It’s a team full of quitters, yet Licht constantly applauds himself for only drafting captains and winners. It’s weird.

  67. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Rod Dunce apparently didn’t watch the game. Too busy with his unfunny bit.

  68. Confido75 Says:

    I was hoping for an upset, but let’s be real here. O/U was +13.5 for the Bucs and the final was 27-14. Seems like the odds makers have the Bucs figured out. This is not a good team with a terrible coaching staff. I’m not wasting anymore time on this team until the offseason and hopefully the Glazers and Licht make needed changes.

  69. Red86 Says:

    The truth got these Baker’s cult butt hurt. 🤦‍♂️

  70. DFWBUC Says:

    @Flush Bowles!

  71. Aceofaerospace Says:

    The batted down passes are getting very old. It’s time to let the much taller quarterback have a shot.

  72. Pewter Power Says:

    I have no idea why Todd Bowles get so much credit for his defense. How many blowouts does it take for a defensive coach to get fired? His defense isn’t built to play top flight teams

  73. Boss Says:

    CDs vagina is just fine thanks


  74. Josh Says:

    The offense started to click once they committed to the pass

  75. Havenbuc Says:

    We scored 14 points. What NFL game are you winning with 14 points scored???

  76. Defense Rules Says:

    Sorry Joe, but today’s loss wasn’t a defensive embarrassment. Atlanta & Houston were defensive embarrassments.

    This loss belongs primarily to coaching, just like the Falsons & Texans losses did. Those losses were on the defense, specifically coaching. Today’s loss was on offensive coaching. First half only 1 pass to Evans & Godwin, then the 2 of them come alive in the 2nd half (10 catches between them). Crappy game plan.

    Bucs ended up with more plays (66 to 59) but a lot less total yardage (287 yds Bucs to 420 yds 49ers). That’s game plan, scheme & play design. Bucs lost the Turnover Battle 2-0; lost the TOP Battle 30:51 – 29:09 (even though we had more plays?). Everything else was pretty much the same, except for, oh ya, the final score 27-13. Mayfield was Mayfield … 64.4% today, same as on the season. Our game plan sucked. We ran it 11 times in the 1st half to 10 passes (Mayfield was 8-of-10 for 80 yds at the half BTW). Once Canales figured out that wasn’t working (SF up 13-7 at the half probably gave it away), he turned to our strength – passing. Too late.

  77. Red86 Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:20 pm
    Tbbucs3 Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:18 pm
    This is a bad team with legitimately good QB play


    246 yards, 1 TD and 2 TOs and losing by 13 is good QB play?


    They hate the truth. lol. They’re like LeBron James’ fan and the goat conversation. Tear down everyone but their Hall of Fame cult leader.

  78. HC Grover Says:

    This loss will rank right up there with some of our other exciting losses. Now if Bozo manages to lose next week it may be epic. This one was almost close but for butterfingered Otton and the little feller.

  79. Buc4evr Says:

    Bowles needs to go. I think Canales had a pretty good game plan, but it’s obvious the Bucs don’t have a lot of talent. Maybe 5 guys on defense are good, but the rest are trash. As far as offense, the Oline did a pretty good job, but the WRs and RBs looked pretty bad. Baker is a journeyman QB, but he looked ok. Overall this is a poor team that can beat other mediocre teams but not good enough to compete with the big dogs. Hopefully Jason doesn’t draft any more marginal players from div 3 schools.

  80. Baking with Canales Says:

    49ers having so many open receivers taking advantage of our discombobulated defense. lol 😂 and smh

  81. D-Rome Says:

    Some of you clowns need to give it a rest with Baker Mayfield. He will not be benched unless the Bucs are mathematically eliminated from playoff contention. There isn’t another QB on this roster that is better.

  82. SBucs Says:

    Doofus GM and a terrible head coach is a recipe for a losing season.

  83. stpetebucfan Says:

    “Baker almost had 3 picks!”

    Baker also had two TD’s dropped in what would have been a remarkable 4th Quarter but why mention those eh?

    There is a Zen saying that goes…you SEE where you place your attention.

    If you’re Trask nuthugger then YOUR attention is on any possible error Mayfield makes without EVER crediting the good stuff. But hey who wants balance right?

  84. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Carlton’s Vagina got wrecked.. again.

  85. ElioT Says:



  86. Vegasbuccaneer Says:

    Simple fix. Fire Todd

  87. Tony Marks Says:

    What this shows is the team is nowhere as talented and loaded as even the JOes claim.

    On offense NO running game ( Hey Mush notice anything about RBs in 2023 having great use with the niners? Told ya! lololol)

    It has a great receiver and a good one and then…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

    Go ahead name another weapon

    The defense is a little better – maybe 4/5 guys and then????????????????

    the signature of This Bowles Defense is now settled. Its total pass defense is in its ability to rush. If the rush doesn’t get there theres noo good pass coverage. 

    The mystery of why the BUcs can defend drives in the red zone SOME times is solved – less space for a bad coverage unit to cover.

    All tha t said – the team has an EXCELLENT chance of winning out the rest of the way. Otton catches that pass and Its a competitive game against what could be be the super bowl winner.

    Haters can hate but Baker has shown over the last four games – IF receivers will look around and/catch the ball like they should – He will make it interesting even if he ‘s running for his life the whole game.

  88. GumboIsForWinner Says:

    Dean and CD3 appear to have taken a course from the Vinny “Cashstealer” Castilla school of getting paid and not performing.

  89. Rjscheapseats Says:

    Coming up this week on Joebucfan:

    The Team is trash!
    Fire Bowles!
    Get rid of Licht!

    Over and over again.

  90. Fred Says:

    Get rid of Jamel Dean. What a cupcake.

  91. NE Fan Says:

    Did I read D didn’t quit they played hard at the end? OMG if you couldn’t see Shanahan took his foot off the pedal the entire second half the minute he scored at will his second half first series, you have to be blind. As for the O, the 2nd half passing was successful because SF D played soft zone & prevent. Simply outclassed and outcoached.

  92. Tony Marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    246 yards, 1 TD and 2 TOs and losing by 13 is good QB play?


    250 yards 2 TD and an int is hardly bottom of the barrel against a top defense.

    At least not to rational people.

    2 Tds I say? Yeah – when you hit receivers right in the hands thats the end of the Qbs responsibility.

    I know that one had to burn Mush. Another fourth quarter play that makes it impossible to reasonably bench Baker.

  93. dmatt Says:

    Please let’s make a move on Justin Fields. Baker is not the answer, too many batted balls, over n under thrown pssses by him this year. Let’s get Penn States Chop Williams in the draft. He seems to be a replica of Micah Pardon. Why was JTS in the game n ya ya on the bench?

  94. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    @ stpetebucfan

    Totally agree. If you focus on the bad and ignore his good then he is the worst QB in the league to the haters. Baker is better than the bottom half of the QBs in the league and that’s with our Oline. If he had a better one then he is top 12. Our team has a LOT of flaws. Bowles needs to go. We need to shed cap space. We need to improve Oline. Get 1-2 more offensive pieces. Need improvement on secondary. All of that is a lot of money. I don’t think Mayfield is the franchise guy for 10 years but we should re-sign him 3 year contract for say 20-25 with max of 30 million. For comparison, burrows is 55 million, carr is 37.5 and grappolo is 22.5. Draft a qb to develop if we can get one that a new head coach can develop.

  95. lambchop Says:

    Devin White sucks. I’ll be happy when we move on from him and draft his replacement in the offseason.

  96. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    but but but we weren’t supposed to win!!!!


  97. StormyInFl Says:

    Stop blaming the defense?

    Purdy had a perfect qb rating.

    It’s very much on the defense. And Bowles, especially. Defensive genius, my ass. This clown isn’t even a good DC, much less a HC.

  98. ShakeandBaker Says:

    Lol nobody thinking clearly and without beer goggles thought we would win today. They are probably the best team in the NFL and clearly we are not. I,m a diehard and lifelong Buc fan but I knew we couldn’t beat this team, lot of you whiners are acting like we just lost to the Panthers. The 9ers are a pretty amazing team with great coaching. I’ll take a 13 point loss of the road to them.

  99. orlbucfan Says:

    Joes, the problem wasn’t the defense. Everyone has been screaming all week that the Bucs were gonna get wiped out today. Really? That problem was Dave Canales. When is this guy gonna get the players he’s got on his offense?? I have yet to hear him call QB bootleg options. He’s got the players. How about using Otton as a fake fullback? I didn’t expect Bucs to win, but they sure as hell came damn close if Canales didn’t have cement between his ears.

  100. Tbbucs3 Says:

    LOL who’s the genius that said “stop blaming the defense?”

    Reminder- 158.3 passer rating from Purdy on this alleged “defense”

  101. Devin White is Soft Says:

    This Def is losing games.
    #45 can’t spy, can’t shed a block. Should of been traded for a grilled cheese.

  102. Rich Says:

    Another absolutely horrible performance by our ” star” LB…#45….HE WAS ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE THE ENTIRE GAME. D White has to be the most overrated player in the NFL at this point. This guy is a paycheck collector and if the head coach had any balls he would bench his lazy ass. Watch the game replay and focus on 45….you will easily see how bad this guy is. It’s incredible to see that he’s still a starter…a sure sign of a sorry ass HC…

  103. Gipper Says:

    Otton drops a perfect pass in end zone which would have cut deficit to one TD. Just can’t make those kind of mistakes against a really good team. Mayfield under constant pressure from a really good defensive line. Needed more quick inside slants to see if a receiver could get some running room after catch. Play calling left a lot to be desired.

  104. TAMPA BAY DEMON Says:

    Jamel Dean writhing in pain every other series of every game…. and then when he gets absolutely skewered for a 70 yd TD….. he of course has to be helped off the field.

  105. Stew Baker Fan Says:

    Baker had issues, but you need a running game. We had the g
    GOAT last year and lost. Baker is solid if you can have a running game. Brady was great with a running game. All those years in NE, he just needed an assemblance of a RG and did wonders. We’ve won more games then anyone predicted. Stop with the blame game and remember it’s a team sport. No one is saying he is Brady, not even close. Get a running game and see what happens.

  106. Calogero Says:

    The problem is very obvious, Davis and Dean might be good at tackling after the catch, but they need to learn how to intercept or break-up the passes. Everyone else on defense is great. They are the weak links of our defense.

  107. August 1976 Buc Says:

    YucsBucsYucs Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:10 pm

    JOE please double post Rod, lololololololol

    People say something people do not like, big flippin deal

    Rod maybe step it up, bring your A game for “TEAM POOPER SCOOPER”
    oh excuse me, I mean TEAMPOSITIVE lololololololol

    #New Talent Cycle-New Head coach to be relevant again

    GO BUCS!!!!!!!!