Raheem Couldn’t Find His Best Self Last Year

August 12th, 2010

Perhaps the first thing Raheem The Dream had to do when he got the Bucs job was assess his own strengths and weaknesses as a head coach.

It seems he failed out of the gate.

Per Barrett Ruud, speaking to co-host Pat Kirwan on Movin’ The Chains on Sirius NFL Radio yesterday, Raheem The Dream never thought he could be defensive coordinator and head coach. Of course, that led to the heinous Jim Bates Experience.

Pat Kirwan: Raheem Morris, I don’t want to talk about this with rookies because they don’t know. But you know. How much has he changed? Is he relaxed? What is he doing? I love that he runs the scout team still.

Barrett Ruud: I think the best thing is that he just has a comfort zone. I remember early on when he got the coaching job, he didn’t think he’d be able to be a head coach and run the defense. And now if you ask him the same question he goes, ‘I don’t know how I couldn’t run the defense and be a head coach.” …Tony Dungy used to run the scout team, too. And it’s actually a good thing because the hardest thing to do is run the scout team — to get the scout team to play hard. And when your head coach is telling you what to do, it makes you go a lot harder.

Joe’s glad Raheem The Dream has improved his talent evaluation skills — starting with himself.

Joe justĀ hopes he gets to manage his current roster without being pestered by annoying phone calls.

13 Responses to “Raheem Couldn’t Find His Best Self Last Year”

  1. Javier n Wimauma Says:

    “Tony Dungy used to run the scout team, too.”

    Have Barrett Ruud played for Dungy to be referencing his ‘as a matter of fact’?

    Same with Raheem and coaching with Dungy.

    Maybe they just read Dungy’s book.

  2. McBuc Says:

    Javier…maybe Ronde told them. Kiffin may have told them as well. I have been at my job for 13 years, and I can tell you about some people that were hear before me. You just look for things to bitch about.

  3. eric Says:

    I thought Rah ran the scout team, where the “driving force of the team” uplifted the defense to its 32nd ranking against the run?

  4. McBuc Says:


  5. Javier n Wimauma Says:

    Raheem Morris just called Kellen Winslow fat and lazy.

    He also said that K2 had a mental breakdown at practice. Then claimed that hi slittle talk with him motivated him to come back and practice better the next day.



  6. Javier n Wimauma Says:

    Raheem talks about the Giants running game and all the yards they ran for, then compared then to his RB stable…. but the ironic thing about it all is, HE SIGNED DERRICK WARD form that ‘vaunted’ Giants team, and Raheem coached him to, well, not a 1,000 yds. LOL. D Ward regressed under Raheem, and all the local sports pundits blamed Ward. LMAO!

    And hop off my nizuts McBizzle.

  7. Javier n Wimauma Says:

    LOL! Raheem Morris talks so fast that he basically interviews himself.

    No one interrupts him much just in case he has ‘one of those moments’.


  8. Joe Says:


    Joe loves ya man, but when you decide to start banging on a keyboard, you really, really, really need to take a walk around the house and think before typing.

    That interview you linked was from last year!!!

  9. JimBuc Says:

    Joe Says:

    “August 12th, 2010 at 11:33 am

    That interview you linked was from last year!!!”

    LMAO. Joe, you should not expect so much from a person who needed to change his/her ANONYMOUS screen name just to continue positing anonymously.

  10. Joe Says:


    LMAO. Joe, you should not expect so much from a person who needed to change his/her ANONYMOUS screen name just to continue positing anonymously.

    Joe’s already got one clown who used two different handles — just this morning — claiming Joe’s lying about Brooks.

  11. ZeroExpectations Says:

    “…who needed to change his/her ANONYMOUS screen name just to continue positing anonymously.”

    Ha ha! Now that’s bad.

  12. McBuc Says:

    Javier, as soon as you stop with the bitching for the sake of bitching I will.

  13. McBuc Says:

    Oh, and I am not up on my 90’s Snoop Daog talk, although I enjoy his music, so I think you are refering to your manhood…Um, ot on that at all, just your crazy way of trying to make everything a negative.