Impressive Play By Markees Watts

November 14th, 2023

Bucs OLB Markees Watts. (Photo courtesy

Bucs rookie undrafted free agent Markees Watts sure made an impression logging only 11 snaps on Sunday.

Yeah, Joe knows which play you’ll point to, his blasting of Titans quarterback Will Levis that forced Levis into a bad throw resulting in Antoine Winfield’s first pick of the season.

Regular readers know how much Joe covets sacks and blasting the quarterback. But there was a second play Watts made that Joe didn’t initially notice (Joe has a semi-obstructed view in The Licht House’s press box. Plays near the Bucs’ sideline are sometimes out of Joe’s view, and Joe is stukc with Jumbotron replays for those.)

Joe loves the work former NFL offensive lineman Brian Baldinger does in his Twitter video breakdowns. And he did one for Watts.

Watts, at left outside linebacker, was cut right away on a Titans pass to the right flat. almost taken out of the play. Keyword here is “almost.”

Watts bounced up in a blink of an eye and made the tackle right in front of the Bucs bench.

So what, he made the tackle?

Well, as you can see in Baldinger’s video is below. Look at how Watts busted his tail on the recovery and made the tackle. That’s what jumped out to Joe. Watts was taken out of the play but by sheer hustle and effort, he prevented the completion from becoming a big play.

With plays like that, and the way YaYa Diaby is coming along, those guys need more snaps. Joe knows what the Bucs have in Joe Tryon-Shoyinka.

44 Responses to “Impressive Play By Markees Watts”

  1. Jonny Says:

    Feed the man more snaps. He should be out there rushing the passer on every 3rd down. And a slippery mofo QB like Purdy requires speedy, agile edge rushers that can redirect and get to him instead of straight line speed guys like JTS.

  2. SufferingSince76 Says:

    It’s past time to bench JTS. He’s just taking up space.

  3. CleanHouse Says:

    My favorite hit of the day- great tackle- noticed it during the game, didn’t know he got cut earlier on the play- very cool-
    Also had no idea he caused the INT

  4. Kgh4life Says:

    Come on Joe, that’s Shaq Barret in the picture.

  5. adam from ny Says:

    bowles is gonna have to get dangerous this weekend…

    it’s almost like we get 2 versions of bowles…

    the standard boring run of the mill defense version…

    or the man who snorted an 8-ball before the game and said fugg it defense…

    if we don’t get the latter this sunday, we toast…toast on the west coast


  6. Rod Munch Says:

    Shaq is certainly gone next year, and JTS is what he is, so you need some new blood. Would be a pretty amazing find if he turns into anything.

  7. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Much more Watts and Yaya please!

    “Can I have your attention please, JTS – report to the bench immediately”.

  8. Hopein1hand… Says:

    Watts and Yaya need to be unleashed. Let the youngry boys remind Shaq where he was when he signed for $4 mil and beasted. I’m loving what I’m seeing since Bowles opened it up to his players on defense (sure, one week) but these rookies (muffins as they were called back in my day) are ready to hunt and kill.

  9. Allen Lofton Says:

    We need that can of hustle that Watts displayed. You’re only out of the play when you don’t try. Todd Bowles should be showing that to everyone.

  10. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    On that cut and recovery, look how he weaves thru the traffic to make the play. He does it again on the sack albeit with some less difficulty. Most guys can’t do that. That is a very useful skill to have as a linebacker. Couple that with high effort and he might, might, be a really good pickup. Very intriguing player.

    When I saw him on the field I had no idea who he was or where he came from but I liked the plays he made. I’m going to look for him more.

  11. ModHairKen Says:

    Wow. That is hustle. Great job. I’ll take that over draft pedigree.

  12. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Turn the Dawgs loose!… Let em off their chain!

  13. Hunter Says:

    I watched every play.

    We actually dropped Watts a lot when he was in there, so maybe the coaches like that aspect of him as well or just wanted to see if he can do it?

    Because if he can, take JTS off of the field ASAP! Cam Gill needs more time too obvi

  14. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Defense looked pretty good the other day.

    I thought I was having me one of them DeJa’Vu’s

  15. Hunter Says:

    “Allen Lofton Says:
    November 14th, 2023 at 5:32 pm
    We need that can of hustle that Watts displayed. You’re only out of the play when you don’t try. Todd Bowles should be showing that to everyone.”

    100%!! Very common to see our defenders standing there watching the runner go down (they hope/assume) Especially JTS..

    Drives us crazy so can only imagine the coaching staff’s frustrations…

  16. Fred McNeil Says:

    I’m pretty sure Bowles will work Watts and Diaby in there a lot more after he watches that film.

  17. Fansince76 Says:

    JTS needs to take a back seat to Diaby and now Watts.

  18. Lt. Dan Says:

    Yea…I’ve had a man crush on Watts since I watched him in the “very useful preseason” games earlier this year. I had my eye on him when he made that sideline play. I actually rewound it after I saw him get cut at the line.

  19. HC Grover Says:

    Take Bucs +11 they will lose by 10

  20. Ben Harvey Says:

    More reps for this dude over JTS. Male it happen Bowles. Dont be stubborn in your slow adjustments that are literally killing this team.

  21. Pewter Power Says:

    Damn it took this long for him to finally get props. Is it Me or are there too many olb’s making JTS look irrelevant? Just the fact that he’s in the game and getting to the quarterback. JTS needs the bench to either get motivated or cut

  22. HC Grover Says:

    Send Plan 9 to Mars.

  23. Joe Says:

    Damn it took this long for him to finally get props.

    Can’t give a guy props if he doesn’t play. 🤷‍♂️

  24. Hopein1hand… Says:

    I’m at the point where, if I were Licht, I would deal JTS and a sixth round pick for a can of Coke and half of a three-day-old ham sandwich to anyone. Even better if they are in the Bucs division. That physical specimen is Charmin soft and a wasted draft pick. We need to admit it and be clean. I was a fan of him on draft day but I was oh-so wrong.

  25. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Every. Other. Edge. Rusher on this team is hungrier and more talented than JTS.

    Nelson? check. Diaby? check. Gill? check. Watts? check

  26. Durango 95 Says:

    Moral of the story: Jason Licht wins again.

  27. Bucsmarley Says:

    Go grab Carter off the jets waiver wire. Was released today

  28. Tucker Says:

    Why would they claim a bad runningback they already have Vaughn.

  29. NJbucs23 Says:

    Liked what I saw from watts in pre season. Kid has a high motor and gives maximum effort. He needed his chance and got it. Now let him eat

  30. Joe Says:

    Anyone notice at the end of the video on Winfield’s pick return that Watts was out front blocking and that Winfield “read” Vea’s ass on Vea’s block?

    Winfield must have been a running back at one time. 🙂

  31. orlbucfan Says:

    Every player will need his A game Sunday. Also, watch out for the refs.

  32. Jeffbuc Says:

    Jets just released Michael Carter. If we are serious about this season we should see tomorrow bucs release Vaughn and sign Carter. We better it sounds to good to be true a decent running back released and we need just an average back up would be an upgrade. Let’s see what we do

  33. donuts Says:

    Reminds me of early Kwon with the youthful speed to the ball.

  34. garro Says:

    Hey Todd did he hit on your girlfriend or something? Get this dude some snaps!
    He has looked nothing but impressive since he got here!

    Go Bucs!

  35. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    I just saw Jason Licht walking on water

    That guy works miracles.

  36. Tony Marks Says:

    Good stuff. We will need all he hungry players to play the niners.

    and we need to see Bowles at his most creative on Defense.

    As far as I am concerned Canales needs to show some great creativity beyond normal as well. none of this establish the run for 1 yard gains on 1st and 2nd downs. The wannabe guru needs to be an actual guru for at least one day.

  37. Stanglassman Says:

    Baldi always does insightful breakdowns. He and Ronde are my favorites.

  38. Bigbucfan90 Says:

    Take out JTS and let yaya get some time he looked awesome and so did watts when he was in there

  39. Apostolos Clev Says:

    the only credibility a team in the NFL has if you can build a steel curtain (steelers)
    then the NFL considers you as legitimate
    Mayfield played under, what 13 worst head coaches in the NFL
    Clev Watson worst QB right now & Stefanski is bad news but GM put out there a steel curtain, credibility to the NFL = wins
    The Bucs are lucky to get Baker just get a steel curtain >3 and out and keep your offense on the field just like Terry Bradshaw, was and average QB.
    I would love to see Baker go to the SUPPR BOWL he deserves it

  40. Marine Buc Says:

    I guess Watts has surpassed Cam Gill on the depth chart. I don’t see Gill getting any reps on defense these days. He was also showing flashes of greatness at times.

  41. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    optimisticbucsfan Says:
    November 14th, 2023 at 10:08 pm

    I just saw Jason Licht walking on water

    That guy works miracles.

    Right! Are you sure you were not underwater when you saw him walking. He was walking with his greatest draft picks, JTS and Logan Hall.

  42. Brandon Says:

    He’s kinda like a Gumby with his ability to bend and twist and make himself malleable. There are players that have had amazing careers with their ability to contort and control their bodies.

  43. Pewter Power Says:

    Joe-Can’t give a guy props if he doesn’t play.

    Thanks Joe but I was talking about this game. It’s extremely easy to notice other guys when JTS isn’t on the field. He should have been mentioned sooner after this game

  44. Kstoges Says:

    Isn’t that shaq barret in the picture lol