“We Didn’t Look At The Scoreboard”

November 14th, 2023

Head coach Todd Bowles.

Interesting one-liner from the Buccaneers’ head coach.

Is it a window into what went wrong for the Bucs in Houston nine days ago? Or the soft defense late against the Falcons in Week 8?

Chatting on the Buccaneers Radio Network after Sunday’s win against Tennessee, Bowles praised his team for its grind.

“We didn’t look at the scoreboard, and we kept our head down and we got after it,” Bowles said.

So did the Bucs “look at the scoreboard” after their taking the lead with 46 seconds remaining in Houston?

Bowles’ comment sure makes it sound like they did considering the subsequent defensive collapse to give away that game. Baker Mayfield himself referenced “celebrating too early on the sidelines” in Houston.

Maybe, just maybe, the Houston Horror got the Bucs’ collective minds right.

Bowles now has a fresh directive for his defense.

“If we learn how to catch, we can get a lot more turnovers,” he said.


28 Responses to ““We Didn’t Look At The Scoreboard””

  1. Boss Says:

    didn’t look at the scoreboard….lol

    apparently they have a habit of not looking at the scoreboard. lol

  2. Durango 95 Says:

    At least he didn’t say that they weren’t trying to score. Still getting high blood pressure from that quote to this very day.

  3. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    Izien makes the athletic’s all-rookie team, mauch and kancey honorable mentions

  4. jimmy Says:

    >>> apparently they have a habit of not looking at the scoreboard. <<<

    Why look at the scoreboard when takeaways are the most important stat?

  5. Tony marks Says:

    “So did the Bucs “look at the scoreboard” after their taking the lead with 46 seconds remaining in Houston?”

    without a doubt. No way you drop off coverage like they did unless you kow the score and the time left.

    the real question is why – when the use of the sideline makes 46 seconds more than adquate? was it because they have gotten away before with letting teams march down the field but holding off TDs at the last moment?

    maybe a smidge of feeling yourself too much when protecting the red zone

  6. CAbucsfan Says:

    Show JTS the bench and not look at the field

  7. PSL Bob Says:

    As joe pointed out the other day, the Bucs could easily be 6-3. If they stay focused and play hard on defense the whole 60 minutes, they can pull this out. Sunday gave me hope that the season is not lost.

  8. T. McGee Says:

    How do you look at the scoreboard at RayJay now when ever damn play is sponsored by something or another?

  9. HC Grover Says:

    Pffffth!! This game was not the Super Bowl….It was an easy win over a stink team

  10. BUCS4LIFE Says:


  11. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I just want to touch on something I read in a earlier article. I read that the Bucs corners were happy going back to man coverage rather than zone. If I read this right, Bowles was playing guys where they weren’t comfortable. So this whole bad defense showings rests fully on the shoulders of Bowles. Come on man. That’s what good coaches do, they put their player where they preform the best. Same as Joe and a bunch of us Bucs fans have been saying for a while, White’s better as a slot receiver than a RB

  12. Senor Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    “If we learn how to catch, we can get a lot more turnovers,”

    Turnovers? How about focusing on getting after the QB?! That was obviously the focus against the Titans, and look at the results! Oh, and BTW, one of the benefits was hitting the QB and Winfield pulling in an errant pass for your precious TO.

    HIT the QB a LOT!

  13. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Didn’t look at the scoreboard and probably don’t look at the clock either……BS….

  14. JimBobBuc Says:

    They didn’t change the defense against the Titans but they sure did change it against the Texans and prior games. I hate prevent defenses where you don’t rush the passer effectively and drop way back in zone The 4 and 5 man rush won’t work this year and Bowels has finally learned his lesson that he must blitz to create pressure. Even YaYa, Nelly, and Watts really didn’t create any pressure in a 4-5 man front.

    We could easily had 4 or 5 interceptions in this game. Need to hit the tipped ball drills and juggs machine for the defense, and Mike Evans.

  15. All_da_way Says:

    If these Bucs rookies keep improving they may be able to save the Bucs season down the stretch.

  16. HC Grover Says:

    Be sure not to look Sunday coach. Maybe it will ease the pain. Niners are not Titans.

  17. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Off topic Joe but this weeks Depth chart has Matt Feiler back starting at LG. So much for Stinnie taking over. That’s disappointing.

  18. Dave Pear Says:

    Not looking at the scoreboard against the 49ers will keep Todd from knowing he’s down by three scores with 12 minutes left in the first half.

  19. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Scoreboards are for losers.

  20. Rod Munch Says:

    Hey Todd, how about you stop looking at the scoreboard, and shutting down your offense with 14 minutes left in the game to sit on a lead.

  21. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Forcing turnovers doesn’t help much if you can’t capitalize on them.

  22. Cobraboy Says:

    The Niners are to the Ti-Tans what Taylor Swift is to Rosie O’Donnell.

    It feels good to win even against a team flailing more than the Bucs, but do not get intoxicated on hopium.

    Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn.

  23. Curse of Gruden Says:

    A little more incite into the Bowles’ clown show.

  24. orlbucfan Says:

    Yo-yos on here never disappoint. You’d think Bucs would be 0-9 from all the whining and negative nellyin’.

  25. brooks Says:

    U won’t Sunday either.
    45-3 niners! Book it!

  26. Rod Munch Says:

    orlbucfan Says:
    November 14th, 2023 at 7:57 pm
    Yo-yos on here never disappoint. You’d think Bucs would be 0-9 from all the whining and negative nellyin’.


    Well they are 2-5 in their last 7, and about to be 2-7…




  27. BucEmUp Says:

    Let’s see how the bucs look Sunday

  28. unbelievable Says:

    They won’t be catching any passes from Purdy, so maybe they should just worry about covering and tackling…