Standing Pat

November 1st, 2023

“We’re good.”

So as we all know by now, yesterday’s NFL trade deadline came and went and the Bucs were so enamored with their roster, they decided they have the necessary horses to make a run in the playoffs.

Equally important, the Bucs also determined they don’t need to stock up on draft picks in order to get a first-round quarterback next April as they didn’t sell off any assets.

Personally, Joe thinks in this case, inaction was the worst option to choose of the three.

Hey, if the Bucs believe they have the talent at running back to turn things around, even though the team has been one of the worst rushing attacks in the league since the start of the 2022 season, so be it. They know their talent better than Joe.

Trick is, if the running game isn’t turned around, who then answers for that come January?

Joe is of the mind if you think you can make a postseason run, then you go out and address your weakest links and grab a player or two. If you don’t think you can make a run, start selling off players to help restock your roster in the draft, including at the game’s most important position.

Inaction means… what exactly? That they couldn’t make up their minds?

Why does Joe get the sense that the lack of urgency with the Bucs offense has also infected the office walls within One Buc Palace?

Once you get past the trade deadline, as former Bucs coach Dirk Koetter would say, “Our guys are our guys.” Pretty hard to add talent to a roster sifting through other teams’ practice squads or pulling unemployed dudes off the street.

54 Responses to “Standing Pat”

  1. OR Buc Says:

    What a bummer. I’m with you Joe, worst of the 3 options.

  2. OR Buc Says:

    Especially with the devalue of RBs. A decent one could’ve likely been had for a low price. Just dumbfounded.

  3. Dre Bucsfan! Says:

    I NOW TRULY BELIEVE WE MAY HAVE TOOK BRUCE ARIANS FOR GRANTED! the no risk it no biscuit approach to the game is the only way to be competitive in any sport in life…TODD B, may have just punched his way out of Tampa. I get it we may not have the salary cap or whatever the excuse maybe but HECK Jerry Judy was available on a rookie contract atleast we could’ve addressed that matter. But honestly we’ll never know as fans what goes on behind closed doors. I just HATE seeing us settle for mediocre life as an organization. I pray the Glaziers don’t let us fall back into that state again after so much success these last few years

  4. Please Says:

    Except who were they to trade for? Cam Akers was the only RB to move – how is that an upgrade? Did you want to trade a 2nd or 3rd for a stud DE on an expiring contract you can’t even afford?

    And exactly what picks are you stockpiling? A 4th for Mike Evans? A 4th for Devin White? That’s going to move you into the top 2 for a QB lighting up Pac 12 or ACC defenses? No and pass anyway.

    There were no beneficial opportunities obviously, and this Bucs team teeters with enough talent they could turn a corner. They have 3 losses to Super Bowl contenders – that are not by all that many points – and one gag job which most teams have in one season.

    Could they go winless? Possibly. But they could also make the playoffs. So I get it.

    Would a splashy RB been cool? Sure, but looks like no one was available.

  5. Greg Says:

    Good intentions pave the road etc. Bowles has personal relationships with players and consequently he will stick by “his guys”. That’s never a good place to be as a manager that has to make tough decisions for any organization.

    It’s going to end his career and frankly, good riddance. Nice man, good DC but horrible head coach.

    Unless of course, he magically turns it around. In which case, I will eat my words with a big grin on my face.

  6. Tye Says:

    under that picture the caption should read: LOSER!

  7. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Joe I’ve laid it out to you many times. This is a cap reset year. Glazers don’t care about a playoff run. They have presold season tickets. They know the QB budget cupboard is bare.

    So they were faced with a few choices to make that ended up being a zero sum decision.

    One choice was easy – retain Bowles under contract while the cap resets. The zero sum part of that was Trask was headed to the bench.

    Doing that empowered Bowles to push to win, naturally. He went after what he thought was the best available QB. It was a gamble. Glazers giving him the opportunity to do so. It was a fair decision, but it wasn’t given carte blanche.

    Say what you want about Bowles, but he’s rolling with the hand he’s dealt with and he’s being a good manager. He might not be the best HC, but he’s a company man and worthy of trust while this season plays out. The org is running and they won a few games.

    But reality is reality and at some point they are going look to the future.

    Standing pat sends this message – not going to fire sale so you still have the opportunity, but at same time not going to sacrifice any of the future because the way the team is performing that would be a waste of draft capital.

    My assumption is that the team has to win games to keep Bowles and Mayfield on the payroll – and not just be a .500 team. If they slip too many games below even we’ll see Trask and the page turning.

    But you already knew that didn’t you?

  8. OR Buc Says:

    The calculus is relatively simple. Can’t sign everyone next year (wirfs, Winnfield, mayfield, evans, white, David, etc.) trade white, dump salary. Trade for a top shelf RB. Or skip white and get low cost, rookie contract RB. Winning, even without a Super Bowl, is what this fan base deserves.

  9. August 1976 Buc Says:

    The loudest signal possible by the Bucs Brass concerning their feelings about this season, is summed up in the words of the First Head Coach, Silver Fox John McKay “Capeace is Caput” Meaning Bill Capeace a former Kicker of the Bucs was done.

    Seems pretty simple to me. The Bucs will be hiring another Head Coach.

    In the span of 11 days, Lions-Atl-Bills, the season has now flipped, and T Bowles fate is sealed.

    The feel good story (First Month) then the bye came and the clock struck midnight for Lord Farquat, and his Bucs

    T Bowles, is a decent Defensive coach, but Head Coach is above his pay grade.
    Jets and now the [Jets 2.0 = Bucs 2022-23]

    Time will tell whoever it is, but the grim Reeper for Head Coaches in the NFL, will be knocking on Todds door within 2 days of the Bucs last game

  10. Joe in Michigan Says:

    August 1976 Buc Says:
    November 1st, 2023 at 1:25 am
    The loudest signal possible by the Bucs Brass concerning their feelings about this season, is summed up in the words of the First Head Coach, Silver Fox John McKay “Capeace is Caput” Meaning Bill Capeace a former Kicker of the Bucs was done.

    Seems pretty simple to me. The Bucs will be hiring another Head Coach.

    In the span of 11 days, Lions-Atl-Bills, the season has now flipped, and T Bowles fate is sealed.

    The feel good story (First Month) then the bye came and the clock struck midnight for Lord Farquat, and his Bucs

    T Bowles, is a decent Defensive coach, but Head Coach is above his pay grade.
    Jets and now the [Jets 2.0 = Bucs 2022-23]

    Time will tell whoever it is, but the grim Reeper for Head Coaches in the NFL, will be knocking on Todds door within 2 days of the Bucs last game
    Hopefully the Bucs players won’t quit, like you have.

  11. Tim Says:

    Inaction means… what exactly? That they couldn’t make up their minds?
    If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say their thinking went something like: if they went out and traded for some players, they thought they were just a couple players away. In this scenario, it would seem a vote of confidence in Bowles coaching. If they went out and traded away players for draft picks, that would seem to be an indictment of Bowles coaching and an indication that he’s on his way out the door at the end of the season.

    However in this case, not buying and not selling, seems to me that they like Bowles and that they know they are at least a few players away, but simply that they are broke. Not necessarily that they are good with standing pat, only that they know they cant afford to be buyers.

  12. Rod Munch Says:

    The Raiders just fired Josh McDaniels, who has the same number of wins as Todd Bowles this year.

  13. MadMax Says:

    All good…cap h3ll….the hangover from losing brady….reset year, roll with it. BUT, man we couldve at least got a returner somewhre

  14. Tony Marks Says:

    Bowles has known all along there was nothing coming. He and Canales have consistently used language like “work in progress” and getting there” weeks into the season. It was never about being contenders this year.. Like I said days ago they have a goal they are aiming for that didn’t necessitate being good at the start. Its about internal development.

    This year was always about taking on nothing and beginning the pay back on cap for winning a super bowl. That plan was in place before Brady retired as to what they would do when he did. Canals and Baker were brought on as a nod to Bowles. Its his team to decide and run just as long as there were no hampering contracts (one year to Baker fit the bill).

    Either there’s an agreement from management or Bowles intends to sell himself on Improvement to the team. That solves the mystery of continuing the run game when there is none. IF they can develop one and the team in general with no imports then thats the sales point for Bowles to continue the job next year. Management doesn’t listen to fans or the media . the experts all expected nothing from this team. Bowles gets the team to even a wild card and a one and out –

    He would have exceeded all expectations. He could exceed expectations without even making the play offs. Fans may hate him but getting the team near to the playoffs after losing the GOAT isn’t exactly a horrible result.

    Selling pieces to get picks for a QB? who we got? Any Team with a slot that can pick up a QB in this QB rich draft is going to be fielding a whole bunch of offers from teams. So why would you give up a pick that might have a shot at such a QB later for even ME?

  15. ModHairKen Says:

    What mid season trades have ever propelled the Bucs into the playoffs? What player ever traded midseason has yielded fair value?

    They have Bowles a lot of talent. His job is to get them ready. All of the holding, bad formation and jumpstart penalties show bad coaching. As for the TBs, they were 2nd and 3rd round picks or above average FA. Bowles ain’t coaching.

  16. HC Grover Says:

    Houston, we have a problem.

  17. Defense Rules Says:

    ‘Why does Joe get the sense that the lack of urgency with the Bucs offense has also infected the office walls within One Buc Palace?’

    Hmmm, took you long enough Joe. Cartoonists IMO are some of the world’s greatest satirists. My favorite cartoon (almost 50 years old) ends with the line … ‘Sometimes we tend to overlook the obvious’. I have to remind myself of that daily.

    The OBVIOUS is that the ‘infection’ as you called it STARTS at One Buc Palace. Management’s function is to provide the talent. Coaches’ job is to develop that talent & employ it to win games.

    Bucs definitely have talent, just not nearly enough. That’s to be expected far as I’m concerned given the salary CAP mess that existed after 2022. We’ve got a very young, inexperienced roster for the most part, and a number of these guys should be on the Practice Squad, not on the active roster. Easy tell? Compare our 2023 roster with our 2020 roster. How many of these guys could’ve made THAT roster? The ‘standard’ is right in front of us because THAT’S the roster that it took to win a Super Bowl.

    The cupboard’s being stocked by Management, not by Bowles & his assistant coaches. Todd saying ‘We’re good’ was nothing more than him being the designated face of the organization to take the arrows that should’ve been directed at our GM, as well as at our HC.

  18. garro Says:

    Come on now. Licht has said he is not gonna wager the future of the franchise for some FAs this year. We are paying off the Brady years at present and probably next year as well. Lets move on and do the best we can with what we have.

    I understand it is frustrating to sit on the sidelines and think what if…
    Jason is doing the best thing for the long term and I for one, applaud him for that. It has to be tough.

    Go Bucs!

  19. Hodad Says:

    This season was always about getting their books in order. Although they’ve never said it, we are rebuilding, with the thought we could still steal a division title. We still might, but at this point, rebuild time.

  20. Allbuccedup Says:

    Sad part books are still not in order and obviously they are not rebuilding. The roster is a little younger but not drastically younger.

  21. WillieG Says:

    Maybe they realize Bowles will give them a top 5 draft pick without having to give up players?

  22. Front Four Says:

    If the trade options available for the future price don’t make us better than why make trades. There are no silver bullets out there. Retread names like Rashad Penny are fourth on the depth chart in Philly for a reason.

  23. pewter941 Says:

    No, it just means they are gearing up for the next 2 or 3 years. We are 1-2 drafts away from being a really good team.

  24. power sweep Says:

    I don’t get why Joe is so obsessed with a one-and-barbecue playoff run. Other than, he doesn’t want to risk seeing what Trask can do playing for the first time with the starting offense in a game? It’s almost like Joe went to FSU or something!

  25. Lombardi Lenny Says:

    The incompetence by the front office and head coach is criminal.
    They haven’t a clue WTF they are doing.
    It’s sad the lack of respect they show to the fan base and the city of Tampa Bay

  26. Joe D. Says:

    There were no RB deals made at the deadline, the move that stuck out to me of the 8 that were made was Ezra Cleveland. That’s a pretty decent G that got moved for 6th round pick. You can’t tell me at halfway through the season the Jason Licht can’t use a quality G for a late round pick, that’s a pick where the guy you draft is a 50/50 shot, at best to make the 53 man roster.

    Mark Ingram (if he’s willing to ditch his College Football Studio Analyst gig) & RoJo are FAs, you also can’t tell me they’re aren’t a few RBs that are on the Bucs radar stashed on someone’s practice squad..

    Guards have position flexibility, typically, add depth, and you usually can’t snag them for a late round pick midseason.

  27. power sweep Says:

    JOE: “Equally important, the Bucs also determined they don’t need to stock up on draft picks in order to get a first-round quarterback next April.”

    I sense fear. Fear that Kyle Trask is going to get behind center.

  28. Jeff Says:

    Read the tea leaves! This is great news! This is the first signal of a total house cleaning including the termination of one Clueless Todd! Pray the Bucs lose out so they can snag a proper QB.

  29. JK Says:

    I’ve thought that the limited times I’ve seen Sean Tucker he looked like he had some juice. Maybe he gets some burn?

  30. bucnjim Says:

    Am I missing the list of players that would help this team get better? Went through this entire post of whining and complaining, but not one solution is listed. You can’t buy steak with a hand full of pennies and that’s what we have. This team isn’t good enough to sacrifice draft picks. Pay the piper this year and get back to work next year.

  31. JK Says:

    Man , haven’t been here long……but Power Sweep? Good Lawd your a broken record, and your song is TERRIBLE!

  32. McBucky Says:

    Spot on Joe!

  33. 76Buccaroo Says:

    It sure was exciting for a couple years!! But now it’s back to Lovie Smith oh excuse me Todd bowls!!

  34. ATLBuc Says:

    Joe says:
    Joe is of the mind if you think you can make a postseason run, then you go out and address your weakest link

    The weakest Baker Mayfield and we have the personnel to replace him. They can go get Joey Bosa and Von Miller but if the QB can’t throw to or hit open receivers then what’s the use?

  35. DungyDance Says:

    Reading through all these comments, almost all focused on a lack of decent buying opportunities. Fine, then why not be sellers? Disagree with the comment about getting a 4th round pick as being essentially worthless. 4th and 5th are still very valuable. I have a hard time believing there wasn’t a team out there that wouldn’t give up a 5th to have Devin White. Redskins made some good moves yesterday. There clearly were buyers out there. Our team’s brass is starting to look like the old board of directors for Blockbuster. Instead of making some bold moves (or any moves) to bolster the future, they just watch what’s left die on the vine.

  36. orlbucfan Says:

    C’mon, DR, you know as well as I do that Licht knows what he’s doing. And comparing Bowles to Lovie Smith? That’s an idiotic take, period. Bowles is better than Smith.

  37. Jeff Says:

    Defintely see where the ownerships mindset is but my concern is we have zero depth in the running back room and with White getting more play in the passing game, this is ripe for him getting hurt and then Patrick Laird is here to step up and what? No depth. As a Bucs fan since 1977, I’ve seen alot but can we please get good ownership before I head to the pirate ship in the sky?

  38. ATLBuc Says:

    Bowles is not going to get fired after his first season with HIS team and a constrained salary cap. They didn’t bring Mayfield in here for a playoff and Super Bowl run. Baker was brought in as a one year stop gap for Trask to Learn Canales offense. They saw enough in camp and preseason to know that Trask is our QB of the future. With about 5 or 6 games remaining, Baker will be benched and the legacy of Kyle Trask will begin.

  39. ATLBuc Says:

    Joe says.

    Joe is of the mind if you think you can make a postseason run, then you go out and address your weakest links

    That’s Bajer Mayfield and he can be replaced with the personnel on the team

  40. TheMIGHTYVanHalen Says:

    I am not happy with this organization. First off I dont like this roster. I feel like we are stuck in no-man’s land… I feel like the decision makers are good with maybe making the playoffs and exiting after opening round loss. BS. My philosophy is you construct a roster to win a super bowl. Plain and simple. That is NOT this roster. It wasn’t after last season and it is not now.
    Thank GOD we did not trade away draft capital for a RB. We need draft capital to continue to rebuild roster, especially BOTH LINES OF SCRIMMAGE, ESPECIALLY this crap OL.
    I know we have 35M (or so) of dead money tied up with Brady this season. The price we pay for a ring. I get it and I can live with it. What I dont like is the pure stubbornness of this franchise to see what this roster really is? It’s meh. It’s average. It’s mediocre at best. We play in a crap division. Someone has to win it and whoever does will get trounced in front of their home fans on wildcard weekend. Yay if it’s the Bucs. Yes, being sarcastic.
    So this team has big decisions to make. I want ballers and we have two to make big decisions on this off-season – Winfield and Evans. Both players will command at least 20M per season. Do you sign Winfield to a long term deal and franchise Big Mike? Then there is Deva White. Supposedly his market value is gonna be roughly 20M. You gonna sign him to a long term deal? I would NOT and would have traded him yesterday. And then JL MUST and I MEAN MUST REBUILD THIS OL. Outside of Wirfs our current starting unit has backup talent. But hey, at least we found a LT.
    At the end of the day I am pissed about yesterday and pissed that the Bucs were NOT sellers… should have moved one of the corners, Deva White and possibly big Mike. Someone over there needs to put their big boy pants on and make these tough decisions. It is ridiculous to me to think that these same ppl think this team can win this division and then make a playoff run. Haha. Aint happenning.

  41. Aceofaerospace Says:

    Incognito tank mode is in effect. Lovie, er, I mean Bowels just wasn’t allowed in on the decision. He’s their ace in the hole for tanking and not realizing he is. Sad times for Bucs fans.

  42. Jerseybuc Says:

    Been saying it for weeks. They are a 500 to below 500 team no way Jason is giving up picks for that n probably a coaching change next year nothing was going happen at the deadline and I don’t blame lichht need all the picks you can get

  43. matthew veal Says:

    There is always the waiver wire for a running back. Hang in there

  44. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    No improvement = no surprise.

  45. T. McGee Says:

    That tells you that ownership didn’t want any puzzle pieces changing until they evaluate the next coaching staff.

  46. Ugo Says:

    Chase Edmunds is coming back in full force this week so I guess that’s why they didn’t make a move at rb (could be the right move if he can stay healthy… that’s a big if though).

  47. power sweep Says:

    ATLBuc Says:

    “Bowles is not going to get fired after his first season with HIS team.”

    100% agree. The Glazers would not look very wokey if they did not give him a second season.

    “Baker was brought in as a one year stop gap for Trask to Learn Canales’ offense. They saw enough in camp and preseason to know that Trask is our QB of the future. With about 5 or 6 games remaining, Baker will be benched and the legacy of Kyle Trask will begin.”

    Joe did say several times that Trask outplayed Mayfield in training camp, so this makes sense. Except, it’s the Bucs. You know, the team that drafted a quarterback in the second round and after 2 full seasons and 7 games, the kid still does not have a single snap with the starting offense in a game, even in preseason! You can’t make this stuff up!

  48. D-Rok Says:

    Personally, I would’ve liked to see the Bucs make a move for interior O-lineman.

  49. Bucsfanman Says:

    It’s tough being a Bucs fan sometimes! Look, I get it. We all want something to get excited about but, what was out there, and for what price?

    I think there’s a lot of “reading between the lines” when it’s more likely that they weren’t enamored with the options out there.

    That said, Bowles had better get this thing back on track or it will be (NFL) “Not For Long”!

  50. Duane in Sanford Says:

    The sound of inaction was deafening. Up to Bowles and Canales to figure it out. Playoffs or bust for this staff. Tanking was never an option because Bowles would screw that up as well. Bowles has his guys on defense, they are getting turnovers, keeping the score under 20, and still doesnt have a clue with the other facets of the game. Team Glazer isnt going to come off the pocket book for his nonsense any longer.

  51. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Lol Joe in Michagan mann, No have not quit, I have been saying since last year, that Bowles needs to go, and the Bucs needed another talent cycle with a New Head Coach. Say all you want, the owners determine what they are willing to do. And they showed their hands. All it took was 11 days 0-3 for them to make their decision about this season. This team will not be a Consistant Winner until they have New Head Coach and a full new talent cycle. The new talent cycle started the last 2 drafts,still need maybe 2 more drafts, along with some free agents. Soon a new head coach will be at the podium giving his introductory Press conference before the end of Jan 2024. You can be they are scouting already who will be the canidates.

  52. Tony Marks Says:

    “Joe did say several times that Trask outplayed Mayfield in training camp, so this makes sense.

    No it doesn’t. I guess it s up to a Joe to confirm or deny should they choose to do so but I read absolutely no Joe make that claim. You are confusing winning somedays of training camp with the entire training camp.

    But I know none of the facts matter to you.

  53. Captain Vic Says:

    I agree with what ModHairKen said in a very succinct way. To quote Howard cosell, let me “amplify” upon that post. Sorry if I’m not succinct: Firstly, overall this team has taken on the Bland, mopey personalities of the head coach and the OC. There is no fire on this team outside of Levante David who isn’t vocal, and Winfield. The coaching on both sides of the ball is shameful, and the proof is all the penalties, people out of position, and the recurring lack of basic fundamentals. Canalis is absolutely the worst play caller I’ve ever seen, and that includes Leftwich who drove me insane for 2 years with his boring calls. Absolute misuse of talent at the skill positions. The o-line is Swiss cheese. It’s funny how in the first 3 games when there was any semblance of a pocket Mayfield was doing great. Now every time the ball is snapped I have flashbacks to Archie Manning with the Aints, running for his life it’s hard to make plays! They’re literally is no QB in the league who could have success with this line coupled with the ineffective bang your head against a wall, play calling. As far as fixing the running game by drafting a stud, All Pro RB, unless his name is Barry Sanders, I don’t believe there’s a running back in the league that could average 4 yards per carry behind this line. Other than the less than mediocre skills of our online, the simple truth is the main problems of this team are just really really bad coaching, no adjustments ever, doing the same vanilla game plan for every opponent and somehow expecting different results, and total lack of accountability!

  54. Captain Vic Says:

    In Super Bowl III, Joe Namath and the Jets upset the mighty heavily favored Baltimore Colts. They asked coach Eubank who called the plays and he said that after he sent the first two plays in and Joe changed them, he just figured he would let Joe call the plays cuz he figured he just changed him anyway. Great quote. Joe Namath did not have a prolific passing day, barely over 200 yds (206 I think) but he called a great game, and frustrated and Confused the colts, mainly audible out of passing plays to running back Matt Snell. But he was efficient, completed 17 of 28 passes , and won a Super Bowl. If I was Baker, I would change almost every play that Canales sends in, play action on first down, and simple go to routes. Sandlot style, and put some air under the ball deep down field along the sidelines, evans, godwin, Trey, and Tompkins have skill and enough speed. Might even get a PI call, almost as good as a catch. Bucs are playing “not to lose”; it’s a terrible product. And they’re still losing!