Paging Shaq Barrett

October 31st, 2023

Smelly last three games.

Joe remembers a few weeks ago someone brought up to Bucs coach Todd Bowles that Ryan Neal isn’t playing all that great.

Bowles responded — and Joe is paraphrasing here — that if an outside linebacker could get to the quarterback or a guy sent on a blitz could get home, no one would be talking about Neal.

Bowles wasn’t wrong.

The defense has not been a problem this year for the Bucs. Joe can nitpick the miserable third-down defense, but look at the scores of opponents this year. If the Bucs had any kind of offense, these scores should not be like swimming from Treasure Island to Egmont Key and back to overcome.

One position during the Bucs’ three-game losing streak that hasn’t shown up is outside linebacker. Bucs sacks king Shaq Barrett and Joe Tyron-Shoyinka have been, for the most part, invisible in the pass rush.

Consider the past three games, JTS has had one sack, one quarterback hit and three quarterback pressures. Shaq has had one sack, no quarterback hits and three quarterback pressures.

This has caught Bowles’ attention.

“I think [the Buffalo] game was the first game I didn’t see the production from that position,” Bowles said. “We talked about that and we know we’ve got to be better there, because that’s one of our premier positions.”

Absolutely the Bucs need to get better there — and Joe could argue the whole front seven. Devin White was drafted No. 5 overall in 2019 in large part because he could rush the passer. He’s gone 14 games without a sack.

The last time White put a quarterback on the ground was November in the overtime loss at Cleveland.

Joe has to wonder at what point does Team Glazer look at all the loot and draft capital the team has spent on the defensive line and outside linebackers and start asking questions why pass rushers aren’t being developed.

22 Responses to “Paging Shaq Barrett”

  1. Leopold Stotch Says:

    1000% agree Joe. We need a pass rush so badly. It’s insane how we just cannot seem to get a good one other than trades or FA. From traditional positions, that is. JTS9 needs to ride the pine. Hopefully Yaya can develop. Shaq may need to be let go… I was worried about him this year, but stayed hopeful. Not looking good.

  2. garro Says:

    I personally do not want to depend on Qhite for sacks.

    I want to depend on our front four and especially our OLB/DEs to get them way more regularly than they have thus far. Lets go see if JPP can help us!

    Go Bucs!

  3. bob in valrico Says:

    JTS has difficulty getting off his blocks and attempted a weak one arm tackle
    on long running play. His lackluster play should not go unnoticed.

  4. ModHairKen Says:

    100% agree.

  5. Lt. Dan Says:

    “we’ve got to be better” Has there ever been a phrase more worn out than that one? I mean it’s right up there with “Don’t go there” and this classic, “I know I am but what are you?” Sheeesh. “Just do your job”….another one.

  6. Front Four Says:

    Shaq just hasn’t been productive. JTS just isn’t talented. The rest of the group is just young. Lots of changes coming this off season.

  7. Bubby Says:

    Hi guys, I have a great idea. Let’s hire a defensive re tread for head coach. On offense, we can find an unknown OC to lead the charge. For support, we can retain two offensive consultants with 175 years of football experience between the two of them. And for the kicker, let’s steal a bunch of unknown offensive and defensive lineman in the draft. What could go wrong, guys?

  8. BillyBucco Says:

    We have to draft an OLB higher than 32nd to get results unless we are lucky.
    ALL the really good ones are premier picks. Unless we wanna trade for one which is fine by me as well.
    You can cover up flaws on the opposite side of 1 stellar pass rusher and with Vea healthy and Cancey getting up to speed, it can be done.
    I can tell you what WONT work.
    HOPING they get better!!!!
    I am so done with JTS.
    What a wasted PROJECT pick.
    Try getting a guy that actually had results in college for a decent team.

  9. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    We’ve always known JTS was trash since his rookie season.


    Shaq Barrett has been steadily going down him since the SB season……he dominated that year due to SUE and Vita taking double blockers in the inside freeing up one one one for Shaq……………………………we now don’t have any significant pressures in the middle now. Vita is great at stopping the run, but BAD at pass rushing but yet nobody seems to be bringing up these points at all???????

    This team really needs a couple of seasons to rebuild itself………cause it’s just old, stale, and dying now; didn’t you all witness this for the whole season last year with Brady now?????

  10. Lakeland Steve Says:

    It seems like every defender except David, Winfield and Vea have trouble shedding blocks, Especially Devin White. You go back and watch the majority of his sacks and he was unblocked. Sure, he has great speed, but has he improved on shedding blocks and taking appropriate angles to the ball carrier? I would suggest he has digressed. In a similar fashion JTS can’t get off a block either. I think we kind of have to give Shaq a break on pass rushing given the injury he is coming off of. Anything we get out of him would be gravy. As for our cornerbacks, wow did we overpay at the position? The results would suggest we probably did. We still have half the season left so at least let’s see what those two high paid corners can do.

  11. Craig Says:

    When an offense has absolutely no fear of the guy on one side of the D-line, they will stack up blockers against the other.

    JTS instills no fear in opposing QBs, so, yeah, Shaq’s numbers will suffer. I don’t see him slacking in response to double and triple teams.

  12. ElioT Says:

    There’s maybe two or three consistent impact players on this team… maybe.

    Just let the sink in.

    Bucs are going nowhere.

    Gotta blow it all up this off-season.

  13. TDTB Says:

    Bring on Harbaugh and draft picks.

  14. George R Says:

    I think the Bucs would of done better drafting Josh Allen

  15. orlbucfan Says:

    Been wondering where White disappeared to? Guess he’s on vacation.

  16. DC Says:

    Waiting for the Jts article joe. You could put together a whole video montage of his lowlight plays easily.

  17. rrsrq Says:

    JPP still out there, I’m pretty sure he could be a situational pass rusher, plus he wants 100 sacks, he is stuck on 94.5 without a team. Even at his age, he is better than the young guys that have not developed

  18. Jack Sparrow Says:

    Bucs game against Houston Texans with a rookie QB will be another nail-biter game….. LOL!!!! Texans 13 – Bucs 6

  19. Andrew Fish Says:

    the “we’ve got to be better” line is really old already.

    To new bucs fans welcome to what the lost decade was like.

  20. Pickgrin Says:

    Joe was right. Bucs should have drafted Josh Allen instead of Diva White….

  21. Hammerhead Says:

    Me thinking don’t throw the kitchen sink. Trust your corners and let JTS fall back. Has worked in the past.

  22. Daniel Z Says:

    Oh, it makes way more sense now – Bowles is delusional. Because that’s the only way you could look at our pass rush and say it’s a “premier position” for this team. Most defenses can generate at least occasional pressure on a QB without sending 1-2 extra guys on poorly designed and ill-timed blitzes (who tf blitzes on 3rd and 5).