Eight Days To Get A Running Back

October 23rd, 2023

Not funny for Bucs fans.

It’s no longer a laughing matter.

If the Bucs want to play football games deep into January, the cord has to be pulled on ineffective Rachaad White at running back. Yesterday was it for Joe. Enough is enough. This has turned into a sad joke.

While a couple of times White seemed to start figuring out that he was allowed to make a cut and run towards empty green grass, he still showed his nasty habit of choosing not to run where Atlanta defenders were missing.

White has been given 24 games to prove he’s an NFL runner. He has demonstrated it just once. And that wasn’t even on American soil. Believe it or not, Joe doesn’t think Team Glazer will move all the Bucs games to Munich to accommodate a running back who gets 3.3 yards a carry.

The trade deadline is Halloween, a week from tomorrow. The Bucs have to make a move. Surely, the Bucs can’t tell Bucs fans with a straight face they are fighting for a playoff berth and not attempt to upgrade the worst rushing attack in the NFL.

Go ahead and fill the comments with who you believe the Bucs should target. Just about anyone is worthy of consideration. Beggars cannot be choosers.

Joe still maintains the Broncos will have a fire sale. Getting Javonte Williams on his rookie contract would be smart. He gets good yards after contact, something White doesn’t do.

If the Bucs don’t get a running back, any chatter from the team about winning playoff games is nothing more than virtue signaling.

Watching White stand behind offensive linemen and not take advantage of holes, and get tackled for a loss is enough to make Jeff Boomhauer talk straight.

The clock is ticking, Bucs.

58 Responses to “Eight Days To Get A Running Back”

  1. Bucsfan951 Says:

    Beggars certainly can’t be choosers but who would be available that the Bucs can actually afford? How much draft capital do you give up for said player? This o line isn’t the worst thing but it also isn’t blowing holes open where you can trade for any backup player. I am not confident this situation is a “plug and play” type thing.

    Penny comes to mind but not sure if the eagles would trade him to an nfc team. Penny has also worked with our ding dong offensive coordinator.

  2. BrianBucs Says:

    If the Bucs lose to the Bills on Thursday night then maybe at the trade deadline they will be sellers instead of buyers.

  3. Sal Says:

    Rachad penny maybe #!!

  4. Dan Naughton Says:

    Head coach has to go. States has no reason why they offense sucks? No running back. The O C keep running up the middle. Poor!!!!

  5. Anthony Says:

    First off, I’m not sure this current crop of players is worth shelling out future draft capital for. Second, with Bowles at the top, this team is permanently stuck in park, so not sure any new RB helps anyways. Third, the interior of the O-line is beyond awful, so good luck to any RB we may get. And lastly, Edmonds is due to be back soon, so I say just roll with the guy we went out and got in FA and if he sucks, well, than the season was a wash anyways and just hope that we sell and are in on the Bo Nix sweepstakes!

  6. Bucs Fan from Philly Says:

    The GM needs blame on this too. The two running backs he selected are not it. Lenny was here and opted out. We have yet to replace him. A runner who can get 4 yards per carry would have earned us a win yesterday. We couldn’t drain the clock on our last possession due to a lack of running. Our defense is on the field longer because we can’t run. So much is a reflection of our poor run game. Our GM needs blame for this too. Coaches can only work with so much. He’s holding on to draft capital and sees us struggling. Sending a 6th for someone who can run ain’t bad.

  7. TURBO 808 Says:

    1)Derrick Henry
    2)Javonte Williams or Zach Moss


    I can’t believe how bad Rachaad White is at running the ball. So many times today there was a visible crease if he simply bounced to it. He has NO vision.

  9. Nick2 Says:

    It’s sad but I predict they sit on their hands and do nothing in this situation it’s just sad

  10. Nick2 Says:

    Can anyone tell me why Sean Tucker the leading rusher as far as splash plays in preseason is not playing at all does that make any sense

  11. Joe Says:

    Can anyone tell me why Sean Tucker the leading rusher as far as splash plays in preseason is not playing at all does that make any sense

    It will make complete sense when you notice he hasn’t done jack squat when given the ball in the regular season. So much so that Sneak Vaughn is higher up the food chain now.

  12. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Well we screwed the pooch with this year’s draft and no rb. Tucker could be good, but idk why he’s not playing. We need to do something otherwise I’m with Joe. How complicated is the scheme that no one can be decent?

  13. kgh4life Says:

    @ joe

    “It will make complete sense when you notice he hasn’t done jack squat when given the ball in the regular season. So much so that Sneak Vaughn is higher up the food chain now.”

    We can’t place the final judgement on any player given the small sample size, it’s not fair to Tucker. Rachaad White on the hand, has had enough time to show us he’s not a RB1.

  14. Hodad Says:

    If Tucker is worse than Vaughn we’re in trouble. Truth is at RB White is barely a #2 back, and Vaughn, Tucker don’t belong in the NFL. Big reason why we suck running the ball.

  15. Lombardi Lenny Says:

    I’m glad Lenny isn’t here dealing with this bs offense again this year.
    Our O line is trash, OC is trash, head coach is trash. Devin White is playing like trash too. Zero chance the Bucs resign him. Owners need to fire sale the D and unload em all, fire Bowles, and build a offense to win super bowls now.

  16. HC Grover Says:

    The run up the gut personel package is a dead give awy signal to the opponents.

  17. HC Grover Says:

    One play stood out yesterday. An up the guts where wrong way ran right in to the back of Feiler. 2 yds behind the line.

  18. adam from ny Says:

    with the way the offense and line is built, only derrick henry really solves the problem…

    you get him strictly as a rental..

    also, you don’t get rid of mr. white…you move him to 3rd down back next year and slim him back down a bit…

    unless he has to be included in the trade – then you say goodbye to mr. white

  19. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Joe Says:
    October 23rd, 2023 at 2:38 am
    Can anyone tell me why Sean Tucker the leading rusher as far as splash plays in preseason is not playing at all does that make any sense

    It will make complete sense when you notice he hasn’t done jack squat when given the ball in the regular season. So much so that Sneak Vaughn is higher up the food chain now.
    White is not good at running the ball, but is a good receiver (i.e. a backup RB). Vaughn isn’t good at running the ball, and has hands of stone (his dropped pass yesterday). Vaughn is probably one of the worst RB’s in Bucs history, and he’s up there with Kyle Rudolph and Myron Lewis as a “Why TF are they in the NFL?” guys.

  20. SlyPirate Says:

    We’re sellers, not buyers. Too many FA to resign. Trade 1 or2.

    Trade him to a contender so I’ll have a better team to root for.

  21. bob in valrico Says:

    Maybe the O line blocking scheme is too complicated. Start by blocking the man in front of you. When they get that down then you can add new wrinkles. I would
    like to see an analysis of the o line blocking scheme by Brian Baldinger. All I can say at this point is we have one rookie O lineman and a couple of others with questionable abilities. So far Canales offense has done a better job of highlighting their weaknesses than anything. Does anybody else wonder why White is hesitant
    behind an O lineman. Is that where the hole is supposed to be and is the O lineman being pushed back instead of getting a push forward?

  22. Jerseybuc Says:

    Please stop with the Henry talk no way in hell Jason is giving up draft picks for this season. They win yesterday sitting at 4-2 maybe not looking like they do barely getting 10 points. Next year draft has a lot of good players giving ip a 3rd for an ageing back is stupid. There will be a new coach here next year thank god!!! Jim harbaugh? BB.? I don’t know please not career loser bowels

  23. BucU Says:

    Who cares at this point honestly? The Cinderella story is OVER.

  24. K_bassuka Says:

    How will getting a RB fix the QB poor vision and accuracy problems Joe?

  25. Oddball Says:

    Bowles won’t do sh!t and everyone knows it. Licht will toe the line.

  26. Onetrickpony Says:

    Pretty bad when your quarterback runs better than you’re running back

  27. Zwak Says:

    SlyPirate Says:
    October 23rd, 2023 at 5:25 am
    We’re sellers, not buyers. Too many FA to resign. Trade 1 or2.

    Trade him to a contender so I’ll have a better team to root for

    Agree with you 100%!!

  28. HC Grover Says:

    Trade our ‘stars’ now to AFC contenders for draft picks. Lots of them. This season is a big loser. No they will not be in the playoffs so what is the point of a few extra wins?. Get rid of Bowles asap. He is not a Head Coach. He can not wear 2 hats and win. HC/DC combo is a loser plan and management should not have allowed it. Hire a real HC and if he wants to keep him as DC fine. Bowles is a decent DC. Canales plays and play calls are just awful. Put plan 9 on the practice squad, nobody will trade for him. Same with plan 1.

  29. RagingBrisket Says:

    The scapegoating of the lousy running backs continues. Licht’s backs btw. He drafted these bums. He also drafted the sorry af oline men that can’t move more than a tub of ice cream of it’s spot.
    Licht is an embarrassment but so is the free pass he keeps getting while the local media keeps scapegoating his miserable backs.
    If you are going to point fingers be honest instead of going out of your way to protect GMs and soft linemen that the GM chose to start for this team.

  30. teacherman777 Says:

    Vaughn is stupid and panics.

    White is scared and panics.

    Did you see Allgier for Atlanta?

    That’s a RB! 250 and hits people!

    White is a diva. He thinks he’s so smart and talented. He’s not!

    He’s a pretty boy! How the Bucs “love” him I will never understand!

    I want a RB who is angry! Not “graceful”

    White is graceful at times. But who cares? He’s scared of contact!

  31. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:

    ROJO is FAR BETTER at running the ball than anything we have on our roster. , Jason Licht gets an F grade if he does not get his arse in gear.

  32. Colonel Angus Says:

    Go get Henry. Titans need a rebuild. We need someone who can make their own holes and don’t go down on first contact.

  33. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    White can’t run
    Vaugnn can’t run
    Tucker can’t run
    Lenny couldn’t run

    What makes anyone think finding someone else will change things.

    We are not blocking well and haven’t for a couple of years.

    Missing Jensen, Marpet & Cappa may be the reason

  34. itzok Says:

    8 days to get QB, head coach, center 2 guards, a TE, Pass rusher, 2 CB’s, and 22 year old Pam Anderson

    Give baker 2 more starts, When the bucs are 3-5 at the mid way put in trask to prove he was a wasted pick so we can move on to tanking next year.

    Trade evans he is the only player we have and the bucs dont seem to value you him anyway which is a shame.

  35. Since76 Says:

    This team won’t be able to run until it throw. Even if we could pass the ball this line is weak.

  36. Bucs Guy Says:

    Doubt we’ll do so, but trade Devin White for additional draft picks or swap of picks (Buc’s 3rd rd pick for other team’s 2nd rd pick).

  37. First Name Greatest Says:

    Anyone thinking the Bucs are just a RB away just doesn’t know the game. Best RB in the world wouldn’t help this run game, ATL, the fans, blind children, even people not watching the game knew exactly when the Bucs were running the ball.

    Bucs don’t have the personnel to dominate on the O Line when the opponent knows you will run. Need to run creatively and on even downs to have a chance with this personnel.

  38. Couch Fan Says:

    Im not a White hater but 1 play caught my attentin, someone had mentioned it earlier, where White had 2 holes on either side of him but ran right into the back and bounced off the center. It was a very odd. Like a NFL Bloopers highlight.

  39. Old Sombrero Says:

    Are the Bucs not strapped in the salary cap? If so there’s no financial incentive to dig a deeper cap hole. You have to ride this out or find someone cheap…I suggest ROJO unless he’s too bitter to play for the Bucs. He’s better than anyone on the roster now. 1 year deal.

  40. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Licht…the benefactor of BA & Brady…will do nothing as Recede White is a high draft pick of his. Licht is reverting to his “mean” where his record for the first 4-5 years was worse than Dominik’s.

  41. It's Corn Says:

    I feel like this is the dumbest coaching staff in the NFL. Like some messed up robot that keeps banging into the same wall over and over and over again.

  42. D-Rok Says:

    Our run-blocking woes starting last year when Jensen went down, and Licht did nothing. Only way to fix the run game is to fix the line.

    Oh wait, it’s too late now. Fixing the line SHOULD have begun around March. Reshuffling the line and bringing in a FA OG is not fixing anything, it’s reshuffling. Anybody can rearrange the same rocks and have a new rock-pile…but the problem is it’s the same rocks. Starting a rookie OG from a small school is/was a huge gamble that isn’t paying off, nor will it this year.

    It all starts with Licht, then add in a stoic stature at coach, and a rookie OC, and you get the results we’ve been seeing.

    We are not good this year and I doubt we will be, despite Canales’ rhetoric that the scheme takes time. Maybe next year, but unlikely we will see a shift towards this O-line being competitive in run-blocking.


  43. My Momma Says:

    Here’s a bright idea for Licht Bulb: Scour the practice squads of Seattle and LA. Maybe he can find a better running back that will be more familiar with our system. Won’t cost us a lot, and maybe find someone better than what we have, that can be a plug and play, player.

  44. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    Like any problem you have to start at the root of the problem to solve it and the root is coaching. 1. Running play personnel package and design. 2. Blockers doing their job. 3. RBs finding and hitting the hole. In that order.

    Every 3rd and 1 needs to be treated as critical, not just in the final minutes of a last-ditch scoring drive. If you want to get that yard, throw the kitchen sink at it if you want to pick it up on the ground.

    “Heavy Jumbo” package like you’d use on the goal line. Where’s our version of the “tush push”? Coach up one of our big fellas to run through (or hit the edge of) the line and secure the ball (my preference is Vea, even though ppl will say “what if he gets hurt?”). We could run into the D’s huddle and TELL them that we’re going to hand it off to Vea and they’d still be hard pressed to stop it.

    It boggles the mind when, not just us, but most teams fail to use simple logic and “save” plays that are “out-of-the-box” until crunch time when every third down is crunch time. Every drive is a potential scoring drive so why wait to pull out the stops just because you have a lead or it’s early in the game?

    I agree 100% with Joe and others that White isn’t getting it done on the ground (but is good as a slot receiver, etc) and blocking could be better BUT coaching and play calling is the root of the problem. Simple logic: If your players can’t accomplish what you’re asking them to do, have them do something else! You can’t change your entire roster but you can change your approach and how you use ALL 53 of your active roster. Mauch can’t be our only big man with good hands. When was the last time we had a lineman report as “an eligible receiver” on the goal line and actually threw to him? I don’t care if it’s some practice squad guy who can’t block but find out if he has good hands and bring him up.

    Lenny would be an upgrade (no dancing, better after contact and great hands) or Henry, power and speed to break a long one at any time. Henry might be just a short-term rental but he might actually love the westher and favorable tax situation and want to stick around. Javonte Williams would be the cheapest option but that shouldn’t be the only factor.

    Cap, schmap. Teams can always find a way around the damn salary cap.

    If no moves are made then the Bucs brass is signaling that we aren’t playing to win and just trying to be competitive this year to put some butts in the seats (failing at that) and tacitly admitting that this is a “tank or slow rebuild year” of low expectations met in order to get to rebuilding for real next off season when our cap is better and we snag some higher picks.

    We aren’t winning the Super Bowl this year but we don’t need to be constantly subjected to a repeat of the futility that we had to endure last year every damn week this year. 103 points through 6 games is 17.166 points per game. Last year through 6 games was 121 points or 20.16 ppg (a field goal each game better last year). Six games is a big enough sample size to realize this new OC is failing us.

    We all know how bad our rushing was last year and it’s worse this year, dead last again. There are teams with worse RBs and worse O-lines than us. Maybe not by much but no way is our pool of talent deserving of “last in the league”. I refuse to pin it all on the players.

    It starts with coaching and that starts with Bowles and on down the line. More than a third of the season is gone, so that’s a big enough sample size. Patience is wearing thin.

  45. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Games in January? Please wake up! Bucs need to be sellers instead of buyers. Trade Evans and LB White for draft picks. Bucs desperately need Oline and Dline maulers. Also need another safety and at least 2 new RBs. Oh, and a real QB. Pretty safe to say Bowles and Canales are not the answer. Seen enough.

  46. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    Hey guys, enough delusion. Licht is not going to do anything to upgrade this roster. Look at last year when an OL infusion might have made a difference in Tom Brady’s last year. What a shame the Bucs had him and wasted him.
    Don’t expect any help mid-year help from Licht. That’s for teams like John Lynch’s 49rs. (See Macaulay and OL mid-season trades.)
    Oddly, the same things the Bucs need. Wonder if we could hire him for next 8 days?

  47. George Gaspar Says:

    The Bucs are not going to be playing deep into January. We need to make piece with that right now. BM is not good enough to take the Bucs deep into the playoffs. He is just good enough to screw us out of drafting a great QB.

  48. Bucsfanman Says:

    It’s not just on White or Vaughn, it’s scheme also. Now, let me preface my statement by saying that I am an “old school” football fan. I prefer downhill running and nasty defense.

    First off, two words: FULLBACK! Get somebody to lead block so that, as opposed to running into the back of OL, they can hitch a ride.

    2nd, find a RB with vision who doesn’t hesitate in the backfield. How many times have we seen White pause before taking off?! He is NOT LeVeon Bell!

    Lastly, if you have the first two, the run-blocking looks better. The blueprint is there, stop trying to be cute.

    Our “stable” of RBs is not going to cut it and relying on Baker to throw more than 30+ times a game will cement our fate.

  49. BigZ Says:

    Stop. That ship sailed a month a go when Hunt signed with the Browns, again. We can’t give up picks, we’ll need them to get Maye or Penix. There are plenty of good RB coming out next year. See FSU, Georgia, Michigan, ND and Ohio State. These guys will be had 2-4 rounds next Spring. Stop shopping at the small schools so early in the draft.

  50. Andrew Fish Says:

    this isn’t a team to waste future cap space on. play with what we have. A great RB isnt going to make this team a playoff contender.

  51. Johnny Branham Says:

    The running game is pathetic and we will not make it to the playoffs without a threat. I like Derrick Henry because we don’t have to give him a long term deal and can draft one next year. We need at least 2 good ones or one great one to make us better. The defense is showing us that if we can compliment them with a solid running game we can win. We don’t need the game in Mayfield’s hands to win games and throw it 40 times. We need a running back that can limit his throws to under 35.

  52. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Frankly, I don’t see how any rb other than Mike Alstott could get yards with that offensive line.

  53. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Andrew Fish Says:
    “This isn’t a team to waste future cap space on. play with what we have. A great RB isnt going to make this team a playoff contender.”

    Yes and no. If our offense can manage to at least stay on the field longer, our defense would not be exhausted in the second half. That alond would make this a contender.

    But that’s not going to happen with this OL and Baker.

  54. SBucs Says:

    When the Bucs lose to the Bills by 35 points (45-10) cleaning house of Jason’s and Todd’s stench will be clearer

  55. Bucfan37 Says:

    The Bucs might play the Bills closer than most expect. This is one of those who knows games.

  56. PowerOfPewter Says:

    The Center is a turnstile, the RT waves traffic on by, the LG is repeatedly called for holding, the OC’s entire playbook is on a single 3×5 card, the HC is befuddled, and the GM keeps injuring his arm patting himself on the back for assembling an over-paid .500 team in the league’s worst division. I don’t think trading for a castoff RB is going to make much difference.

  57. Canabuc Says:

    Well considering that Christian McCaffrey ran for all of three yards per carry against Minnesota Vikings. Maybe there is something to the fact that the box have played four games out of six against top six run defenses in the NFL. Add to the fact that we have a poor run blocking offense of line that have not been opening holes which can be illustrated by the fact that none of our other running backs have run for much more than two yards per carry in this offense.

    Maybe the problem is our offensive line personnel and the blocking scheme they are using

  58. Chip Krenn Says:

    Bowles said yesterday that there are no plans to make any personnel changes. He’s going to do what he always does, sit on his hands and say, I don’t know why we aren’t executing. The team is not getting better because the team leader isn’t making any moves to get better. Bowles is acting like a lifeless empty jersey standing on the sidelines as a HC. It is his job to get it done…. If he cant get it done, he needs to go. He needs to go back to what he does best…. DC….