QB Coach Calls Baker Mayfield’s Strengths And Weaknesses

October 20th, 2023

The Buccaneers’ not-yet-the-franchise quarterback, Baker Mayfield, is being coached up on a daily basis.

Tampa Bay quarterbacks coach Thad Lewis was a guest on the team’s official radio network this week and was asked to share Mayfield’s strengths and what Baker needs to work on.

“Mayfield’s biggest strength is he’s very smart. He understands the system. He has command of it. You know once he knows it very good, he’s going to execute it,” Lewis began.

“The thing that I just have to continue to work on him is because of his grit and his excitement, just to get him not to go as fast. Sometimes he goes super fast. And, you know, just to get him to be smooth and slow down a little bit because you can just twitch up. And smooth is fast, and not being herky jerky. That’s when he gets in trouble; he’s a little herky jerky. But when he’s smooth … I always just remind him, ‘Hey, remember, smooth is fast.’ When he’s smooth, he’s very unstoppable.”

Joe heard that description of Mayfield getting a little too jacked up and it sounded like Jameis Winston, though Joe thinks the way Jameis got over-amped was more noticeable on the field.

In theory, Mayfield should play smoother over time; it’s only been five games. But the stakes will get higher — starting Sunday against the Falcons — and it’ll be interesting to see if Mayfield can stay composed as expectations and pressure rise.

53 Responses to “QB Coach Calls Baker Mayfield’s Strengths And Weaknesses”

  1. A Bucs Fan Says:

    If that’s the case then no more prime time games and 1 pm kickoffs for the rest of the season please.

  2. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Joe what’s up with the Bucs? Thad says one thing, Canales says another and then Bowles says something different. What I want to hear is what they gonna do to get better and win some games.

  3. Jack Clark Says:

    “Mayfield’s biggest strength is he’s very smart. He understands the system. He has command of it. You know once he knows it very good, he’s going to execute it,” Lewis began.”

    Really the only good thing Baker Mayfield and Dave Canales offense has done so far is not turn the ball over, other than that they are below average at best

  4. HC Grover Says:

    Smoooothe! LOL Shorty is Smooooothe. Love it. And Canales is right.

  5. Rod Munch Says:

    “Mayfield’s biggest strength is he’s very smart.”

    Ooof… the compliment given to underachievers or people who lack ability.

    Hey, you know he’s slow, can’t throw more than 3 yards down field, can’t hit the open side of a barn, but you, he’s smart and understands the system and is gitty and has moxy.

    Not saying that about Baker, he has a very good arm and has played well up until this last game, but that is not the compliment I ever want to hear as a football player.

  6. ShakeandBaker Says:

    Hey 757, suck a bag of d#$@&s you troll.

  7. ModHairKen Says:

    Bake needs to chill. Burn some plants. Shavasana. Something. Start out calm.

  8. ShakeandBaker Says:

    Rod, if you have QB who is a dumb a$$ he will not succeed. Being smart is important to being a successful NFL QB. There is a lot to process in game and a low IQ QB would make things extremely difficult. We experienced what that firsthand for four years and he kept throwing picks.

  9. HC Grover Says:

    When a 340 lb 6’6 DE is on you it is hard to be Smoooothe.

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    ShakeandBaker – Everyone knows that to be a good QB you have to be smart, that’s why you don’t want to hear it as the first compliment out of someones mouth, it means nothing else stands out.

    When people talk about Brady, is the first thing they say that he was ‘smart’? Now, they said he’s a ‘winner’ and a ‘leader’ and ‘clutch’.

    Again, I’m not bashing Mayfield, I’m just saying it’s a bad compliment.ShakeandBaker

  11. Popcorn Mike Says:

    LOL Bucs fans. As I said earlier, I just want to hear what they are doing to fix the run game and QB inconsistent play

  12. ShakeandBaker Says:

    Well Rod I would argue that most guys that make it to the NFL have most of the physical traits necessary to do the job and often times it is the mental aspect that separates the ones who succeed from the ones who fail. Jameis checked off all the boxes save for one.

  13. BillyBucco Says:

    The biggest thing I notice about Mayfield early in games is the HAPPY feet.
    He looks like a dog covering up his crap.
    When he settles down, he is much better obviously.
    I would think confidence in your O Line would be easy, earlier in the game.
    You don’t see sacks often on the 1st play or anything.
    I really think this is why a lot of teams just run it on 1st down, 1st play.
    Hoping Canales can identify this and just give Baker some easy throws early and let him get comfortable. I don’t think a wheel route is good idea on the 5th play of the game for example. It was actually a nice throw, but White is NOT a WR 1st.
    Another I will mention is Brady hopped, he didn’t pitter patter. Just seems like it would be so much harder to set and have a good throwing motion when Baker does that. I did notice that the hopping seems to be something Trask picked up.
    I hope we at least get a chance to see him at some point. I want to be clear here, I’m not talking about leaving your feet, but useless energy pre throw has to be corrected.

  14. Duane in Sanford Says:

    He hasnt turned the ball over too much and has made many plays with his feet. Canales is still managing his playcalling. Someone last week has been saying that maybe we should pass to set up the run. I think that should be the new mantra at OBP. I dont want Baker, or any Buc QB throwing over 40 times a game. Slants and drags on first down to set up shorter down and distance. The signal caller is not going to be the make or break player on the team this season.

  15. SlyPirate Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    “Mayfield’s biggest strength is he’s very smart.”

    Ooof… the compliment given to underachievers or people who lack ability.


    OMG! I can’t disagree with this. Thinking back to QBs that received the “very smart” label:
    Matt Stafford
    Ryan Fitzpatrick
    Sam Bradford
    Jameis Winston (Yes, believe it or not. During the draft process Jameis’ “recall ability” was second to none.)

    That’s a whole lot of wasted time, energy, and money.


  16. Rod Munch Says:

    ShakeandBaker – Winston was literally labelled as a really smart QB, I believe Gruden even said he’s one of the smartest guys he’s ever been around, and he was accepted to attend Stanford.

    SlyPirate – Stafford has been a good QB almost his entire career – he was just wasted on bad Lions teams. But still, I never remember people saying ‘smart’ was his top trait, everyone talked about his incredible arm.

  17. Jack Clark Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    October 20th, 2023 at 5:28 pm
    “Mayfield’s biggest strength is he’s very smart.”
    That is not the compliment I ever want to hear as a football player

    A quarterbacks decision making skills is their greatest ability, which comes from their intelligence …or “smarts”. Accurately predicting what defenses will do to know what play to audible to, adjust blocking assignments to neutralize blitzes, who to throw to, and having overall situational awareness like clock management or tricking defenses to jump offsides to get a first down or free play is more important than arm strength, accuracy, and running ability.

    List of quarterbacks who biggest strength were their smarts:
    1. Tom brady
    2. Peyton manning
    3. Drew Brees

    Also Top 3 NFL all time passing leaders:
    1. Tom Brady
    2. Drew Brees
    3. Peyton Manning

  18. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Err. SlyPirate, Matt Stafford doesn’t belong on a list with the other dudes. He’s a baller.

  19. Buccaneric Says:

    Where’s the happy feet meme?

  20. Defense Rules Says:

    I’m not sure that a QB being super-intelligent is a prerequisite for being super-productive. May be an asset in the classroom, but when the bullets are flying out on the field, that’s not necessarily a good time to be thinking too much. Time to react, as quickly as possible, based on your training. Some are better (faster) than others when it comes to processing information, but I don’t think that’s necessarily ‘intelligence’ in the sense that most of us use the word.

    To me it’s kinda like using the word ‘vision’ with RBs. Obviously not talking about eyesight, but rather how quickly they can see holes start to open up, adjust & scoot through. Some are much better than others obviously, but I doubt that ‘intelligence’ comes into play all that much; more about reaction IMO based on continual practice in similar situations.

  21. SlyPirate Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:
    Err. SlyPirate, Matt Stafford doesn’t belong on a list with the other dudes. He’s a baller.


    We’re going to agree to disagree. You’re 100% right, Stafford is super accurate. He put up amazing numbers. I think the Rams would have won SB that year with Goff. He’s got a chip, though. Can’t take it away. Still don’t think he’s on the list of best QBs of his generation.

  22. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    I think we can agree that “smart” in the classroom doesn’t always transfer to the field. Jameis as example one. Understands plays, defensive assignments, all that – but when the bullets fly – deer in the headlights.

  23. Jmarkbuc Says:

    He spends the bye week doing College Gameday and the Mcafee show, letting everybody stroke him up…..

    Then lays an egg for the National audience.

    Not all that smart.

  24. Jack Clark Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    October 20th, 2023 at 7:18 pm
    I’m not sure that a QB being super-intelligent is a prerequisite for being super-productive. May be an asset in the classroom, but when the bullets are flying out on the field, that’s not necessarily a good time to be thinking too much. Time to react, as quickly as possible, based on your training. Some are better (faster) than others when it comes to processing information, but I don’t think that’s necessarily ‘intelligence’ in the sense that most of us use the word. To me it’s kinda like using the word ‘vision’ with RBs. Obviously not talking about eyesight, but rather how quickly they can see holes start to open up, adjust & scoot through. Some are much better than others obviously, but I doubt that ‘intelligence’ comes into play all that much; more about reaction IMO based on continual practice in similar situations.

    Tom Brady disagrees. I know you like stats so what metrics do you use to judge how productive a quarterback is? Super Bowl victories? Playoff wins? Regular season wins? Touchdowns? Passing yards? Rushing yards? Now tell me which one of those super-productive quarterbacks were not “super-intelligent”. And people who are faster than others when it comes to processing information is what makes them “super-intelligent” 😂. Intelligence (noun) is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Therefore if you are not able to apply the knowledge and skills you learned from training when the bullets are flying then you are not intelligent.

  25. Beej Says:

    The anti-Baker people, beyond stating he’s a bad QB, need to explain WHY he’s a bad QB. The overall stats for the Detroit game didn’t look good, at the very LEAST, nothing to brag about. Show specific plays he failed to make that a GOOD QB would have done BETTER.

    For example, if he was 3″ taller, would he have made that pass to wide-ass open Evans?

  26. Irish Laughter Says:

    Baker is a great QB. How can anyone disagree that his first few years with Cleveland showed his resiliency with a chaotic franchise and he still won. Now he is in a stable environment with supporting great players and coaches. He will deliver. Give him a chance. The Bucs will go 12-5 this season and Baker will be named league MVP. Gooooooooo Bucs.

  27. Beej Says:

    I sense….sarcasm

  28. David Says:

    This is so embarrassing that being smart is Baker’s biggest strength not his football skill as described by his coach. Really I do not blame the coach for his description of Baker.

    Baker is what Baker has been through out his career. He plays the game with his motions not by starting NFL quarter back skill to win games against the average to elite teams.

  29. K_bassuka Says:

    So he’s so smart that he doesn’t even know when to slow down or speed up. Nice, sure sounds like a bunch of 💩

  30. Since76 Says:

    He says herky jerky I say he has happy feet and rarely sets fir his throws. He’s not going through his progressions fast enough. I think he liked all the buzz for his run and stuff arm. That is not what you want your QB doing. Check it down if you can’t see over the O lines head. You don’t have to run. But I really can’t tell if this system has check downs. Rarely does he throw a check down.

  31. Defense Rules Says:

    Jack Clark … Obviously agree with your definition of intelligence and was admittedly thinking more of the accumulation & retention of knowledge as opposed to the application of that knowledge. Have met tons of folks in my life who were excellent at accumulating & retaining knowledge, but not so good at applying it in real-life situations.

  32. David Says:

    Unless Bucs win deep into the playoffs, Toilet Bowl, Baker and the GM should be dismissed for the following reasons;

    1. Win the South follow by quick first round exit.
    1. Changing the offense and promoting a losing coach Toilet Bowl as their coach with no offensive knowledge.
    2. Toilet Bowl hires a back up qb as starter that no other NFL team wants.
    3. Jason Licht fails to develop and train his own second round draft 2021 pick, Trask to replace Tom Brady. He also fails to draft a qb in 2023 to compete with Trask.

  33. Jack Clark Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    October 20th, 2023 at 9:19 pm
    Obviously agree with your definition of intelligence and was admittedly thinking more of the accumulation & retention of knowledge as opposed to the application of that knowledge. Have met tons of folks in my life who were excellent at accumulating & retaining knowledge, but not so good at applying it in real-life situations.

    We call those people book smart

  34. WyomingJoe Says:

    David, Munch and other trolls: God you guys make me sick!

  35. David Says:

    Wait, next week we all be discussing Baker’s great game and a contract extension when Bucs win with Baker throwing three TD’s to defeat a bad Falcons team with an offenses worst than ours. How sad is this Bucs management in decision making.

  36. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Won’t matter the Baker narrative is crumbling

  37. Beej Says:

    “David Says:
    October 20th, 2023 at 9:39 pm
    Unless Bucs win deep into the playoffs, Toilet Bowl, Baker and the GM should be dismissed for the following reasons;”

    That’s idiotic. NO one expects the Bucs to go deep into playoffs when they’re eating so much dead cap money. They will MAYbe do as well as Vikings or Giants did in playoffs last year. They’re in a 2-3 year rebuild, performing ahead of schedule

  38. David Says:

    If winning the lousy South was Bucs only goal and no one/Bucs themselves expected to go deep into the playoffs then why did they hire Baker instead of checking out Trask who had never played a regular NFL game ? This is NFL. You deserve to be dismissed if you gamble and lose. Hiring Baker was a sure gamble and I hope it pays off by Bucs win the south and at least win their first playoff game. Otherwise fire anyone who was involved with the decision making in hiring Baker as a starter with a mocked training camp.

  39. Larrd Says:

    It doesn’t matter how smart, if you can’t see over the line. Canales will improve calling and designing plays for short guys and Baker will then settle down some, just as the OL jells.

    It’s in the stars!

  40. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    Well. That explains the occasional wild ball.

  41. Rod Munch Says:

    Jack Clark – I’ve literally never heard anyone say Tom Brady’s top trait is that he’s smart. I’m talking about when people are asked a question about a player and the first thing out of their mouth is that they’re smart, that is generally a bad sign as it means you’re an underachiever physically. For Brady everyone talks about him being winner, intense, leader – I always hear those first.

    You do have one good example, however, that is Brees. That is a guy who is undersized, didn’t have a big arm, and could process information incredibly quickly. So I’ll give you that one.

    In any case, my general rule is not absolute, but when a guy isn’t established and people ask him and they say he’s ‘smart’, it’s like saying he’s ‘gritty’. They’re generally code words for they’re not physically up to the job, but they try hard.

    Also, again, with Mayfield, I even said that isn’t the case with him – while he’s short, he has a very good arm.

  42. Rod Munch Says:

    WyomingJoe – I’m glad you took some time away from stalking Mayfield to show up in order to be fake offended.

    What a creep.

  43. garro Says:

    Reminds me of Jaymiss. Lets hope he can slow it down enough not to do Jaymiss stuff.

    Go Bucs!

  44. D1 Says:


    I would think the position coach saying he’s smart is based on the speed in which Baker learns his protection packages for the games. I say because this is the first step (tues) in preparation for the next game. Base protection then exotic looks , this is something that every coach baker has played for remarks on. His ability to learn quickly and with total recall!

    When a coach can install a protection package in an hour or two that’s going to be noted by his coach.

    Add bakers ability to adj routes in game between series is testament to how intelligent the player is.

    Defense didn’t mention vision with QBs but that’s a trait that’s not talked about nearly enough. And yes it literally has to do with vision ie what can you see.

    Baker has plenty of arm strength and his height is not as big of problem as some of these posters believe it is.

    Claims that He can’t see over his linemen, is like holding your hand up when asked, who doesnt understand nfl blocking schemes and geometry? It’s not entirely false but it’s not that easy either. The truth lies in the middle and it’s multifaceted.

  45. D1 Says:


    One more thing, you’ve claimed baker only throws 3 yds passes.
    It’s actually double that per attempt .
    The thing is his first four years in the league were consistent in regards to passing yds per attempt.
    If he adds 1 yd per attempt to his current stats his league ranking will be 5-7 overall in the league. This extra yd is his avg in his first 4 yrs in the NFL.

    Basically, you’re full of spit !

  46. Larrd Says:

    I never understood things are multifaceted. That clears things up quite a lot!

  47. Carter Says:

    “he’s very unstoppable”

    Riiight. 0 touchdowns against the only 2 good teams we played except for a garbage-time 4th quarter touchdown against the Eagles. Yup. Unstoppable.

  48. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Haters will hate especially old haters

  49. Jack Clark Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    October 21st, 2023 at 1:17 am
    I’ve literally never heard anyone say Tom Brady’s top trait is that he’s smart. For Brady everyone talks about him being winner, intense, leader – I always hear those first. Also, again, with Mayfield, I even said that isn’t the case with him – while he’s short, he has a very good arm.

    Brady’s “smarts” via film study and game preparation is what made him into being a winner and leader. Him being able to “acquire and apply knowledge and skills” to win games from studying film is what made him more intelligent than everyone else. Also, IMO baker mayfield is not a smart/intelligent quarterback because he is not able to “acquire and apply knowledge and skills” from film study and training/practice to be a leader in super bowl victories, playoff wins, regular season wins, scoring touchdowns, passing yards, or even rushing yards. Baker Mayfield is average at best

  50. Mark hardt Says:

    Phil jackson taught MJ and Kobe Zen Bhudism meditation and being in the moment principles. I have been practicing Trancendental Meditation or TM since the 5th grade. Thad should bring in a meditation consultant or hire Phil Jackson as a consultant. I don,t think he has as job and Jeannie Buss just married a Comedian Actor.

  51. Rod Munch Says:

    D1 Says:
    October 21st, 2023 at 5:20 am

    One more thing, you’ve claimed baker only throws 3 yds passes.


    I said that based on his film prior to coming here. As I’ve said since game 1, he’s mostly impressed me. I’m not hell bent on my position on anyone, and will change based on the evidence.

    As for smarts, the coach in this case is saying he’s so smart, and reads the field so quickly, he’s going through his reads too fast – meaning he’s not sticking with guys long enough to wait for them to get open, that’s how I read his comments. It’s fair to point out negative traits, in particular when I’ve been praising him pretty much since the half-time of game 1.

    However this last game, he was terrible, and looked like that guy you saw on film the last two years. But, again, with that said – I’m not rooting against him, I don’t want to sit through a Todd Bowles 6-11 season. Since they didn’t go full tank, then I want to see them win, and I honestly do hope Mayfield can get back to how he played in the Saints game, which was impressive vs a very good defense.

  52. Rod Munch Says:

    Jack Clark – I don’t think we’re arguing the same point. All I’m saying is if I’m a player, I don’t want a coach to ever use ‘smart’ as the first word to describe me, because that almost always means you’re deficient in some other way. Again, it’s like calling a player ‘gritty’ – all it means is that they try hard. It was meant half-humorously, in that I mean what I said, but it’s also not a big deal since we know Baker isn’t just a ‘try hard’ guy, he has a good NFL arm.

  53. Carter Says:

    Rod Munch Says: “it’s like calling a player ‘gritty’ – all it means is that they try hard”

    Or, saying he has moxy.