Luke Goedeke 14, Aidan Hutchinson 0

October 17th, 2023

Bucs GM Jason Licht.

Joe has visions of Buccaneers’ offensive line architect Jason Licht sitting on his couch drinking a Big Storm beer and enjoying this piece of edited film.

Steelers podcast host and longtime NFL Xs and Os guy Jon Ledyard took to Twitter yesterday after he diced up Sunday’s pass protection snaps of Bucs right tackle Luke Goedeke facing beastly Lions edge rusher Aidan Hutchinson.

The video is below — where you can watch Goedeke skillfully and powerfully handle Hutchinson 14 times. Ledyard claims this was every snap of Goedeke vs. Hutchinson in the game.

Joe will assume Ledyard is accurate with his count, which is great news for all the other times Hutchinson was handled by other members of the Tampa Bay offensive line. Joe wrote yesterday about Hutchinson having one of the quietest games of his young career.

What promising stuff from Goedeke! Joe is fired up that the Bucs have stout bookend tackles who are both just 24 years old.

Joe will note, however, that this video shines a light on struggles of Bucs rookie right guard Cody Mauch. He’s hanging tough as a rookie and certainly he’s not at the root of the Bucs’ issues on offense, but Mauch is a work in progress who should be much better with another five or six games under his belt.

34 Responses to “Luke Goedeke 14, Aidan Hutchinson 0”

  1. Austin Says:

    THROW… THE.. BALL…. We have a damn good pass protecting offensive line, great weapons, and baker is good enough to move around and find the open man…. whoever is wanting to run the ball up the middle, needs to be fired.. we are built to throw

  2. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    I must admit, I am pleasantly surprised with 2022 draft picks, Goedeke, Zyon McCollum and Punter Jake Camarda.

  3. DS Says:

    Glass eater playing at a pro bowl level once he gets his hands on you it’s a wrap.

  4. SlyPirate Says:

    WATCH 2X
    Watch Goedeke. His punch is brutal. Hutchinson just gave up on a few plays after getting hit in the chest. Then, rewatch Wirfs. His footwork is crazy. He is so nimble. Our OTs just stone wall DL. They are awesome!

    6 POINTS
    Wasn’t the OL. These guys can pass block.

    Pass to set up the run. Play to your strengths.

  5. Alanbucsfan Says:

    OLine is not the problem with the run game- it is the indecision and dancing around by the RB’s and inconsistent blocking by TE’s.

  6. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Goedeke physically looked like he has really beefed up this season…last year he looked thin now he looks like he belongs not only appearance but with this play too.

    Can always trust Licht when it comes to Olinemen….just not running backs or up until recently kickers.

  7. JN Says:

    That wonderful Joe… now lets see how he fared in run game.

  8. Steven007 Says:

    He looked very solid in that cut up. And on the left side Wirfs buried a couple of guys and blocked them to the ground.

  9. Durango 95 Says:

    Ledyard is pretty good at what he does. Luke is really ballin’ out right now. Good for him and the team. Hat tip to j Licht.

  10. Ed McSherry Says:

    Great, tapes proving the pass protection.

    Now show tapes proving that there has ever been a hole created by the O-line that Rachaad failed to hit, thereby justifying laying the blame on the RB for the lack of a run-game.

    If and when the O-line properly blocks for a run game, then, there will be paise not blame for the run-game; because there’ll -be- one.

  11. Since76 Says:

    One thing I’ve noticed in those clips. Baker has dancing feet on everythrow but two. Even with good protection. He doesn’t set his feet. But I will admit I’m no expert.

  12. KC Buc Says:

    Those early reps were roughhhh for Mauch on those clips. Seemed to heat up and looked better later in the game. Seems like the kind of thing that can be improved.

  13. BuxfaninTX Says:

    I noticed in the video that Rachaad White rarely chips any defenders on his way out of the backfield. Also, there’s plays that he blocks no one, just stands there

  14. NJbucs23 Says:

    What Austin says I have been saying.


  15. SlyPirate Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    Can always trust Licht when it comes to Olinemen….just not running backs or up until recently kickers.


    Licht definitely turned the corner on kickers. Camarda is the best Punter in the league. McLaughlin is 9-10. Succop was nearly 100% until 50 yards. Matt Gay is a Pro Bowler. Hopefully this suggests Licht will learn how to draft RBs in the near future.

  16. Saskbucs Says:

    Mauch looks like Goedeke did last season. What a surprise! Don’t get me wrong, I am happy with how the OL has performed in pass protection but I said since camp… why would they repeat the mistake with Mauch they made with Luke!? Mauch was playing the left side in college and they throw him at RG? It makes no sense. Flip Mauch and Feiler and is the OL worse? Feiler can certainly duplicate those reps of Mauch getting burned and one would hope Mauch would feel much more comfortable on the left.

    Can Joe explain this? I’d love to hear the answer from Bowles. Goedeke has been much better on his natural side, wouldn’t the same be true of Mauch and why the side flipping experiments!?

  17. D-Rok Says:

    Hutchinson has quite a few moves and techniques, and Goedeke was ready for all of them. Impressive performance at RT.

  18. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe will note, however, that this video shines a light on struggles of Bucs rookie right guard Cody Mauch. He’s hanging tough as a rookie and certainly he’s not at the root of the Bucs’ issues on offense, but Mauch is a work in progress who should be much better with another five or six games under his belt.


    I think for Cody it’s going to take another full offseason for him to get NFL strong, which is one of the downsides of someone coming from a small school. But clearly he knows what he’s doing, and he’s not an issue in the passing game – he’s holding up – but he just doesn’t appear to have the strength needed to move guys in the run game.

    And there’s a solution for that, however… don’t run the ball behind him and Hainsey if they’re not good run blockers. Also the year is 2023, and teams win by throwing the ball. Just throwing that out there.

  19. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Wow. Goedeke has really quick feet. Hutchinson just couldn’t get anywhere. Perhaps to beat Luke you need a power rush. We’ll see as the season wears on but he really looked good in that clip.

  20. BucU Says:

    I’m proud of Luke. He’s developed nicely. I missed the game yesterday. If we did so good defending the rush why was Baker so God awful?

  21. adam from ny Says:

    what if:

    we have 2 pro bowl tackles this year…

    with the glass eater live on arrival, it could very well happen

  22. DJB Says:

    Luke’s arms are growing longer with every game. . .

  23. Mike Johnson Says:

    Don’t mean nothin. Detroit whipped us good. We lost. Next..!!

  24. Alan Clevenger Says:

    Joe…are you watching the same film I am? Look how many times Goedeke gets pushed back into Baker forcing him to move up into the pocket or scramble away from the rush. He’s clearly impacting the play.

    Now watch Wirf in the same video, totally not the same.

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    Alan Clevenger – You do understand that Wirfs is probably the best tackle in all of football right? Everyone knows he’s not as good as Wirfs, literally no one is.

    What a terrible hot take.

  26. Rod Munch Says:

    Watching this 5 times, once for each guy on the line, and it’s interesting.

    Wirfs is obviously a stud. One play where a guy gets through, I think it’s on Feiler for not picking up the right guy, but it’s hard to say without knowing the protection. But Wirfs doesn’t seem to have even a remote issue with anyone.

    Feiler still, to me, looks like he’s missing assignments. But I could be wrong as I don’t know the blocking calls – but he just looks out of place on a number of plays.

    Hainsey in this set of downs isn’t asked to do much, he’s just helping out, and seems to do fine.

    Joe is right on Cody, he does look rough here. This is the actually the worst I’ve seen him look so far. However, it’s worth noting, he looks better as things go along. Also some of it is that he appears confused on who he’s picking up. Like Fieler, he’s another tackle going to guard, and the Lions were doing a ton of movement on their d-line trying to cause confusion. Physically, I think Joe said it well again, he’s hanging in there. Still, I think with experience he’ll certainly improve, but I think this upcoming offseason will be huge as he’ll know how much stronger he needs to be. But I think he’ll be a good player, he’s just not Ali Marpet – a day 1 pro-bowler coming from a small school.

    As for Luke, he looked very solid vs one of the best NFL defensive lineman.

    Obviously that’s a small sample size of plays, but it’s interesting to watch. If I was PFF, I’d give each player the following rating.

    Wirfs: 98.23
    Feiler: 59.42
    Hainsey: 66.66
    Cody: 42.31
    Luke: 75.21

    Feel free to quote me on that.

  27. D-Rok Says:


    When you choose to be serious and talk football, your comments are knowledgeable and show insight. Give us more of the serious Rod! 😉

  28. TampabayDJ Says:

    I agree with passing the ball to set up the run . Or just pass the ball period. Every team that has won a Super Bowl the last 6 years did so by passing the ball. Go Bucs

  29. garro Says:

    Saw this before.

    Can we call him Glass Eater now?

    Go Bucs!

  30. garro Says:

    PFF grades are not the end all be all folks. Especially for O lineman grades. Use your eyes.

    Mauch puts on some weight/strength and he will be fine. Not too bad now for a rookie changing positions. Actually all our guys were solid in pass blocking in this clip.

    Baker did have a bit of happy feet going on I think. Hard to tell though, not knowing the play call. We missed a blitz call and definitely not getting the ball out in 2.7 or less on a few. Pulled it down instead of getting the ball out.

    That makes the O line look bad sometimes. Say what you will but Brady did make his line look better than they were last year. 2.3 and the ball was gone.

    Go Bucs!

  31. GoLions Says:


  32. Ed Says:

    The obvious is that the Bucs block well in the passing game. If running the football isn’t working then where is the adjustments within the game to try something else. Especially on first down. Because of the lousy first and second down runs the Bucs are still a predictable offense.

    White hasn’t shown that he’s a tough runner. Bucs will waddle around with 18-20 points a game until the figure out that Godwin, Evans and Palmer can make plays downfield while White is making 2-3 yards a pop.

    Makes no sense. Defenses are cheating and squeezing the field to eliminate the short passing game. They need to use their speed with Palmer, he’s smooth and has good hands.

  33. Toad Bowels Says:

    I like turtles.

  34. Rob Says:

    He’s going to be a very good lineman for us. I think we should still draft an elite level LT or RT and move him inside to RG. Mauch looks like Goedeke did last year because he should be playing LG instead of RG. Also, look for an upgrade at Center because Hainsey will be in the final year of his deal next season.