“There’s No Extra BS”

October 7th, 2023

The Bucs have become one of those organizations, the kind that doesn’t have a bunch of drama, arrests, side shows, etc.

It wasn’t like that last season.

Hey, that’s no knock on Tom Brady, but the guy was a walking soap opera in 2022. Also, the season sort of started with th iconic head coach quitting in late March.

In years past, the Bucs were fine re-signing bad character dudes like Jerramy Stevens. And other Lost Decade gems included additional troubled players. Guys like Austin Seferian-Jackwagon and Doug Martin had public issues, others had private problems.

This edition of the Bucs? It’s almost like a dream team of players yearning for Ws and not much else.

Baker Mayfield told The Rich Eisen Show this week that he felt that from Day 1 in Tampa.

“Everybody’s on the same page. It’s all about winning. There’s no extra BS. It’s just a great group all-around,” Mayfield said.

Mayfield also reiterated things he’s said about how the Bucs impressed him from the top down in ways unlike at his three prior teams. Obviously, the Rams have a respected front office and head coach, but they had personnel issues brewing when Mayfield arrived last year in a lost season.

Sure, there was the Devin White winter trade demand, but that sure evaporated quickly. And White even hopped on social media last month and called himself foolish for wanting out.

“No extra BS.” If that’s indeed the Bucs’ identity, it sure sounds like Todd Bowes.

19 Responses to ““There’s No Extra BS””

  1. BuxfaninTX Says:

    Stevens, aka Mr Hope Solo, ASJ, Kellen Vaseline Winslow jr…. What trash of TEs we used to have

  2. Bradybucs Says:

    Brady was 5-2 in the playoffs for Tampa. The schedule is so much easier this year. Last year dont you remember they were 2-1 then they played Packers that game Evans was suspended they should have one two point conversation mess up. Then came chiefs. I dont want to relive it but they ahould have won the steelers and Browns games but the defense turtled to Mitch Trubisky and Jacoby Brisset. Then the panthers game when EVANS dropped the deep td pass that finished that game. Ravens game they should have won same with Bengals game. If people are looking to blame someone Blame. Gisele she ruined the whole season

  3. Shane Callahan Says:

    Another Brady lover who doesn’t want to see them do better without Brady. I was exactly the same about the Dolphins when Marino retired. Move on from this site, and you’ll feel better.

  4. garro Says:

    I think Bucs brass have been a part of the process here. We cut a guy in camp who they took a chance on with character issues. I’m sure no team wants unnecessary locker room drama/distractions.

    The Bucs have a track record of giving guys a chance. They also have a record of cutting guys loose who do not get it sorted. AB walking off the field during a possible SB repeat season is still fresh in my mind.

    Go Bucs!

  5. BillyBucco Says:

    It’s the guys like AJ Brown that will derail the Eagles you watch.
    Blowing up on the sideline and then publicly saying it WASN’T about targets.
    Next game against us he got like the first 3 passes.
    I really wish the Bucs would have considered that, because I even thought about it.
    Siriani obviously thought he needed to get him the ball.
    What happens when a team baits that though?
    ME13 and CG14 have always been unselfish. That has resonated down through the whole team.
    I’m sure it’s a breath of fresh air for Baker. Wait until he actually truly trusts all 5 WRs. If there is one position I would consider trading for if I were the Bucs it would be TE. Of course a fake run pass over the middle in the Red Zone to Ko Kieft has got to happen this year. I think Canales had the right idea game 1, but it was premature.
    Keep waiting for a breakout game for Otton, but I’m starting to lose hope. Seattle beat Detroit by using TEs to the tune of about 9 catches for 130 yds.
    Don’t see that happening with our current group of TEs.

  6. bob in valrico Says:

    I am really impressed with the depth we have developed in the WR room. Our young receivers have stepped up and covered for Russell Gage’s lack of availability. We still have not seen much of Jarrett who looked pretty good in preseason. When you look back a few years there was a string of late round picks
    like Kenny Bell that make the team. Now we have late round picks and undrafted
    players making the team.
    Agree that Otton has been inconsistent this year.

  7. bob in valrico Says:

    ^ didn’t make the team^

  8. stpetebucfan Says:

    Agree with this post but hey…how many teams get to have “star” player undress on the sidelines and simply walk off the field.

    In all honesty I could really berate AB but let’s face this guy has serious mental issues and the kind part of me hopes he gets help!

    Please…no more nutjobs in the locker room or undressing on the field and walking off…the absolute epitome of a LOSER!

  9. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We are loaded with very high-character players….I think Licht makes a point to draft character.
    Winfield, Vea, Evans, Wirfs, Hainsey, Otton, Godwin…..and some FA high-characters like Shaq,Jensen,

    there are many, many more…..

  10. orlbucfan Says:

    Tony Dungy wouldn’t put up with bad character types/divas in the locker room either. That was no state secret. Sapp was a PITA to the fans, but he didn’t pull it on the field nor the locker room. He knew better. Dungy is also a devout Christian, so I doubt he would have drafted Jameis.

  11. stpetebucfan Says:


    “Gisele she ruined the whole season”

    WOW that’s a great excuse!!! Can I use it? Every weakness I demonstrate, every failure I’ve had is my wife’s fault. I LOVE IT. It’s all my wife’s fault. LMAO

    Why do guys insist on going into someone’s marriage and never even bother to hear the other side. Giselle would say she had a promise from Tom that if he won the SB when he came here he would retire. When he played another year in violation of that PROMISE she lost patience. Then to talk about a 2nd freaking year after the SB…and you wish to blame her for a lack of patience?

    They have kids! She loved him. He was an OLD dude by NFL standards, very slow and immobile the final two years and he drug it out until the preseason.

    Perhaps Brady could have had the showdown immediately after his second season and not caused the Bucs the major meltdown? He KNEW by then what was ahead…why didn’t he just “call her bluff” (not a bluff it turns out) right after the season and then split? This is none of my business anymore than it is yours to blame it on Giselle. If you’ve seen her interviewed recently she is in a far better head space than Brady.

  12. EricTheViking Says:


    Beating the drecks of tge NFL has gone to your head Joe.

    Baker Mayfield is a time bomb waiting to go off.

    TB12 won titles. Mayfield doesn’t win jack squat.

    Only BS Is this article and many like it from Joe.

  13. orlbucfan Says:

    EricTheViking Says:
    October 8th, 2023 at 9:16 am
    Hey Eric,
    You prescient? Psychic? You have no idea how Tampa Bay will do this season. I don’t either, but I’m sure glad we’re 3-1!

  14. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    I’ve been a diehard since 1998, I absolutely love this organization and all involved. Go Bucs!

  15. stpetebucfan Says:

    Eric the Viking

    “TB12 won titles. Mayfield doesn’t win jack squat.

    Only BS Is this article and many like it from Joe.”

    Nobody, at least not me nor Joe nor the many other posters who share the opinion is saying that Brady is not the GOAT and will be the GOAT forever unless Mahomes plays a dozen more years or some guy we haven’t seen explodes.

    That’s a fact! Again 2 things can be true. It’s a fact that Brady played one season too long like so many players before him who just couldn’t hang them up when they should have. Does that diminish his GOAT status. I don’t think so.
    Does it help explain last year’s dissappointing season? Yes in the opinion of many.

    I don’t think anybody here actually believes Baker Mayfield is as good as Tom Brady in his prime and most would agree that Baker is not going to ever reach that status. I don’t really care about either players place in history. I do care about how the Bucs play and right now this years Bucs are simply far more exciting than last year’s Bucs and Mayfield is a big part of it…but AGAIN not the only part. That’s what makes the team exciting..they are viewed as a team!
    The QB always gets more credit and more blame than deserved hence the stream of Mayfield articles. It’s a team game but QB is still the most important position.

  16. Lakeland Steve Says:

    BradyBucs, I loved Tom Brady too, I don’t think you will find any real Bucs fan who wouldn’t have nice things to say about him, hell, he helped bring us another Super Bowl to Tampa Bay. It’s time to move on man. This is a brand new team with a bunch of new players and quite frankly I’m loving it.

  17. Jeremy Says:

    Brady is the GOAT but last season he showed why it’s time for him to retire. F#$k all the drama just okay ball and win. GO BUCS!!!!

  18. Goodbuc'nlife Says:

    Austin Sefarian-Jackwagon gets me every friggin time. I literally laughed out loud seeing this again!!!! Joe’s y’all keep the Bucs alive all year round with great info and some subtle humor i.e. AS Jack-wagon. The True fans, and maybe even the Trolls appreciate the work and insight. Thank you!

  19. Joe Says:


    Thank you!