Baker Mayfield’s Crazy Numbers In The Clutch

October 7th, 2023

Cool under pressure.

Joe loves how the stat nerds begin rocking back and forth in their chairs and rap their knuckles together in frustration whenever someone mentions “clutch.”

The numbers geeks think “clutch” and “pressure” are fairy tales because they can’t slap a GD number on it. Therefore, they outright dismiss these variables.

Of course, Joe believes “clutch” and “pressure” are key factors. Just look at society as a whole. People handle pressure and stressful situations differently. Some melt down. Some actually focus better. It’s very, very real.

So if it is true for human beings in so many walks of life, why wouldn’t it be true football players?

Now this is why Joe is very impressed with Baker Mayfield’s numbers. NextGen Stats dug up his numbers on third and fourth downs. They are damn impressive.

Consider, on third- and fourth-downs, Mayfield is 31-of-39 with 322 yards, five touchdowns zero interceptions. That is impressivfe.

If Mayfield can continue to make plays on money downs, no telling where this Bucs team can go.

22 Responses to “Baker Mayfield’s Crazy Numbers In The Clutch”

  1. Tye Says:

    IF Baker can sustain this level of play throughout the year, the Bucs have there qb of the future….

  2. Drunkinybor Says:

    A butcher a baker and a candlestick maker walk into a bar. Jk Dude is something I’ve never seen before. It’s hard to define what he’s got but he’s got it. Seems to not a hear any of the espppn screamers or the other screaming idiots. This is going to be a special season. May not win it all but it’s going ro be a hell.of a ride.

  3. Weebs10 Says:

    Those are wild numbers. This team is special!

  4. garro Says:

    Baker is staying within himself thus far under pressure….for the most part. He has however done some dangerous things in those situations. Hope we can cut down on the number of times he has to get creative because things break down. Just saying.

    Go Bucs!

  5. Greg Says:

    We are still only 4 games into the season. Everyone needs to settle. There is a growing library of film on these guys as the season progresses. It’s going to get harder and harder. Remember, no one knew what to expect. That was then and this is now. Detroit is no push over. This team lives and dies by the turn over battle.

  6. MadMax Says:

    I said go get Brady, we got Brady….I said go after Baker, we got him too. I dont know how to explain it guys, just voodoomojospiritish whatever…all i know is its working so far and it will keep working….we got our QB now and have to figure out the cap for a while…and thats where Mr. Licht works his magic. Pound it in your head….no QB 1st or 2nd rd! Trask is a very capable backup just waiting. If anything C and RB first two picks next go around 😉

  7. Defense Rules Says:

    ‘Joe believes “clutch” and “pressure” are factors that determine outcomes.’

    Agree with you totally Joe, more-so from a TEAM perspective than individual perspective (assuming of course that winning or losing is the only outcome that really counts in the end). As Bucs’ fans, we’ve all seen far too many great individual performances wasted within losses, while great team performances result in a lot more victories.

    NFL games fascinate me from the aspect that the majority of game outcomes seem to be determined by what I call ‘Big Plays Differential’. Teams are so closely matched today talent-wise and so well-prepared for games that it’s hard for teams to just stomp their opponents week-in and week-out. Most games are very close, with ‘Big Plays’ usually being the margin-of-victory differential.

    Thus far this season, the Bucs have had a number of big plays in each game (Thompkins laid-out TD catch on the goal line in the Saints’ game and Palmer’s TD catch in the Vikings’ game are good examples IMO of offensive big plays). Baker’s made quite a few big plays this season; Rachaad hasn’t, thus far. What we need for this string of success to continue is for our RBs to take some of the pressure off Baker and start making their own big plays (long explosive runs, key 3rd/4th down runs for 1st downs, whatever). There’ll be games I’m sure where that’ll end up being the margin of victory.

  8. bob in valrico Says:

    When there’s a will there’s a way. And right now “Wayfield” is inspiring the team
    with his play so far. And to his credit, Bowles recognized something in Mayfield
    that a lot of us didn’t, and has let him play his game. There is a trust in the offense that Bowles seemed to lack at times last year.

  9. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Clutch is a strange phenomenon. It’s such a small sample size that it can’t be reliably measured – and I was one of those for years who believed there’s no such thing – it’s statistical anomalies that happen to occur at key points in the game. But the older I get, and the more great plays I see ‘in the clutch’ across a variety of sports – I dunno man. I’m becoming a convert.

  10. Salary Cap Hell Says:

    IMO the synergies and collaberation between Mayfield and Canales is underated . The timing of bringing these 2 together is perfect. Canales truly knows Mayfields skill set . Canales has been part of a Offensive plan for 13 years in Seatle that is perfectly fitted for Bakers abilities.

  11. stpetebucfan Says:

    “He has however done some dangerous things in those situations.”

    Yes he has but as the old proverb goes….

    “You can’t expect to achieve anything if you never take any risks.”

    Again as the son of a bookie I’ve grown up around trying to measure risk.
    At the end of the day however for me it’s another old saying…”Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you.” that explains life.

    A short memory for an athlete is also manditory for “clutch” play. Somebody yesterday groused that pointing out Baker’s great final two minutes of the 1st half at N.O. was bogus because he actually threw an interception before Winfield bailed him out and gave his the opportunity for the heroics that followed.

    IMHO this is actually more of a statement of Baker’s composure and not a negative. Coming right back after the pick and then still trying virtually the same pass to a covered Palmer for a TD with less than :30 remaining.

    After the game Mayfield said the interception was not a bad decision but rather a bad throw. NO QB makes every throw perfectly. But Mayfield is smart enough and confident enough in his arm to know it’s not so much the bad throws that bite you as bad decisions. Bad decisions can lead to picks even if the throw is perfect. That was/is? JW’s problem. So much faith in his cannon that he fires it into inappropriate situtations.

    Mayfield is going to make more bad throws, he’s going to make more great throws, but one thing he’s not doing is CHOKING! Be honest Mayfield haters you have the give him one thing for sure.

    What is making Mayfield entertaining is obviously winning but the way he’s doing it. He has ‘nads the size of bowling balls and it’s inspiring the team. The fan base is beginning to catch up.

  12. stpetebucfan Says:

    BTW I went to the Youtube highlights to review the end of that half. Along the way I saw a couple of really good runs by White.

    And while Rod and I frequently joust I also frequently agree with his football takes, just not the juvenile name calling. Rod views the All22 and he’s very informed. He made the observation that White hasn’t had a lot of holes to run through, not even a crack or sliver. I agree.

    In N.O. however the OL did give him a few looks and he cashed in. It’s takes a great OL and a great RB. IMO the verdict is still out on White and if the OL continues to improve as they showed in N.O. he could yet be the man.

    White is never going to be Mike Alstott. He’s not Warrick Dunn. But I see the potential of a hybrid who can be very successful if given a chance by the OL or perhaps if Canalas can get him in space with swings and screens.

  13. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I give Canales a lot of credit for Baker’s success……yes, Baker has to execute but it’s Canales that is the mastermind… far, so good!!!

  14. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I just got some 66-1 Bucs winning the whole enchilada. It’s a real long shot, but the reward is big.

  15. BucfaninMi Says:

    Baker is what this team has always needed, I wish they had drafted him. Been Baker fan for sometime, he’s gonna make $hit happen! He could be our, cooler version of Brett Favre, They play a lot alike.

  16. TBfan Says:

    Funny how all the Baker haters who knew exactly how this was going to play out 2 months ago… are quietly doing their cricket impressions …you know why predicting sports is laughable…because it’s impossible. Fact

  17. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    Pat McAfee revealed that Baker has the highest QB rating in the NFL under pressure this year and on 3rd downs.

    Those are 2 of the most ‘clutch’ moments throughout each game.

    Baker is playing like a veteran stud/ Franchise QB right now, for sure. 👍

  18. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    Side note, Baker is a cool a$$ dude too and pretty popular well-liked by the national pundits (when he’s trending well)… I realizing that I like having him as the face of the franchise out there nationally. It’s a good look

  19. Mark hardt Says:

    Early on Baker needed to win the locker room over by diving for first downs and such. Now that he has them he needs to think self preservation by running out if bounds, sliding, throwing the ball away. He has become so good at decision making in the clutch now that it is his value to the team. Someone like Fields needs to run to contribute because the rest of his game is so bad.

  20. Danny Husak Says:

    Who said, ” When the bullets fly, Baker will get it done.”
    When he ain’t injured, hez a load. Stpetebucsfan best admit that EVERY QB takes chances. Only the good ones make more great plays than bad. BAKER is on his way to get IT ALL DONE. I can find silly plays that Mahomes, Allen, Purdy, and Abe Lincoln and George Washington made. SO WHAT, THEY ALL won their wars !!!!! Isn’t The “W” the MOST important part of the DAY ???????

    Danny Baker Buc Esq.

  21. D-Rok Says:

    As it’s only 4 games in, I will temper my excitement until I see the next 4 more games or so, but I’m pleasantly and surprisingly optimistic.

    The team’s play so far has given reason for optimism. Let’s hope it continues!

    Even if we lose a few along the way, IF this team remains competitive, optimism will abide.

    Go Bucs ! ! !

  22. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    (Per PFF) Baker Mayfield under pressure this season:

    🏴‍☠️ 23/35
    🏴‍☠️ 334 passing yards
    🏴‍☠️ 3 TDs ┃ 0 INTs
    🏴‍☠️ 125.2 passer rating (1st)

    Bake is getting pressured but he’s handling it better than any other QB.