“If We Can Get To The Bye Week At 3-1, Nobody Will Be Crying About That”

September 26th, 2023

Todd Bowles talks big picture.

The 24-hour rule in NFL locker rooms has nothing to do with fans but it’s a religion among coaches and players.

Moan or celebrate after a game for 24 hours and then wipe the slate clean.

Bucs players have today off and return to practice Wednesday morning.

Head coach Todd Bowles noted this morning, in his own way, that the sky has not fallen just because his team was skewered by the Eagles last night. Per Bowles, the Bucs celebrated two wins for 24 hours each and this ugly “L” will be no diferent.

If fact, he noted the Bucs can return to the feel-good place they resided the past couple of weeks with a simple victory in New Orleans on Sunday.

“If we can get to the bye week at 3-1, you know, nobody will be crying about that,” Bowles said.

Amen Todd!

A 3-1 Bucs record would be cause for celebration. It would be a real accomplishment, especially given all the Bucs’ injuries on defense and a first-time playcaller at the helm.

Stud dual-threat running back Alvin Kamara returns Sunday for the slimy Saints after a three-game suspension and it appears Jameis Winston will be commanding the Saints at quarterback. The latter presents a lot of potential opportunity for game-changing plays.

Bucs fans can enjoy the game with Ira Kaufman, JoeBucsFan and great fans at the Big Storm Brewing, Co. taproom in Ybor City.

48 Responses to ““If We Can Get To The Bye Week At 3-1, Nobody Will Be Crying About That””

  1. Durango 95 Says:

    ” it appears Jameis Winston will be commanding the Saints at quarterback. The latter presents a lot of potential opportunity for game-changing plays.”

    Lol. Well crafted statement .

    Bowles is totally correct. Would be thrilled w/ 3-1 at that point. As ugly as it looked last night it’s still just one game.

  2. RagingBrisket Says:

    Bucs oline will be a liability again on Sunday. How much more is that going to be ignored as we scapegoat the running backs?
    Licht screwed up. You are only as strong as your weakest link.

  3. Mike Johnson Says:

    Now that a lot of you are..Back down to earth. Our Defense needs to heal up this week. Yes, the Saints can beat us with Jay-miss if we don’t. 2-0 quickly turns to 2-2 if we don’t. This is the NFl. Nobody sympathises with our loss. I told you all last week not to get all exited with 15 games left to play. The Saints are a problem. So heal up Bucs. Be ready. The eagles have a superior O and D line. Now, lets move on.

  4. Winny Testaverde Says:

    It’s the beginning of the end for The Bowles Era…fortuitous week one win and tight squeaker vs another bottom 5 team in the NFL. That “win” could come back to haunt them come draft time.

    Weak where strength rules ( O & D-Lines ), aging stars ( Evans, David, Shaq ) and a GM who was saved by Bucco Bruce and Brady. A formula for failure.

  5. Jack Clark Says:

    “If we can get to the bye week at 3-1, you know, nobody will be crying about that”

    Nobody will be crying when Bowles finally fixes the run blocking

  6. MiamiBuc Says:

    So Bowles is conceding 2-2 is failure. I buy that.

  7. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I think Byron was wearing whiteface last night masquerading as Canales.

  8. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We can take care of Kamara……..but, let’s make sure we stop Olave.

  9. Boss Says:

    Our D did NOT look good last night. running labes everywhere and DB’s were hurt.

    luck it was not a huge blowout. that said….1/2 way into the 3rd I changed channels, as it was clear the D was toast and it was only gonna get worse.

    they have been exposed. not much confidence in us beating the saints….but still hopefull,

    BM showed who he is
    ME did the same
    Pass rush not there
    DB’s are hurt
    No run game

    yeah…not confident.

  10. Go Bucs Says:

    Yesterday was a ruff game for the team. Overall I thought they did a alright job against the eagles except for the safety, but it is Canals first time calling plays he will learn. Everyone is so quick to turn on Bowles but I think he has done a great job this season

  11. Go Bucs Says:

    I thought we did alright against the eagles. The safety sucked but Canals is a first time play caller he is going to make a mistake here and there the thing is he needs to learn from it. Everyone is so quick to get mad at Bowles, I think he has done a great job this season.

  12. gbobucsfan Says:

    More BM rollouts, Mike needs to play like he did in the 2nd half, more screens to Godwin, more sweeps and runs to Wirfs side.

  13. gofortheface30 Says:

    Devin White now running 5.4 40’s instead of 4.4’s (groin, i guess, whatever) and having little to no interest taking on the only person in his way for a touchdown (jalen hurts) and instead running out of bounds doesnt help. Both our starting corners being out doesnt help (what else is new). Vea – love the guy but also always either nicked up to the extent of affecting his play or simply playing 60% of snaps for rest. Shout out to Lavonte David. Lavonte – i love you. The ONE player on defense who is never hurt, whose play has never dropped. Just consistently great every yr. Someone you can count on. Would have fit perfectly with the 2002 Bucs. Legend.

    Baker – not great, but not terrible. Perhaps Mike Evans not dropping momentum changing passes would have helped the cause. Perhaps our offensive line not getting their shi pushed in would have helped. Rashaad White – I like him maybe more than others because hes pretty good in space, but he is certainly just a 3rd down guy. Maybe Sneak SHOULD be starting, and maybe he will…

  14. Pryda…sec147 Says:

    With Jameis throwing he could jump start any of our rookies career ….YaYa 👀

  15. gofortheface30 Says:

    Mike Johnson – to review: 2 straight loses means that you could go from 2-0 to 2-2? Got it, thank you so much. Please continue to share your wisdom

  16. Jack Sparrow Says:

    Bucs is only good against a 0-3 teams. Other than that, they are a lousy team. Kind of like giving a 3rd grader a simple math questions 1+1, good, but as soon as you add X and Y,,,, they sweat and failed.

  17. Baker Costanza Says:

    This is a big game suddenly. Lose to Jameis, a 2-2 start will feel like 0-9 and fans (and probably management) start talking about next year and life after Bowles and Mayfield. Win and Bowles is right – 3-1 you are in the mix and maybe had a very bad and embarrassing game.

  18. Aaron Says:

    So it looks like when healthy – we are a good mediocre team – actually a nice surprise.

    Now we go on the road against a division rival that we struggle with on a short week…Vita and White (middle of our D) hurting. We have tape that shows high school running lanes…most likely we’ll be out both corners…we are not going to learn how to run the ball over the next few days…

    If you’re a long time Bucs fan – you know what X-Buc QBs have done to us over the years.

    Go Bucs! (heal quickly)

  19. PSL Bob Says:

    If all our starters were healthy, I’d say we could beat NO in their crib. However, given the injuries on defense, I’m not so sure now. The team better get their heads right for this game. And for Canales, take the Arians approach next Sunday. He like to turn the phrase around and say that the passing game opens up the running game. And for God’s sake, do not run up the middle on first down. Everyone knows you’re going to do that, so do something different. Very frustrating.

  20. JimBobBuc Says:

    Joe, any news about SVD status? I would like to see him play in passing downs as I wasn’t impressed with him in the run game.

  21. EternalSon Says:

    This loss gives a lot to work on

    run blocking

    run game
    Pass game

    Special teams:
    Kick coverage

    Full on butt whooping with little distractions or gimmicks.
    Just a plain out man v man butt kicking.

    Should be plenty to learn from in this game.

    Coach ‘em up, coaches!

    Go Bucs!!!

  22. Beej Says:

    We cannot control the line of scrimmage, which prevents us from beating tier one teams like the Eagles, Cowboys or Niners. We can probably get into the playoffs, and do about as well as the Giants or the Vikings did last year.

  23. HC Grover Says:

    Went to bed in 3rd qtr. Thought it was going to be worse score. No way we could beat them. Now it would be soooo gooood to beat those stinking Stanks.

  24. Bigbucfan90 Says:

    After last nights game I feel like with our defense there is great hope, if we weren’t so banged up between vea,white,Davis,dean I mean the list goes on that’s game changing players. I just hope canalas can adjust his play calling and start spreading the ball out more like he did on our scoring drive, nothing wrong with throwing it to the running back either behind the line on the outside play to our strength. If we manage to beat the saints which is no easy task and to be honest the saints defense might be better than the eagles this year, that’s a good win!

  25. Oxycondomns Says:

    Its a good statement if your goal isn’t to win the super bowl

  26. Rayjay1122 Says:

    While it is true that a win over the Saints is a bigger win than beating the Eagles as far as division wins go however, if we don’t fix the running game, shore up the run defense and somehow get better play from the OL then winning the div or sneaking into post season as a wild card will only equate to an embarrassment and one & done in the playoffs. So I am going to revisit my view about this after week 6.

  27. pewter941 Says:

    I will be elated.

  28. Mike C Says:

    Mike wants to cry about money, then just drops Big catches….. you want money Mike…….QUIT DROPPING THE FUDGING BALL!

  29. gp Says:

    A classic example of a team that studies and game plans for their opponents strengths and weaknesses(Eagles) -vs- a team that uses the same game plan, week in and week out regardless of who they meet(Bucs).

    You can’t expect different results under those circumstances.

    I thought there were signs that our coaching staff was learning to make adjustments. But after last night, I’m guessing that was just smoke and gas.

    Will our coaches learn the lesson and actually “plan” for the Saints?

    History say’s … No

    This is why I vote no confidence in the coaching confidence polls

    PLEASE give me a reason to change my vote!

  30. Buddha Says:

    Championship Caliber Teams:
    San Francisco

    Good Teams:

    Weak Teams:

    Average Teams
    All the others

  31. Buddha Says:

    If you were thinking of how much you were a great franchise, if you were in Philadelphia, then consider in the long history of the Eagles they have one super bowl win. In the final analysis, the only thing that counts is winning the super bowl.

  32. Marine Buc Says:

    “If We Can Get To The Bye Week At 3-1, Nobody Will Be Crying About That”


    @ Buddha

    I agree with your list…

  33. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    That game showed how lame the Oline and Dline are. But leave it to Evans to drop TDS and kill any momentum. Most overrated WR in Bucs history. He’s not even the best WR on the team. Canales needs to figure out how to get Godwin the ball.

  34. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Wonder how good Kamara will be. He’s at the age where RB production starts to tail off. Im more worried about how banged up Devin W is than i am about wonderboy coming back from his suspension

  35. Defense Rules Says:

    With all the banged up players that we have, especially on defense, Bowles shouldn’t be making statements like “If we can get to the bye week at 3-1, you know, nobody will be crying about that.” He’s right, but getting to 3-1 against the Saints is a tall order. Especially (1) playing in their house; (2) on a short week; (3) with so many guys hurt; and (4) with an offense that clearly struggles against good defenses.

    The Saints right now are a mirror image of the Bucs in many ways. Like us, they’ve beaten 2 bad teams & lost to a pretty good one. Their offense has only scored 53 points in 3 games (to rank #25), but their defense has only given up 50 points total (to rank #6). And oh ya, they rank in the Top-10 for BOTH pass defense AND run defense.

    The Bucs’ offense has only scored 58 points in 3 games (to rank #19), and our defense has given up 59 points total (to rank #9). After last night’s debacle, we now rank #12 against the run and #24 against the pass. And oh ya, half our team is sitting in ice baths right now trying to recover from the latest beating.

    Beating the Saints will require that a number of our defensive depth players play lights-out for 1 game, and that our offense turn in a performance similar to what we did against the Bears (no turnovers, TOP of 36 minutes, and at least a 50% 3rd/4th down conversion rate). And oh ya, sack Jameis at least 6 times like we did Fields.

  36. SufferingSince76 Says:

    If the Bucs play the Stanks like they played the Eagles, 3-1 is out of the question.

  37. unbelievable Says:

    Feels like Bowles capitulated a loss to the Eagles before they even played the game.

    The Bucs offense looked lifeless until the 4th quarter. And the defense was gassed and lifeless by time the 2nd quarter started

  38. Frank Pillow Says:

    The Saints are going to dominate the line of scrimmage and Olave/Thomas the air, in spite of Jaboo. ME13’s annual meltdown is on order!

  39. Mike S Says:

    The Baker fall is just beginning.


    Denial ain’t a river in Egypt.


  40. WyomingJoe Says:

    As a newcomer to the Bucs (yeah, I followed Baker), I can’t believe how quickly “some” of you are already giving up on the season! So we got our butts kicked some. So what? Even though we played poorly overall, two or three plays makes last night’s game MUCH closer. It’s too early in the season to give up. Beat NO and we’re back in it…

  41. Beej Says:

    Bucs should accept the fact they can’t run the ball and continue to do the things Baker has been successful at. Our passing really isn’t bad

  42. Boss Says:

    “The Baker fall is just beginning.


    Denial ain’t a river in Egypt.


    psst… ME dropped 3 of those on his own! I like Trask, but I don’t blame BM here…this is on mike.

  43. Rod Munch Says:

    Beat the Saints and the vibe changes.

    However, lose to the Saints, and it’s abandon ship, and I’ll look forward to buying some club seats vs the Panthers for $50.

  44. David Says:

    Wow, these Baker’s fan are interesting. They are trashing and blaming Mike E. one of the greatest receiver in Bucs history for dropping balls instead of admitting the trash baker was one of the reasons they lost the game.

    If Mike had a bad night why didn’t Baker throw to Chris who was open at various times times in the game.

    Mike E. is a proven player in NFL against a journeyman Baker.
    The Baker’s passes except the TD were not target even though Mike could have caught them. Mike’s first drop on sideline was high even for tall Mike but he bailed out Baker with one handed catch for a big gain in the middle.

  45. Mike Johnson Says:

    LMAO here. Yes Todd IF…If I had not made so many mistakes when I was young. If this and If that. You gotta get your defense healed because IF you play against them Saints like you did last night? You going down 2-2. And thats is a Fact.

  46. orlbucfan Says:

    Is this a Bucs fan site or not? What a bunch of screaming pussies. Yeah, there’s a very good chance Bucs win in NOLA this Sunday. For one thing, there’s scores to settle. CG14 is a good example. The season after the SB win, Bucs were playing Sh#t Payton’s Saints when a Aints defender went right at Ungodly’s knees with his helmet. It was deliberate, and the Aints SOB should have been ejected and the team fined. Didn’t happen. Chris Godwin spent the rest of the season on IR. It also seriously reduced his worth in free agency. This is the first season where Godzilla CG14 is back to 100% health. Some of those Aints SOBs are still there even though cheating Payton is gone. I loved it when the Fish ground his team into the mud Sunday. Mebbe this karma biz is for real. Bucs will be ready for this one. I can feel it. I didn’t feel that way for the Iggles. Go Bucs! Get even!

  47. dasaazter1 Says:

    the defence is horrable cant stop the run and offence cant run 500 team at best

  48. Allbuccedup Says:

    With Jaymiss at the helm thr Bucs are going to be the top dog in the NFC south. Looks like the Panthers took the wrong QB in the 2023 draft, Carrs probably done for the year and the Falcons are about the same.