Peter King Talks Playoff Bucs

September 18th, 2023

NFL super insider Peter King.

Talk about an about-face. Or is it egg on his face?

Joe’s not quite sure when it comes to NBC Sports super insider Peter King, who bashed the Bucs in the spring and summer yet now is talking about a Tampa Bay playoff berth.

Perhaps all those darts fired at him from One Buc Palace — directly and indirectly — have resonated with King, who ranked the Bucs 31st in the NFL entering this season.

Or maybe it was more intolerant Bucs fans getting under King’s skin?

Regardless, King has come around to what the Bucs have been putting on the field through two weeks. He ranked Tampa Bay 10th in the NFL this morning in his signature weekly column.

10. (tie) Tampa Bay (2-0). Biggest deal about the Bucs so far: They’ve held two teams to 17 points apiece, and they have zero turnovers. Keep that up, or close to it, and a Wild Card home playoff game awaits.

Baker Mayfield is on fire, as is Tampa Bay. What a great start for Mayfield, playing for his fourth team in the last 21 months. No quarterback is his peer through two weeks on third downs (20 of 23 for 201 yards and three touchdowns). So much for geniuses like me who thought the Bucs would be in for a total rebuild this year.

Playoffs, baby!

There’s a divide at world headquarters. One Joe thinks it’s premature to be talking playoffs. The Joe typing here does not.

What’s more fun and appropriate than considering the Bucs a potential playoff team? They’ve earned that right and the stats say 2-0 teams get to the postseason in most seasons (and that was before the league expanded to seven playoff spots per conference). Besides, Joe and nearly every Bucs fan would be talking about next year’s NFL Draft if the Bucs record was reversed at 0-2. So playoff talk is fair and balanced.

Back to King, he took a jab from Baker Mayfield yesterday after the Bucs beat down the Bears.

Mayfield was asked about King predicting the Bucs to have a two-win season, and Mayfield implied that King is a Mayfield hater.

“You look up Peter’s history of his opinion on me, that’s probably why. So, you know, he’s alright,” Mayfield said.

Joe might be mistaken, but it felt like Bucs general manager Jason Licht took a poke at King on the Buccaneers Radio Network pregame show yesterday.

Licht was asked whether those who doubt Mayfield will keep doubting him if the Bucs beat the Bears.

Licht responded with the following: “Oh, yeah, I’m sure. Probably the same people that didn’t come watch him during training camp. So yeah, they will until they feel they’re proven wrong.”

King did not attend Bucs training camp this summer on his annual training camp tour.

44 Responses to “Peter King Talks Playoff Bucs”

  1. ModHairKen Says:

    Of course it’s premature. Two games have been played. This is just stupid.

    What is it on this site with the commenters constant worry about the future, griping about the past and refusing to accept that a win is a win despite some player dropping a pass or making a single mistake?

    Just enjoy this moment, and let it be.

  2. Why Not Says:

    I am excited about the Buc’s being 2-0, but we have started 2-0 in the past and then the wheels fell off. Last year is a good example, but we at least backed into the playoffs. What I fear is a repeat of 2018. It started out like magic (Fitzmagic), but the fairy dust only lasted for those two games. Let’s not get over our skies right now with speculation about the playoffs. Our running game is suspect, and Mayfield still needs to prove he can sustain this level of play over 17 games.

  3. Zoocomics Says:

    We technically beat (2) 0-2 football teams. I think Vikings will have a better season than their record indicates, but the Bears are a bad football team with Fields under center. Just when you think your franchise stinks and/or has been struggling, the Bears are on their second first round QB pick since the Jay Cutler era and they’re still searching.

    I just want to see how Bucs hold up against a perennial Super Bowl contender in Phili. Especially at home, it should tell us a lot.

    Oh, and can we give Dave Canales some props on his start as an Offensive Coordinator? There were questions this guy had never called a player at the NFL level and he’s 2-0. There are successful season veteran coordinators in the league, Patriots for instance that have started 0-2. Not bad coach.

  4. #99 the big fella Says:

    It doesn’t matter who the bucs beat.. No easy opponent in the nfl.the Bucs are 2-0 and we still have the same negative Nancy’s

  5. adam from ny Says:

    what king inadvertently suggested, is the bucs will not be winning the division, and might get to the playoffs as a wild card team if they keep up the good play…

    as i mentioned on another thread, if somehow we pull a win out the hat on monday night vs the eagles — the league, pundits, and many fanbases across the nation are gonna take notice…

    because that’s a signature win

  6. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:

    Props to the entire coaching staff for a job well done through week two and the players for maintaining focus for almost an entire 60 minutes of both games. This Bucs team is MUCH better than last years playoff team , They just are. Attitude is everything in life, business, and especially football. The Bucs have that attitude. Let me be the first to welcome the Eagles to the not so friendly confines of Raymond James Stadium. Bucs stun the world this Monday Night as they will defeat the reigning NFC champs.

  7. Jerseybuc Says:

    F him!! I knew this team would be fine the core is still intact baker showed he could play with the browns he played hurt 2021 then went to the sorry panthers. It’s def early in the year but they play defense like they are capable of some turnover free O division will be the Bucs again. Falcons won’t hold up much longer n saints n carr well am not a believer in carr. So gizmo can kick rocks and worry about the pats n how Billy boy can’t win without brady

  8. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I do think it’s premature to talk playoffs…..I think our next two contests will tell the story….especially at the Saints.
    I’m not expecting a win vs the Eagles…..but it’s possible…..the big game is at New Orleans….they will likely be 2-0 & with Atlanta playing well at 2-0 our division is tougher than projected.

  9. Buc4evr Says:

    Nobody at OBP is thinking about the playoffs. It’s all about Philly and we have the defense to contain Hurts, will the offensive line rise to the challenge?

  10. Pewter Power Says:

    F Peter King, why don’t you double down on your bad prediction.

  11. adam from ny Says:

    just like the “nfc least” had a few bad years where all teams were mediocre or worse, the nfc south just might bounce out of mediocrity as could be next year…but you never know, teams could make the jump this year…the nfc south certainly won’t be the worst division in football much longer, in the “not for long” league

  12. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    I was too hot out here for PK’s soft fat azz to show up to camp. The only person I know that gives a spit about what PK thinks write theses articles.

  13. doolnutts Says:

    Jason Licht is already the best GM in buc history if he keeps this up bucs will need to make him an executive so he stays for life. Whose better at finding talent than Jason Licht right now? He’s routinely crushing drafts, free agency & undrafted FA’s. It’s at the point that no matter who we lose he still finds a way to plug in the holes. He is the unsung hero of our team.

  14. President Canales Says:

    Amen doolnutts! Licht and his staff are the unsung hero’s.

  15. Rjscheapseats Says:

    I don’t think it will last, but Baker has played 6 quarters of very good football (He was pretty bad in the first half last week).

  16. HC Grover Says:

    We will have to sweep NFC South to get there.

  17. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Is Peter King’s JBF pen name HC Grover? Or did both of those Negative Nancies get ahold of some happy pills?

  18. Terrence Says:

    What gets me is that these so called football experts (some actually played in the NFL) seem to forget how banged up the bucs were on both sides of the ball. Offensive line was hurt and our defense was riddled with injuries. Yet all they ever talk about is last year and Brady. They only do this with the Bucs. The division is soft! Falcons are suspect with injuries mounting. There is a reason that the Raiders didn’t want Carr, yet we supposed to believe he is their saving grace? Let’s not forget what Baker did to the Raiders last year when Carr was QB! Who had more turnovers that game. Yet these analyst want to talk about last year and think the Saints will win the division. Laugh out loud. Bryce Young not ready. He undersized with a horrible line in Carolina. He is a system QB and if you watched last weeks game to include pre season, he never looks comfortable. So as a fan I can see all of this, how come these so called experts can’t???

  19. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Absolutely we should be talking playoffs. The Bucs are the reigning NFC South champions, aiming for their third title in a row. And they’re 2-0…

  20. Joe in Michigan Says:

    I’ve heard some terrible predictions in my day, but what kind of blithering idiot goes from saying a team will be 2-15 to saying they’ll be a playoff team after 2 games? What an imbecile!

  21. It's Corn Says:

    The nice part about riding the bandwagon is you can always jump on!

  22. zzbucs Says:

    Is absolutely premature to talk about playoffs on week 2 Joe…:For this team or any team…..
    We are on a good direction, that´s all I can say so far. I like what I see.
    Monday nights game will be a good thermometer on we are standing.

  23. SlyPirate Says:

    Philly is the test. Solid team. The whole world will pick Philly. We got the talent but we need to improve our execution.

  24. TomR Says:

    Who is Peter King?

  25. DoooshLaRue Says:

    I’m loving the 2-0 start and the way we are playing with passion. As previously stated many times this offseason, I was more excited about this year than last.
    We were a team in decline last year.
    However, we need to beat the Eagles on MNF before we start talking post season.

    Let’s do it !

  26. Blue Ridge Buc Says:

    I was hoping for a disaster of a season – in fact, I was a little pissed that they beat Minnesota. I really wanted the team to clean house and focus on 2024.

    So far this is an entertaining team and Mayfield might be the long term answer. It’s early, too early to say that, but so far, so good.

  27. orlbucfan Says:

    Screw Peter King. Just like that yahoo Cris Collingsworth (who is from central FL, BTW), he’s always badmouthing the Bucs. No Bucs fan worth the name is talking playoffs. No way. We gotta get by Philly and that will be no walk in the park. Bucs have always been iffy on MNF. Look at their history. Still, go Mighty Bucs!! I love the enthusiasm of this team this season.

  28. FortMyersDave Says:

    Beating Philly would be awesome and it would definitely get the talking heads chattering on MSM but what is more important is how the Bucs do in division. Play well against the Saints, Dixie Chicks and the Panthers and they will have a decided advantage in the division with tiebreakers. Keep in mind that the Bucs play Philly and San Fran while the other teams get what for now seems like easier competition against the NFC East and West, especially compared to whomever drew 4th place match ups with the Cards and Washington. So while beating Philly would be great, losing is not the end of the season though guys like King will quickly jump off of the bandwagon. However, the Aints game week 4 will likely be quite meaningful especially if the Aints beat Carolina as expected, a big if….. So far so good, one game at a time. Going to the bye 3-1 or better should now be the goal at OBP.

  29. Brian Says:

    I’ve been a GM hater…that crow tastes good the way this team is playing. Exciting team to watch on both sides of the ball. The offense looks great under the new OC and Baker is making plays! Bowles also has the D amped up!!!

  30. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Also, a win over Philly puts us 3-0 in the NFC.

  31. Infomeplease Says:

    I don’t know how this season will end up. I do know that if the Bucs keep playing the way they have, so far this season, they should win their fair share of games! MNF will be a big test! Can this team complete with the likes of the Eagles? We’ll find out next Monday!! So far so good!

  32. Buddha Says:

    Atlanta is well coached. Not too worried about the Saints.

  33. unbelievable Says:

    We’ve beat the teams that we’re “supposed to beat” so far.

    Gotta start with that.

    Now let’s see what happens with Philly and New Orleans. IMO going 1-1 in these next 2 games, putting us at 3-1 would still be a great start for this team. But let’s aim even higher: 4-0 baby LFG!!

  34. Mike Says:

    The Bucs are playing with house money against the Eagles on MNF! They need to just let rip!

  35. Larrd Says:

    The Bucs should win the division. Obviously, I think. I would say the same if Trask had to take over tomorrow.

  36. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Two Words to shut more people up: Philthydelphia Beagles!!!!

  37. Usfbuc Says:

    These flip flops are bc almost nobody in media comes up with their own take. They just hear another person say something or they let the past performance of the team dictate what their prediction is.

  38. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    We have our own Peter Kings her on JBF. They will continue to bash Bake until he loses and then say, see I told you he was Mr. Happy Feet/Dink & Dunk who turns the ball over. They aren’t Bucs fans. They would rather us lose so they can bash Bake. I say F’ them. As for playoffs, we need to focus on one game at a time. There’s an old African saying, “how you eat an elephant is one bite at a time”.

  39. westernbuc Says:

    It’s not premature to talk playoffs. I’ve been saying all summer this team can contend for the division title.

    Old Bucs teams would’ve found a way to be 0-2. We’re not because this is a good roster with a very motivated QB and a very motivated head coach.

    And Peter King is a clown.

  40. Pete Says:

    These talking heads don’t do their homework. Consequently, they rarely have an original thought. With that said, we’re just two wins into the season. We have a long way to go. Go Bucs!

  41. Since76 Says:

    Curious to see what his prediction of NE was. The genius up there just doesn’t look genius before or after Brady. He’s spending a lot more money on players now too. Hmmmm. On topic now. Baker is playing well and the D looks good. If someone can get bowles to stop hitting the brakes on Offense when we get up on other teams we could put teams away.

  42. firethecannons Says:

    I do not care a rats ass about what this man says. he is desperate to sstay relevant. long since stopped listening to this old fool.

  43. Esteban85 Says:

    Pretty sure we went 2-0 last year to start out.
    This must be the Joe that thinks running the ball is stupid and character=0.
    Yes Joe it is too freaking early to be talking playoffs so shut it down please.

    Love Bakers take on PK: “He hasn’t played so we don’t care what he thinks”

  44. garro Says:

    Still an (insert insult here).

    Till he and others admit publicly that they blew it I got nothing but contempt.

    Go Bucs!