Mike Williams On Life Support

September 6th, 2023

Still with us.

Thank goodness a Spectrum News report out of Buffalo last night has turned out to be erroneous.

Former Bucs wide receiver Mike Williams is on life support in an unknown Tampa area hospital after suffering a devastating injury at a construction site.

Per Williams’ father, Wendell Muhammad, a steel beam fell and hit Williams in the head causing swelling on his brain and spinal cord. This left Williams paralyzed on his right side and below the waist.

Last night, Jon Scott of Spectrum News reported Williams had succumbed to his injuries. But Jonah Bronstein, Nick Veronica and Sarah Minkewicz of WIBV News in Buffalo report this evening that Williams is alive but in dire condition.

The report, citing sources close to Williams’ family, noted Williams was doing electrical work, a profession he began early this year in Tampa, when the construction accident occurred.

The accident happened Friday. Earlier this week, Williams was placed in a medically-induced coma. He is currently on life support, per WIVB.

You can read more about Williams’ injuries from his father on a GoFundMe.com page.

Caution: GoFundMe.com has slapped a warning on the GoFundMe.com page referenced above about Williams. Joe also is hearing from people he trusts that the legitimacy of the charity mentioned on that page cannot be verified.

28 Responses to “Mike Williams On Life Support”

  1. Ftmyersbuc Says:

    🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 prayers for this young man

  2. Buc4evr Says:

    Prayers for Mike and his family🙏

  3. Capt2fish Says:

    Who says journalism is dead! F@#$ two sources…I gotta tweet!

  4. Joshua porter Says:

    Crazy all that money made just gone.. sad … prayers

  5. Joe Says:

    F@#$ two sources

    Dude claimed he had “multiple” sources and the cable news outfit also ran with the news. Joe was out at One Buc today and no one thought otherwise.

  6. rrsrq Says:

    Wow, prayers up

  7. Marine Buc Says:

    What a tragedy. Best wishes to his family and close friends.

    Go Bucs!

  8. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Carl Nassib retiring. Wow. I feel old.

  9. Capt2fish Says:

    “Dude claimed he had “multiple” sources and the cable news outfit also ran with the news.”

    That’s kind of my point. Years back, I was evacuated due to wild fires in socal. At the fema evac site, others others from the local area were showing up saying that my entire neighborhood was gone. Matter of factly told me the gas station by my house erupted on flames. All of which was not true. Only two houses were lost and the gas station was unscathed. But the “sources” of this info were fellow homeowners in distress and too close and emotionally involved to be counted on for accurate information…ie not good sources. So if this guy’s sources were friends and family in mikes orbit..either physical or in the twittersphre…not good sources. Hospital workers, law enforcement , construction company officials….good sources. I will tweet mikes former agents masseuse and apologize.

    Not a shot at you joe! The short time I have been on this site I think you do a helluva job! I am just an A-hole by nature!

  10. Tim Says:

    Prayers to you, Mike. Hang in there if you can.

  11. Deez Says:

    Bonzai, you are what’s wrong with this world.

  12. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    At least there is some chance he survives…..prayers for Mike & Family…..

  13. Buc50 Says:

    Surviving is only part of the goal. Hopefully there is a quality of life to be had.

  14. Joe Says:

    Hospital workers, law enforcement , construction company officials….good sources.

    Unfortunately, except for the cops, terrible sources. Due to HIPPA, those folks can get canned and later sued for releasing medical info without consent. So those folks often clam up.

    See your point though.

    The old Mike Royko line about verifying, “Hey, your grandmother died.

    “Yeah? Well, let’s see the death certificate.”

    (Didn’t think you were taking a shot at me at all. 🙂 )

  15. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Bonzai, get a clue bro that completely uninteresting/useless Nassib topic is not for this thread.

    Prayers to Mike Williams, hope he can pull through.

  16. Tony Says:

    As much as I’d like to see him make it because he definitely had the talent to be good he’s probably gonna be taken off . I work in a hospital & I think it’s gonna end up happening unfortunately.

  17. unbelievable Says:

    I didn’t see any charity mentioned, but I did see that dad also put his cashapp account on there. At least as of now (9:14 Pacific time), that’s what the warning message was about, FYI>

  18. Bob Says:

    I am glad to hear this news

    It also reinforces why I no longer rely on jbf anymore for news. You’d rather be first than right, and that’s sad.

  19. garro Says:

    Good job Joe!
    A quick and forthright correction.
    Also will keep he and his family in my prayers.

    I need some way to weed out some of the “erronious” “news” being blasted all over the world by the less than reputable souces that seem to be everywhere. Not directed at you Joes.

    No this is not a political statement for those of you who are looking for a reason to spout your views. Just a statement of fact.

    Go Bucs!

  20. 941Boltsfan Says:

    I’ll never forget him tipping a pass in the front of the endzone because he was well covered, and immediately spun around to catch it while putting both feet just barely in bounds back of the end zone. It was Preseason his rookie year and I knew that he would be a special dude.

  21. John Dixon Says:

    Anyone want to mention concussions and football safety? Been saying it for years that there are daily jobs people get paid little for that are ten times more dangerous than football that nobody mentions.

    Hope he pulls through.

  22. Razor Ramone Says:

    941, yep I remember that play. I thought the same thing. I sure hope the young man recovers.

  23. Joe Says:

    I’ll never forget him tipping a pass in the front of the endzone because he was well covered, and immediately spun around to catch it while putting both feet just barely in bounds back of the end zone.

    If memory serves, home game. Catch was under the goal posts. Incredible catch.

  24. EternalSon Says:

    As I read this I envisioned / recalled that memory!

    Thanks for sharing this.

    Prayers to Mike and his family. God, watch over them please. 🙏

  25. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Take it easy on Bonzai guys.
    Sources tell me that Carl lent him a “helping hand” awhile back.
    You have to admire that kind loyalty.

  26. Cleanhouse Says:

    What a disgrace that this was reported falsely, even by major media.
    Pathetic really.

    I hope he has a miraculous recovery!!

  27. Russell Smith Says:


  28. Tony Says:

    Yeah it’s as if his mind & all is there but his body & all just isn’t because of everything that happened & I don’t think anybody would really want to deal with that. That’s why I think after awhile he’s probably just gonna end up being taken off.