Win Or Go Home For Todd Bowles

September 6th, 2023

Ira Kaufman enjoys a Bromosa from Big Storm Brewing Co. while he puts his foot down.

So where does Team Glazer stand when it comes to its head coach?

The Sage Of Tampa Bay Sports answered the question.

Nobody really knows exactly what Team Glazer is thinking outside One Buc Palace, and Team Glazer might not be sure yet. However, Ira Kaufman, the columnist and Sage of Tampa Bay Sports, was emphatic on his last podcast that Bowles has only one option this season if he wants to be blessed by Team Glazer for the 2024 season.

It’s win or go home for Bowles, said Kaufman, adding he believes that’s exactly where ownership stands with Bowles following a disappointing finish to the 2022 season.

Joe tried to make a case to Kaufman for Bowles returning after winning eight games this year, but Kaufman would not waver. Nine wins is the line in the sand for the head coach, Kaufman said, reiterating that he is confident Team Glazer will not tolerate losing.

Ownership would be too hungry for a fresh start at quarterback if this is a losing season, Kaufman said, and Bowles won’t be the head coach for the next era of Bucs football in that scenario.

So there you have it.

Join Ira Kaufman and Bucs fans on opening day at the Big Storm Brewing Co. taproom in Clearwater, on 49th Street just south of Ulmerton Road. 

Beautiful covered patio with strong sightlines and audio. Indoors, too! Cocktails, a great menu, Florida’s best craft beer and more.


Huge covered and comfortable outdoor patio at Big Storm Brewing Co. in Clearwater.

Click on through to check out their website.

Fun time ahead.

Indoors too! Joe highly recommends the Nashville Hot Chicken sandwich and fries.

28 Responses to “Win Or Go Home For Todd Bowles”

  1. Krutch Says:

    But would Licht survive a Bowles firing at 8 wins or less?

  2. CleanHouse Says:

    I don’t have faith in Bowles, in fact I think he seems clueless.
    I hope he surprises. Go Bucs!

  3. Boss Says:

    Luckily I will be in Tampa this week and be able to watch the game. It will probably be one of the only real time games I get to see them play. I usually watch after on nfl network.

    that being said, I REALLY hope they come out swinging.

    After doing the same damn thing every game last year and expecting different result, I have little hope left.

    bowels sucks worse than any HC i have ever seen! anyone who is handed the keys to the lottery and then f^&ks it up is not playing with a full deck.

    there’s still hope…..but VERY little. about 1 games worth to be exact….because if they come out looking like lefty is still running the O and bowels still doesn’t care….well 1 game is all they get.

  4. Boss Says:

    at least the jets signed IR and we get more of their games here in SF anyways.

    cept when brady was there and they were on EVERY week!

    might have to be a jets fan for a season…thats up to lovie/bowels

  5. Boss Says:

    signed AR

  6. Fred McNeil Says:

    As it should be. Last chance for several people.

  7. Kidfloflo Says:

    Well this is a win/win situation for almost everyone on this site! We either have a great winning season and prove all the pundits wrong, or Bowles who everyone seems to dispise is gone and we start a new leaf….Cheers!

  8. Why Not Says:

    Bowles should have been fired after last season’s debacle. A case can be made that he committed coaching malpractice The Pittsburgh and Cleveland games are good examples. We should not have been blown out by Carolina on the road. Horrible job!!! By the grace of God, Bowles was given a second year to prove last year was a fluke. We’ll see. When you play not to lose (as is the case with Bowles), your margin of error is very small. Penalties and turnovers are amplified. Let’s hope we can score some points this year.

  9. Lord Cornelius Says:

    There is an eye test element to all this for me that goes beyond the record. How are people developing and how is he coaching in key moments? Why/how are we either winning or losing?

    Last year he gets an F for coaching adjustments and having a killer instinct in close games imo. D at best.. This year he gets a clean slate.

    Injuries are a huge factor as well.

    All that said we have a really weak division and a very win-able schedule if we are a competitive team. Assuming solid health my expectation would be for 8-10 wins, a top 5 defense, and improvement on the offense from last year.

  10. Buc4evr Says:

    I have the distinct feeling that Bowles doesn’t care that much. He gets guaranteed money if he is fired and he can go be a DC elsewhere or just retire. Kind of like a golden parachute? That’s what is so frustrating about him being the HC of a young team. He simply doesn’t light any fires under the players….

  11. Dave Pear Says:

    Sage is wise. Buy him lots of BigStorms this Sunday.

  12. Hodad Says:

    Not happening, unless there’s a total collapse, and Todd loses the locker room. I don’t see that happening. Coaches get fired when expectations are high, and the results fall short. No one expects this Buc team to do squat. Now McDermott in buffalo, McCarthy in Dallas their jobs are more on the line then Bowles. Those teams are SB or bust, that ain’t us. Glazers are also in save money mode. They’re not paying two coaching staffs for the next three years knowing the results will be the same.

  13. D-Rome Says:

    Ira is correct. Bowles only comes back if they have a winning season or if they finish the season strong. Even in the finish strong scenario (i.e. 5 wins in a row) that would mean the Bucs started abysmally. By then the coaching search would have started in October.

    I don’t see the Bucs doing better than 6-11.

  14. Infomeplease Says:

    Joe, I believe you’re beating a dead horse!! Sunday can’t come fast enough!

  15. Craig Says:

    Of course Hot Toddie has to win now, it is the curse of most HCs, but him in particular.

    If he didn’t have to win now Baker Mayfield would not have been added to the team, he would have seen what Trask could develop into.

    However, the NFL is a business and winning is the business.

  16. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Looks like Bowles is heading home. Prove us wrong, coach. Show some fire, in game adjustments and late game strategy/clock management!

  17. CChead Says:

    I don’t see Bowles making it past the ATL game in December. Canales takes over from there. I hope the Bucs have a great year and prove me and alot of people wrong.
    Go Bucs!

  18. Dwayne Cone Says:

    Saints signed a QB to a 4 year 150 million contract this season. Bucs spent 4. Even if you consider Mayfield a 20 mil a year QB (what he was due the year he joined the Jeff George / Jamarcus Russell Club) that is 17 million dollars less than the toughest competition in the division.

    Bucs were 8-9 last year with Brady pulling out 2 or 3 that did not look very good.
    O Line was what it was and it was not very good.
    If you don’t have good lines on both sides of the ball forget it.
    Arians knew what Bowles was taking over based on the line alone. Add a couple dogs like Jensen and Barrett going down and no one that controls whether Bowles stays or goes expected anything much from last year but appreciated the extra Home Playoff Game.

    Even if the Bucs have a losing season like the Panthers last year two things are for sure.

    Bowles will coach his final year and there is no way Bucs will even make a Play for a # 1 QB. Regardless of what he has done against far less than 3d string 4th Quarter Preseason Game talent in College.

  19. Voice of Truth Says:

    I think the real question is do the Glazers finally launch a HC mid season?

    When we are 3-8 the week after turkey day, is it time to hand it over to Canales and Kyle?

    Or does it come at 2-7 right before Halloween after getting blown out in Buffalo?

    I have zero confidence in Todd Bowles to motivate these men to accomplish much at all

    The issue is t the players- it is the coach!!!!!!!

  20. stpetebucfan Says:

    This talk leads to #CollapseforCaleb which truly frightens me! What are the odds the Bucs will suck enough to have the #1 pick in the draft even if they TRY to lose. What makes anybody believe the Bucs will get value if they do pick first?

    Can you say Jameis Winston? Or worse still one of the most lauded GM’s in the league John Lynch giving up THREE FIRST round picks and a 3rd rounder!

    What did Lynch just get in return? A freaking FOURTH round pick from Dallas.

    Three #1 picks are going to leave some marks on Lynch’s resume and the Niner’s record.

  21. Obvious Says:



    If I were them, I’d HAVE TO HAVE HIM “Almost” NO MATTER WHAT!!

  22. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Lol Caleb Williams will be drafted by the Arizona Cardinals; so get it over it already!

  23. HC Grover Says:

    Wonder who the new coach will be.

  24. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Per: Brett McMurphy

    USC QB Caleb Williams could return next year if Caleb doesn’t like NFL team w/No. 1 pick, his dad Carl GQMagazine. “The funky thing about the NFL draft process is, he’d almost be better off not being drafted than being drafted 1st,” Carl said. “The system is completely backwards. The way the system is constructed, you go to worst possible situation, worst possible team, worst organization in the league – because of their desire for parity – gets the 1st pick. So it’s the gift & the curse.”

  25. George R Says:

    I hate that so many people are routing for Bowels to fail. I’m not sure he is a great head coach but he is a great defensive coordinator. If he gets fired we lose him our defensive coordinator and I’m not ready for another Mike Smith defense.

  26. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Hopefully Coach Todd Bowles is geared up to prove these skeptical fans wrong and make the two-faced reporters eat their words

  27. garro Says:

    Sadly Ira is probably not Wrong.

    I for one am not looking forward to wholesale changes at One Buc. We have been witness to that in the past. And it has rarely been pretty.

    Take a look at our past with the obvious exceptions of Dungy and Chucky, and BA.

    The number of quality coaches who may be excited about coaching here right now is another rather important thing to consider. I would wager not many proven ones. See OCs we had clamoring for our opening this year for more info. Yeah let me take over a team in salary cap hell with questions at QB, RB and very limited depth…

    Go Bucs!

  28. 941Boltsfan Says:

    I’m not ready to jump on the coaching carousel again. The offense needs to show it can produce even if it needs some time to grow and gel. Unless the defense is healthy and not up to standard, I’d have to go with give him another season.