Todd Bowles Comments On Russell Gage Injury

August 16th, 2023

Russell Gage (3) today, just before his serious injury at Bucs-Jets practice.

At the Bucs-Jets scrimmage in New Jersey this morning, wide receiver Russell Gage wrecked his knee.

Though details of the injury are unknown, NFL Network reporter Ian Rapoport, maybe an hour after the injury occurred, reported Gage is out for the year. Joe can only speculate the injury must have been gruesome to come to a conclusion that quickly that Gage’s season was over.

After the scrimmage, Bucs coach Todd Bowles wouldn’t specifically comment on the injury but sounded almost like he was attending a wake when asked for feedback.

“We hear it’s going to be pretty serious and I will wait [to comment] until we hear the final results,” Bowles said. “We wish him the best.

“I could tell by the way he was sitting on the truck that it was something that happened pretty bad. Our hearts go out to him.”

As Bowles noted, Gage has been battling injuries virtually from the time he signed with the Bucs in March of 2022. He blew out a hamstring in OTAs last year and Gage told Joe this summer that hamstring never fully recovered.

Gage lit up training camp practices last year like he was on fire. Even Bowles commented that his defense couldn’t cover him. Then he injured the hamstring again. He was fighting injuries throughout the season and was knocked out of the playoff loss to the Cowboys.

25 Responses to “Todd Bowles Comments On Russell Gage Injury”

  1. pewter941 Says:

    I dont remember Gage having this many injuries when he played for Atlanta.

  2. Uhhmm Says:




    That sucks

  3. pizzaboi Says:

    thatll probably be the last we see of him, unfortunately. hope he heals and can resume his career. poor guy, wish him the best.

  4. kyle Says:

    russell who? lets go palmer

  5. AtlBuc Says:

    Bad break for Russell. Maybe Warner will make the team now, but I doubt it. There appears to be some great talent there

  6. Steven007 Says:

    I will never understand supposed fans that badmouth a player that has injury issues, especially when they weren’t historic issues. Bad luck most likely. Gage has likely played his last football for us. That’s too bad. Wish him the best moving forward. Now time for the rooks to step up. And Moore is looking like a pretty nice pickup now.

  7. J Says:

    Palmer OROY

  8. CAbucsfan Says:

    It’s time for one of the young guns to step up and take his open spot, we’re deep at WR so let’s see who’s takes the reigns from here and shines now that the spotlight is open for one WR spots is open. Warner? Barber?


  9. Go Bucs Says:

    I just feel for him. I was excited to watch him this season.

  10. Whip nay nay Says:

    Poor guy can’t stay healthy.

  11. JBeezy Says:

    Sucks for Gage, but what an awful signing this was. Gage has barely touched the field for the bucs in three years. Hope a young guy takes advantage of the opportunity.

  12. Larry Says:

    Sad, however can anyone remember when Gage WASN”T hurt?????????????

  13. kyle Says:

    poor bleeding heart steven007^^^
    its the nfl man.

  14. RuKa Says:

    Shall we talk again about that theory that first team players shall not play in pre-season games because pre-season practices are safer?…

    Injuries can happen anywhere, anytime. So why not using pre-season to actually PREPARE this team properly, Mr. Bowes?

  15. unbelievable Says:

    @ pewter941 – that’s because he didn’t have any.

    His injury during training camp last year was the first of his career. And unfortunately he’s just never been fully healthy since. Bummer for everyone involved.

  16. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    no fault of Licht’s but wow what a mistake this signing was. the cost is so great but will never be known. like using a pick on trask that cud have won us the super bowl, this is an absolutely humongous mistake

  17. All_da_way Says:

    Warner might make the team or Geiger/Jarrett.

  18. Oddball Says:

    ^^^^ yup

  19. buccanstopit Says:

    His injury during training camp last year was the first of his career. And unfortunately he’s just never been fully healthy since. Bummer for everyone involved

    It has been mentioned before, playing on artificial turf in the ATL might have kept him healthy

  20. Lakeland Steve Says:

    Horrible news, for Gage and the Bucs. Hopefully some of the young guys like Thompkins and Palmer can step up.

  21. kyle Says:

    buccanstopit^^^ that may be the worst take of all time!! its proven that artificial turf creates more injuries then grass.. injuries happen, gage is soft. Its a cut throat business.. everyone whining about gage.. oh well, he got paid and didnt do squat!

  22. BucU Says:

    I made disparaging remarks about Gage out of frustration. They were directed at the football player not the person.

  23. Bojim Says:

    Ugh. Poor guy. Well, next man up.

  24. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Sucks. Prayers for a full recovery Russell.

  25. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Gage won’t be missed. Name one game he made an impact as a Buc.
    Next man up.