Russell Gage Carted Off From Bucs Practice

August 16th, 2023

UPDATED: 11:02 a.m. — It seems Russell Gage suffered a significant injury in New Jersey this morning.

His head in his hands while he was carted off told a story.

Very early in practice against the Jets, a 7-on-7 session, Gage caught a short relatively low ball from Baker Mayfield on the left side. He seemed to be pushed to the ground rather routinely by a Jets defender and crumpled to the grass field in visible pain.

Gage was on the ground for more than two minutes and was carted off.

The teams did not continue practicing on that field.

Joe will have more on this after practice, roughly at 12:45 p.m.

Gage still was recovering from a year-long and re-aggravated hamstring injury. He was considered healthy and played in the preseason opener Friday against the Steelers.

46 Responses to “Russell Gage Carted Off From Bucs Practice”

  1. SB~LV Says:

    Sorry for his personal injury but we hardly knew RG

  2. Architek Says:

    Injury settlement time. Bye.

  3. Bucsmarley Says:

    Trey Palmer Time. Gage can’t stay healthy

  4. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Just couldn’t escape the injury bug….time to cut ties and see what Trey Palmer has.

  5. Mike C Says:


  6. Marine Buc Says:

    Why am I not surprised?

    Poor guy just can’t stay healthy…

    Thank goodness Trey Palmer is ready to take his place.

  7. BucU Says:

    I knew it I knew it!! The porcelain doll strikes again!! Send this loser back to Georgia. He’s done here.

  8. Hunter Says:

    I feel horrible for Gage. Of course we all wanted him to stay healthy and succeed. Trust me, so does he. Injuries are hard. Please don’t be hard on this man, Bucs “fans.”

  9. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Looks like Warner’s chances significantly increased

  10. WyomingJoe Says:

    Gage might have a serious injury and you’re trashing him like this? What’s wrong with you guys??!

  11. RagingBrisket Says:

    Was Logan Hall involved in the play?

  12. Derek Says:

    He was just starting to hit his stride again too

  13. K_bassuka Says:

    And it starts. 1st receiver that get hurts due to Maybefield’s great accuracy and talent.

    Hope for a speedy recovery RG.

  14. ElioT Says:

    Man, this is a bummer. Hope nothing too serious but it just seems like this dude can’t get/stay healthy.

    Go Bucs!

  15. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    So the Bucs are expected to find some high school football field to practice on tomorrow? Potential for other non-contact injuries? The Jets should pony up their home stadium for the Bucs since they cancelled tomorrow’s practice last minute.

  16. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Your best ability is availability, injury settlement, cut ties and move on. I know that light reworked his contract in the off season but he needs to go. Let’s see what Palmer and Cade Warner can do.

  17. Knucknbuc Says:

    Damn that sucks it’s crazy because I know this guy is good when he’s not injured. Just bad luck since he left the falcons. Hope it’s not serious

  18. Gofortheface30 Says:

    I mean I feel bad for the guy but at the end of the day he will be crying in his McLaren 720s, and being able to live above the fray in this Bideneconomy so my empathy only goes so far. I feel bad for fans that will be enduring a 5-12 year. I’ve never looked more forward to my auction draft coming up. I will be preying on the few homers that will overbid for Bucs players

  19. GenocideD Says:


  20. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    “BucU Says:
    August 16th, 2023 at 11:11 am
    I knew it I knew it!! The porcelain doll strikes again!! Send this loser back to Georgia. He’s done here.”


    Classy comment. You remind me of the Philly fans that cheered when Michael Irvin was lying on the turf with a spinal cord injury that ended his career.

  21. DS Says:

    Damn I liked him on the falcons, hope he is ok. Enter Trey Palmer

  22. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Terrible news. He was a really good player for the falcons and had high hopes for him in Tampa. Really tough luck here. He played through so many injuries last year for this one to happen now I hope it’s not too serious and that he can make a full recovery.

  23. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Was looking for Gage to do big things in this mew offense this year and have a breakout year maybe like Tyler Lockett, hope it is something minor

  24. SlyPirate Says:

    Thompkins, Jarrett, Palmer, Warner, Moore … were caught doing a silent fist pump.

    Gage has a dead cap hit of $5M this year but a cap hit of $13M next year! He’s gone either way at the end of the season. Might as well cut him and continue the restructure.

  25. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Honestly, I expected him to go down at some point. If it HAD to happen, best in preseason than regular season.

    And now we know…the luck gods are not with us this season when it comes to major injures.

  26. Bucs since 76 Says:

    Now we know why the Jets didn’t want to practice with Bucs on the second day. The Jets planned on playing aggressive and didn’t want pay back on day two.

  27. Greg The Truth Says:

    I don’t understand why some people become scumbags when a player gets hurt. I haven’t heard anything bad about Gages character. If he can’t play, he can’t play but getting hurt in a violent sport doesn’t deserve disrespect.

  28. Da Bucs Guy Says:

    Injury settlements with Gage and Jensen could free up 10 million in salary cap space.

  29. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Already being reported that it was a severe non-contact injury and early exams indicate it will end his season. Awful news for Gage.

    On the other hand there have been 4 fights today and the Bucs defense is dominating! Can’t wait for joes notes later!!

  30. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Injury settlement for him and Jensen in the coming weeks

  31. Since76 Says:

    Tough break hope he’s alright. If he isn’t the BUCS really aren’t going to miss what never really had. He hasn’t seen much action since we signed him.

  32. Scott Says:

    Poor guy

  33. Hodad Says:

    Thank God there’s only one practice with the jets.

  34. ElioT Says:

    Worried about the depth at WR.

    I know Palmer looks great and all but he’s still a rookie and Evans and Godwin usually miss some games as the season wears on.

  35. confido75 Says:

    Those on this forum berating RG for his injury need to get a grip. You really just muat be a miserable a****** to crap on someone who gets hurt or injured. RG, I wish the best for you and your recovery!

  36. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If Jensen can’t play…well…no point in even watching the games this year. The Bowles defense is okay, but not good enough to win a superbowl without a strong offense.

    And we saw how bad the line was without Jensen last year.

    Those saying the Bucs should do an injury settlement with him? You clearly do not know how hard it is to find a good center. Jensen is one of the best, and he brings the nasty. He sets the temple for the entire line.

    So if he doesn’t return…2023 is a total bust.

    That said…I suspect they are just taking no chances with him before the season starts. No need to. Let him stay fresh and don’t risk injury.

  37. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    So far as Gage…listen…I do not think anyone is truly hating on him outside of a couple trolls.

    But the simple fact is that he has not been reliable for us. That doesn’t mean he’s a bad person…it means he is a bad investment.

  38. Pickgrin Says:

    That sucks. Hope its not a serious injury.

    Heal quickly Russ.

    Some of us would still be very glad to see what a healthy Russell Gage looks like in a Buccaneer uniform.

  39. Citrus County Says:

    I had a longer response to the quarterbacks post typed up but deleted all but one sentence. After reading the comments to this post I am disgusted. The decent rational comments on this site are frequently outnumbered by thoughtless idiots and morons with a mean streak. I realize controversy and diverse opinion is good for Joe Buc but if I were in Joe’s position I would be sick and tired of reading the endless puerile comments. Like Mama said, ” If you don’t have something good to say, don’t say anything.”

  40. kyle Says:

    sorry for him, but the dude is soft… stole 30 million from the glazier coffers.

  41. Kelby Says:

    K_Bassuka is really blaming Baker a Practice Injury. This dudes comments show he’s purely here to hate on Baker and that’s it. He’s not a Bucs fan. I hope RG is gonna be alright and have a good recovery. I’m disgusted with some of yalls comments

  42. Just Saying Says:

    This is terrible news. Gage balled out in ATL, he played well for us last year through serious injuries. I’m sure he feels way worse about the situation than we do as fans. Healing vibes

  43. Ed Says:

    This can happen to any football player at any time so I’m glad for Gage he had a big payday but unhappy that the Bucs have tied up so much money in him.

    On paper he looked like a great compliment to Godwin and Evans. His injuries just never got him into football condition to go out and do what he did to earn that contract.

    I think the Bucs need to be more careful with free agents, especially guys that are smaller guys like Gage. He might come back into the league but after the past 2 seasons, it doesn’t look good for the guy. He tried his best here but he was unlucky when it came to his wheels.

  44. Frank Pillow Says:

    Bert Emanuel 2.0, with less production

  45. firethecannons Says:

    ok better it happen now and our backups get a place

  46. Wild Bill Says:

    It’s a sad story for all involved. Bucs got totally screwed and so did Gage. But injuries are part of sports. One concussion, a broken wrist, a broken ankle, one tooth knocked out, and a broken nose were my game injuries playing basket ball in high school, college and city leagues in that order into my 30’s. Shower up after the game and go out for beers after. And often too many beers, haha.