Training Camp Schedule Is Working

August 15th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

When the Bucs released their training camp schedule last month, Joe had never seen one like it.

Three days of practice; a day off. Three days of practice; a day off. Three days of practice; a day off.

NFL teams often have six straight days of practice with just one day off a week (which is mandated by the players’ union contracts).

So Joe early  asked head Todd Bowles why the unorthodox schedule. He said he had gathered nutritionists, trainers, doctors and all sorts of folks and determined the three-practices-and-a-day-off format for camp was the best way to prevent injuries.

Research showed players suffered a lot of their training camp injuries on the fourth straight day of practice or longer, Bowels said.

So far, it seems like it’s been a success. With the exception of rookie defensive tackle Calijah Kancey’s calf injury in a non-contact position drill running around tackling dummies, the Bucs have been rather free of major injuries.

After Friday night’s preseason game, Bowles was asked about bringing in new players in case guys currently on the roster are disappointing.

“Not yet,” Bowles said. “We’ve got to give them time to play. One game isn’t going to settle it. We’ll give them another game and see if they grow any from this week.

“If we need to look at depth, we probably won’t start looking until after this week.”

With this summer’s good fortune with injuries, there’s no real need to bring guys in.

29 Responses to “Training Camp Schedule Is Working”

  1. Richard Dickson Says:

    Given the extraordinary heat we’ve been experiencing, this probably wasn’t a bad idea.

  2. Bucsmarley Says:

    Need som ol deph at roster cuts

  3. Salary Cap Hell Says:

    Being opened minded is 👍 good.

  4. Pickgrin Says:

    Ira bragged about no injuries on his podcast a couple weeks ago – and like the next day Kancey hurts his calf…

    This Joe is playing with fire even mentioning lack of injuries….

    If there’s a slew of 1/2 dozen injuries by Sunday vs the Jets and on the NJ turf – we now know exactly who to blame – for having the audacity to even write about ‘lack of injuries’……

    This Joe! LOL

  5. Roc Says:


    I’m don’t think Pitt follows that training schedule

    The unpreparedness of the Bucs compared to Pitt was huge sooo not sure the schedule is working OR while the players are there they aren’t getting something

  6. Pryda…sec147 Says:

    Agree job well done almost at the season beginning. Just keep playing smart and stay hydrated

  7. All_da_way Says:

    Given the last two years of injuries it isn’t a bad approach. Especially with the summer heat wave with indexes of 110+ degrees.

  8. gp Says:

    I’m curious what else he might try to “change up” to break his historical cycle as head coach.
    As long as he is our HC, I am rooting for his success!

    Shake it up brother!

  9. SlyPirate Says:

    Every year we complain about our training staff. Every year Evans strains a hamstring in camp. This is the first year we’re not complaining and Mike is healthy.

    Kuddos to Todd for learning and improving.

  10. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Roc Says:
    August 15th, 2023 at 2:24 pm

    I’m don’t think Pitt follows that training schedule

    The unpreparedness of the Bucs compared to Pitt was huge sooo not sure the schedule is working OR while the players are there they aren’t getting something

    I don’t believe we can evaluate how the Bucs are as compared to Pitt based on that preseason game.

    I say that because for a period the Steeler’s 1st team offense was playing against our 2’nd team defense. I’m not sure how long that went on for but most of the projected starters for the Bucs defense did not play at all.

    Winning that game clearly was not the priority of the Bucs coaches. Evaluating talent and keeping their starters healthy was more important.

  11. lambchop Says:

    This was a good decision. The key players on this team are veterans: guys who have a history of getting injured. So, this makes all the sense in the world. Along with this, hydration and stretching are very important. It’s really cool to see sports science gaining in importance.

    For the comment that stated the Bucs were unprepared against the Steelers, it’s not because of this schedule. They will iron that out as they move forward and form their 53-man roster. It’s too early to tell if this team isn’t being coached discipline.

  12. HC Grover Says:

    Aerobic dance in the A/c is what they need with often rest periods. The more rest they get in camp the better. One of them could get hurt trying to play football. The NFL should have 10 minute time outs to help give them more rest during the game. Maybe make half time an hour for a quick nap and a shower.

  13. SB~LV Says:

    Lots of injuries on the 4 th day

  14. Defense Rules Says:

    gp … ‘As long as he is our HC, I am rooting for his success!’

    Me too gp. Rooting for any coach or player to fail is akin to rooting against the Bucs IMO. Why would any Bucs’ fan do that?

    All in favor of treating vets differently than younger players (so as to minimize injuries to the degree possible). Also applaud Bowles for evaluating our injury situations in depth and listening to the experts’ opinions on how we might improve that. Still concerned though that we may be falling behind other teams in terms of amount of practice time to get ready for Game 1, and that that MIGHT be detrimental to our early season game-to-game readiness & stamina.

    We obviously won’t know until we get a few games under our belt to see how this team holds up. Based on what I think I saw Friday night though, looked to me like a certain position group wore down as the game wore on.

  15. The Dave Says:

    I was watching the Redskins-Broncos SB on the Ytube last night. Remember how Elway opened the game with a TD pass? Guess who blew his coverage to allow that to happen. Todd Bowles.

    This is the DC who cost us a return trip to the SB with his blown coverage against the Rams. And the HC who nerfed the greatest QB of all-time with his desire for more ball-control. Guess he has always done things his own way. Our team needs toughness and endurance so we can survive Sept/Oct in the hot Florida sun. We aren’t a dome team. I sure hope this 3 on/1 off doesn’t make them soft. It would be ironic if we were strong in the first 3 quarters and then folded in the 4th because of the 3/1 philosophy of training camp.


    Of course it’s working, look how great all the Bucs look in the first preseason game….!

  17. EEK Says:

    You have to like that he has a plan and a philosophy

    He’s got a lot riding on this season and the default approach may be to run the players into the ground

    This is a long play approach and it’s admirable

    I hope it pans out

  18. Seanbuc76 Says:

    Just my take here– maybe we should be scouring the waiver wires for on-line depth and possibly another running back

  19. Marine Buc Says:

    @ DR

    Well said amigo.

    17 games is a lot of football to play. Why wear these guys out before week 1?

    We have solid starters at every position but our depth is young and inexperienced… Draft picks and UDFA rookies for the most part.

    Keeping this team healthy will be the key to success.

  20. Joe Says:

    Just my take here– maybe we should be scouring the waiver wires for on-line depth and possibly another running back

    In about two weeks there will be a glut of players looking for work and it will be a buyer’s market.

  21. Fred McNeil Says:

    I’m not a Bowles fan by any means. I’ve put that aside, for now. I do love the new practice schedule. Last year half the damn team was nursing hamstring injuries. This year we’ve got a single calf strain from practicing and a few minor boo-boos from the Steelers game. Much, much better.

  22. Craig Says:

    After one totally badly coached game, he says it is working?

    I think he needs to wait a while before blowing his own horn. The Bucs were completely out matched on both sides of the ball. It was not about any of our three QBs, it was about being game ready.

    To me the Bucs looked worse than the Panthers and they were blown away by the Jets.

    Let’s see if it is still working after the Jets game. The Bucs don’t have to win, but they can look like they are ready for the prime time.

  23. Ptwalk Says:

    @Craig, let me get this straight, mostly 2nd teamers play against the Steelers 1st teamers, it was also our first time in a new offense, our OCs first time calling plays at this level and you’re surprised that they didn’t look like world beaters.

  24. Thunder Says:

    How can you have camp with basically no contact?
    Then not play in any preseason games.
    And then be ready to play tackle football in week one.
    Take the Vikings as a stone-cold lock no matter what the points.

  25. Wild Bill Says:

    Most of the odds makers are predicting a mediocre season for the Bucs. My hope is that a young team will gain momentum as the season progresses. Win or lose I will be happy with a team that gives everything its got. My expectations are low to medium, but would do back flips if the bucs kick ass.

  26. BucsFan81 Says:

    Kinda hard to have any significant injuries when you’re only playing backups that will be working at Publix in a few weeks.

  27. garro Says:

    Ok … Less injuries…But more crap play and mistakes. And less of an idea who you want to keep? NFLPA and Goodell already have training camp watered down to where its gotten ridiculous.

    Just saying. Caution and running scared are two different things.

    Go Bucs!

  28. Usfbuc Says:

    I don’t think the change in practice schedule has anything to do with the on field performance. The players are getting the same amount of practices in.

  29. Ed Says:

    I’m very concerned that not have any of the first teamers on the offensive side of the ball take any snaps in the preseason game is a bad move when you have a new quarterback and a new system.

    No reason to play them more than a quarter in game 2 of the preseason and rest them again in the final game but no game time at all is a mistake in my opinion.