Bucs Training Camp 2023 Day 9 Practice Notes

August 5th, 2023

Bucs OL coach Harold Goodwin keeps a close eye on his troops during position drills Saturday.

Kyle Trask continues to limit his mistakes, Baker Mayfield continues to have a mistake and Deven Thompkins makes a highlight reel catch. This and more in Joe’s practice notes from today.

* Joe thought the Bucs would have an indoor practice today since it was a 3 p.m. start. But there weren’t any lightning warnings so practice was outside. It had rained shortly before practice and Joe doesn’t remember a more humid, steamy day. Joe felt bad for the Bucs players. It felt like you could slice the air with a knife.

Goal line

*Baker Mayfield tries to lob a pass to the far right corner and the pass is broken up by undrafted rookie nickel cornerback Christian Izien.

* Mayfield lobs another pass in the same area for receiver Kaylon Geiger and the pass was too high.

* Mayfield throws for Rachaad White at the goal line and White catches it on the right side for a touchdown.

* Ryan Miller runs along the end line from the right. Kyle Trask tries to connect with him but the ball is thrown behind Miller. The Furman product was still able to get his mitts on the ball.


* White runs to the right for maybe five yards.

* Mayfield throws to Russell Gage on the left side but Gage drops the ball.

* Mayfield looks to throw deep over the middle. No one is open so he dumps off to Ko Kieft to the right.

* Sneak Vaughn runs to the right for a few yards.

* Chase Edmonds runs off tackle to the right. If there was tackling allowed, Carlton Davis would have tackled him at the line.

* Edmonds up the middle for nothing.

* Sean Tucker up the middle for maybe two yards.

* Trask passes over the middle for Taye Barber on a slant. Despite Barber being blanketed, Trask threw a perfect pass to Barber that gave him an opportunity to get some YAC, though Barber was tackled right away. Pretty pitch-and-catch.

* Trask to Dominique Dafney to the left.

* PICK! John Wolford throws to the left sideline and Carlton Davis jumps the route and intercepts the pass.


* Mayfield hits Gage on the left side.

* Trask connects with David Moore for about 15 yard over the middle.

* Trask hooks up with Cade Otton in a crowd on the left side.

* Once again, Trask brings the juice. Joe sees (and hears) Trask clapping between plays to help try to keep his teammates up in the oppressive heat. Joe is sweating just sitting watching.

* Vaughn with a big gain to the left.

* Trask gets the ball to Rakim Jarrett down the left seam for about 15 yards.

* Trask has a pass swatted at the line and Trask damn near caught the ball anyway as he dove for it. Someone tell Trask no need to get beat up on such a play. Just make sure it hits the ground. An incompletion is better than a three-yard loss and bruised ribs.

* Barber catches a Trask pass on the left side.

* Nice pass: Mayfield hits Mike Evans down the left sideline right in the hands.

* Tucker catches a Mayfield pass and runs for a short gain. Had tackling been allowed, Davis would have dropped Tucker for a loss. Davis is flying all over the place today.

* Coverage sack on Mayfield.


* PICK! Don’t make a scene, it’s just Dean. Mayfield tries to throw over the right seam. Joe couldn’t get who the intended receiver was but Jamel Dean was all over him and at the right moment stepped in front of the receiver and picked off Mayfield’s pass.

* Mayfield throws to White on the left side and he takes off too soon and drops the pass.

* Mayfield throws three straight passes over the middle. The first is caught by Vaughn. The second is dropped by Miller. The third is too far for Moore.

* Trask would have been put on the ground by a coverage sack. But there are no sacks in practice. So Trask waited. And waited. And waited some more. Then he drops farther back angling left and somehow found a sliver of a hole to get the ball to Evans over the middle.

* Barber is open down the left sideline and Trask overthrows him.

* Wolford tries to throw to the left side and SirVocea Dennis swats it away.

* Mayfield tries to connect with Dafney to the right and it falls incomplete.

* Mayfield to Geiger deep over the middle and the pass is too long.

* White tries to run the ball to the left on consecutive plays and both went nowhere.

* Mayfield throws low to Chris Godwin on the right side and Davis reaches over Godwin to break up the pass. The defense hoots and hollers over the result. Davis is all over the place today.

* Joe Montana Trask: Trask runs to the right on a keeper and he pulls a Joe Montana. When Montana was in his prime, he’d take off running and right and when he got to the line of scrimmage he’d stutter-step and cock his arm like he’s going to throw which just freezes linebackers. Trask continued after pump-faking and had a nice run.

* Edmonds runs twice to the right on back-to-back plays and only his second run got any kind of yardage, maybe three.

* Kieft catches a Trask pass on the left side for a few yards.

* Barber catches a Trask pass along the left sideline.

* Mayfield gets a pass to the right sideline for Miller right in front of Davis.

* White runs left, cuts inside and maybe gets three or four yards.

* Mayfield slides to the left a little and dumps off a pass to Payne Durham on the left side.

* Mayfield throws to the left sideline for Thompkins and it is off his hands.

* Mayfield makes up for it by throwing against to Thompkins who skies high and hauls in the ball for a first down.

* Edmonds runs left, cuts inside and gets about five yards.

* Trey Palmer catches a pass from Mayfield on the left side for a short gain.

* David Wells catches a Trask pass on the right side.

* Moore for the touchdown as he grabs a Mayfield pass in the end zone to the right. Mayfield threw the ball low and Moore went just as low to scoop up the pass.

56 Responses to “Bucs Training Camp 2023 Day 9 Practice Notes”

  1. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “Trask would have been put on the ground by a coverage sack….gets the ball to Evans over the middle”

    Textbook example why you should take practice performance with a grain of salt

  2. SB Says:

    Hey Tbbucs3 Enlighten me please. Since ALL the coaches have is practice to judge by why exactly should it be taken with a “grain of salt”?
    Are you a professional coach? Do you have a better idea?

  3. Tbbucs3 Says:

    SB, shouldn’t have to explain to you why playing well in 2 hand touch practice situations doesn’t automatically translate to the games.

  4. NCBucfan Says:

    So Joe, is Palmer Kenny Bell part 2? Sounds like some other youngsters are outperforming him. I wonder if Warner gets the nod ahead of him, and Palmer hits the ps.

  5. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Joe

    “Sean Tucker up the middle for maybe two yards.”


    A Sean Tucker sighting is more rarer than a bigfoot sighting these days!

    Did you get a clear picture or was it all fuzzy when he touched the ball?

  6. Crickett Baker Says:

    Not automatically but it damn sure helps! sheesh
    The old adage “practice makes perfect” comes to mind.

  7. Bucsmarley Says:

    Maybe then they just shouldn’t practice at all going with that take lol. Ever think they need to learn the timing and speed of receivers since they are splitting snaps. Goodness so much negativity. And you call yourself a fan

  8. JayBuc Says:

    Honestly, let’s just start trask week 1. We already know the QB Mayfield is, you might as well see what Trask can do. So far he hasn’t disappointed.

  9. RGA Says:

    Not sure I’ve ever seen a poster with more hatred to a player as Tbbucs3 is towards Trask.

  10. Marine Buc Says:

    It still seems like Trask is ahead in the QB challenge…

    Nice to see both QBs performed pretty well today.

  11. Tbbucs3 Says:


    If you want all comments to be sunshine and roses for what’s bound to be a 5 win team, may I recommend professional women’s soccer?

  12. Crickett Baker Says:

    When I lived in Tampa it sometimes felt like I was standing inside someone’s mouth.

  13. IrishTony Says:

    Essentially a battle between two incompetents. I’m telling you we’re going to look back on the Brady era as something super special because honestly we’ve never had a great QB unlike other franchises.

  14. Tbbucs3 Says:

    RGA, please name one example of a personal shot I’ve taken at Trask, you won’t find any. Not 1. All my cristisims of Trask have been strickly football related….meanwhile I the ones saying to “be positive” we’re the same ones spewing hate at Winston for years.

  15. KiddG941 Says:

    Joe can we get an update on how Wirfs is doing at his new position?

  16. Greg The Truth Says:

    RGA Yeah there is always at least one internet troll on every blog. He has to talk big here while he is probably 90 pounds and living in his van down by the river. lol

  17. Bucky Says:

    Wish Joe would just give us the facts, the attempt to boost Trask and slight Mayfield is obvious.

  18. IrishTony Says:

    I realize that Canales is scheming these QBs to be successful to get the ball into the hands of playmakers but outside of Evans/Godwin who do we have? White? Possibly. Thompkins? That’s an if from an unproven commodity. Are we suddenly expecting Gage to be healthy and productive? I don’t doubt the scheme but I do questionable the personnel.

  19. Bucsmarley Says:

    Tbbbuc3 what do you have against women’s soccer😂. I’ve been a fan longer than you for sure since the very 1st tB game ever. Your negative attitude is a cancer. I’m definitely taking the over of your 5 game prediction. Unless you forgot a Brad Johnson style qb. A game manager who doesn’t make mistakes with this team is at least a 8 win season. Just my opinion and I hope I’m right.

  20. Bucsmarley Says:

    But I do completely understand its practice and how it translates to the field. But if not practice where are they to learn without real games Oh I know
    Madden 2024

  21. Oneilbuc Says:

    If Kyle Trask was playing like Baker Mayfield in practice tbbucs would be saying Trask suck . I believe he would be named the starter by now if Baker Mayfield was playing like Trask. I really believe Baker Mayfield has been gifted the starting job regardless if Trask is better watch and see!!

  22. Mike28277 Says:

    If we are going to be a run team first, we need a whole lot of work.

  23. D Cone Says:

    Joe: Did some9ne play homage to Revis today and shut Evans down?

    I see someone mentioned Evans on a pass that would have been in the dirt in a game but didn’t see much of him in the notes .

  24. Trask To The Future Says:


  25. D Cone Says:

    Bucsmarley I totally agree with you on game managers. Nothing wrong with it. Garappolo is great at game management and learned it by watching one of the best while he sat and learned. I think that guy Garappolo watched was with Tampa a few years.

  26. Joe Says:

    So Joe, is Palmer Kenny Bell part 2?

    No, not at all. Think he has a shot to make the club. A shot. Jarrett has somewhat cooled off a little.

  27. Joe Says:

    Nice to see both QBs performed pretty well today.

    Not sure about “well.”

  28. Joe Says:

    Joe can we get an update on how Wirfs is doing at his new position?

    Joe can’t give you any specifics on Wirfs, or any offensive lineman. Unfortunately, if Joe is focusing on Wirfs (or a specific player), he’s not following the ball and won’t be able to document what happened on the play.

    (Then, people will jump all over Joe, “Why didn’t you write about… “)

    Sadly, Joe cannot record practice and rewind it like All-22.

  29. Joe Says:

    Wish Joe would just give us the facts, the attempt to boost Trask and slight Mayfield is obvious.

    Feel free to demonstrate where Joe is inaccurate in any of these notes.

  30. Joe Says:

    Joe: Did some9ne play homage to Revis today and shut Evans down?

    Guessing you didn’t read this post?

  31. Jeffbuc Says:

    Every day in your practice observations I keep seeing the name Christian Izien. Is it he is just happens to be where the ball is going or is he actually shining in practice. Never heard of him before. But reading your notes it seems like he is an all pro and all over the field.

  32. Joe Says:

    Every day in your practice observations I keep seeing the name Christian Izien. Is it he is just happens to be where the ball is going or is he actually shining in practice.

    Well, Joe will leave that to Todd Bowles. The other day, Bowles absolutely gushed about him.

    He’s sort of like SirVocea Dennis. The ball likes to be around him. 🙂

  33. StretchOMatic Says:


    Maybe someone asked before and I didn’t see it or your reply, but do you have any idea as to why the Bucs had the first 3 days of camp closed to the public? Sure, they didn’t feel like doing it. Todd Bowles said fans belong at training camp, when asked. So it was not a football decision. The answer very likely comes down to money, as it does for any business decision. –Joe

  34. Mike Says:

    Seems like the defense is turning it up a notch.

  35. Jeff Says:

    Great Bucs coverage. Top notch work here. Too bad this team is awful. Like stinking garbage fire awful. 8 wins with Tom Brady. This is a 4-5 win team if everything goes perfectly. Things go bad and you’re looking at 2 wins.

  36. mike anthony Says:

    >> Essentially a battle between two incompetents

    Though I am a fan of bakers I think theres more than a grain of truth there.

    A third stringer who has to learn to change his throws three years in is very unlikely to be the franchise QB bucs will never want to upgrade from and a player that needs a particular system and philosophy I don’t see with the bucs is unlikely to be that either.

    Best bet is that by 24 or 25 this competition will end up being – neither.

  37. Jim Says:

    Love reading your daily notes on practice. Tell me, add the Bucs doing any “Oklahoma” of one on one drill between offensive and defensive lineman? If so, how is goedeke March and Feiler doing? How is Logan hall performing?

  38. mike anthony Says:

    “Wish Joe would just give us the facts, the attempt to boost Trask and slight Mayfield is obvious.”

    I know what you mean but don’t think its malicious its just that the narrative especially in comments has changed from a QB competition to a pick count competition so Joe is just reporting on what people are following. I guess thats all to really follow from the notes BUT

    The NFL has had many QIBs on the bench who can’t orchestrate a drive but who rarely will throw a pick. Its utterly meaningless if you still have to punt. Generally if a fan base and coaching staff over concentrate on single picks – it because they know their teams suck otherwise but it makes them feel better to concentrate on that then the team sucking.

    Now RATIO of successful drives to picks is meaningful but some NFL fans often don’t get that and just harp on count alone. Its also what you won’t even begin to assess till you play some preseason games.

  39. Obvious Says:

    Hey guys, a few points to make.

    I’m NOT looking to get sacrificed on the “Tree of Woe” but I’m going to take my chances.


    Point Numero One… Trask is basically a ROOKIE. Everybody seems to have forgotten that..

    Point Numero Two… Trask IS playing this thing SMART!
    Here’s why ~ Todd Bowles Strutted Into the quarterback room with Canales tagging along,, shaking his head up and down and Bowles SAYS,… “I WANT A GAME MANAGER! Trask being a Very Smart and with light bulbs💡and idea bubbles started forming over his head…. Well HE GOT THE POINT AND INSTANTLY started to turn himself into a “game managing type of quarterback”! (Not only that, basically he’s been FLAWLESS in His execution on TOP of TOTALLY remaking himself!)

    A bubble from the past starts to form for ALL of us and We ALL start to recall the type of qb he was in college… BRUCE ARIANS picked him for a reason. RAISE YOUR HAND if you can remember the type of qb he was a “short” few years back.. Ok Tbbucs3, go ahead and answer the question.

    And Tbbucs3 GETS IT CORRECT THIS TIME when he says that Kyle Trask was a “Statue in the pocket that LOVED to Sling it down field”!

    Now tell me WHO’S ahead in this QB race…

    Even though it sounds like I only have 1 qb in this race, YOU’D BE WRONG!
    I actually have “4” QB’S In This race!
    Baker Mayfield IS MY HORSE!
    Kyle Trask IS MY HORSE!
    Wolton IS MY HORSE!
    And an Unknown Draftee IS MY HORSE!

    Now, if you really need me to break down Mayfield, I’ll do that tomorrow.

    MY FAVORITE IS THE DYNASTY LEVEL QUARTERBACK! Whomever that may end up being…. But I’m NOT going to be blind and stupid, nor am I going to paint myself “too far” into a corner until I’m pretty D.A.M.N SURE.

    GO BUCS+

  40. Joe Says:

    Tell me, add the Bucs doing any “Oklahoma” of one on one drill between offensive and defensive lineman?

    No, sadly. Roger Goodell banned Oklahoma drills a few years ago. Sucks. Loved Oklahoma drills.

  41. Mike S Says:

    3 PM practice in 100 degree high humidity weather – I’m not surprised to hear that guys are wilting a little bit. These are the dog days that get guys used to the heat. You want a home field advantage.

    When Chicago comes to town 9/17 its going to be 90-95 and probably 70% humidity. The Bears are going to melt.

    Today was an investment into the future.

  42. Oneilbuc Says:

    What kind of quarterback do you guys think Brady was his first 3 years in the NFL? Let Trask develop and if he’s just that bad than draft a guy next year it’s not that hard to understand. But to automatically say he sucks and so far he’s been better than Baker Mayfield is just a narrative you are trying to push. But I thought y’all call it like you see it ??

  43. buccanstopit Says:

    Baker is Baker. Please don’t waste “our time” Mr Hand. Bowles has to get the balls to make or break his career. Baker done, Trask a chance or another year for a #1

  44. Mike S Says:

    Excellent post Obvious.

    Trask needs to get on the field before he can truly showcase what he can do.

    What’s Baker’s weakness? Turnovers.

    Trask has now transformed his strength in camp to not turning the ball over.

    Whether its a chess move or if Trask is just listening to his coaches I don’t know – but if you’re going to beat a guy probably smart to attack his weakness. Be what that guy isn’t.

    Tom Brady was an effective game manager that first year – took 41 sacks in 12 games and threw 12 INTs for 190 pypg. Those numbers are downright Mayfield-esque. The point is to get better and you can’t do that without getting on the field.

    I think Trasks numbers will be better than that. He’s showing he can learn and adjust his game. In 6 months he’s learned the Baker Mayfield customized playbook and is as of right now winning the QB battle.

    My question is – at what point do DC and the Bucs start tailoring the playbook for Trask? Or are they still holding out hope for Mayfield?

    Fair is fair. If Trask wins this job the offense needs to be about him.

  45. Bucfan94 Says:

    tbbucs3 with hate for no reason again

  46. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Thank you Joe for sitting in that wonderful august summer weather so I can get my Bucs fix and get the 411 on practice. I’ve built many greenhouses in the Florida summers and let me tell I know it can be gruesome. Thanks again Joe

  47. garro Says:

    I remember rain being a welcome thing in two a days…Untill afterwards when the humidity went to 1000 percent and the heat came back. LOL

    Go Bucs!

  48. garro Says:

    Joe, I am having a bad thought.
    It seems to me that when the departed Brady went through camp you did not hear about so many dropped passes or missed throws. It seemed like the ball rarely touched the ground.
    Is the drop off in QB play that much or am I just imagining things?

    Go Bucs!

  49. unbelievable Says:

    @RGA –

    He also hated Brady that much last season too. Total clown show.

  50. D Cone Says:

    Joe Says:* Nice pass: Mayfield hits Mike Evans down the left sideline right in the

    Just plain missed it and a pretty play to boot. I read them. Best Bucs coverage available. If you ever feel like playing hookie I would be more than happy to sit in on the class and take notes.

  51. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Hating now equals calling out bad play. Got it.

    Nevermind ive stated numerous times that Brady was undoubtedly great in 2020/2021 then fell off a cliff.

    But yeah “hating”

  52. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Mayfields going to start the season Bowles will look like a clown if he goes with trask and it doesn’t work

  53. Stanglassman Says:

    TBucs3 women’s soccer post didn’t age well just over the last day. He did get to disparage women and soccer at the same time though. I doubt his ‘Bucs are a 5 win max team’ will age much better. Some people think whatever Vegas and the national media says must be true. They remember one time when they were a child and got crushed watching the Bucs lose after they got excited after the draft. I get it. It’s happened to all of us. Take the next step and think for yourself. This team just has too much talent and too much heart to lose that many games. All teams are capable of getting their season derailed by tons of injuries. There’s always that caveat.

  54. SOEbuc Says:

    Vaughn RB1. White can be third down and red zone. So overrated. Still looking like last year with Lenny. Bouncing outside all day and it’s too easy for opposing defenses to see.

  55. Joe Says:

    Hating now equals calling out bad play. Got it.

    “Truth” and reasonable, honest critique is now “hating.” 🙁

  56. Cannon Says:


    I’m curious, is the level of QB skill and precision during practice dramatically less than when Brady was running the show?

    I know that likely a naive question, but it sets the tone and expectations for the upcoming season.