“He’s Handled Everything With Ease”

July 31st, 2023

Rookie right guard Cody Mauch.

Todd Bowles may sing a different tune after watching film of his rookie right guard tangling with Vita Vea and Will Gholston during today’s first practice in pads of the season.

But late this morning, the head coach was glowing.

Asked about guard Cody Mauch, the Bucs’ second-round pick out of North Dakota State, Bowles didn’t dance around how much he likes what Mauch has done to date. And Bowles called him “very smart,” which often is the highest compliment from Bowels, who reveres intelligence in players.

“Very pleased at this stage. He’s a very smart guy. Obviously, he’s going to see more defenses and different looks as we go, but he’s handled everything with ease,” Bowles said of Mauch.

“We like the way he comes to practice every day, we like his approach – we really do. He understands the game a lot.”

Joe is fired up to hear Mauch has been up to the challenge mentally. He’s not from a big-time football program and his rural high school team played in a league that was 9-on-9. If Mauch needed a year to adapt to the NFL, Joe certainly would understand.

Whether Mauch has the physical strength to thrive as a rookie is unclear. It may help that he’s a mature 24-year-old rookie, even older than veteran Tristan Wirfs.

Regardless, the Bucs need Mauch to hit the ground running, and he’s off to a solid start.

45 Responses to ““He’s Handled Everything With Ease””

  1. Buc1987 Says:

    He looks like an animal Joe…let’s hope he plays like one too!

  2. Cometowin2 Says:

    I’m glad he gets to at least start his career next to Ryan Jensen. He will def take Cody under his wing. Go Bucs!!!

  3. nicholas houllis Says:

    what a matchbook end piece for Ali Marpet he would have been! Maybe he’s the guard we always wanted when we “won” week 17 years ago and cost ourselves a go at Quinten Nelson…no reason to think Wirfs wont excel at left tackle. and our Center is the anchor. im grabbing all the White I can get in bestball were going to run our tails off

  4. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    Cody Mauch = glass eater?

  5. SOEbuc Says:

    Any early good signs of Goedeke at RT, Joe?

  6. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    That’s interesting. How do you play 9 v 9? Which positions are removed?

  7. BringBucsBack Says:

    I’m pulling for the young man but, if it takes him a year to get acclimated to the NFL then, did he warrant a 2nd round pick? Licht has a pretty good track record with drafting OL but, he has a history of being cavalier with the 2nd round pick & loves “finding” small school OL. A 2nd rounder should challenge then, start by the end of year one.

  8. Jenkins Says:

    6’5″ 302 lbs, a beast, but could carry 20 more lbs.

  9. Dooley Says:

    We really drafted Encino Man lol

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    “Cody Mauch ended the 2023 NFL Combine with an estimated athleticism score of 80, which ranks 9th among all offensive tackles that participated at the combine, according to NFL.com. His relative athletic score (RAS) of 8.77 out of 10 was one of the best scores for an offensive tackle in the 2023 NFL Draft class.”

    What makes that really impressive is that he’s a guard, and generally your tackles are more athletic, so if you put up his numbers vs guards, he’d probably score even higher.

    I think he’ll be ready to go from day 1, and I’ll be surprised if he struggles. Last year Luke seemed to be overdrafted, and Licht has a history of doing that, but those guys who are overdrafted tend to take a year to develop (Cappa is the prime example). But Cody was getting some big time hype and seemed to go where expected, and I think that means he’ll be ready to play right away.

  11. geno711 Says:

    BringBucsBack Says:
    July 31st, 2023 at 2:58 pm
    I’m pulling for the young man but, if it takes him a year to get acclimated to the NFL then, did he warrant a 2nd round pick?

    I actually think history supports that most of the 2nd and 3rd rounders take a year to be good.

    In fact, on offensive line, I think the hit rate on them succeeding in their first year is even lower. That is including 1st round picks. The year we picked Wirfs, how many other offensive linemen were decent.

    Not Thomas, not Wills, not Becton, not Jackson, not Wilson. Those guys were all 1st rounders.

  12. Jack Clark Says:

    Cody Mauch looks like he came straight out of the Stone Age

  13. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Whether Mauch has the physical strength to thrive as a rookie is unclear. It may help that he’s a mature 24-year-old rookie, even older than veteran Tristan Wirfs. Regardless, the Bucs need Mauch to hit the ground running, and he’s off to a solid start.’

    The physical strength, for ANY rookie, to continually go up against guys like Vea is the only part about Cody that still concerns me. He’s apparently got the aggressiveness, the intelligence & the maturity to handle the Guard position, but you still have to have the mano-a-mano brute strength to dominate in the trenches. The coaches know who has it & who still needs to develop it. Good to hear though that he’s ‘off to a solid start’.

    Not hearing anything (yet) about Matt Feiler or Luke Goedeke. Maybe that’s a good thing, or maybe it’s just too early in the process to tell what we’ve really got in those two. Here’s hoping they both turn out to be beasts.

  14. geno711 Says:

    Exploring last year’s OL drafted in 1st round:

    Ikem Ekwonu 13 penalties and 6 sacks. 1018 snaps
    Evan Neal 7 penalties and 7 sacks. 738 snaps
    Charles Cross 7 penalties and 7 sacks. 1088 snaps
    Kenyon Green 12 penalties and 4 sacks. 823 snaps
    Zion Johnson 6 penalities and 5 sacks. 1184 snaps
    Trevor Penning 2 penalties and 0 sacks. 124 snaps
    Tyler Smith 13 penalties and 6 sacks. 1144 snaps

    Tyler Linderbaum, the guy that everyone said was most ready for the NFL. 6 penalties and 3 sacks. 1092 snaps
    Cole Strange 6 penalties and 5 sacks. 982 snaps.

    So, it appears unlikely that Cody Mauch would have 6 or fewer penalties or 5 or fewer sacks if he is playing every day for the bucs once the season starts.

    OL and DB are the two positions fans only notice when the guy messes up.

  15. Dooley Says:

    “The physical strength, for ANY rookie, to continually go up against guys like Vea is the only part about Cody that still concerns me. He’s apparently got the aggressiveness, the intelligence & the maturity to handle the Guard position, but you still have to have the mano-a-mano brute strength to dominate in the trenches.”

    Fair points, but I’d think part of what can keep Mauch ahead of the curve is being drafted into this system under Canales installing a zone scheme, if we were still running that duo based scheme like under BA-Lefty than I’d 100% think Mauch would be at risk of getting behind the learning curve. IMO the blocking scheme plays to his strengths and at least as a college tackle switching to G as a pro he’ll have the aide of the Center IF need be. So Cody has some support there.

    Still more worried about how Goedeke is coming along sliding down the OL to bookend Wirfs, but it was also cool to hear they were lifting partners this offseason and Luke even out squat Wirfs or outpaced him in the timing of squat reps.

  16. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Athleticism and intelligence… The 2 things Dante Scarnecchia (one of the best o-line coaches, ever) looked for.

    When asked, he was baffled by the long/short arms thing. He didn’t know where that came from, and it was no consideration to him.

    For the long/short arm experts, lol

  17. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    2 athletic people line up: One is very intelligent, the other, dumb as a rock.

    Which one to bank on?

    I know the answer.

  18. Crazyhorse54 Says:


  19. Marine Buc Says:

    No doubt in my mind – Cody Mauch will struggle at RG this season.

    Just like every other rookie Guard we have ever had. Marpet struggled. Cappa struggled. Goedeke struggled…

    He is a bit undersized for an NFL guard at only 302 lbs but has solid athletic ability. He is the opposite of our LG Feiler who weighs @ 335 but is not as athletic and can’t block a LB to save his life.

    Mauch will struggle at times this season but he will gain valuable experience and will also put on 15-20 lbs next off season thanks to the magical NFL go-go juice and a lot of hard work.

  20. SlyPirate Says:

    Observations from Camp Notes:
    1. The best runs are to the right
    2. Pre-injury CK was living in the backfield (lines up across Mauch)

    We’ll see.

  21. Defense Rules Says:

    Dooley … Good stuff; hadn’t even thought about us going to zone blocking. Don’t know if that’s what Mauch was used to in college, but it certainly could be a mitigating factor this year as he transitions to Guard. And I’m convinced (don’t know why just yet) that Luke Goedeke is gonna be a pleasant surprise this season. Key will be for everyone to stay healthy.

  22. Defense Rules Says:

    Marine Buc … ‘magical NFL go-go juice’? Do they sell that at the concession stands? (Hey it might help since I keep getting older)

  23. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    “Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth”… Mike Tyson

    I think it applies to football.

  24. Buccos Says:

    Ask Joe if he can put a link up for the magical NFL go go juice

  25. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    “… his rural high school team played in a league that was 9-on-9.”

    Dang, how does that even work? A football field is pretty big. I’m picturing guys running in space with a lot less hitting and way more scoring. Like 3-on-3 hockey in an Olympic size arena.

  26. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    nicholas houllis Says:
    “… cost ourselves a go at Quinten Nelson…”

    I really wanted us to draft him. Oh well.

  27. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Buc1987 Says:
    “He looks like an animal Joe…let’s hope he plays like one too!”

    Viking warlord. They should do a photo shoot with him and a 2-handed battle axe.

  28. Toad Bowels Says:

    “Jack Burton Mercer Says:
    July 31st, 2023 at 2:45 pm
    That’s interesting. How do you play 9 v 9? Which positions are removed?”

    The Bucs played it last year, Jack. On offense, the team did not field a LG or a 3rd WR for most of the year. On defense, the team did not field a DE or a DT when Vea went out for his frequent breathers.

    Hopefully, back to 11 contributors this year!

  29. Marine Buc Says:

    @ DR/Buccos


    It’s funny how you guys still know exactly what I mean…

    Look up “Health and Rejuvenation Center” or “Hormone Replacement” therapy in your area and I’m sure you will be connected with as much NFL go-go juice as you need.

    There is even an old Buc TE who runs a clinic in the Bay area.

  30. Crazyhorse54 Says:

    I doubt he does much better than Luke G.

  31. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Marine Buc Says:
    “Just like every other rookie Guard we have ever had. Marpet struggled. Cappa struggled.”

    I thought Marpet was impressive his rookie season at right guard, and was less consistent his 2nd year at center. Maybe I’m backward.

    “He is the opposite of our LG Feiler who weighs @ 335 but is not as athletic and can’t block a LB to save his life.”

    I haven’t watched any film, but Feiller’s sack numbers recently looked like a red flag.

    “Mauch will… put on 15-20 lbs next off season thanks to the magical NFL go-go juice and a lot of hard work.”

    I hear Mexico has a go-go juice vacation plan. LOL

    Semper Fidelis

  32. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Crazyhorse54

    I believe that is a reasonable expectation level.

  33. stpetebucfan Says:

    Geno as usual a great post with some actual facts to back it up. We have a dozen or so guys who are good at that and you are certainly one of them.

    My enduring memory is the text Ryan Jensen sent to Jason Licht right after Mauch was selected in the 2 round.

    ‘He and I are gonna *mess* some things up.’ He didn’t use the word ‘mess.’

    I LOVE it. Those two are going to eff some people up. Besides his talent one of the things the Bucs missed most losing Jensen before the season even started was his read headed mean streak! He gave the OL some nasty swagger.

    Now we have at least two red heads who are not going to play like “gentlemen” and set a mean nasty tone for this year’s Buc’s OL.

  34. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Hunter’s CP


    Every offensive and defensive lineman struggles as they “adjust” to the NFL.

    Marpet was “OK” his rookie season but still nowhere near the ALL-Pro that he developed into as the seasons progressed.

    I expect Mauch to go through the same growing pains that all rookie lineman have to deal with. I still think he will be an above average lineman if he stays healthy.

    I agree about Feiler – he is a cheap fix but maybe being paired with Wirfs will help him to be at least mediocre this season…

    Semper Fidelis my friend.

  35. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I prey his hands never become to hurt to hold!

  36. Ward Says:

    Already got his jersey. Future HOF

  37. BoricuaBucfan Says:

    I’m not worried about Mauch. He will be our next Ali Marpet.

  38. PbnJ Says:

    We like him…we really do.

    I don’t like the sound of that. That last tidbit, essentially repeating the belief, is usually an attempt to be convincing when unconvinced oneself. Maybe it is how Bowels speaks regularly? If not, it’s bothersome to me.

  39. garro Says:

    One day in pads and the expert personnel directors are sure Mauch is a bust.

    Fact; Rookies tend to struggle in their first season. example Cappa, Hainsey, and even Marpet had room for improvement. Particularly with Pass Pro. Cappa got knocked back on his heels regularly. All are vastly improved. He may not be what we are hoping for this year but I’m not gonna say he won’t after one padded practice.


    Go Bucs!

  40. gp Says:

    Ward Says:
    July 31st, 2023 at 9:19 pm

    Already got his jersey. Future HOF
    Is the name on the back spelled M__CH?

  41. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    gp Says:
    “Is the name on the back spelled M__CH?”

    What’d you do, take an old MUNCH jersey and change the letters?

  42. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    “What’d you do, take an old MUNCH jersey and change the letters?”

    Oops. I think his name was Wunch. So you have to flip the M over, too.

  43. gp Says:

    Hunter’s Crack Pipe
    Have you seen his smile?

  44. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Alright. NOW I get it. Slow brain day. 🙃

  45. Spencer Christian Says:

    Todd has another thing coming to him!