YaYa Diaby Talks Speed, Shaq Barrett Lessons

July 28th, 2023

After three days of his first NFL training camp, third-round pick YaYa Diaby is feeling like his learning curve isn’t steep.

Joe was damn happy to hear it.

The Buccaneers likely need a better edge rush to win the NFC South and team offiicals certainly hope freakish athlete Diaby is a part of that.

Diaby told Joe that things are coming quickly.

“I definitely feel like my speed has adjusted to the new NFL. You feel me?” Diaby said. “I’m just happy that I’m the guy that I expected to be in this league, and I’m just taking it day by day.”

Diaby clarified to say he hasn’t hit a road block yet and feels he’s been showing very well in camp.

A guy helping Diaby reach his potential is Bucs sacks king Shaq Barrett. He was home with family and rehabbing nearly all spring, but Shaq already has made an impact on the rookie.

“The guy knows it all. Like he’s teaching me my approach to a tackle,” Diaby said of Shaq. “He’s teaching my my alignment and where I need to be to a tackle, and different things working my hands. Shaq has been ‘the guy’ for me.”

The big tests for Diaby are coming soon — when pads come on next week and real football begins.

21 Responses to “YaYa Diaby Talks Speed, Shaq Barrett Lessons”

  1. Dooley Says:

    Shaq has to teach Diaby that dead leg move he’s been using to freeze and counter OTs the last few seasons.

  2. Boss Says:

    we will finally get a rush from the edge this year!

    I still, even if we have a top 5 defense, have zero confidence bowels can put together a winning season.

  3. stpetebucfan Says:

    Shaq Barrett was already the guy I was rooting for the most this season because of his long rehab and of course his off season tragedy.

    To see him working with a guy out to get his job is amazing. This is the essence of a team player!!!

  4. Dew Says:

    Joe what is schedule for the next week?

  5. firethecannons Says:

    YaYa Diaby reminds of a young crazy minded athletic JPP

  6. Austin Says:

    Man if yaya is that guy then we’re set, still wanna get Carl back though, then our line is A+

  7. Fred McNeil Says:

    Firethecannons, yanno…that sounds just about right. I thought Diaby reminded me of someone.

  8. Destinjohnny Says:

    its really cool trying to see a late round guy try and stick to a roster. hope he make the team

  9. Obvious Says:


    3rd round late pick? You might be thinking of the other guy that was picked in the 6th round.
    Yaya was pick number 82.. Third round
    Jose Ramirez was our last pick number 196 6th round d OLB

  10. Lakeland Steve Says:

    That’s great to hear the confidence he has, but they aren’t even in pads yet let alone his first game. I will be interested to hear how he feels about the speed of the game when he plays his first NFL game.

  11. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Let’s see if he feels the same way after a couple of weeks in pads

  12. Esteban85 Says:

    Love this draft pick. This guy had the speed and the numbers albeit one year of production, the dude had better numbers and speed than most of the first and second round edge rushers. YaYa has size and speed and hopefully Shaq instills the smarts and the dedication to his craft. This draft will pan out I think as long as Mauch doesn’t turn out to be a flop.

  13. Sly Pirate Says:


    Shaq was an undrafted rookie out of CO State. Vaughn Miller took him under his wing and schooled him in the art of pass rush. Shaq got his bag and is now passing on the art of the pass rush to the next gen.

    NFL players don’t often do this for younger guys because they can replace you. Shaq wasn’t supposed to have NFL success. He probably appreciates what Vaughn did for him and is paying it forward. That’s a cool legacy.

  14. D-Rok Says:

    ^^^ Agree, Sly. Shaq is a classy teammate and player, and a heck of an athlete himself. Let’s hope his tutelage on the young protege pays dividends.

  15. Dooley Says:

    Agree w/Sly & D-Rok

    Each one teach one is the way to go

  16. Mike Johnson Says:

    Git your Ya Ya out. I think he’s gonna be a good’en.

  17. Statguy Says:

    Shaq always gave most credit for success to former Steelers LB Joey Porter whom was his college coach.

  18. SB~LV Says:

    Gotta real football player there !

  19. Buccos Says:

    Shaq is a class act

  20. unbelievable Says:

    *Von Miller

    Super cool to hear about Shaq. Hope he heals up and come come back strong!. I like the idea of Shaq, Ya Ya, Vita and the Kanceyman all rushing all coming after the QB…

  21. garro Says:

    Impressed By Shaq taking the rookie under his wing!
    Little things like this sometimes have a way of helping everyone,
    You are the man Shaq!

    Go Bucs!