Tristan Wirfs Ranked No. 98 In NFL Network Top-100

July 24th, 2023

Bucs right tackle turned left tackle Tristan Wirfs.

This is what happens when you miss four games with injuries and your team is miserable at running the football.

The respect given to the Buccaneers’ best offensive lineman faded last season. Right tackle Tristan Wirfs didn’t make first-team All-Pro after earning that honor for the 2021 campaign, and now he’s fallen 57 spots on the NFL Network Top-1oo Players of 2023 list.

The annual feature began today and players ranked 91-100 were released. Wirfs checked in at No. 98 after being No. 41 last summer.

Per NFL Network, player voting determines the rankings. It’s been stated on NFL Network previously that starters on teams are given ballots and, of course, not all fill them out. In past years, NFL Network has reported it gets about 20 votes per team.

Ironically, the feature segment on Wirfs opens with a producer asking him why he’s a top-100 player. Wirfs paused and struggled to answer. Then he later said he’s worthy because he’s a pretty good pass blocker.

Humble guy Wirfs is. He may be the best pass blocking tackle in the NFL.

Run blocking? Joe can’t give Wirfs an elite grade. Heck, earlier this offseason Wirfs said he entered the league as a beastly run blocker but became better at pass blocking than run blocking.

Saints guard Cesar Ruiz was the only Bucs opponent quoted on the Wirfs feature. He talked about Wirfs being “really good at being in the right position … with great hands, stature, powerful guy.”

The only thing Joe learned/re-learned about Wirfs was that he has a cool “FEAR NONE” tattoo on his right arm.

29 Responses to “Tristan Wirfs Ranked No. 98 In NFL Network Top-100”

  1. Lt. Dan Says:

    Gross injustice. But at the end of the don’t matter. We know what he have in Wirfs.

  2. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Bucfan1988

    I thought the same…

    Either the Bucs are getting ready to announce a free agent signing (hopefully a running back).

    Or there is something going on behind the scenes with Banks – like off the field issues…

    We will probably find out soon.

  3. Beej Says:

    Wirfs probably wouldn’t SAY anything, but I’ll bet he’s furious, which is good for Bucdom

  4. SlyPirate Says:

    Bucfan1988 Reports: JEREMY BANKS CUT?!!!
    Ugh. All world talent. Hopefully they are just making room and plan to bring him back.

    Wirfs is Awesome.
    He’d Start on Every Team in the NFL.
    Don’t care about these types of lists.

  5. Hodad Says:

    Oh we’re going to see Wirfs do some run blocking this year. The league is going to find out how it feels to have Wirfs baring down on some poor bastard. This is going to be fun.

  6. Rod Munch Says:

    Chicago lead the league in rushing last year, and ended up with the #1 pick.

    You guys know it’s not 1972 anymore, right?

    Who cares about running the football, there’s a reason no one pays RBs, yet a 3rd string WR gets $10m a year.

  7. Rod Munch Says:

    Wirfs gave up one sack last year, while playing a injured quite a bit. Wirfs was clearly not 100% and had his worst year, yet still was the best RT in football. That’s saying something.

  8. Leighroy Says:

    That’s great that Ruiz praised Whirfs, but is he really looking at film if the opposing OL? Dear producers on NFL network, I’d rather hear from players’ TRUE opponents, you know the guys they actually line up against. What is cam Jordans opinion I wonder…

  9. DBS Says:

    Rankings and ratings give these people something to do. The season is history and way past time to move on. A new season is starting. Time to just look forward.

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    Did you see that Tom Brady is now dating a Russian spy! Maybe the Glazers can smuggle a few rubles to Putin so he’ll order Shayk to use her skills as a master manipulator to get him to come back to the Buccaneers.

  11. J Says:

    The way we telegraphed the run I don’t blame him for saying he’s a better pass blocker.

  12. Zzbucs Says:

    Hahhahaha bunch of jockers … NFL channel are leaders in US comedy with Florio and ESPN

  13. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Rod

    The only way this team wins in 2023 is to have a top 5 defense, a top 10 running game and a top 10 special teams unit.

    If you haven’t noticed – Tom Brady has left the building.

    Without a running game there is no play-action pass.

    Without a successful play-action pass there won’t be many passing yards.

    Without these components there will be a ton of 3 and outs.

    Without any sustained drives our defense will be worn out by the 3rd quarter.

    Without a healthy and happy defense you can’t stop your opponent from scoring.

    It’s the circle of a Buc’s life this season buddy…

    A post Brady Buc life.

    Go Bucs!!!

  14. Fansince76 Says:

    Disgusting, Wirf’s is freakin way better than the 98th player in the league.
    All these lists are bullsh-t anyways, thank god training camps and preseason is starting up. I pay zero attention to all these stupid lists.

  15. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    A real shame about Banks, who had all the talent in the world. He also had problems in College at Tennessee.

  16. Mike S Says:

    So I watched a clip today Rich Eisen interviewing Godwin. Rich pushed him on Mayfield and Godwin says TALK IS CHEAP.

    What does that tell ya? One guy is talking and the other guy is working.

    Let the Kyle Trask era begin.

  17. Beej Says:

    Just read (elsewhere) we signed Gholston

  18. Fred McNeil Says:

    Rodmunch, how on earth did you determine that Brady’s latest love interest is a Russian spy?
    As for Banks…I had reserved high hopes for him, but upon his college arrest he sort of revealed himself as being a crybaby I had high hopes once. Apparently the BUCS gave up on him. Se la vie.

  19. Rod Munch Says:

    Beej – that’s great! I’m pretty shocked they figured out a way to afford it, but good for both sides. The Bucs will actually have good defensive line depth for the first time in a very long time.

  20. Rod Munch Says:

    Fred McNeil Says:
    July 24th, 2023 at 7:36 pm
    Rodmunch, how on earth did you determine that Brady’s latest love interest is a Russian spy?


    How exactly do you think Russian supermodels are made? You think they’re born by normal people? No, they’re scientifically engineered and created by Russian cold war scientists and they carry the seeds of Stalin. WOW, I can’t believe I even need to explain that, even knows that.

  21. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Beej explains Banks getting cut.

  22. SOEbuc Says:

    These numbers are based on splash players and not the most important players in the trenches on both offense and defense. Might as well be a Madden ranking.

  23. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Bucfan1988

    “Either the Bucs are getting ready to announce a free agent signing (hopefully a running back).”

    Well – I was both right and wrong…

    The Bucs just signed free agent DT – Will Gholston today.

    I like the move. Cheap. Experienced and healthy.

    Maybe Logan Hall isn’t developing as well as our GM was hoping…

  24. John Says:

    William Gholston is back!!!

  25. unbelievable Says:

    Ooof. Big drop for the big guy.

  26. CleanHouse Says:

    good, maybe he’ll stop reading his own press and focus in on being truly great

  27. Miller5252 Says:

    I wonder what White is going to say if he doesn’t even make the top 100 list? If Wirfs barely made it, you know there isn’t going to be another Buc on the list. Evans and David will get the hose as usual and White will be asking for $120 mil contract because he had one great run in the post season. I can’t wait for the Bucs to have a winning season and get at least 1 win in the post season…. Evans and David will both have monster years!

  28. garro Says:

    Sooo done with rankings!

    Go Bucs!

  29. adam from ny Says:

    might be time for wirfs to carry a tree on his back and jump up and out of the pool simultaneously………

    so they know what’s up !