Plenty Of Available Bucs Tickets

June 20th, 2023

Joe thinks there is a silver lining here.

Want home-opener tickets for the Bucs-Bears game on Sunday, Sept. 17? No problem.

There are loads of available seats via Ticketmaster, the Buccaneers’ official ticket sales portal. Even the “cheap seats” are for sale starting at $124.00 plus fees. These are not resale tickets.

Monday night against the Eagles the following week? Plenty of seats. Just like for opening day (except double the price) fans can buy a never-purchased, last-row cheap seat in the upper deck. But this time the cost for one is $250.00 plus fees.

Not big on the Team Glazer price gouging? Then shop the Bucs-Falcons game on Oct. 22 at a more reasonable $70.00 apiece plus fees for parts of the upper deck.

The “silver lining” referenced earlier is maybe, just maybe, all this ticket availability means the Bucs will hearken back to the pre-Brady years and open training camp dates to the general public.

28 Responses to “Plenty Of Available Bucs Tickets”

  1. kyle Says:

    no thanks!! ill be happy to sit in my ac with my private bathroom. Fridge full of beer and wings cooking on the grill! also, no ahole drunk kids to deal with at the stadium!! go sunday ticket!!

  2. Bucsfan13 Says:

    Glazer’s cash cow is gone. As a long time season ticket holder, the Glazers did us wrong, and I won’t forget it. He gave the big middle finger to those who supported this team pre Brady days. I lived through the lost decade, and still supported this team every week. They also haven’t listed any open practice dates.

  3. Buc4evr Says:

    Sounds good to me. I will be able to pick up tickets cheap in the parking lots the day of the game.

  4. Oneilbuc Says:

    That’s how you know it’s not a real quarterback competition they are promoting Baker Mayfield to sale tickets. That’s why Joe and all the other bucs sites are making excuses for Baker Mayfield being a his 4th team in 6 years. That’s why we never heard about Baker Mayfield ints all camp. That’s why every bucs sites is anti Kyle Trask. That’s why I think they’re reports ain’t all true and they know that the fans can’t see what’s going on. So I know we ain’t never going to hear about Baker Mayfield ints and I really don’t care who the quarterback will be I will still be rooting for my bucs to win!!

  5. Bee Says:

    Who wants to pay to watch Baker Mayfield? Lol…nah, I’ll stream it on my Superbox at home and watch him ruin my favorite team for free.

  6. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    These are the types of comments that make other teams fans point and laugh at Bucs fans. Complete whiners. Go be Dolphin fans or something.

  7. Bee Says:

    I get it. You’re happy and more than willing to spend your hard earned money to watch Baker Mayfield. I’m not. I’m not whining just stating my opinion. If he starts the season is cooked based on what he’s done his whole career. Why pay for that? Lol

  8. Steven007 Says:

    4ever, Good luck with that. Like most teams, the Bucs went to an electronic seating system a few years ago. Got to have the ticket on your phone. Have fun trying to negotiate that type of transaction in the parking lot on game day.

  9. Buc4evr Says:

    Steven007, ugh that’s not good. Guess I’ll continue to watch from home. Lol..

  10. TB2023 Says:

    Please give O’Neil a Bromosa.

  11. Mike Johnson Says:

    My dad says in the good ole daze, Winn Dixie use to give out 2 free tickets to the Bucs game with a 25 dollar purchase. Thats when they had those no or one win seasons. I suspect there will be a plethora of empty seats if Mayfield and the Bucs go south early. Might get real ugly.

  12. Biff Barker Says:

    For many, disposable income has been eaten up by cost of living and inflation. Both game ticket and game day expenses adds up.
    It’s getting pretty pricey to check the family outing box.
    Its one thing if we were really good. Frankly, I don’t see it. Hope I’m wrong.

  13. Bucsfan13 Says:

    @Oneil. I completely agree. The team is pushing Baker hard. You have the whole corny “Baker Bay.” The QB competition is a farce. I’m actually offended they’re insulting my intelligence.

  14. Ra'Shad Says:

    With that being said, I will make my way back to Tampa for a home game again. Pre Brady, I was able to get tickets day of the game, lower level for $120.00. Seems like those prices will be back this season.

  15. Delusional Intelligence Says:

    Photo on this post, came out of the archive. I’m not sure even Raheem could help them sell tickets at those prices. How much will beer be this year? I shudder to think.

  16. Rand Says:

    If their ticket sales are going to be low this year and instead of playing at 60% plus capacity why don’t they give free seats to all active service personnel. If anything they’ll help with concession sales and it saves a little face for the franchise.

  17. fwfan Says:

    These negative comments surprise me. Most fans expect a championship this year. Curious why that is not translating into ticket sales.

  18. Mike C Says:

    For the “I will just watch it at home crowd ” life is about having experiences, sitting at home is NOT the same experience as being at the game, if you always want a happy ending go see a movie, the gamble and fun of the NFL is the Thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. I will be at the game having a blast win or lose

  19. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    We let ares go after 14 years after being told we were too loud multiple times last year

  20. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Lest we forget those culverhouse years?
    The glazers are like a fresh cool batch of honey dew vine water on a hot summer day compared to mr culver houses antics.
    Heck, I can remember having no condiments for a frozen freeze dried hot dawg…
    If any dawgs were even left… jeez
    Even endzone cheapies sold around 10$ a piece back in the day, a dollar then was worth about 10 these days…
    All things considered, these owners are marvelous compared to the ex. Imo.

  21. Mike C Says:

    That is said Jeff’s grandpa, we need more peoplelike you, come over to section 120 we got you!

  22. Wayne perez Says:

    Me to Mike c screw all the negative Nellie idiots

  23. RustyRhinos Says:

    I may Make it to a Tampa game then, YAY ME!! I will be at the ATL game. Be at the BUC tailgate party there. In DEC. Ready to watch us SWEEP the NFC SOUTH.


  24. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    They need to make watching at home better. It’s free. They are welcome to upgrade the size of my 3D tv.

  25. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Oneilbuc Says
    “That’s how you know it’s not a real quarterback competition they are promoting Baker Mayfield to sale tickets. That’s why Joe and all the other bucs sites are making excuses for Baker Mayfield being a his 4th team in 6 years. That’s why we never heard about Baker Mayfield ints all camp. That’s why every bucs sites is anti Kyle Trask. That’s why I think they’re reports ain’t all true and they know that the fans can’t see what’s going on. So I know we ain’t never going to hear about Baker Mayfield ints and I really don’t care who the quarterback will be I will still be rooting for my bucs to win!!”

    You had me up until that point…but then you went off the deep end.

    Joe would never deceive us like that. Also…he HAS mentioned Mayfield picks multiple times in his notes.

    I can see Joe is leaning toward Mayfield…but he’s a fan, that’s fine. But he isn’t covering anything up.

  26. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Everyone knows this season won’t be pretty, so I suppose poor ticket sales are to be expected.

    That will change if the Bucs consistently win this year…you know…more than 40% of their games under Mayfield’s leadership.

    Personally, I’m hoping for 10 wins or no wins THIS year. One or the other. No middle ground.

  27. Oneilbuc Says:

    Bonzai . It’s only one of the Joes I’m talking about and I haven’t read on pick that Baker Mayfield threw . I read about some of his incompletes but not picks and to be honest I don’t care who the quarterback is and I will support either guy once the season starts but I don’t have no confidence in Baker Mayfield at all and I was a Baker Mayfield guy because the media hated him so much and that’s how a of players careers gets ruined because of the media local and especially national . They bash some of these guys because they act like how the media wants them to act so every lost is their fault and it’s crazy how fan bases believe them . But when the media love a guy and the team lose than it’s the team fault not the player . So that’s why I was a Baker Mayfield guy until what I saw last year. And how many players gets excuses for playing on 4 teams in 6 years ? And I still haven’t heard no bucs out let used the word bust toward Baker Mayfield!!

  28. shankasorous Says:

    Looks like Moxie Mayfield ain’t selling.