Gerald McCoy Hanging With Youngsters

June 29th, 2010

gerald mccoy0629While at the NFL rookie symposium this week, Bucs rookie defensive tackle Gerald McCoy decided to try to motivate a bunch of kids at the rookie symposium barbecue.

Basically McCoy is just talking to various kids in this NFL Network video and laments how he couldn’t play on a trampoline when he was little.

This aforementioned video will allow some of Joe’s readers who have decided to foolishly subject themselves to the onerous Out House Networks syndicate to reacquaint themselves with the highly underrated Stacey Dales.

7 Responses to “Gerald McCoy Hanging With Youngsters”

  1. RastaMon Says:

    OK…..stop with the stupid picture…give the man simple decency

  2. admin Says:

    Joe here,

    RastaMon – This photo was put out on Twitter by McCoy himself. It’s funny, and it really doesn’t put him in a bad light. ..>When he sacks somebody and points to the Bucs faithful, Joe will be sure to run that photo over and over again.

  3. Capt.Tim Says:

    I like this guy, doesn’t seem to take himself too seriously, and is actually pretty funny! Can’t wait to see him blowing up backfields this year! And I betcha he is gonna be a people person, and really fan friendly! Bet Qbs will hate him, though:)

  4. BigMacAttack Says:

    GMC is one big bad MotherF@@@er. I think he will be good and in a couple years of weights, age and experience should be one of the best. Just a hunch. I understand why the Bucs drafted him. His personality is contagious and should make the whole defense better. Freeman is the Leader of the Offense and GMC will be the leader of the Defense.

  5. Capt.Tim Says:

    EXACTLY!! The future is really starting ta look good! How Long has it been since we could say that, buddy! To damn long!!

  6. Formerbuc Says:

    I gotta give out some love to ya on the fact that you still appear to be the ONLY bay area news source to break the fact that Warren came to Tampa and tutored GMC in Tampa. At least from what I have seen thus far, non of the other “experts’ have even made mention of it. Keep diggin Joe! good work!

  7. Joe Says:


    You are welcome. Thanks for the kind words. Joe will continue to dig to bring some cool stories to Bucs fans.