Freeman The Teacher Working Nights

May 18th, 2010

It’s not quite the story of Peyton Manning regularly driving three hours to tutor Pierre Garcon when the newly drafted Colts receiver couldn’t attend OTAs because of league rules.

But the St. Pete Times report of Josh Freeman driving from his million-dollar South Tampa home to work with Bucs rookie receivers at their hotel last night is still pretty cool.

It seems Freeman wants more precision during OTAs.

And he has influenced his teammates to take on a similar work ethic, urging them to come to conditioning workouts and to work independently of coaches on passing drills during the past two months.

Freeman planned to visit offensive rookies at their hotel Monday night to go over the script of today’s practice, helping the young players grasp the scheme.

Kudos to Freeman for setting the bar very high — in May.

Joe hopes Freeman stopped at Greg Olson’s house on the way home and reminded him the Bucs need to run the damn ball.

33 Responses to “Freeman The Teacher Working Nights”

  1. Steve from Oregon Says:

    Regardless of whether or not Freeman ends up being the next great quarterback, you have go to love the fact that this guy truly loves the game of football and understands what is needed and expected of a quarterback at such a young age and it did not require him going through some low point to get there (see Vince Young, Jarmarcus).

    I’m routing for you Josh!!!

  2. Phil a '76 Buc Says:

    I echo Steve’s remarks, but Josh I’m rooting for you.

  3. MVPFreeman Says:


    I am astonished you have not written anything about Sabby the goat lineing up with the 1st team defense yet!

    If there is one thing that every Buccaneer fan can agree on its that Sabby can not be allowed to start next season. I will be pissed if Sean Jones, one of our three FA signings, plays BEHIND Sabby Pisspooritilii!!

  4. bucfanjeff Says:

    Where are the Freeman haters now? Silence is golden. I know, he hasn’t proven anything, but what he has done you would hope and expect from every football player. If you didn’t like the Freeman pick before and still don’t like him now, you have issues. I own a Freeman jersey, worth every penny.

  5. MVPFreeman Says:

    ….Im rooting for Josh too, obviously. Go Bucs!

  6. MVPFreeman Says:

    I second everything bucfanjeff said.

  7. Steve from Oregon Says:

    Rooting for you Josh…missed that one on spell check..thanks Phil;)

  8. Eric Says:

    Good thing Brees and Ryan are gettin fat and drunk on Bourbon and Peach streets while Freeman is teaching rookies Olsen’s system and stuff.

    After all. Only the bucs are “workin hard” with the dream, by gosh.



  9. d-money Says:


    Seriously. Why are you a Bucs Fan? You obviously have nothing but disdain for the entire orginization, the coaches and every player, except conveniently the palyers who get cut and then they are your favorites.

    You can find something negative about every post.

    It didn’t say he was teaching Olsen’s system it said he was going over the script of practice. So that they won’t be confused about what they are supposed to be doing and when and can spend more time focused on learning the system.

  10. oar Says:

    Not a “hater” but “uncertain” here,
    “but what he has done you would hope and expect from every football player. ” Exactly, but some of you are surprised he is doing these things? These are things I would expect a rookie that wants to excell in the NFL to do. But, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he is doing them and wants to be that franchise QB we never had.

  11. bucfanjeff Says:

    oar, nobody posting on this article sounds surprised. Only glad to hear he is going above and beyond, as he should, as everyone should.

  12. TJ Says:

    agree with Joe if we run the ball well freman will do well

  13. oar Says:

    Maybe not this particluar article, but some of you sure sound surprised at some of the other offseason things he’s been doing in other related articles.

  14. d-money Says:


    Not surprised just excited that we finally have a QB that is willing to do whatever it takes to be good at his job.

    It’s something that I think the we would all expect someone in that position to do but unfortunately it doesn’t always happen.

  15. oar Says:

    D-money, I guess I read too much into these posts sometimes? I don’t think all of you do, just some.
    And also agree with your last sentence, especially with as much money as some of these rookies make!

  16. RahDomDaBest Says:

    When Freeman throws more TDs than INTs, it will be an improvement. (He really needs to get to a point of 4-1 or 3-1 ratio)

    When Freeman converts on 3rd down more often and doesn’t run off the field smiling, it will be an improvement.

    Right now, he is doing his job.

    His work put in may reflect his results. It’s on him. He needs to prove to every Buc fan that he is a successful NFL QB and eventually a winner.

  17. Joe Says:


    Sabby didn’t line up as a starter today, so Joe has learned.

  18. Eric Says:

    I wonder if he ever actually went to the Hotel to meet with the rookies.

    Surely there is another sappy feel good story from the Times on the actual event, and more follow up from the Dream on how great it all is. Don’t let us down Times!

    Who brought the ice? Did they watch any HBO? How long did he stay? Did they order a pizza?

  19. Louie Says:

    Don’t forget the strippers!

  20. JimBuc Says:

    eric = angry pot stirrer

  21. Eric Says:


    Not angry, just a little satirical is all.

  22. JimBuc Says:

    one man’s satire is another man’s anger. J/k

  23. MVPFreeman Says:


    Really? Thats good to know. Thanks.

  24. MVPFreeman Says:

    “I wonder if he ever actually went to the Hotel to meet with the rookies.

    Surely there is another sappy feel good story from the Times on the actual event, and more follow up from the Dream on how great it all is. Don’t let us down Times!

    Who brought the ice? Did they watch any HBO? How long did he stay? Did they order a pizza?”



  25. Radio Mushmouth Says:

    Freeman’s new moniker:

    “Beast in waiting “

  26. BigMacAttack Says:

    Good one Mushmouth !

    Joe hopes Freeman stopped at Greg Olson’s house on the way home and reminded him the Bucs need to run the damn ball.

    Good one Joe!

    You guys are on a roll.

  27. Eric Says:


    Who are you, Chairman Mao?

  28. Pruritis Ani Says:

    Agree they need to run the ball more for Freeman to have a chance. However, I m not sure the current RB’s give him the consistency he would need.

  29. Vince Says:

    Pound the rock!!

  30. oar Says:

    One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
    Or one man’s hero is another man’s villian.

    Besides, I thought sarcasm was the second cousin of anger. (per Dr Buddy Rydell)

  31. Eric Says:


    Nice work, man.

    But don’t you think some of these fluffy feel good stories are a bit much from a 3-13 team?

  32. Hosstyle in Tampa Says:

    The world needs more “eric” like it needs more child molesters….

  33. oar Says:

    Eric, Yes I do agree and don’t get me wrong, I love me some sarcasm! Just look at my “work”, as Jimbuc says.