“I Wasn’t Going To Be One Of Those Guys On The Outside Trying To Impact Him”

April 1st, 2022

Bucs fans have heard plenty of stories tied to Tom Brady’s retirement/unretirement.

Joe liked how Peyton Manning said he wants Brady to return the heartfelt letter and parting gift he sent him.

And then there’s Mike Evans missing the unretirement clues.

(Joe wonders if any Brady teammate actually sent him a glad-you’re-gone note. Hey, with dozens of teammates, you’re sure to have at least one guy who doesn’t like you.)

Bucco Bruce Arians has talked about playfully needling Brady to come back and play during his brief retirement. And Joe is confident a handful of teammates respectfully poked The Goat about giving it another go in 2022.

Stud Bucs receiver Chris Godwin told SiriusXM NFL Radio this week that he was not going to be another chirping voice in Brady’s ear trying to talk him out of retirement.

“I wasn’t going to be one of those guys on the outside trying to impact him.” Godwin said.

Asked about the Brady factor in him re-signing with the Bucs, Godwin said it was major. “Tom definitely played a big role in that but he’s not the only factor.” Godwin also went on to reference his relationship with Mike Evans and “guys on the team” and how much he and his wife enjoy Tampa as reasons he wanted to re-sign.

Joe found it a little odd that Godwin didn’t mention coaches, specific or in general.

14 Responses to ““I Wasn’t Going To Be One Of Those Guys On The Outside Trying To Impact Him””

  1. WVBuc Says:

    Godwin is a mercenary. He’ll take the highest dollar offer over team as we’ve seen. It’s a crime he is making about $7 million more per season than Mike Evans. But that’s the difference between a loyal team player and a mercenary. Evans will get paid because Licht will honor what he’s done for the team but he may never get what he would be worth if he was like Godwin. That is the difference between a guy who mentions coaches and franchise and one who doesn’t. As a fan, I appreciate Godwin and his contributions to the team but I love what Evans does.

  2. DarenGibo Says:

    Godwin a mercenary? He hasn’t even met with other teams during FA has he? Has he and agent negotiated to make money? Yeah. But mercenary? I think that is new buzz word around here and it doesn’t fit here.

  3. WillieG Says:

    “Joe wonders if any Brady teammate actually sent him a glad-you’re-gone note.”

    I’m guessing maybe Scotty Miller?

  4. Ash Says:

    I guess the entire league is a mercenary geez he got paid what he got which happens to be more than Evans because that’s what the market was when he got his deal and if you look around the league at what other wr got paid it’s still kind of a deal.

  5. PSL Bob Says:

    Daren, what the hell did you have for breakfast. Chill out man! Godwin is one of the most humble and team oriented players on the team.

  6. Razor Ramone Says:

    Godwin is no mercenary.

  7. ocala Says:


    What the heck are you talking about?
    I am guessing you are joking, but if not what the heck are you talking about?

  8. JimbobBucsFan Says:

    There are many alternate universes among fans. We each see the same individuals or the same situations in a different light. I guess there would be no debate within out fandom otherwise. That’s why I hang around at JBF.

    Go Bucs!

  9. TBChucky Says:

    Godwin loves being a Buc.. Dude is coming off a significant injury.. You can’t blame him for trying to get paid while he can..

  10. Anonymous Says:

    I’ve tried to explain previously that generally players don’t care who the head coach is unless he is just a complete A-hole. Most of your time is spent with your position Coach not the Head Coach. I’m speaking from personal knowledge, the biggest factors in where players go is where they can make the most money, get the most playing time, and do you like the off the field things a given city offers. For instance the Packers could have a great QB, Head Coach, and chance of winning, but not many free agents who don’t have family in the Midwest want to live in a cold small market town that is not ethnically diverse. Most would take equal or less money to play in Vegas, California, Florida, etc. for a lesser team and coach if the money is comparable.

  11. 1sparkybuc Says:

    If Godwin was a mercenary he would have a much larger contract with another team right now, even with his injury. The poverty issue in West Virginia is as much an educational situation as it is financial.

  12. orlbucfan Says:

    CG14 is a mercenary???? Seriously???? Go ask ME(future HOF)13! Better yet, go get a dictionary and look the word up, WVBoob!

  13. Devin J DiPalma Says:

    Calling Godwin a mercenary after he signed a team friendly deal??? Wtf?

  14. Bush's Coke Spoon Says:


    Quoting Bugs: “What a maroon.”