Couple Of Interesting Notes About Snap Counts

January 4th, 2022

Have you seen this man?

Joe was looking at the snap counts in the win over the Jets on Sunday and a couple of things jumped out.

The first is, what’s going on with Scotty Miller? Joe knows he was hurt most of the year because of a turf toe, but he’s been on the active roster for a few weeks and his absence on the field is striking to Joe.

Last year Miller was used as sort of a designated bomb target. And it worked. He had a beautiful catch against the Raiders, and who will ever forget his bomb from Tom Brady right before halftime of the NFC Championship game?

This year? Miller has been pretty much forgotten. He had the fewest snaps Sunday (four) along with Ryan Succop and backup offensive lineman Robert Hainsey.

With all the injuries to Bucs receivers, and with one quitting on the team in the third quarter, how many offensive snaps did Miller log against the Jets? Goose egg! All four of the snaps Miller played were on special teams.

Is Miller in Arians’ doghouse? If he’s hurt, Joe suspects he wouldn’t be playing special teams; he would be inactive. The only play Joe can remember Miller making this year was a fumble recovery on a punt at Indianapolis.

Then there is O.J. Howard. The vanishing tight end is back to losing snaps. Beginning in November, Howard’s playing time began to drip, drip, drip away from 20 snaps against the Giants trickling down to five, some three weeks ago against Buffalo (in an overtime game).

Then last week Howard logged 24 snaps, or 36 percent. Then Sunday, back down to 10.

Joe was more than willing to give Howard the benefit of the doubt for recovering from his Achilles surgery 15 months ago. That’s a major injury. But Howard is regressing, not progressing, so Joe cannot just point to Howard’s injury as the root cause for little playing time.

Joe suspects we are in the final weeks of Howard’s Bucs days.

43 Responses to “Couple Of Interesting Notes About Snap Counts”

  1. Bird Says:

    Since howard has 0 stats almost the entire year, opposing teams will not expect the ball to go to him in crucial playoff games.

    Cmon …write up a few beauties for him.
    They will never see it coming

  2. Tim in PSL Says:

    Could be the same for Miller. He could be going the way of Adam Humphries.

  3. BuccaneerButters Says:

    The only thing I can think of is maybe his injury is slowing him down and he’s not able to get separation as easily. Plus when he’s out there, it’s kind of like a big flashing, neon sign saying “The Bucs are throwing deep!!”

    Not to mention apparently we’ve seen a lot of shell defenses that take away the deep ball. Could be a combo of all those factors.

  4. Beeej Says:

    The only explanation for Miller is he doesn’t have his speed back, which is his only arrow in the quiver

  5. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Miller is a one trick pony……when you have speed like Grayson & Perriman, you don’t need Miller…..and, even though it’s a project, I suspect Darden is being groomed for Miller’s spot.
    Justin Watson is a very good special teams player and that is what has saved a roster spot for him…..he can still play WR & I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he is used there sparingly.
    Even when OJ is in the game, he is not targeted.

    With the aged of Brate & Gronk….don’t be a bit surprised if we draft a TE…..

  6. Craig Says:

    Maybe a hidden weapon. Get Grayson and Johnson going, confuse everyone else, then slip Scotty in.

  7. HC Grover Says:

    He and Darden are too short. Howard is just another wasted top pick along with Plan 9. We do much better with the Over the Hill gang.

  8. Christina Says:

    Hey Joe, have you heard any news on vet workouts this week? TO is saying he would like a chance to show he’s still got it, what do you think will happen, if anything? We can’t expect to go into Lambo w/ psquad guys and be successful.

  9. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Let me start a violent debate. I am a HUGE fan of BA!!!

    BA gets the most out of the roster and he’s very blunt. People were trying to diss him yesterday for AB’s foolishness and some idjits actually tried to pin what sadly is AB’s mental illness on BA adding that the players don’t like him, he’s out of touch riding around on a golf cart. B FREAKING S!!!

    I googled yesterday and immediately found links about how BA is a players coach because he’s blunt and honest and FAIR…he’s absolutely not a racist…he has women on his coaching staff.

    I’m the resident old hippie I guess but really BA is the total package. Englightened yet still “old school” enough to not take any BS from prima donnas. He largely treats everybody the same with the obvious exception of TB12 who deserves any deferenece he gets as the GOAT.

    So back to this topic SNAPS. BA puts it all up front. I’m not even on the team and I get it. When I hear him praise Grayson and instead of his natural speed advantage BA talks about his WORK ethic and EMPHASIS that Grayson will actually block downfield.

    That explains OJ in my mind. Marvelous athlete…good hands..speed…BUT…he’s the opposite of physical…I let you guys select the proper shade. OJ gets no reps because he won’t do the dirty work to EARN those reps. In BA’s mind if Hines Ward and Larry Fitzgerald and Chris Godwin can block ALL receivers should block and Tight ends that can’t block are like balls on a priest or boobs on a nun.

    As for Scottie. His major asset wasn’t just speed…he had that kind of extra gear speed that helped facilitate the great GB catch. He had burst. He’s still fast but perhaps he lacks that burst that gets the step on the DB.

  10. Adrnagy Says:

    There is going to a time in a game when oj and miller will be call and both will give the middle finger to arians.

  11. Youngbucs Says:

    Adrnagy Says:
    January 4th, 2022 at 9:56 am
    There is going to a time in a game when oj and miller will be call and both will give the middle finger to arians.

    Still mad at arians huh? Two years of winning and undeniable achievements hasn’t cured you? I feel sorry for you lol.

  12. Sarasota Garey Says:

    Scotty is a one trick pony

  13. Mike Says:

    It’s a what have you done for me lately situation. They haven’t produced, so others will get those snaps/opportunities. Just have to be ready when its your time to go and then go out and be productive and get open/make plays. Nothing is given, it must be earned, simple as that.

  14. Joe Says:

    Hey Joe, have you heard any news on vet workouts this week?

    The Bucs generally do not release who they worked out. Agents will tip off the Schefters and Rapoports because that generates buzz for their clients. Terrell Owens? Joe would rather the Bucs bring back Antonio Brown or go get Chad Johnson (LOL) than sign Owens.

  15. Bobby M. Says:

    I think OJ simply doesn’t fit, similar to Alstott in Grudens system. Howard is really just another version of Brate, which Brady and Brate have better chemistry. A former neighbor/Buc once told me blocking is a mentality….Howard looks like he’s disinterested in that role. He’s kind of always had moments where he lacks focus/awareness.

  16. Joe Says:

    Could be the same for Miller. He could be going the way of Adam Humphries.

    No, no, no, no. If Miller was going the way of Humphries he’d have a sh!tload of targets and be leading the team in YAC receiving yards.

    Very bad comparison between Miller and Humphries. Donteea Dye would be a much better comparison.

  17. PSL Bob Says:

    OJ had his chance(s) and just couldn’t do anything with them. No more development time is needed. Clear the roster spot and cap space and let’s move on.

  18. Ed Says:

    Howard hasn’t shown he wants to be a football player. Watch some highlights of Gronk, George Kittle, Travis Kelce, Mark Andrews and Darren Waller.

    Those are football players. Howard isn’t willing to do the dirty work that great tight ends do. He should have lost weight and started his career as a wide receiver.

    He doesn’t play like a tight end should. Not too mention when he was targeted before Brady he had drops and fumbles and had balls go off his hands for interceptions. He has been a disaster and one of the worst first round picks Licht has made in recent memory.

  19. Tim in PSL Says:

    Yes Joe, I totally understand about the targets, catches, role in offense etc, with regards to Miller/Humphries comparison. My only point was simply that Humphries was jettisoned, as may Miller soon be. That’s all.

  20. Listnfrmafar Says:

    This is an easy one. Scotty is a one trick pony and every DC in the NFL will play the Bucs two deep safeties to take away the long ball. It’s happened all season, those sideline streaks to Evan’s are few and far between now. Defenses are playing Bucs different and Scotty doesn’t fit into the new offensive system.

  21. Tim in PSL Says:

    I’ve brought this up before, but what will the plan be going forward regarding a succession plan at TE? Gronk might be here for another year but will undoubtedly miss some time due to his various injuries. I think the decision seems clear with OJ, and Brate may no longer be in any long term plans. All of which leaves us with Darren Fells and Cody McElroy. Picking with a late 1st rounder or with the 2nd rounder, we should get the next starter in house to learn from Gronk and Brate.

  22. Joe Says:

    My only point was simply that Humphries was jettisoned, as may Miller soon be.

    Not sure “jettisoned” is the right word. Better analogy is the Bucs looked elsewhere.

    Licht very much wanted Humphries back and said so publicly. And Joe was told Arians like Humphries but in his offense, Arians needed speed at slot receiver and he thought Godwin was the perfect slot receiver. Humphries isn’t a speed guy. Can’t argue with the results.

    Humphries was a productive receiver for the Bucs and the team liked him. “Jettison” means, basically, he got thrown off the team. That simply isn’t the case. And there is no comparing Miller to Humphries in their skillsets in any way. Miller is a speed guy who ran deep routes. Humphries is more of a possession receiver. Humphries got a nice contract when the Bucs didn’t try to bring him back. Had he still been under contract the Bucs would have kept him.

  23. Bucsfanman Says:

    stpete- Yes man, I’m with you on BA. The culture of the team changed when Arians was hired, FACT.
    Arians has always been a “player’s coach” and is one of the more respected coaches in the league. I find BA to be like my previous director. He will bend over backwards for you so long as you’re truthful and put in the work.
    Lastly, he’s a Hokie. It’s a thing, believe me.

    Snap counts are what they are. Players come and go. Some flash and disappear, others never even make a peep. As Buc fans we have endured YEARS of “potential” players. We cannot win championships based on potential. OJ, Miller, Darden, and whoever, if you can’t produce we don’t need you.

  24. stpetebucsfan Says:


    “Scotty is a one trick pony and every DC in the NFL will play the Bucs two deep safeties to take away the long ball.”

    You have just described NFL Playoff Football!

    They’ll be watching those Evans sideline streaks and Gronk sneaking up the seam…but I ask you this.

    If you were entering a contest in need of a super short passing game to move the chains with enough speed outside to keep those safeties back…who would you rather have than TB12 with the one of the best receiving backs in the league in Bell and another in Fournette who has also worked on his hands and is now also effective out of the backfield. The OL and these two guys are the key.

  25. heyitsadam Says:

    After a pretty bad drop I said out loud “where the hell is Miller?”

    Then on a KR, I saw “10” running and I shouted “THERE HE IS!” like I just found my lost kid in Macy’s.

    I thought he was on his way to becoming the next Welker/Edelman for Brady.

  26. bucsfan951 Says:

    arent defenses playing a ton of cover 2 against the bucs? that pretty much neuters him.

  27. Cobraboy Says:

    I thought Miller’s kryptonite was getting jammed at the LoS, and not getting any separation.

  28. sasquatch Says:

    Tim in PSL Says:
    January 4th, 2022 at 9:13 am

    Could be the same for Miller. He could be going the way of Adam Humphries.

    I don’t see any parallels between Miller and Humphries. Hump was always a productive player who caught everything thrown his way. He would probably be excelling with Tom Brady. They are not even similar in style of play. This is likely just a lazy comparison because they’re both white.

    That said, I hope they can find a way to use Miller’s speed to surprise some people in the playoffs like they did against Green Bay last year.

  29. Listnfrmafar Says:

    Stpete, I do like the Bell, Lenny combo because there is always the threat of a pass. You don’t get that with Rojo. I also agree if Bucs are going to utilize Scotty he should be in motion to maximize his speed, if he still has speed. If not, unfortunately he’s pretty much useless to the team at this point.

  30. Cleanhouse Says:

    I think if they didn’t activate him by a certain date, he would have had to go on IR the rest of the year. He probably wasn’t physically ready but they wanted him for a run and are cheating the system

  31. LongSeason Says:

    I am putting OJ ‘Moe’ Howard down as a major bust. He’s comparable to Jim O’bradovich.

  32. Ash Says:

    @cobraboy that’s exactly what’s wrong with him and his lack of versatility and size once his straight line speed is taken away with the jam there isn’t much else to him

  33. Bob in valrico Says:

    Not even gonna guess what is going on with OJ. There might be a parallel to ASJ. Koetter was making him block to earn his way up the depth chart until he shat all over himself.

  34. Tackleblockwin Says:

    All I can hope for is that maybe, just maybe, OJ and Scotty during playoffs are complete after thoughts of opposing defenses and they make a couple big plays. #WishfulThinking.

  35. David Says:

    OJ definitely should be gone.
    I’m not sure if Miller is going to be around much longer either. He can’t do anything except ago route. Grayson has better speed and is proving to be able to run other routes and is bigger. So at this point, going into next year there is Evans, Godwin, Johnson, Grayson, Perriman, Darden, Miller…. Darden and Miller are going to be fighting for their lives

  36. Bucfan1988 Says:

    One name for our replacement TE next year…

    MIKE GESICKI, free agent!!!!

    Lordy mercy, pair him w a returning Gronk next year then WOWWWW!!!

    I wonder if Miami will franchise him or resign him??

    Dude is a great athlete..
    Brady would love him!!

  37. Cobraboy Says:

    Bell and Fournette *could* make an interesting backfield on passing downs, but Fournette needs to get 100% healthy first.

    I don’t have a lot of faith in Bell’s running the ball at this point.

    Any news on Fournette’s physical condition?

  38. Captain Oblivious Says:

    Aha, so Joe already has a scenario in mind to bring AB back/sarc

    “Joe would rather the Bucs bring back Antonio Brown or go get Chad Johnson (LOL) than sign Owens.”

  39. unbelievable Says:

    Howard runs very few routes when he is in the game. Mostly just used for blocking.

    Is he still recovering? He used to be damn fast, even if he didn’t have the killer instinct to run guys over (besides that 1 time he actually did, lol).

    I do see him wide open at times, but Brady is never really looking his way. Maybe it’s our scheme? Koetter did not use him much either, but he always had a few play schemed where Howard would get wide arse open.

    I would think if Leftwich was the offensive mastermind that some claim he is, then he could figure out some incredible ways to make use of all 3 of our tight ends, in both the running and passing game… but we really haven’t seen that happen.

  40. JimmyJack Says:

    The way I see it Miller has already lost his job to Grayson. Cyril can go deep just like Miller and has been making plays running other routes as well. Grayson is the better player right now and deserves the snaps. Miller might start to get some looks backing up Graydon now that we are thin at WR.

  41. JimmyJack Says:

    And i dont mean to throw any shade on Miller. He was epic last year. His TD before halftime will live in infamy. No matter where his career goes from here I will always be grateful for his major contributions to our SuperBowl season and playoff run.

  42. Wesley Says:

    It’s a shame not to use these weapons.

  43. Buczilla Says:

    Howard was a bad pick and I’m sure Dirk had a lot of influence in him being taken. 2017 was kinda a bad draft as well since players taken both before and after Howard in the first round have flamed out. Miller is tiny by football standards and a one trick pony to boot. I don’t see either being with us for long.