The Sack Bar

June 3rd, 2020

So what must Tristan Wirfs do to improve the Bucs’ passing game?

On the surface, it’s an easy answer.

Demar Dotson played over 1,065 snaps last season and allowed four sacks. Those totals were bellowed on SiriusXM NFL Radio by Pat Kirwan, the former linebackers coach and Jets personnel guy who has access to all kinds of data for his Sunday NFL production job at CBS.

Alex Cappa, per Kirwan, was credited for five sacks alongside Dotson at right guard in 886 snaps. Ryan Jensen? He played every game and allowed just one, per Kirwan, with only two holding calls. Ali Marpet? Same numbers as Jensen. Donovan Smith checked in at 1,075 plays, five sacks, two holding calls and five total penalties. Dotson had 10 total penalties.

That’s 14 sacks on the O-line, but Jameis Winston was sacked 47 times.

It makes you think.

The Bucs, per Kirwan, were the most blitzed team in the NFL last season, a byproduct of teams believing trying to rattle Jameis Winston was a good strategy and trying to capitalize on the Bucs’ long-developing plays and a quarterback who didn’t like to give up on anything.

Brady won’t be blitzed nearly as often, Kirwan believes, because he’ll get rid of the ball quickly as soon as he feels the blitz. “He’ll get off the deep game. He knows the blitzer means there’s a hot receiver and he’ll take it.”

Joe buys what Kirwan is saying, and it’s really the No. 1 reason the Bucs offense will look different this year — because defenses will approach the quarterback much differently.

29 Responses to “The Sack Bar”

  1. DanBucsFan Says:

    It will be fun to watch Brady work. I mean it was fun to see him a few times a year on Sunday/Monday nights, but to see him for a whole season is going to be a treat.

  2. SteveK Says:

    Go Bucs!

    Good insight and hope we get back to playoffs this year.

    I would agree with this take too.

    If 14/47 sacks were on the o-line last year, then what the heck happened out there?

  3. PSL Bob Says:

    Another reason why you need a RB who can pick up the blitz and/or be a sure-handed receiver as a safety valve.

  4. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    If sacks weren’t attributed to an olineman……then it means they were credited with blocking their man long enough to avoid the stat..
    I’d like to know how many sacks were attributed to TEs…….but most of these were due to Jameis slow decision making in getting the ball out.

    It will be an entirely different situation with Brady who was sacked only 27 times in 2019…….20 times less than JW.

  5. Bird Says:

    Been saying it for a while
    Brady can dink /dunk. Find the hot read while others running longer routes.
    And he wont get rattled /. Throw away if need be

    defenses wont try and force brady to beat them Like in years past
    That is suicide.

    I really think this will open the run game

  6. Jimmy Says:

    >>> Demar Dotson played over 1,065 snaps last season and allowed four sacks. Those totals were bellowed on SiriusXM NFL Radio by Pat Kirwan, the former linebackers coach and Jets personnel guy who has access to all kinds of data for his Sunday NFL production job at CBS.

    Alex Cappa, per Kirwan, was credited for five sacks alongside Dotson at right guard in 886 snaps. Ryan Jensen? He played every game and allowed just one, per Kirwan, with only two holding calls. Ali Marpet? Same numbers as Jensen. Donovan Smith checked in at 1,075 plays, five sacks, two holding calls and five total penalties. Dotson had 10 total penalties. <<<

    You think any of the local radio shiitbirds would have football breakdowns like that? Bozos in the morning would rather talk about the Jets and Cardinals, have no clue what the two fools in the afternoon talk about and Beckles would rather talk about his Pro Bowl career and whoever will give him free food. Dumb Diaz thinks a blitz is when he throws his back out lifting weights. No wonder people pay for radio.

  7. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Oh boy, this information is not going to sit well with Rod Muncher’s excuses for JayMiss narrative.

    Anywho…. so glad he’s gone and can’t wait to watch an intelligent QB making great decisions, lead us to victories.

    Go Bucs!

  8. Steven007 Says:

    I guess when Arians kept saying JW was sacking himself, he wasn’t kidding.

  9. Mitch Says:

    Joe have you checked out Strong Opinion Sports film analysis on Tom Brady’s arm and the passing game? Highly recommend to you and anyone else if they haven’t.

  10. David Says:

    Obviously some sacks would be attributed to other lineman who played and tight ends and possibly a running back missing a blitz pick up. But the bottom line is, at least half of 47 sacks are attributed to the quarterback holding onto the damn ball and panicking in the pocket

    As for teams blitzing less and Brady willing to find a hot receiver and dump it off, I’m buying into that as well.
    That is a no brainer.
    Basically, an offense that lit it up last year should have less negative plays and more first downs

  11. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    Perhaps the real reason why the Bucs were the most blitzed team is, the Arians Offense!
    The Arians offense requires the QB to hold the ball for longer then most offenses, giving the blitzers a better chance of getting to the QB.

  12. Joe Says:

    Joe have you checked out Strong Opinion Sports film analysis on Tom Brady’s arm and the passing game?

    Never heard of it so therefore, have never seen their videos. 🙂

  13. mark2001 Says:

    Chris…have you no appreciation for the intellect of the D coordinators? They study every player every offseason, looking for weakness…opportunity. Regardless of the Offense run, they make a living doing that successfully.

    They knew Jameis’s weaknesses…and exploited them. Wouldn’t you?

    And I’ll tell you the difference between great QBs in this league and the rest. When the D’s make those adjustments, the great QB’s make counter adjustments and stay one step ahead of them, until at last, the best that can be done is to keep them from almost single-handedly beating you. Jameis hasn’t figured out how to beat the first D coordinator adjustments, regardless of the system. And may never.

  14. mark2001 Says:

    In other words Chris…as we said in central Ill. decades ago…they have Jameis’s number.

  15. BucDan Says:

    Are these stats to be interpreted as 33 sacks coming from an RB not picking up their assignment?

    If they got the first set of numbers, we should be able to have the second set.

    But many stats will change this upcoming season with Brady under center. The one I am looking forward to the most is Win %.

  16. Mitch Says:

    @Joe if you find the time I think you might enjoy it and get even more excited for Brady this season! The analysis can be found on YouTube. He goes over Brady’s arm strength, the receivers issues, o-line problems, why is completion percentage dropped, and more. I think SOS has done the most well thought out, and well done research of Brady regarding his season last year that I have seen this offseason so far.

  17. Kobe Faker Says:

    “Last year BA told JW to follow exactly what Leftwich says and at 25 years old and 4 years experience, he didnt have enough clout and success in his career to dispute the scheme and plagcalling

    With TB12 over 20 years experience and 6 superbowls, BA is going to tell Leftwich to playcall and scheme exactly what Brady wants”

    Kobe Faker

  18. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    I agree. Here’s hoping the results are better.

  19. Cobraboy Says:

    Longer drives will help the D also.

    Quick strike offenses, while fan favorites, can really tire a D.

  20. Cobraboy Says:

    @Kobe: still fapfapfapping for Jameis Christ, huh?

    Guess what? He’s third-string on an almost minimum contract. Elsewhere.

    Go do some Saint fapping.

  21. Barack's Crack Pipe Says:

    DoooshLaRue Says:
    “Anywho…. ”

  22. Aceofaerospace Says:

    I’m so glad I don’t have to hate Brady anymore. Go Bucs!

  23. Barack's Crack Pipe Says:

    Cobraboy Says:
    “… fapping for Jameis…”

    Trying to come up with something clever to say, but I’m too busy laughing…

  24. Gettinthebucs Says:

    Another bad look for Jameis. 😔

  25. jjbucfan Says:

    Block someone?

  26. FuNkYxMuNkEy Says:

    That’s what happens when your QB can’t properly read a defense. We won’t have that issue this season thank God

  27. SOEbuc Says:

    Wirfs comes through definitely up Cappas game.

  28. JimbobBucsFan Says:

    Mitch Says:
    June 3rd, 2020 at 11:20 am

    Great tip. I watched the whole thing. Tom Brady really has mastered all of the “small” details during his 20 years. That makes him phenomenal!

    Brady will do great with with Evans, Godwin and Brate for sure. I see no reason he will not have great success throwing to Gronk or OJ as well. The offensive line and all of his supporting cast are good enough that we have a realistic opportunity to go for the big one in these next two seasons!

    Maybe one or two of our sophomores or rookies will surprise this year also.

    I am psyched all over again as a fan! 😀

  29. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Again the clowns with their one sided stats to validate their hatred of him. He was responsible for a number of sacks but also he prevented that sack total from being twice that quite a few times they came right thru and he still avoided the sack. Why is it you clowns absolutely refuse to give him props for the many great plays he did make? You people act like he never did anything good for this team but get upset at those who speak good about him?