Bucs-49ers, Open Thread

September 8th, 2019

Comment all game long about this critical opening day matchup.

It’s great fun! Play nice. No personal fouls. Of course, Joe will have plenty to type about after the game.

Go Bucs!

1,289 Responses to “Bucs-49ers, Open Thread”

  1. Rod Munch Says:

    93 degrees, 104 feels like.

    No Chris Meyers, praise be to Allah.

  2. Wesley Says:

    Go Bucs!

  3. ariel davila Says:

    Let’s get it on!!! GO BUCS!!!

  4. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Finally!!! Time to show me!

    Go Bucs!!!!

  5. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Who let the dogs out !!!
    GO BUCS !
    Have a GREAT year!

  6. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Who is the fool who made the uniform decision?…..unbelievable….

    SF wears white?

  7. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Jameis will throw 3 INTs today

  8. EA Says:

    Go bucs

  9. stvl Says:

    No Bucs in the Orlando market? It’s preempted by Giants vs. Cowboys? wtf?

  10. Phx Bucs Fan Says:

    Let’s go Bucs!

  11. Rod Munch Says:

    The fake news idiots on the Fox broadcast say it’s a 100 feels like, it’s 104 – I just checked.

    Actually at UT it’s now up to 105.

    So it should be hot, and that means a wet ball from swamp ass according to Simms.

  12. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    terrible jameis

  13. Rod Munch Says:

    TheBucsAnthem – Drink a bottle of zika you piece of trash.

    God bless.

  14. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:


  15. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  16. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Happy feet , indecision

  17. cmurda Says:

    LOL. Buc footbalkl. Wait until the regular season and then the collapse starts immediately. This team is cursed.

  18. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    @ Rod

    Still acting like a douschbag I see

  19. ElioT Says:

    Well that’s a Classic Bucs start to the game.

  20. Jean Lafitte Says:

    that puts the defense in a bind

  21. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    LMAO! You CANT make this stuff up

  22. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    bucball = turnovers

  23. King C Says:

    Should have deferred

  24. Figures Says:

    What a start huh rod?
    You’re such a dumba ss

  25. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    Love the new regime… bucs stay consistent

  26. LongSeason Says:

    Run up the middle on third down for the 200th game in a row. Is that a requirement of ownership that we always run up the middle to start every game for 2 yards?

    Man we suck.

  27. Bucs14 Says:

    Cmon Bucs! Don’t start this sh!t show again this year.

  28. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    so much for todd’s defense?

  29. Rod Munch Says:

    Winston, 14-4 when the defense gives up 20 pts or less. Two of those loses the kicker was 1 of 7.

  30. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Anthem calling someone else a douschbag. That’s irony!

  31. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    bowles better do something

  32. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Fire Bruce!

  33. LongSeason Says:

    Hooray flags. We can’t stop them but the refs can.

  34. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    look at big V!!!!!

  35. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Nice rush VV

  36. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Why is Jordan Whitehead starting?

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    The number of worthless trolls is at an all-time high I see.

  38. ariel davila Says:

    Looks like the good old bad Bucs defense

  39. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    good start

  40. DooshLaRue Says:

    All this dbag talk is very offensive.

  41. ElioT Says:

    Nice job defense.

  42. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Suh with the tackle already

  43. Bucs14 Says:

    Lucky to get out of here down 3-0.

  44. SteveK Says:

    Let’s go Bucs!

  45. Rod Munch Says:

    Nice stop there by the defense.

  46. Jean Lafitte Says:

    60 minutes GMC = 1 tackle

    5 minutes Suh = 1 tackle

  47. Figures Says:


    You want a defense to give up 20 points or less?
    Hahahahaha yea ok. Good luck with that lmao.
    Most QB’s could win with that lol.

    Look up the stats on when Winston turns it over more than once lol.

    You’re such a dumba ss lol.

  48. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Jameis gets the ball back… play smart… take the positive yards or run

  49. Phx Bucs Fan Says:

    Good stand for the D

  50. Rod Munch Says:

    Figures – Do the world a favor and shove your face in a blender.

    God bless.

  51. SteveK Says:

    Glad Vea is playing today.

    Rocking my Jameis jersey, and I hope he can get us some points this drive!

  52. ariel davila Says:

    They only mention GM one time during the game LOL

  53. Figures Says:


    You really are one dumb stupid fu ck.

    Just a fat dumba ss.

  54. gilhealy Says:

    I’d say Ogubowale realizes now you better be ready to block at all times.

  55. ElioT Says:

    Jameis & Co. gotta get something going here. At the very least flip the field position and give the defense some rest.

  56. Figures Says:


    They way you shove your face in your boyfriends as s?

  57. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Defense looked impressive in the short field holding them to a field goal

  58. BucsBandit Says:


    Which mighty Winston are you talking about, the one that just went 3-AND-OUT?

    An Offense is supposed to have a major advantage to start a game on their first drive, knowing the plays they’ll call, etc.

  59. Rod Munch Says:

    Figures – Be less boring.

  60. Kobe Faker Says:

    “Dare I say

    That was a pathetic block attempt right to the punter”

    Kobe Faker

  61. Pewterplank Says:

    I guess we didn’t have long enough to practice protecting the punter 🙄

  62. Anonymous Says:

    Let’s go, Baby. Anyone on this thread being negative needs to STFU. It’s the first game of the season. Safe the negativity until at least week three.

  63. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Need to see this offense do something on this 2nd drive

  64. Rod Munch Says:

    I’m not a professional kick returner, but I do believe you’ll do better NOT to run into the back of your blockers when there’s literally no one else around.

  65. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    thats was PI

  66. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    at least the dolphins are worse

  67. LongSeason Says:

    Up the middle for 2

  68. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Another 3 and out

  69. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Brucie gonna win this

  70. Tc Says:

    I watched Gerald McCoy the whole game. He did nothing, just stood around, picking up a paycheck.

  71. Rod Munch Says:

    Jesus Christ – I see the refs are in mid-season form.

  72. Tbbucs3 Says:

    5 minutes in looks like same Bucs team so far

  73. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Troll thread going strong. Haters hating.

  74. Rod Munch Says:

    Yeah lots of trolls here, looks like the glory hole let out early today.

  75. LongSeason Says:

    That was pass interference. Can’t impede the receiver and can’t grab his jersey (unless you have a sharpie to get an autograph).

  76. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    @ Rod

    you’re the biggest doushbag here

  77. Bucs14 Says:

    No way on challenge Bruce. That ball wasn’t catchable. Anything past 15 yards Magoo is inaccurate.

  78. ariel davila Says:

    it’s only 3-0 guys!

  79. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    September 8th, 2019 at 4:37 pm
    “I’m not a professional kick returner, but I do believe you’ll do better NOT to run into the back of your blockers when there’s literally no one else around.”

    LOl. I thought the same thing.

  80. Easy Says:

    Sherman still getting away with pulling jerseys

  81. Figures Says:

    You would know about glory holes wouldn’t you Rod

  82. Kevinator24 Says:

    Yeah I have no idea my Logan chose to run into contact, should have cut it back to the right. Need to stop running it up the freaking guy on first down, so predictable. WHERES THE SCREEN PASS Byron???

  83. Bucnut2 Says:

    Hey Joe(Lee) did you catch the Eagles game? You are sooo right Jackson was the problem. It’s amazing how he looks with a good QB throwing to him.

  84. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ha ha ha ha

    winston over throwing again

  85. jugheadfla Says:

    same old garbage, over throw Winston

  86. Mike in LOL Says:

    Arians ain’t taking no crap from these refs

  87. Rod Munch Says:

    Figures – A “I know you are but what am I” comeback… good one!

  88. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    That 9-1-1 preview looks great.

  89. cmurda Says:

    Winston sucks. Every one of us has to admit it. Dude overthrows any ball over 10 yards. I’m the purest Jameis supporter there is but he’s just not going to cut it.

  90. Rafterman 61 Says:

    Winston overthrows go figure wide open too

  91. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    Winston is soooooooooooooooooooo bad a long deep passes

  92. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    September 8th, 2019 at 4:39 pm
    Yeah lots of trolls here, looks like the glory hole let out early today.


    hahaha coming from the guy who calls himself cok munch GRRRR!!

  93. gobuxfla Says:

    Winston has to learn that Godwin is not 12 foot 9″ tall.



  95. Bucs14 Says:

    Nice run Barber!

  96. Kevinator24 Says:

    Haha Bonzai

  97. Ed Kerber Says:

    1) I’ve already forgotten the Kick returners name but I know he stinks.
    2) We need another RB
    3) Defense needs an edge rusher

  98. THETRUTH Says:

    Let me guess joe those overthrown balls are still Dj’s fault

  99. DooshLaRue Says:

    The QB whisperer just might become the QB hollerer today.

  100. LongSeason Says:

    Nice OT run to the left. Barber, nice run.

  101. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    let all the Winston lovers deflect blame for his suckyness

  102. SteveK Says:

    Godwin has a step and was open, deep ball too deep, needed more touch. Good time to throw.

    Keep it going Bucs! Go Barber!

  103. ElioT Says:

    Okay, getting the advantage with the penalties here. Let’s make some plays!

  104. DooshLaRue Says:

    Didn’t you already have that epiphany cmurda?

  105. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    Winston had all day for that throw

  106. jugheadfla Says:

    JW getting all kinds of time, but nothing

  107. THETRUTH Says:

    His first good pass will be a pick

  108. Jean Lafitte Says:

    some ugly passing goin on

  109. LongSeason Says:

    Forty niners are generous today.

  110. SteveK Says:

    Third and long! Go Bucs!

  111. jugheadfla Says:

    Rojo just got trucked

  112. IsrBuc Says:

    Winston got all day

  113. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    best tackle kwon ever made

  114. Rafterman 61 Says:

    How many times can he throw into coverage before he gets picked

  115. SteveK Says:

    Thanks for the penalty!

    Go Bucs!

    Go offense!

  116. Rod Munch Says:

    The Bucs have such tells when they’re going to run the ball – they have to figure that out, so far every run has been telegraphed.

  117. ElioT Says:

    Sloppy, come on guys.

  118. Bucs14 Says:

    Oline again stupid penalty.

  119. SteveK Says:

    Was Evans open?

  120. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    this is comical

  121. jugheadfla Says:

    wtf? even Buckner knew he jumped

  122. unbelievable Says:

    Jameis not looking too sharp early.

    Not concerned yet though. Lots of teams have looked rough today.

  123. Figures Says:

    Lmao. Total suck.

    Defend that dumba ss rod

  124. Jean Lafitte Says:

    right to Kwon

  125. Bucs14 Says:

    Magoo forget Kwon plays for other team now?

  126. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    QB WHISPERER…. maybe needs to crank up volume

  127. jugheadfla Says:

    Ah….another phantom trip….JW needs to go

  128. SteveK Says:

    Let’s go O!

  129. unbelievable Says:

    wtf was that?

    gd Jameis, get it together

  130. Wesley Says:

    O -line just gets dominated every down.

  131. cmurda Says:

    I’ll concede that I have zero confidence in Jameis but the most concerning part is the O Line has been great and none of this so-called amazing receiving corps can get open. There is not a whole lot to be excited about

  132. Bucnut2 Says:

    There’s the Winston we all know!!!

  133. gobuxfla Says:

    Oh man, so far I’m glad I didn’t go. Lot’s of offers for tickets but Jameis looks like Jameis. I feel for our coach because any minute I expect his head to explode, an alien appear, and eat Jameis and spew him out in Miami.

    Good God man, can you at least throw a ball further than 14 yards on target?

  134. theodore Says:

    Arians offense, feel it!

  135. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Winston looks great!

  136. The Real Drew Says:

    Please put Ryan Griffin in

  137. LongSeason Says:

    Well, don’t let Winston throw or anyone else run it and we should be okay.

  138. Destinjohnny Says:

    Jameis is in mid season form

  139. Aristotle Says:

    Shall we start looking for next years draft. Hopefully we have another person draft instead of this crappy GM

  140. SteveK Says:

    Damn Winston hit Kwon with that. Get rid of it sooner! You keep climbing right out of the pocket.

  141. cmurda Says:

    Unfortunately Doosh I had.

  142. Jean Lafitte Says:

    the oline is pass blocking pretty darn good people. many xs JW had plenty time

  143. ElBajito43 Says:

    Man Jameis looks totally scared 😱 ZERO CONVICTION in some of these throws. Looks like a little league infielder launching the ball in panic.

  144. The Real Drew Says:

    Hope defense scores, cause offense won’t

  145. BucsBandit Says:


    Anyone that doesn’t see it is BLIND.

    Sure, he has some streaks where he plays well. But he’s NOT an elite QB.

    The line is giving him plenty of protection.

  146. Marine Buc Says:

    Everyone calm down. Let’s give Winston more than one quarter of football before we run him out of town. Ok?

  147. Ben real Says:

    JOE … your QB sucks

  148. hrman444 Says:

    The OL needs to do a better job at protecting Winston.

  149. ATrain Says:

    Jamies lovers

    Y’all blame DJax

    He had Two TDS today
    Because he has a WB that can throw

    Winston Looks horrible


  150. Jean Lafitte Says:

    what a hole for coleman

  151. gobuxfla Says:

    Nice to see Vita Vea in on the tackle.

    11 yards behind him.

  152. Miller5252 Says:

    I think Tampa forgot they had a game today….. offensive line look above a average. They better pick it up quick!

  153. Rod Munch Says:

    LOL! All the fruits saying the season is over mid-way through the 1st quarter of the 1st game of the season.

    Truly you dummies are the biggest idiots out there.

    Do the world a favor and do a mass dive off the top of the Sky Way, you all are too dumb to live.

    God bless.

  154. Figures Says:

    I love it when reality sets in on the morons who screamed playoffs all offseason.

    People bitc hin about not being optimistic lol.

    Some of us live in the land of reality.

  155. BetterBucFan Says:

    Yep I’ve already gauged the success of the Bucs season by the first 2 drives. No I’ve never played in the NFL, why do you ask?

  156. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Jameis looks bad now, but he’ll settle in eventually.

  157. unbelievable Says:

    Gaping holes?

    Looks like the Bucs defense!

  158. Jean Lafitte Says:

    vea with tackle

  159. SteveK Says:

    Let’s go D!

  160. Jean Lafitte Says:

    suh with tackle #2

  161. unbelievable Says:

    There ya go Vea

  162. cmurda Says:

    That’s a play McCoy doesn’t make. Thatta boy Suh

  163. THETRUTH Says:

    O line is giving him time we we have a QB WHO HAS NO ACCURACY, defense doing job. JW when you going to put team on your back

  164. Marine Buc Says:

    We finally have a real DT

  165. ElBajito43 Says:

    Guys get your debit cards 💳 ready!!! I FEEL AN ATM sighting…… 🤮💵💵💵💵💵💵. AMERICAS TURNOVER MACHINE!!!

  166. DooshLaRue Says:

    I wish we had a QB that plays smart and makes the smart throws……
    If only we had Ryan Griffin…….

  167. Couch Fan Says:


  168. Kevinator24 Says:

    RUN MOTHERF***** Defense!!!

  169. Figures Says:

    Lmao bobo sucks a big di ck

  170. Bucs14 Says:

    Suh is a beast!!!! McCoy who????

  171. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Jameis needs 10 games to warm up… he always finishes strong!

  172. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Joe knows football

  173. The Real Drew Says:

    Here comes Jameis to eff it up

  174. unbelievable Says:


    There ya go boy

  175. ElioT Says:

    Sue with an impact play!


  176. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    did they coach these return guys?

  177. TexBuc Says:

    Boy named SUH

  178. Troy Says:

    This game could not have started any worse for the Bucs.

  179. Kevinator24 Says:


  180. Marine Buc Says:

    I watched Carolina game. McCoy was nowhere to be found.

  181. OklahomaBucFan Says:


  182. Ljsolutions Says:

    I like 93 much better this year.

  183. ATrain Says:

    Wow blocked again

  184. stpetebucsfan Says:

    I have to admit I’m nowhere near as smart as this crowd. I’ve watched ten minutes of football and yet unlike many here I don’t honestly see either team’s ability. Rather small sample size but some are already talking about being out of the playoffs. LMAO

  185. SteveK Says:


    See Jimmy G’s quick release and hitting guys in stride!? I want that plus some deep ball from Jameis. I believe, and I expect it today, in year five!

  186. Rod Munch Says:

    Nice play by Suh there, this defense does look dramatically better than anything we saw the last two years.

  187. Bucnut2 Says:

    our special teams suck

  188. DooshLaRue Says:

    Jamies is SAN FRAN READY!!

  189. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    That was a great defensive showing!

  190. unbelievable Says:

    Bobo didn’t have a chance, cmon now.

    That said, I dunno how this guy is our returner this many years later. What has he ever done?

  191. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Remember that night it Pittsburgh Joe fell in love with America’s future QBs….

  192. Kevinator24 Says:

    @Troy Offense wise I agree, defense wise not nearly as bad as we used to be

  193. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    It’s first down….get ready for our run up the middle for 1 yd…..

  194. RTG Bucs Says:

    Great to see someone wearing #93 make a play!

  195. ElBajito43 Says:

    We coulda moved up 1 pick all those years ago and been had Suh instead of Fatman Gerald 😢

  196. gobuxfla Says:

    At least someone who hits people is wearing #93 this year. Love me some Suh.

  197. Figures Says:

    Rod telling people to jump off a bridge because they criticize a team that’s been terrible for the last decade is hilarious.

    What a moron lol.

    Sorry rod some of us don’t suc k Winston’s di$k like you

    Fat que er

  198. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Actually….I sincerely hope I am wrong….

  199. BucsBandit Says:

    @Marine Buc – give Winston more than 1 quarter of football before running him out of town?

    NEWSFLASH: We’ve given him FOUR. FREAKIN. YEARS.

  200. SteveK Says:

    Let’s go Bucs! Answer with some points here! Fire up a deep ball!

  201. Kevinator24 Says:

    They need to get Jameis in rhythm. Where’s the quick passes???

  202. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    McCoy had 1 solo tackle on the stat sheet

  203. Bucs14 Says:

    McCoy’s stats today…1 tackle, 1 penalty, but still collecting a check.

  204. A Train Says:

    Jeez, I just got on here and so far some people claim the season is over and Rod Munch as already requested at least three people kill themselves, but I must admit; for game 1 of the season, he is in mid-season form as far as the methods he is requesting for people to kill themselves. Face in a blender? Drive off the Sky Way bridge?

  205. Rod Munch Says:

    SteveK – 2 series into the season… a little early to start panicking.

  206. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Running Game is about to bust loose! Then the PlayAction!!!

  207. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Maybe not

  208. Rod Munch Says:

    A Train – Thank you, I do my best!

  209. unbelievable Says:

    RoJo got more than 2 yards! I’ll take it.

  210. Miller5252 Says:

    Throw it to OJ or Brate!

  211. Kevinator24 Says:

    Ummmmm outside run play anyone??? Enough with up the feeling gut Byron..sheesh

  212. unbelievable Says:

    spoke too soon.

    @Joe did you see how great the o-line was blocking there? 🙂

  213. jugheadfla Says:

    Donavan Smith…..WTF????

  214. Kevinator24 Says:

    Haha Jameis with the moves!!!

  215. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    There we Go #3!!!

  216. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    The human turnstile does it again

  217. Rod Munch Says:

    One thing that we should be worried about is how predictable this offense is so far. This looks like the same thing we saw in the preseason, in that it’s really easy to know if it’s a run/pass. Really hoping Leftwich starts mixing it up some here soon.

  218. hrman444 Says:

    nice throw Jameis!!

  219. Bucs14 Says:

    D Smith said ole

  220. Figures Says:

    Bobo has NEVER Done anything to warrant being on an NFL team but the bar with Bucs is very low.

    Bobo sucks

  221. cmurda Says:

    Overall not happy with Jameis but that breaking of #97’s ankle was filthy

  222. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Donovan Smith is complete garbage

  223. unbelievable Says:

    Dang Jameis!

    Nice throw there.

  224. Rod Munch Says:

    That was a fantastic play by Winston juking that guy like Barry Sanders!

  225. TampaBay AllDay Says:

    I hate and love the bucs at the same time….it so confusing…

  226. A Train Says:

    Gene Deckerhoff said “up the gut” on that one

  227. unbelievable Says:

    Gotta stop targeting Evans so much, he’s obviously not close to 100%

  228. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Man…..barber looks very slow today

  229. Jean Lafitte Says:

    why has 100% of our runs been up the middle

  230. cmurda Says:

    ROJO will be the starter very soon. Peyton is molasses

  231. unbelievable Says:

    Barber’s got heart, can’t deny that.

  232. hrman444 Says:

    keep it going offense

  233. Jean Lafitte Says:

    happy feet jameis

  234. Miller5252 Says:

    Nice whiff Capa!

    Alexander needs to be tossed!

  235. Figures Says:

    Lol kwon sucks.

    He so overrated

  236. jugheadfla Says:

    Kwon should be ejected for that ish

  237. unbelievable Says:

    Was that Kwon?

  238. King C Says:

    Too many third downs so far

  239. cmurda Says:

    That’s dirty Kwon.

  240. Wesley Says:

    Toss him out!

  241. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    He should be ejected

  242. theodore Says:

    As soon as Donovan Smith gets that cast off his foot, he’s going to be a great LT.

  243. jugheadfla Says:

    I knew it, dueces Kwon!

  244. Wesley Says:

    Ha ha bitch!!!

  245. cmurda Says:

    OMG. Bye Kwon.

  246. Figures Says:


    Hahahaha you worthless fu ck

  247. Couch Fan Says:

    Bye Bye Kwon LMAO

  248. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Boom! Should’ve played smarter Kwon

  249. Miller5252 Says:

    See ya 56!!! Hahaha cheap shot

  250. The Real Drew Says:

    that’s bs to disqualify him

  251. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  252. Figures Says:

    So overrated

    Never was worth a fu ck

  253. A Train Says:

    Kwon GONE!

  254. Natebucsfan Says:

    The flu bug is winning the battle against mike evans.

  255. unbelievable Says:


  256. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ha ha ha ha

    Winston just sucks

  257. gobuxfla Says:

    Bye Kwon.

    I knew you weren’t too bright.

    But that was stupid as hell.

    And dirty.

  258. jugheadfla Says:

    JW ATM….almost

  259. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:



  260. stpetebucsfan Says:

    That was just dirty…hard to feel sorry for Kwon when some other head hunter takes out his knee

  261. cmurda Says:

    The cerebral part of the game never has and never will come to Jameis. Bro, move up in the pocket instead of dangling the football you idiot.

  262. Rod Munch Says:

    Humm, I’ll take the yards, but I don’t know about that. Kwon lowered his head at the same time Winston went down and you have the helmet to helmet, in real time it didn’t look intentional. I just know this is going to f us at some time this year.

  263. EA Says:

    Reckless Jameis

  264. Figures Says:

    Good lord Winston

    It never ends

  265. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  266. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Jamyth is BACK !!!!!

  267. Marine Buc Says:

    Hahaha… goodbye Kwon you little cheap shot artist

  268. LongSeason Says:

    Glad Kwon got ejected. He belongs on the short bus.

  269. King C Says:

    Is that a new rule. Seems way harsh on Kwon

  270. A Train Says:

    Our offensive line is awful, completely awful.

  271. hrman444 Says:

    good save


    Donovan Smith SSSSUUUUCCCCKKKKSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

  273. unbelievable Says:



    I’ve been watching this dysfunction for so long at least now I can just laugh about it.

  274. Marine Buc Says:

    Winston still looks like he is playing against Oregon 5 years ago.

  275. MadMax Says:

    GD right FU KWON!!!!!!!!!

  276. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    A -utomatic

    T -urnover

    M -achine

  277. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Rod don’t know football

  278. hrman444 Says:

    The receivers need to get open better.

  279. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Ford got a paw on it. Y’all chill out on Winston. Let’s see how he finishes. It’s just 1 quarter

  280. Kevinator24 Says:

    Jameis needs to use his legs more. More than 4 seconds in that pocket you need to tuck and run bro

  281. Figures Says:

    Why are you dumbas s people whining that Kwon got booted?

    Go to the San Fran page you coc k suc kers

  282. BucsBandit Says:


    Dude should already have 1 INT and 1 lost fumble.

  283. unbelievable Says:

    Yea I don’t think he actually deserved to be kicked out tbh. Jameis was still up when Kwon started lowering, or maybe it happened at the same time. I mean you can’t hit guys high up so you gotta go low… obviously looks way worse on replay in slow motion too.

    But whatever, we need all the help we can get….

  284. Joeschmoe Says:

    Wow what a jobber hit

  285. Bee Says:

    This O line tho…he moved up in the pocket and they still let him get hit

  286. Miller5252 Says:

    That’s 2 turnovers already by Winston…. lucky Kwon can’t catch and Jensen grabbed it. He’s having him a terrible first quarter….. gotta get his head in it.

  287. Kevinator24 Says:

    Yeah screw that guy, that ish was not incidental. He could have left with his shoulder more

  288. SteveK Says:

    Damn fumbles!

  289. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Winston’s a clown. He just doesn’t get it.

  290. Don_RyJo(e) Says:

    Underwhelmed -_-

  291. BucsBandit Says:

    The O-Line isn’t playing that bad, it’s WINSTON.

    Why does he continue to HOLD THE BALL so long? Drop back, make quick reads, get rid of it.

  292. Kevinator24 Says:

    Damn Godwin, with those dancers feet 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  293. BuccaneEric75 Says:


  294. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I don’t believe for a second that was a cheap shot. Grow up people.

    Winston lowered his head at the same time.

    Am I glad Kwon got ejected? Yes! But it was not a cheap shot.

  295. Gettinthebucs Says:

    Sweet! I don’t need to watch my Noles or Bucs the season! #FishingOverFootball

  296. Jean Lafitte Says:

    up the middle again

  297. jugheadfla Says:

    Barber running into the pile again

  298. SteveK Says:

    Not inspired by Jameis’ play this far, still believing in 3 and rocking his jersey and I expect to see a deep ball or two, guys hit in stride and other things that should be expected from number one overall picks.

  299. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    Cam Brate showed up

  300. King C Says:

    Every year I hope that we can have intelligent commenters who don’t type as if they’re 12-year-olds on Xbox live. Disappointed again.

  301. Kevinator24 Says:

    OMG DOTSON!!! Smh

  302. Easy Says:

    That’s a BS call on Dot

  303. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ha ha ha


  304. Bucs14 Says:

    Holding. It’s a Bucs’ life.

  305. unbelievable Says:

    Ugh, flag?

  306. A Train Says:

    Good Lord, finally a TE screen and we commit a penalty!

  307. cmurda Says:

    That was not a hold. Effing refs do it again. Hands pushing the pads. Never did he hold.

  308. Wesley Says:

    That was NOT a penalty.

  309. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    another stupid throw frim Jameis

  310. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  311. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Touchdown pass! And Dotson gets a penalty.

  312. lurker Says:

    dang good play call, though

  313. unbelievable Says:

    Well you know Dotson and Smith are each good for 6 – 12 penalties a year, so I guess it’s not surprising.

    Goddammit Dot!

    That was a great play design too.

  314. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    told ya

  315. jugheadfla Says:

    RoJo flash!

  316. Marine Buc Says:

    Yes! JONES!!!!

  317. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Every season we look for commenters who have more to add than their distaste for other commenters

  318. OklahomaBucFan Says:


  319. Kevinator24 Says:


  320. cmurda Says:

    I’m telling you. ROJO will be the starter and if he’s not, he’s going to earn more touches than Peyton.

  321. Figures Says:

    Good job jones

  322. unbelievable Says:

    Feel like Ronde is just jinxing a turnover here…

    Damn nice play RoJo!

  323. Colonel Angus Says:


  324. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  325. hrman444 Says:


  326. unbelievable Says:

    RoJo found his Mojo!

  327. Marine Buc Says:

    Run blocking sucks ball sacks. Dirty nasty unwashed ball sacks.

  328. Kevinator24 Says:

    Man can we get some outside runs smh lol. He has speed, why go up the middle every other damn play smh

  329. gobuxfla Says:

    Jones II looks good.

    Jones II gets killed because Dotson can’t block.


  330. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Online needs to frickin block!!!!

  331. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    that was terrible winston

  332. unbelievable Says:

    ugh this fkn o-line…

  333. 813bucboi Says:

    Byron calling them plays!!!!!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  334. Rod Munch Says:

    1st down up the gut…

    It’s 1999 all over again!

  335. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  336. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Why always run the ball on first down in the red zone…..

  337. hrman444 Says:

    Somebody get open!!

  338. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    I hate you Jason Licht for cursing us with so many weapons and such a piss poor offensive line!!!

  339. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ha ha ha ha Dotson again

  340. Bucs14 Says:

    Dotson again!!!!!!

  341. jugheadfla Says:

    how was that holding?

  342. cmurda Says:

    Another hold Dotson. This O Line has been great but Dotson needs to be in a retirement community. He’s garbage

  343. Kevinator24 Says:

    Dotson erasing a TD again…

  344. DooshLaRue Says:

    Maybe Kwon hates Jameis too?

  345. gobuxfla Says:

    And now Dotson shows he can not only suck, but blow. Idiot.

  346. EA Says:

    You can’t make this spit up

  347. 813bucboi Says:

    Dotson killing us!!!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  348. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  349. Rod Munch Says:

    Two TD throws by Winston on this drive…

  350. lurker Says:


  351. jugheadfla Says:

    nvm….didn’t see has arm around his neck

  352. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    No time to throw no holes to run in

  353. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  354. Bucs14 Says:


  355. jugheadfla Says:

    jeezus christ……FML

  356. TheBucsAnthem Says:



  357. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Howard what the hell!!!

  358. Marine Buc Says:

    Dotson sucks my ball sack.

  359. Kevinator24 Says:

    You’ve got to be freaking kidding me…

  360. unbelievable Says:

    Dotson has now taken away TWO touchdowns from Jameis and Brate.


    Maybe the J0es can tell us more about how our o-line isn’t the biggest problem on offense. Can’t wait!

  361. The Real Drew Says:

    Moron team


    OH FK

  363. DooshLaRue Says:

    I think Byron identifies more with Dirk than Jamies!

  364. Figures Says:


    if it’s not one thing it’s another lol.

    This team is bad in just about every area.


  365. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Wow. Dotson erraced two TDs for Brate.

  366. bucs4ya Says:

    Get Dotson out!

  367. Couch Fan Says:

    Wow. Just F#@(& wow. Only the Bucs.

  368. hrman444 Says:


  369. unbelievable Says:


    Same Ole Bucs!

  370. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    only bucball would a tackle nullify two TDs by the same two players

  371. lurker Says:


  372. Ndog Says:

    Yep it’s all Jameis’s fault. You guys are so smart.

  373. Wesley Says:

    We’ve seen that from o.j. before.

  374. Rayjay1122 Says:

    Dotson needs to be benched and waived.

  375. unbelievable Says:

    I’m sure the haters will find a way to blame that on Jameis though.

  376. gobuxfla Says:

    And on that note, I’m off to make my yard win “Awesome Yard from a Bucs Fan of the Year Award” once again.

    I’ll come back in the 4th quarter to cry.

    What a steaming pile.

    Bruce you inherited all the elephant dung the world can produce outside of some skill players.


  377. Rod Munch Says:

    Two TDs on that drive…

    Both called back.

    OJ fumbles.

    The tards in here will say Winston sucks and it’s his fault.

  378. Bucs14 Says:

    If I was Bucco Bruce i would retire at halftime. Welcome to Bucs ball Coach Arians.

  379. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  380. Colonel Angus Says:

    Time to fire up the draft talk, back up the truck!

  381. cmurda Says:

    The Bad News Bucs. LMFAO. No coach can handle the lack of talent on this team. The man responsible just got an extension. Let’s extend a guy that sucks his job. Well done Glazers. Sell the team or take them to Montreal or something. I’m not sure I give a flying F anymore.

  382. Ed Kerber Says:

    Ok. Dotson has got to go. I also the OJ Howard is a bust!

  383. Figures Says:

    This is why I’m not disappointed year in and year out.

    I’m conditioned to watching this team beat themselves all THE TIME.

  384. Marine Buc Says:

    Good thing Licht addressed this crap offensive line this off season.

  385. Bobby Says:


  386. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    @ Rod


  387. Rod Munch Says:

    Issue with Dotson is there’s literally no one behind him that can play…


  388. Gettinthebucs Says:

    Geezus. These guys just can’t play a complete game. Looks like time is about up for Dot.

  389. Miller5252 Says:

    Arians needs to walk down there and kick Dotson in the nuts!! While he’s at it kick everyone else and tell em they need to start playing! Ugly football!

  390. Bucnut2 Says:

    The more thins change the more they stay the same. This team finds way to lose.

  391. Bucs14 Says:

    Waiting on Cappa to screw up too.

  392. Hater Hater Says:

    Waiting for the idiot’s to blame this comedy of errors on Jameis.

  393. Jean Lafitte Says:

    and just to think so many wanted to trade Brate away

  394. BucsBandit Says:

    NDOG – it IS Winston’s fault, he sucks! You must be watching a different game.

  395. SteveK Says:

    Glad I don’t own Brate or Jameis in fantasy. That would’ve been rough.

  396. Bucfan33 Says:

    Dotson should be let go right after the game. No excuses

  397. ariel davila Says:

    protect the ball OJ! You are running against at least 3 defenders!!!

  398. Cgmaster27 Says:

    Nice job Dotson erasing not 1 but 2 tds on that drive. Just rudiculous, and then oj fumbles. Must be Jameis fault right guys?

  399. 813bucboi Says:

    First holding call on Dotson was BS…. the second one was holding….ball security still haunts us…..

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  400. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Rod, don’t let these deviants get to you. They’re only doing it to get a reaction.

    On topic, Dotson owes Brate a steak.

  401. Bobby Says:

    OJ Howard is a bust?? LOL!!

  402. Fire the fans Says:

    Whyyyyyy not run that in third and 19!?!?

  403. jimmer Says:

    Only Florida State fans think Jameis is good. He is inaccurate, has no touch, can’t throw the deep ball and is turnover prone. He is clearly a below average NFL QB. He is one off the field mistake away from a long suspension. Please don’t waste 30 Million on him next year.

  404. ATLBuc Says:

    Wow. Did you see Vida get out there

  405. #1bucsfan Says:

    #3 hasn’t bin perfect but he got us 2 tds on that drive just to have them taken away. It’s not all his fault

  406. JerseyBuc Says:


  407. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    where’s our savior Devin White at??????

  408. Jean Lafitte Says:

    David 2 tackles Joe

  409. Fire the fans Says:

    Jimmer are you watching this game? Two holding calls killed that drive and then a stupid play call finished it off

  410. SteveK Says:

    $30 million quarterbacks make those around them better. Two tds to brate vs hitting Kwon in the bread basket and fumbling.

    Also a missed open Godwin on deep ball with protection.

    Thou shalt be an objective fan of the Bucs and their QB!

  411. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    good play 49rs

  412. jugheadfla Says:

    VHIII….wtf was that?

  413. 813bucboi Says:

    Where’s white?

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  414. cmurda Says:

    Throw into VH3 on 3rd and long, you good.

  415. unbelievable Says:

    lol at Howard being a bust from 1 fumble.

    Some of you are truly morons.

    Nice play from David!

  416. Kevinator24 Says:

    Why the hell we playing off coverage there???

  417. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    where’s Devin White at??????

  418. Bucs14 Says:

    VH3 playing 10 yards off the receivers again. He sucks.

  419. Rod Munch Says:

    Bonzai – Oh I don’t care, I very much enjoy insulting these worthless pieces of trash – it’s part of the fun of Sundays.

  420. unbelievable Says:

    VH3 doing what he does best… giving up completions.

  421. Figures Says:


    competition on who can swallow Winston’s co ck the most.

    It’s neck and neck.

  422. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    jimmer Says:
    September 8th, 2019 at 5:16 pm
    “Only Florida State fans think Jameis is good.”

    Not true. I don’t care about college ball, and I think he is good. Not great, but good. He needs to take a big step this year.

  423. Bucn since i was 10 Says:

    TMax was right Demar

  424. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ………….and why did we draft the invisible Devin White again?????

  425. unbelievable Says:

    Only a moron thinks Jameis is the reason that last drive failed.

  426. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Holy crap VHGIII

  427. Easy Says:

    VHIII Bay Bay!!

  428. Jean Lafitte Says:


  429. jugheadfla Says:

    and then VHIII makes us eat our words…..lol

  430. OklahomaBucFan Says:


  431. Figures Says:

    Whoo hoo lookie there.




  433. Pittsshore Says:

    Marcus Mariota where are you

  434. TampaBucNative Says:


  435. Couch Fan Says:

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! PICK 6 VG3!!!! #FireTheCannons!!!!

  436. Bucs14 Says:

    Bout damn time VH3 does that.

  437. Kevinator24 Says:

    I just screamed like a girl!!!! LETS FREAKING GOOOO!!!!

  438. Rod Munch Says:


    It is 1999 again!

  439. cmurda Says:

    And then again, maybe don’t throw it at VH3. VH3 has always been the aggressive type. He gives up catches that he could defend going for a pick, but those pick 6’s happen too.

  440. The Real Drew Says:

    Told you defense gotta score

  441. tnew Says:

    Short, slow and stupid… right trolls

  442. 813bucboi Says:

    To all you VHG hater!!!!!!!

    Eat crow!!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!!!

  443. unbelievable Says:


    Make me eat that crow! (easy read but who cares)

  444. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    …………it’s bad day when you gotta say the VHGIII is the best person on offense right now

  445. ElioT Says:

    F**k yeah!!!!

    That’s how you do it Vernon!

    Nice job kid!!!!

  446. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Yes! Finally!!!

  447. Bobby Says:

    There we go!!!

  448. Cgmaster27 Says:

    Bucs bandit, you’re boring at this point, Jamie’s had 2 tds wiped off and all you can say is he sucks. We get it,you’re a clown. No need to comment further

  449. Colonel Angus Says:

    What was that? Never seen that before

  450. TNBucsFan Says:

    Been a long time since I saw a DB on the Bucs do that

  451. #1bucsfan Says:

    HEY T M A X I P A D what’s that you say about Hargreaves? Love it wen I get to prove you wrong

  452. Marine Buc Says:

    Celebrate good times come on!

  453. Kobe Faker Says:

    Milli Vanilli?

  454. Rayjay1122 Says:

    VHIII. Nice!

  455. Figures Says:

    Devin white has been invisible since he’s been on this team.

  456. unbelievable Says:

    Anthem your schtick is so boring and played out.

    Time for some new material

  457. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    well maybe is if our crappy O-LINE would stop holding…….maybe the offense would score some points?????

  458. Gettinthebucs Says:

    Wowsers. Didn’t see that coming. Good job VHIII

  459. King C Says:

    VH 3 made a great catch on that one !
    How many times have we seen DBs drop that same ball

  460. Bangkok Buc Says:

    Whoooo hoooooo
    Way to go Whoopi !!!!

  461. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ……and we drafted Devin White for what???????

  462. MadMax Says:

    GJ VH3

  463. Curse of Gruden Says:

    If the D scores three more times, we migjt win.
    Can VGIII play quarterback?

  464. ATLBuc Says:

    Bucs14 How can you do that when your coach Mike Smith,makes you play 10 yards off the ball?

  465. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    VHIII not having to play 12 yards off shows how good he really is!

  466. Rod Munch Says:

    I must say I felt very nervous for the Gay kicker on the XP, but then he nailed it. Good job.

  467. Bucs14 Says:

    That is the VH3 we have been expecting. Maybe he will have a great year. I think the guy stinks, but I would love to be proven wrong.

  468. Bucfan33 Says:

    Holy crap a defensive score….. I’m confused and scared we might actually have a D

  469. The Real Drew Says:

    If we get a QB and O line, we would be good

  470. SteveK Says:

    Go Vernon!

    Great play! Was about to calm him out for looking like ish earlier. Hope he can keep it up!

  471. 813bucboi Says:


    Too short…too slow…

    Where you at????

    GO BUCS!!!!

  472. Pittsshore Says:

    Marcus Mariota where are you?

  473. bucs_1 Says:

    where’s 45?

  474. Anonymous Says:

    Nice score for the D! Now let’s see if the offense can get going.

  475. Joeschmoe Says:

    Hargreaves RESURRECTION starts today!!!!

  476. Asdf Says:

    Anyone criticizing this defense for giving up a play here and there, GTFO. This defense is playing lights out right now. Everyone doing there job out there

  477. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ……and we drafted Devin White for what???????


  478. BucsBandit Says:


    This young Defense is CARRYING HIM and he still hasn’t done jack squat.

    We heard so much about the Bucs failures were all the Defense’s fault and it couldn’t possibly be Winston’s fault.


  479. jugheadfla Says:

    off PI

  480. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ……and we drafted Devin White for what……????

    answer that?????

  481. ElioT Says:

    Well at least White hadn’t got ejected for being a dumba** in the first quarter of a $13million dollar season.

  482. unbelievable Says:

    Defense gets a pick-6 and these idiots are whining afterwards that they haven’t seen enought plays from White yet.

    SMDH, it’s been less than 2 quarters, idiots.

  483. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Devin White is in his first regular season game. Give him time to acclimate, lol.

  484. jugheadfla Says:

    ok, maybe not…..wtf

  485. jugheadfla Says:

    Devin White, out of position

  486. Asdf Says:

    @thebucsanthem…stfu…defense is playing fantastic

  487. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ……and we drafted Devin White for what???????

    He’s not playing well at all

  488. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Jimmy G does throw a nice ball

  489. Rod Munch Says:

    Communication issue…

  490. jugheadfla Says:

    need to just keep attacking Jimmy G

  491. Jean Lafitte Says:

    David another tackle JOE

  492. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Lavonte David is tearing it up

    but not Devin White

  493. Easy Says:

    DW45 still hasn’t done anything

  494. unbelievable Says:

    LVD playing hard today. Good to see.

  495. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    LVD54 has s all over the place. He lovin’ this 3-4 D and so am I. Go Bucs!!!

  496. King C Says:

    Devin White is still a rookie but I will be very interested to see how Devin Bush plays tonight

  497. Rod Munch Says:

    These dummies bashing White when he’s a rookie in the 1st half of his first game when the defense has been dominate…. these people are truly idiots.

  498. unbelievable Says:

    good play defense!

  499. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  500. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    i hate when im right

  501. Rayjay1122 Says:

    Devin White makes no plays because he can’t disengage from blockers. He gets manhandled. If He can’t fix that flaw he will be a bust.

  502. cmurda Says:

    These penalties Bruce. WTF? Every freaking year, these soft penalties get called on us. It’s disgusting.

  503. ElioT Says:


    Perhaps you can give the kid some time?

    You sound like an idiot dude.

  504. Jean Lafitte Says:

    I agree with you on than one cok munch

  505. unbelievable Says:

    fkn penalty! Cmon!!!!!!


  506. The Real Drew Says:

    these officials suck

  507. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    you know I’m right elliot

  508. Rod Munch Says:

    Go F!@$!@ yourself you !@$#!@#! refs. Two TDs off the board, giving them a 4th and 1… pieces of trash.


    Killin us with these PENALTIES

  510. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Run D is impressive

  511. Ed Kerber Says:

    For those who think my statement on OJ Howard being a bust. That is based on Draft position. He’d be ok as a Third rounder (or maybe a second round pick). But we miss the impact of a 1st round pick and get no game changing results.

  512. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Gholston sighting

  513. Bucs14 Says:

    @Rayjay1122 Gerald McCoy makes a living out of not being able to shed blockers. DWhite will be ok.

  514. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  515. jimmer Says:

    I’m not saying he is terrible. I think it is pretty clear he is a below average NFL talent that does not deserve a big QB salary. He also behaves like a jackass off the field. Would you give him a big contract with guaranteed money?

  516. King C Says:

    Will Gholston making a big play again

  517. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    @ Rod

    settle down Bevis

  518. ElioT Says:

    You’re not right, you’re a tool trying to troll a rookie LB in his first game coming off the flu.

    You’re an idiot.

  519. Miller5252 Says:

    Evans and White look to be suckin major wind. Both of em look like they’re hurting out there.

  520. Figures Says:

    Rod literally acts like he’s right on everything.

    Nothing worse than a complete and utter waste of breath thinking they are smarter than everyone else.

    Just an idiot.

  521. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    Good Job VHGIII

  522. jugheadfla Says:

    that was not PI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  523. cmurda Says:

    Challenge that BS PI. Do it now Bruce

  524. ElioT Says:

    That is a bullsh*t call

  525. Kevinator24 Says:


  526. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    that was too easy for the 49rs

  527. Bucs14 Says:

    Does the NFL hate us? The refs make me believe they do.

  528. jugheadfla Says:

    yellow flag party today on both sides!!!!!!!!!!!

  529. EA Says:

    Flag fest yo

  530. cmurda Says:

    The refs have 3 trying to make it 10. They’ve called some suspect calls against the Bucs

  531. ElioT Says:

    Come on defense!!!

  532. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    flag flag flag

  533. unbelievable Says:

    That was pathetic.

  534. Marine Buc Says:

    Too many penalties. NFL is ruining this GAME!!!! BORING!!!!

  535. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    look at SUH

    I never seen that kinda effort from McCoy

  536. Easy Says:

    Devin White sighting!

  537. Jean Lafitte Says:

    suh with another tackle

  538. ElioT Says:

    Suh hustling and making another play!

  539. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    oh boy

  540. hrman444 Says:

    come Defense don’t let them score

  541. jugheadfla Says:

    thats a total of 5 TDs called back now…..smdh

  542. ElioT Says:

    Haha! Suck it Kittle!

    Keep dancing like you’ve never been there before. Douche!


    A Devin White sighting

  544. LongSeason Says:

    For the most part, I’m disappointed in the defense inability to allow the 49ers to score.

  545. cmurda Says:

    MJ Stewart has terrible tackling technique

  546. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    flag o rama

  547. Rod Munch Says:

    Their #69 cost them a TD…

  548. hrman444 Says:

    so they have 2 called back as well. funny

  549. Kevinator24 Says:

    Thank God that flag saved that TD. You can’t shoulder tackle George Kittle

  550. unbelievable Says:

    You get a flag! You get a flag! You get a flag!

    Everyone gets a flag!

  551. King C Says:

    Suspect calls on both sides.
    Refs trying to make sure it’s even

  552. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  553. jugheadfla Says:

    wait wait wait…..waiting for a flag….lol

  554. Jean Lafitte Says:

    GMC 60 minutes 1 tackle

    Suh 30 minutes 3 tackles

  555. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ha ha ha ha

    FLAG A MAN ……….day

  556. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    White made a play 🙂

  557. Kevinator24 Says:

    Bend don’t break 💪🏻

  558. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    yeah for the WHITE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  559. Bucs Guy Says:

    More flags than points today. Anybody know what was the over under on that?

  560. King C Says:

    There’s been a lot of flags thrown all day

  561. Kevinator24 Says:

    I don’t get the criticism of White guys, give him a game or two to freaking adjust sheesh…don’t even want to give him a freaking half a game

  562. BucsBandit Says:


    They’re forcing a lot of quick throws.

  563. Rod Munch Says:

    Heat index is still at 105…

    If we didn’t overuse the tent, that should help the Bucs in the 2nd half.

  564. Doctor Stroud Says:

    49ers scoring for both teams today! A Bucs score before the half would be great.

  565. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    We Got this. I predict 21 -10 F Bucs Win!

  566. Rod Munch Says:

    Bucs Guy – O/U was a remarkably high 50.

  567. Jean Lafitte Says:

    what are the odds we’ll get a dozen or so articles on how terrible our RB’s are this week?

  568. Ben real Says:

    Actually jean McCoy didn’t even play 30 minutes of football

  569. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    I see no huddle offense coming

  570. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I admit it. Suh is in on a lot of plays. Doesn’t look like he’s taking any off.

  571. unbelievable Says:


    it’s just the same couple idiots on repeat. Same as every other day around here.

  572. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Make that 21 – 9

  573. King C Says:

    The down side to having a pick six is that the defense gets extra plays and can get worn down quicker
    Something to watch in the 2nd half.
    Ball control and longer drives will be paramount especially since SF gets the ball first in 2nd half

  574. Phred Says:

    With the number of flags they should air this game on CourtTV.

  575. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    WINSTON SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  576. 813bucboi Says:

    Winston has to get 7 right here at 2.55….

    GO BUCS!!!!

  577. jugheadfla Says:

    wow this team is terrible

  578. The Real Drew Says:


  579. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ball was thrown high again

  580. Kevinator24 Says:

    That was on OJ smh

  581. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    OJ Howard looks like garbage

  582. Jean Lafitte Says:

    hahaha the backup LB ints the American QB

  583. cmurda Says:

    Wow. Where is OJ and who is the imposter wearing his jersey? This is downright humiliating for OJ

  584. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    terrible throw….look

  585. Couch Fan Says:

    OJ havin a terrible 1st half so far. Come on man.

  586. EA Says:

    Bench oj, 2 turnovers

  587. 813bucboi Says:

    Damn O.J…..

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  588. unbelievable Says:

    What’s up with OJ’s hands today?

  589. Rod Munch Says:

    Jesus Christ OJ, it hits you in the hands…

  590. Bucs14 Says:

    ATM strikes again.

  591. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    OJ was at the top of the tree trying to catch it

  592. Isaac haggins Says:

    Godwin cost the Bucs three and on brick hands howard just cost em 6

  593. Cgmaster27 Says:

    Anthem just shut up, it literally hit oj right in the hands.

  594. Kevinator24 Says:

    That throw was not terrible Anthem, come on man. He put it where only he could catch it. Went right off his fingers

  595. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    High and hard

  596. The Real Drew Says:

    No prolific offense

  597. unbelievable Says:

    If they score here and again to open the 2nd half, this is gonna get ugly.

    Defense has been playing decent but damn they gotta get off the field for a minute.

  598. Jeagan1999 Says:

    Nobody looks very good today…penalties and miscues galore.

  599. Wesley Says:

    OU not having a good day.

  600. Ed Kerber Says:

    yep. OJ Howard may not reside in Bustville. But he is definitely on Bustville road heading into town.

  601. Rod Munch Says:

    What the hell OJ, you’re a fantastic player, and you’ve already cost the team 3 + whatever is given up here.

  602. BucsBandit Says:

    The throw was a bit high and had too much on it.

    AMERICA’S TURNOVER MACHINE IS BACK. (Should have 2 INTs and a fumble).

  603. cmurda Says:

    My goodness, this defense is soft. Bowles is running an aggressive defense with a bunch of softee players that Licht has gotten us. Look at how the RB was completely butchered behind the line but not one player on defense actually makes the tackle

  604. SteveK Says:

    And the first INT of 2019. Comes before the first TD on offense too. Damn. OJ effed up.

  605. Jean Lafitte Says:

    ball was overthrown

  606. Cgmaster27 Says:

    Only anthem the clown thought that throw was high.v

  607. Kevinator24 Says:

    OJ didn’t even have to jump man. “Top of the tree” my a s s

  608. Figures Says:


    No one cares about GMC anymore.

    Stop talking about him. Da mn.

  609. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Howard fumbled AND caused a pick. Not a good game for him at all.

  610. Jean Lafitte Says:

    OJ had to sky to even touch it

  611. Bangkok Buc Says:

    Brate loses 2 TD’s and OJ costs us 2 turnovers.

  612. Troy Says:

    OJ believes his hype instead of just playing.

  613. tnew Says:

    Looked to me like OJ was stumbling out of his break.. Winston has looked off, but that wasn’t on him..

  614. Jean Lafitte Says:


    This is more for Joe to relish on

  615. Cgmaster27 Says:

    All the trolls stroking themselves right now. Nobody outside you three think that pick was on Jameis.

  616. Kevinator24 Says:

    No he did not. I have DVR, I rewatched it, he barely left the ground to go up
    And get it

  617. unbelievable Says:

    lol Jean it hit him right in the hands, gimme a break.

    He’s an athletic freak. Making that catch should be no problem

  618. Isaac haggins Says:

    News flash people oh Howard’s hands are avg at best but his skill is elite !!! He made it to the Bucs due to hand size and hands ability !!!
    I lived the pick but non catches are killing this team

  619. LongSeason Says:

    Both teams are playing the game the way it is supposed to be played. We won’t let anyone else beat us but we will beat ourselves. This game may come down to who beats themselves better.

  620. Troy Says:

    If I’m Arians, Howard sits in the 2nd half

  621. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    That throw was not high at all, lol. Listen to you haters making stuff up!

  622. Bucs fan from Philly Says:

    OJ looking like a BUST

  623. JerseyBuc Says:

    That ball hit him right in the hand, for the people who are trying to blame jamies don’t know anything

  624. BucsBandit Says:



  625. Wesley Says:

    Overthrown? Keep hittin that crack pipe.

  626. richbucsfan Says:

    This is no doubt a playoff-caliber team. They should be at least 15-1 the way they are playing. Wooooo wooooooooooo

  627. jugheadfla Says:


  628. SteveK Says:


    I need to see the replay of that ball to howard was high and hard. Not sure, butbJameis sure does not hit guys in stride/in space/consistently enough.

  629. ElioT Says:


    More of the please!

    Defense is getting pressure.

    If the offense wasn’t crapping the bed…

  630. unbelievable Says:

    Nice play Shaq!

  631. BucsBandit Says:

    @Jersey – the pass was a bit high… he could have caught it, but it was high and he jumped to even reach it.

  632. Born-n-Raise Says:

    That was a great throw. It hit OJ right in the hands. @TheBucsAnthem That was not Winston’s fault.

  633. Jean Lafitte Says:

    David another tackle

  634. Rod Munch Says:

    Play is being reviewed? For what, offsides?

  635. SteveK Says:

    Not blaming Jameis for that throw at all

    Just win baby!

    Be a number one overall picks and be a game changer and win games. Win and stay. Lose and go!

  636. #1bucsfan Says:

    LVD showing out for all you haters

  637. The Real Drew Says:

    Todd Bowles is rocking….Leftwich?

  638. BucsFan4Life Says:

    I liked OJ Howard better when he was out injured

  639. Kevinator24 Says:


  640. Rayjay1122 Says:

    Week 1 has become preseason game 5. Lol

  641. hrman444 Says:

    Yes turnover!!! Lets go!!

  642. Rod Munch Says:


    WOW – what if this defense was always this good and it was 100% scheme that was wrong…

  643. unbelievable Says:

    too bad we only have 10 seconds. But at least 49ers didn’t score after that bumbled pass by Howard.

  644. Colonel Angus Says:

    D came to play. Offense sucks ballz.

  645. Couch Fan Says:

    Ok. Ugly 1st half, make some adjustments, eliminate the stupid penalties and we are clearly in control of this game. Lets go Bucs!!

  646. Kevinator24 Says:

    Ugly a s s game so far. Defense is showing enormous signs of improvement

  647. 813bucboi Says:

    DBs swarming around the ball….


  648. ElioT Says:

    Mike Smith should never be allowed anywhere near a football team again.

    This is what a swarming defense gives you.

    Swarm to the ball and guys are in place to get turnovers.


    Arians better get this offense in gear because they’re wasting a fantastic effort by the D!

    The 49ers just need a reason to pack it in.

  649. Rod Munch Says:

    Bucs winning the game at halftime, considering 2 TDs called back, OJ with two turnovers – this is as good as we could hope for.

  650. Bucs Guy Says:

    Defense is keeping us in the game. Offense does not look good. At least O Line isn’t getting #3 killed.

  651. JerseyBuc Says:

    good on the Defense so far.

  652. SC Bucs Fan Says:

    Joe that the kind of play you are looking for?

  653. jugheadfla Says:

    Jacoby Brissett looking better than Jmiss

  654. geno711 Says:

    Anyone who wasn’t watching this preseason now has to say that these corners and this defensive backfield scheme is way better than last year.

  655. tnew Says:

    Anyone on this board think that Kittle volleyballs that play???

  656. Rod Munch Says:

    Bucs Guy – The o-line cost us two 2TDs and if Winston didn’t pull off a miracle juke move he’d be 6ft under the ground right now. Additionally no running lanes at all. I wouldn’t say the o-line has done anything at this point.

  657. 123urout Says:

    JW will be a be backup QB in some other team next year

  658. 813bucboi Says:

    Smittys defense would’ve given up 24 points by now…..

    @realist..where you at….


  659. Rod Munch Says:

    geno711 – Yeah, the defense looked great in the preseason, but it’s preseason so it’s hard to know. But this defense today, I haven’t seen them flying around like this in over a decade.

  660. unbelievable Says:

    Spot on with the o-line:
    – 2 costly penalties on Dot.
    – Almost zero running lanes so far.


  661. firethecannons Says:

    Interception clearly OJ fault

  662. TexBuc Says:

    Todd Bowles D looking good so far!

  663. Bucs Guy Says:

    Didn’t say the O Line was great, just not getting Jameis killed. Maybe holding is one way to do that — just like the Patriots.

  664. firethecannons Says:

    OJ neeeds to get on the ball machine Dotson needs to retire

  665. Rojas Says:

    Ronde even said OJ has to catch that.. it wasn’t on Winston. He would of thrown two touchdowns if it wasn’t for Dotson. Also our run game is still terrible. Let me guess that’s his fault too ?

  666. BucsBandit Says:

    @Rod Munch

    You don’t get to selectively count points when they were partially due to the actual penalty. If Dotson doesn’t hold Brate probably doesn’t score on the one TD. As for the other, it was arguably a pass Winston shouldn’t have thrown anyway as it was super risky.

    So I’d hardly be feeling like Winston is playing ‘great’ but due to some penalties the box score isn’t giving Winston the credit or something.

  667. Tim Says:

    Last year we would have been losing 17-7 with that Mike Smith crap. Now, if only the offense can up their game, we just might have something in the making.

  668. Figures Says:


    Desean Jackson 2 td’s already lol.

    Yea he was such a cancer lol. I’m sure it had nothing to do with a completely inaccurate deep ball thrower lol.

    Idiots. The joes and everyone else that hated on him while blindly making excuses for Winston. Pathetic.

  669. Bucs Guy Says:

    At least Atlanta and Carolina both lost. I believe all 3 of us are going to end up 500 plus or minus one game.

  670. Bobby Says:

    Well, we have the lead and after that debacle it’s clearly a win for us in the first half. We need to get some offense going and stay penalty free and we’ll be alright

  671. Cgmaster27 Says:

    @Rojas even an expert like ronde can see what our local trolls fail to see. Doesnt matter to them that it hit oj right in the hands as he jumped for no reason at all.

  672. Jawo75 Says:

    Another year of Jamoist is going to be brutal. Only the defense can score touchdowns. When will this nightmare end?! You can’t fix stupid.

  673. Frank Pillow Says:

    Todd Bowles is the MVP of this 1st half— holy smokes, our D looks capable and competent. Wow.

    OJ Howard lacks mental and physical toughness…yes, I said it. Jaboo is Jaboo…what else did we really expect?

  674. Figures Says:

    The fact the Desean has two td’s already is an indictment on Winston.

    And makes the joes and everyone else look like drunken idiots

  675. RODNEY ALLEN Says:

    How bout that Cleveland d against titans n oh dont forget the great mayfield 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️😂😂😂

  676. Tbbucs3 Says:

    1 thing thats evident is that the Bucs do not have any explosive backs…..what Dalvin did today Bucs RBs simply cannot do.

  677. Miller5252 Says:

    David is having one hell of a game today! He’s in the middle of everything on defense. Hell of a comeback game for em…. I know he was in all year last year but man this is the best he’s played in a long time.

  678. BucsBandit Says:

    Whatever the opposite of POISE is… that’s how you describe Winston.

  679. Tc Says:

    O.J. Howard fumble and interception off his hands and Dotson 2 tds called back by penalties are killing us.

  680. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Bucs Guy

    And that makes todays game a MUST WIN…….PLEASE Bucs 1-0 I dont care if its an ugly win just find a way.

  681. Sydney Says:

    “Bucs Guy Says:
    September 8th, 2019 at 5:57 pm
    At least Atlanta and Carolina both lost. I believe all 3 of us are going to end up 500 plus or minus one game.”

    You actually see 7,8, or 9 wins for THIS team??

    Where are you drinking right now? I’m heading up there! LOL

  682. RODNEY ALLEN Says:

    Figures yeah djax was great for two games for us too. Just wait till spit dont go his way n he’ll be a crybaby cancer there too 🤷‍♂️

  683. Tim Says:

    Alexander took this all too personal. He knew better than to hit a surrendering QB. Ejection was the right call.

  684. tnew Says:

    Winston is not playing great, but MORE CONCERNING is just how little separation all of the WR’s are getting. It’s not like Winston is missing easy throws. There just aren’t any to be had yet. Will know more when the all-22 come out but that is a bigger issue

  685. 123urout Says:

    bucs offense very offensive to watch

  686. jugheadfla Says:

    that ball was not catchable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  687. cmurda Says:

    Bruce upset over the penalties. The Bucs: Sorry this is what we do Bruce.

  688. King C Says:

    In another note, who would have believed that the Bucs had two worthwhile kickers on the team this preseason
    Got kickers missing XPs left and right but Santos looked great going 7 for 7 today and Gay is hitting touchbacks

  689. Figures Says:


    Lmao yea ok. Go ahead and start making excuses lol.

    He has a QB that can throw a deep ball decent. Unlike the Bucs

  690. Rod Munch Says:

    What the @$@# was that, the ball was over his head by 30 yards.

  691. Bangkok Buc Says:

    Too many flags!

  692. Jean Lafitte Says:

    nice pass jimmy g

  693. tnew Says:

    third first down the defense has given up due to penalty after a third down stop.

  694. Figures Says:

    And that boys and girls is how YOU THROW A PERFECT DEEP BALL.


  695. cmurda Says:

    9ers adjusting to Bowles defense. Can Bowles adjust back? It’s been his achilles heel in the past.

  696. Bangkok Buc Says:

    Soooo brutal

  697. Season Is Over Says:

    Did Mr. Magoo forget his glasses again?

  698. 123urout Says:

    wow! i thought this defense will bring Bucs to SB…. pathetic.

  699. The Real Drew Says:

    Welcome back sh*t show

  700. Bangkok Buc Says:

    Why can’t our qb throw deep like that

  701. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Where is the offense!!! So many bullets loaded into a gun with no firing pin WTF!!!

  702. Tbbucs3 Says:


  703. Rod Munch Says:

    That was a complete BS drive – there was no PI on that play, it was literally 20 feet over his head when they called PI… Ridiculous.

  704. Hater Hater Says:

    Jameis took a bad angle on that one. #blamejameis

  705. lurker Says:

    nice, accurate deep throw

  706. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    JW3 better show us something on this drive….

  707. SteveK Says:

    We got burned! MJ Stewart aka Myron Lewis aka toast!

  708. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    willie taggert jason licht & byron leftwich walk into a bar

  709. Figures Says:

    Who was it saying the Bucs are in control lmao.

    Morons. Everywhere.

    This team sucks.

    Where’s the complete dum b fu ck saying 11-5?

    Fu ck ing idiot.

  710. King C Says:

    I fear this defense is already wilting in the heat
    But Offense has to play better.
    This is the new NFL so you can’t expect to hold teams to under 20 points

  711. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Bench OJ Howard BA Brate already scores 1 TD that was called back. Bet he won’t fumble or have stone hands

  712. 813bucboi Says:

    We need Winston to step up right here!!!!!

    This is what franchise QBs do!!!!!


  713. JameisAmericasQBOne Says:

    Jameis winston will be great. Wr flu’s. No protection. Not his best day but not HIS fault.

  714. ElioT Says:

    Okay, the offense must get something done here.

    The defense has been balling out and unfortunately the 9ers got one.

    Let’s go Jameis, time to shine dude!

  715. Figures Says:

    It’s hilarious watching the Bucs.

    I get good laughs every time they play.

    Pathetic bunch of losers.

  716. SteveK Says:

    I believe in Jameis!

    I need to see deep balls, hitting guys in stride and getting rid of the ball in a timely manner. Ultimately we need to win!

  717. Kevinator24 Says:

    MJ Stewart is going to be such a liability. If Jamel Dean was there is would have been contested

  718. Rod Munch Says:

    Figures – Can’t you do us all a favor and get a case fast acting ebola? You won’t be missed.

  719. 123urout Says:

    Looking ahead at the Bucs schedule, i dont think we can beat anybody. This SFO team was the only I initially thought we could beat….. ridiculous!

  720. Jean Lafitte Says:

    our defense has been on the field longer than our star studded offense

  721. jugheadfla Says:

    hahahahha……this is a f ing joke

  722. Kevinator24 Says:

    Swamp ass fumble…

  723. Slugglife Says:

    Wheres the offense? Its the guy you F sticks wanted traded-Brate. L.p.

  724. Ronteco Says:

    This team is doo doo

  725. Season Is Over Says:

    Is the Leftwich experiment over yet? I think I saw Rojo run up the middle three times last half. I’m assuming Leftwich just didn’t watch the games last year.

  726. The Real Drew Says:


  727. Jean Lafitte Says:

    pick 6

  728. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    NOSBOS…. u still post on here buddy?

  729. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    I told you all WINSTON SUCKS

  730. Kevinator24 Says:

    SON OF A *****

  731. jugheadfla Says:

    oh yea Jamies is good not great…….you f ing idiots………

  732. SteveK Says:

    Show me the offense, Baby!

  733. Colonel Angus Says:

    That went to sh!t real fast

  734. 123urout Says:

    Wow!!!! smh!!!! JW im out of words. oh my god !

  735. Figures Says:

    Can’t even get snaps correctly.

    A fumble, an almost pick 6. Fumbled exchange.

    Super elite huh ROD?

    I mean who’s fault is this interception?

    Come on rod and Ndog roll out the excuses.

    I’m sure Winston did nothing wrong there

  736. cmurda Says:

    There it is folks. We will certainly be in the Trevor Lawrence sweepstakes. New coaching staff, same pathetic QB

  737. alaskabuc Says:

    Can we admit that Jameis sucks @ss and will never be the savior of this franchise yet?

  738. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Winston is Hopeless

  739. ariel davila Says:

    What a joke!

  740. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    ……he already has two now

  741. Slugglife Says:


    Did I get that right? Was that a bad angle?

  742. Bangkok Buc Says:


  743. Rayjay1122 Says:

    RG4, RG4, RG4, RG4, RG4!!!

  744. The Real Drew Says:

    Jackass will be back on the field soon too

  745. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    told ya bruce arians melrose all talk…. winston has not gotten better

  746. DBS Says:


  747. Sydney Says:


  748. #1bucsfan Says:

    Wow Winston

  749. Jean Lafitte Says:

    I can’t help but wonder how much better Griffin would play?

  750. ElioT Says:

    Big problems here.

    That play was an epic disaster.

    How the f**k is Barber split out wide and then totally telegraphed by Jameis?

  751. Bobby Says:

    Wow!! Just pathetic

  752. 813bucboi Says:


    Horrible throw!!!!!


  753. Ronteco Says:

    I bailed on this team right around mid season last year. I’ll likely bail on this trash team early this year.

  754. Bucnut2 Says:

    Theres’ the Winston we all know

  755. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Trade for Josh Rosen Lmao!!!

  756. Bucnut2 Says:

    Time to talk draft

  757. ElioT Says:

    That was a disaster.


    Barber out wide? Are you kidding me?

  758. SteveK Says:

    A fumbled snap, pick 6!?

    Franchise QB my ass! Nightmare effect 2019! Hurricane Turnover Storm!

  759. Ndog Says:

    That looked like a poor route. I was Peyton Barber after all, since when he know for his route running?

  760. Bangkok Buc Says:

    Think we can beat Miami in the QB sweepstakes?

  761. Buccaneerscotty Says:


  762. MadMax Says:

    nice one….jw#3…uggly…that int is on you!

  763. LongSeason Says:

    I just turned it off. I got better things to do than watch this.

  764. Kevinator24 Says:

    Can’t defend that pass, it was way off target

  765. tnew Says:

    Winston is scared.. has been all game long.

  766. Rojas Says:

    That one was definitely on Winston.

  767. JameisAmericasQBOne Says:

    WR fell down. Throw was fine. Fake news from announcers

  768. mark2001 Says:

    Jameis…baseball is calling.

  769. Figures Says:


    Your fat as s wouldn’t say sh it to my face. I’d smack you right in your di ck sucker.

    If I ever see you anywhere imma punch you right in your fat lip. Count on it bit ch.

  770. THETRUTH Says:

    Joe still blames DJackson , CANT YOU SEE THUS GUY HAS NO ACCURACY !!!

  771. SteveK Says:


    Still rocking my Jameis jersey, and I believe in Jameis! Just a little less than five minutes ago…

    Let’s go bucs!

  772. ViejoSombrero Says:

    I knew I should have had my debit card out!!!! ATM BABY!!!! America’s Turnover Machine Wooooo Yaaaa

  773. Season Is Over Says:

    I bet the Pitts rookie LB doesn’t look completely lost on the field tonight against a real team on national television?

  774. Slugglife Says:

    Never receive the ball in the first half to “get a fast start” .


  775. 123urout Says:

    Clemson could easily beat this pathetic Bucs team….

  776. Bucs911 Says:

    Why keep contesting Sherman. BA experiment over.

  777. Anglican Says:

    JW is so incompetent

  778. Mike Johnson Says:

    Why its the SOB’s..Same ole Bucs. Drink up mates its a..BUCLIFE BABY!!!!!

  779. Troy Says:


  780. SteveK Says:

    Gross! NDog, RodMunch, other Jameis fans- what day you?

    Still rocking my Jameis jersey, and I believe in Jameis! Just a little less than five minutes ago…

    Let’s go bucs!

  781. Figures Says:

    You better never come to a draft party or anything Bucs related because if you do you’re gonna get one right in your mouth.

    So tough behind your keyboard.

  782. cmurda Says:

    Molasses Barber still out there. This is a better coaching staff?

  783. Slugglife Says:

    How many times have we put the ball on the ground today?

  784. ATrain Says:

    Well Joe let’s look at the Draft

    Bucs have #1 pick For Sure

  785. King C Says:

    So far the offense looks similar or worse than Dirk Koetter’s
    If it wasn’t for the SF penalties we wouldn’t have hardly any first downs

  786. Ronteco Says:

    This team is trash man

  787. cmurda Says:

    I already lacked confidence in Jameis, but I now have none.

  788. From76 Says:

    Embarrassing……just embarrassing.

  789. SteveK Says:

    Show me a deep ball and hitting guys in stride! Let’s gin bucs!

  790. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    wheres vea, and ol dalvin cook was on fire… jason licht so bad

  791. mark2001 Says:

    You can sport that Jameis jersey while your daddy sports that Bo Jackson jersey.

  792. Season Is Over Says:

    We just have to wait until year 6. Be patient.

  793. JameisAmericasQBOne Says:

    Jameis is doing fine. FIrst game of season. Relax

  794. 813bucboi Says:

    Still a lot of time…..

    Stay within the game plan….


  795. SteveK Says:

    First down!

  796. WeeManOfScots Says:

    Ahhhh..Jameis..glad it’s your last year..and I have been on these boards a long time..just had to pick a different nick..

    Like I said…Oh Jameis…

    Bucs will win 3 or 4 TOPS this season with our very own ATM..

  797. A Train Says:

    In all honesty, I think we can all agree that a 4 year veteran, number 1 pick QB should be playing better at this point, right?

  798. SteveK Says:

    Come on Bucs!

  799. Oneilbucs Says:

    Cmurda me as well!!!

  800. passthebuc Says:

    JW sucks

  801. Figures Says:

    This team sucks.


    Just pathetic all around. Offense is now worse than the defense. Poor mike Evans wasting his career in the sh it hole that is tampa

  802. Bangkok Buc Says:

    OJ sucks man. Bench his ass

  803. TexBuc Says:

    OJ at least some blocking please

  804. THETRUTH Says:

    A Train you are correct

  805. jugheadfla Says:

    I think even Byron is starting to see how chitty Jmiss us

  806. 813bucboi Says:

    Dirk and GMC got a L today!!!!!

    Let’s go!!!!!!!


  807. ATrain Says:

    A Train

    Why would you pick a name to post under
    That is already in the site

  808. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    Figures…. dude is a moron dont worry about that clown, some ppl are jameis fans & not bucs fans so they donf see the big picture

  809. Figures Says:

    Where are you Ndog?


    Looking for excuses to make?


  810. Oneilbucs Says:

    What’s up with all these bunch plays!!!!

  811. Bobby Says:

    I can’t watch anymore of this. I’ll check the final score later.

  812. 123urout Says:

    JW its time for you to be benched! That’s it. 5yrs is long enough for you not to developed even to at keast a decent QB.

  813. ariel davila Says:

    Donovan Smith is worthless!

  814. cmurda Says:

    So, extend Licht after we are in cap hell because of him. Mind you there’s crap for talent on this team just because he got a coach that has shown nothing in this game. Byron’s playcalling sucks. OJ sucked and Jameis is as bad as ever. Brilliant. Glazers put me on record as begging for you to sell this team.

  815. Bucnut2 Says:

    lets talk draft

  816. JameisAmericasQBOne Says:

    13urout he has not been bench worthy. Bad o line does nto help

  817. cmurda Says:

    Ball is caught. There is a flag. How arrogant of the refs to call a penalty every darn play

  818. Jean Lafitte Says:

    good thing Godwin was standing still

  819. Rod Munch Says:

    OJ is having as bad of a day as I’ve ever seen a TE have.

  820. Slugglife Says:

    Demar Dotson time. Plays best in the red zone.

  821. tnew Says:

    That is the first pass Winston stepped into today

  822. SteveK Says:

    Let’s go Bucs! Damn

  823. SteveK Says:

    Another penalty?

  824. Slugglife Says:

    Believe in Jameis!

  825. Oneilbucs Says:

    The only thing is ain’t no quarterback in this up coming draft. We still need to get a defense of player in this draft!!!!

  826. Figures Says:


    Oh well hear from rod and Ndog now.

  827. TexBuc Says:

    Finally an offensive TD!!

  828. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Finally an offensive TD…..

  829. ElioT Says:

    Reliable Godwin!

    Let’s go boys, the 9ers haven’t wanted this game all day.

    Let’s go!!!!!

  830. Slugglife Says:

    This officiating crew is the best ive seen so far.

  831. Rod Munch Says:

    Holy sh@T! We got a TD and the refs didn’t take it off the board.

  832. ElioT Says:

    That extra point was so… Gay!

  833. Bucs Guy Says:

    Looking to the draft. Who are the top QBs? Need to determine who to watch on Saturdays. Clemson, Oregon, Alabama. Who else?

  834. tnew Says:

    That was a really good answer.. Still contested throws.. cmon BL/BA lets see something..

  835. Figures Says:

    Rod saying worst game from a TE he’s ever seen.

    He would never say something like that about his man crush.

    Even the Cincinnati game he wouldn’t say that. Ofcourse all 4 interceptions was someone else’s fault.

  836. Hater Hater Says:

    “Give Jameis Winston credit!”
    -one of the best Bucs of all time.

  837. cmurda Says:

    That was a good drive and nice to see but man, we are always in comeback mode. The defense has to step up now and keep us close.

  838. Tbbucs3 Says:

    The flow of playcalling seems off with BL calling plays

  839. Slugglife Says:

    Defense better come out pissing fire!

  840. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Can’t Knock the coaching. Inferior offensive lineman and a QB with his head up his arse until the last 20 minutes of games is the problem

  841. ariel davila Says:

    Godwin is the only one having a good game.

  842. DBS Says:

    Give him credit there. He stayed with it and made the play.

  843. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    For those bashing Winston…he did throw 3 TDs today so far. Not his fault Dotson got 2 erased.

  844. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Your silence was nice while it lasted,

    Now go munch a rod.

  845. Hater Hater Says:

    This “ATM” saying is the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a long time.

  846. jimmer Says:

    Jameis reminds me of Byron Leftwich when he played. Decent, but there is about 20 other QBs you would rather have leading your team.

  847. King C Says:

    This offense is predicated on 7-step drop with long developing pass plays down the field. Problem is that requires solid protection AND JW making the best decisions

  848. tnew Says:

    This is Winston’s big issue… he has played careful for the entire game.. One play can “get him going”. He has looked like a tentative, scared rookie until that last drive. I wouldn’t be shocked if the Bucs don’t end up winning this on a late Gay FG…

  849. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    I really hope we can pull it together. I’m sick of losing the games we should win

  850. Rod Munch Says:

    The Bucs offense looked so much better on that drive, it wasn’t the slow deliberate super predictable play calling we saw earlier. They need to just stay in this quicker pace. Winston plays better this way, and the play calling is more diverse.

    6-point game.

    Now lets see what the defense can do. The downside of an aggressive scheme is you give up big plays, but the upside is you get three and outs and turnovers.

  851. MadMax Says:

    well, JW at least made up for it. Seems he plays better under hurry up O.

  852. Jean Lafitte Says:

    I think that QB from Louisiana Monroe looked great against FSU


  853. BucsBandit Says:


    It’s against the 2ND WORST TEAM IN THE NFL.

  854. cmurda Says:

    Devin White looks slow. Another great Licht reach instead of the obvious pick

  855. tnew Says:

    White’s angles are poor

  856. Jean Lafitte Says:

    look at those holes

  857. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Exactly MadMax

    The Bucs offense goes when there are lining up fast and just playing….not this tight conservative BS that we do.

  858. hrman444 Says:

    Come on Defense

  859. Figures Says:


    And had 2 fumbles, a pick 6, an almost pick 6,

    But yea make sure you pick out the two td’s called back. And just forget about the sh it plays huh?

    Typical rose colored glasses dumb as s moron

  860. tnew Says:

    THIS is the thing Bucs fans. When you can run the ball, everything is easier.

  861. Elita Vita Says:

    Time is beginning to run low on Winston’s clock.

  862. Wesley Says:

    We suck all around.

  863. K_bassuka Says:

    White looks like a mistake.

  864. Natebucsfan Says:

    Offense starts rolling now our defense gets soft. Bucs life.

  865. Rod Munch Says:

    Whitehead has made some great tackles here, really saved the d’s rear end…

    Come on D…

  866. Tbbucs3 Says:

    White looks slow and tired….

  867. Marine Buc Says:

    Suh is running out of steam.

  868. 813bucboi Says:

    They taking advantage of white….

    I’ve seen him a day late on several plays


  869. Rod Munch Says:

    Goodwin is a track star, can’t have him running easy crossing routes like that, got to get up in his face and knock him off his route.

  870. ariel davila Says:

    Now the run defense sucks!

  871. TexBuc Says:

    White looks tentative

  872. Jean Lafitte Says:

    crazy Joe’s mantra against White has the looneys panties in a bunch

  873. King C Says:

    Jason Licht does not have the best track record in high impact picks
    I would argue that passing on Dalvin Cook and Derwin James are his biggest mistakes
    But it will take alot longer than one game to judge Devin White

  874. Season Is Over Says:

    It is not easy to build a defense that can overcome four turnovers each game.

  875. Marine Buc Says:

    I’m willing to give White a pass this game. Playing with the flu is not easy.

  876. tnew Says:

    There you go Devin White

  877. Jean Lafitte Says:

    tackle by white

  878. MadMax Says:

    White gets winded too easy….needs to work on his cardio and maybe drop about 8lbs….his first game as a rook so i’ll give him a few more games to see what we have. But yeah, he is disappointing me a little. Maybe he’ll turn it around.

  879. Rod Munch Says:

    Shutup about White you morons – he’s a rookie without even a full game under his belt. You are the same idiots that last year were calling Vita, “Velcro” and saying he was a bust – then the same idiots who said he’d get double digit sacks and be an all-pro like 2 weeks later.

  880. tnew Says:

    no penalty…. plz….

  881. tnew Says:

    Great field position

  882. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Sean Murphy Bunting Lockdown!

  883. tnew Says:

    Good point Marine… Mike Evans looks off too.

  884. cmurda Says:

    Ooooh. I thought that was crazy going for that FG but that was a huge decision. We have some field position now. Come on offense. Score a TD and give us a chance here.

  885. TexBuc Says:

    Nice to see someone other than a Buc missing a kick

  886. Rod Munch Says:

    OH! Wow…

  887. Pittsshore Says:

    Apples McGoo. Time to pad the stats because of your sharty turnovers

  888. Jean Lafitte Says:

    I blame the hate on white on Joe

  889. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Figure, you know full well he could have a perfect game and some of you would still say he sucks. All I’m saying is that he’s making mistakes, but he’s also making plays.

    Anyway, I will not actively root against him. If he does well, the team does.

    No excuses. He does have to play better. But it’s also not all on him.

    For one thing, Byron needs to learn how to call faster developing plays. With this oline, we need them.

  890. King C Says:

    If the ejection and that donk are not signs the Bucs are supposed to win I don’t know what is

  891. Marine Buc Says:

    Please lord let good Winston show up. Not bad Winston. I know it’s a 50/50 proposition.

  892. Tbbucs3 Says:

    OJ and White are on todays most disappointing list.

    Ill leave Jameis off that list for now when he scores the go ahead TD on this next drive.

  893. Rod Munch Says:

    Jean Lafitte – I think it’s just the wanta be “hot take” radio caller jerk offs thinking they have something interesting to say.

  894. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Vea is no where and so what if he is a rookie he is a starter in the NFL and getting paid so play like a top 5 pick

  895. tnew Says:

    Ronald Jones is making Koetter look bad

  896. Johnny Says:

    Let’s go BUCS!

  897. King C Says:

    Mike Evans does seem off — must have something to do with the flu

  898. Rod Munch Says:

    Just do what we did last series, keep it up pace, not super predictable.

  899. TexBuc Says:

    Think we are finding a running game

  900. Rod Munch Says:

    King – Evans doesn’t look 100% at all, I think you’re right.

  901. ElioT Says:

    That’s how you do it boys!

    Keep punching them in the mouth!

    Let’s go!!!!!

  902. Figures Says:

    One day ROD ONE DAY.

    fist meet di ck suker

  903. Jean Lafitte Says:

    keep running

  904. Rod Munch Says:

    Ronnie is making me nervous with the way he’s holding the ball on every series.

  905. tnew Says:

    Remember when ROJO was a bust???

  906. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Joe’s hater antennae just went straight up lol

  907. Figures Says:

    You won’t dare talk sh it face to face.

    You’ll wish you committed suicide

  908. Rod Munch Says:

    Figures <- Triggered online tough guy alert! LOL!

  909. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Great drive for Jones but you can tell BA and BL dont trust Winston

  910. Brandon Says:

    A couple more yards from Jones and Kobe Faker is gone forever. Win or lose this will be a big win to be rid of the big idiot.

  911. tnew Says:

    See what a running game does..

  912. TexBuc Says:

    Red Zone cannons the best thing about playing at home

  913. Brandon Says:

    Later, Kobe. GTFOH!

  914. Marine Buc Says:

    ROJO on the rise!!!

  915. King C Says:

    I like what Ronde is saying about ROJO

  916. Bucnut2 Says:

    There is hope.

  917. BucsFan727 Says:

    Nice drive. Rojo with a couple good runs to set up the play action.

  918. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    So many haters are going to be fed crow this week. Jones haters especially

  919. Bucs Guy Says:

    That’s the way OJ. He’s so much better when he’s running to catch the ball. Use his speed. When he tries to stop and catch the ball in a zone, he’s just a big guy.

  920. spicoli Says:

    Jones looking like a new man this game

  921. tnew Says:

    Peyton Barber quickly becoming #2

  922. King C Says:

    @Rod dont pay attention to online weirdos

  923. BucsBandit Says:

    Kobe Faker is the biggest loser to ever post on this site. Always talking about his stupid username in the 3rd person and wasting time to put everything in quotes. LOL. What a total, freakin LOSER.

  924. Rojas Says:

    ROJO keeps playing like, and he will be the starter soon.

  925. MDFree Says:

    Wow Jones is really showing out right now!!!

  926. ElioT Says:

    The 9ers don’t want it, let’s take it!

  927. Figures Says:

    Bucs can’t ever just go out and win and play a complete game.

    It’s always a mish mash of crap play even in a win.

  928. Bucs Guy Says:

    Of course another penalty in the red zone

  929. 813bucboi Says:

    Once again…..Byron is calling a heck of a game!!!!


  930. ElioT Says:

    Intentional grounding… come on Jameis

  931. cmurda Says:

    They never call that intentional grounding. Thats a shady call

  932. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Winston is 90% accurate when the WR is standing still. He drops to 50% when they are in motion.

  933. Rod Munch Says:

    What the F@$# are these refs calling, the guy was in the general area – that play is made 5 times a game. Are you kidding me!?!

  934. cmurda Says:

    Jameis. My goodness man. No cerebral part to his game.

  935. tnew Says:

    Once again.. anyone noticing there is zero separation

  936. Rod Munch Says:

    F@$@ing bull@$#@

  937. 813bucboi Says:

    Dirk had no idea what to do with rojo….


  938. cmurda Says:

    Go for it Bruce. Come on

  939. Bucco Edd Says:

    how do you get a intentional grounding there, how bad do you have to be?

  940. A Train Says:

    Those penalties were HUGE…..extremely costly.

  941. Bucnut2 Says:

    Winston can’t even throw it away

  942. Rod Munch Says:

    That was the biggest BS call since the fake news PI on the SF TD series.

  943. tnew Says:

    Winston just hit in the face… no call.

  944. ElioT Says:

    No risk it!!!

  945. tnew Says:

    Roll Winston out…

  946. Jean Lafitte Says:

    yea Bruce no riskit no bisquit

  947. Bucs Guy Says:

    Taking points off the board

  948. spicoli Says:

    Should’ve been running the passed with the hands to the face contact on Winston

  949. Bucnut2 Says:

    no risk it, no biscuit

  950. Hater Hater Says:

    “Look how calm Jameis Winston is here in the pocket”
    -best Buc of all time

  951. Bucnut2 Says:

    take the points BA!!

  952. tnew Says:

    Don’t like that play call

  953. Bucs Guy Says:

    No biscuit

  954. Jean Lafitte Says:

    brate all alone in the corner

  955. tnew Says:

    Dont mind going for it..

  956. A Train Says:

    Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

  957. wantstastayabuc Says:

    Different year same team. Do any of you really want to bury a HUGE percentage of the team salary in a guy you need to make excuses for? By the way, I didn’t say who.

  958. Marine Buc Says:


  959. Tbbucs3 Says:

    A love how relaxed Matt Gay looks. Unlike the scared and feared faces for Aguayo and Friends

  960. ElioT Says:

    No biscuit!

    Let’s go defense!!!

    Don’t give them an inch!!!

  961. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    almost jameis 3rd pick 6 today

  962. tnew Says:

    Brate had 2 guys on him

  963. Bucnut2 Says:

    Momentum to 49 niners

  964. 813bucboi Says:

    3&out defense!!!!!!


  965. cmurda Says:

    No surprise there. Jameis with zero cerebral part of his game doesn’t see the LB spying that throw. Byron screwed the pooch. Should have pitched to ROJO wide but he didn’t even put a RB back there for the threat of a run. That play was easy to diagnose by the defense. Byron failed right there.

  966. Bucfann666 Says:

    Come on defense

  967. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Winston was gonna force it no matter what

  968. Oneilbucs Says:

    Should have been a role out play!!!

  969. Natebucsfan Says:

    When you suc like the bucs you dont risk it. Get the points!

  970. JameisAmericasQBOne Says:

    Hes got to come back to the ball as the wr. COme on!

  971. Tbbucs3 Says:

    No he wasnt Jean. He JW throws to Brate there its a pick 6 by Richard Sherman

  972. Bucnut2 Says:

    you cant trust Winston in those situations

  973. tnew Says:

    a throw to Brate would’ve been a no doubt pick 6.. plus he was running an in cutting route.

  974. Rod Munch Says:

    The defense has played great today, you don’t take points off the board… What the hell… If this was last year, sure, go for it, but not here…

  975. Old School Athlete Says:

    Dotson was horrible on that 4th and Goal

  976. Kevinator24 Says:

    I agree with your cmurda, Rojo outside would have walked in untouched

  977. BucsBandit Says:




  978. SFNJBucs Says:

    Glad to know this is the expectation for great play.

  979. Hater Hater Says:

    @cmurda Have any NFL teams approached you yet? It’s obvious you have a keen offensive mind. Hope you get hired soon!

  980. tnew Says:

    should have rolled Winston out and had a couple of guys running with him

  981. Jean Lafitte Says:

    Brate had the corner

  982. Tim Says:

    With how Gay seems to be the Bucs could have had three points. BAD CALL. I’m already tired of the “no risk it, no biscuit” stuff.

  983. 813bucboi Says:


    I disagree….good play design….gotta win your 1 on 1 match ups….ball was late….that’s on Winston


  984. tnew Says:

    I HATE coming back in the same formation after a defensive timeout

  985. SteveK Says:

    Turnover on downs and another dropped INT. Tough times.

  986. Rod Munch Says:

    Also why are you in shotgun from the 2… you come out under center and at least make the defense think you might run… Dirk did that same idiocy.

  987. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    shoulda done qb draw it was wide open

  988. tnew Says:

    That was a late throw.. bad angle from White

  989. ElioT Says:

    Bullsh*t spot, bad camera angles.

  990. SteveK Says:

    Our QB and former number one overall pick needs to elevate the team to victory through his level of pay. Year five and still waiting.

  991. cmurda Says:

    Yeah Hater Hater. Good name genius. I’m certainly not coach capable but I can clearly see that was a dumb playcall at a critical time. Thanks for the kudos though. Stay classy

  992. IsrBuc Says:

    White is always standing looking at the pile after play is over

  993. Brandon Says:

    eptember 8th, 2019 at 6:34 pm
    White gets winded too easy….needs to work on his cardio and maybe drop about 8lbs….his first game as a rook so i’ll give him a few more games to see what we have. But yeah, he is disappointing me a little. Maybe he’ll turn it around.


    Love it when people that have no clue try to play personal trainer/sports scientist.

  994. spicoli Says:

    Generous spot

  995. Pittsshore Says:

    JW sucks. DJax looked darn good with a QB that can throw a deep ball

  996. BucsBandit Says:


    Winston still sucks. And this is against the 2nd WORST team in the NFL.

  997. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Winston continues to have a low football IQ.

  998. Jean Lafitte Says:

    sorry I was wrong it wasn’t brate is was OJ

  999. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Jordan Whitehead and ROJO making plays. What is happening?

  1000. tnew Says:

    no penalties Bucs!!

  1001. TexBuc Says:

    And defense holds.

  1002. 813bucboi Says:

    Winston has to step up


  1003. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    All on Jameis now.,,

  1004. King C Says:

    I f I was Jimmy G I’d be very careful about running given how his season ended last year

  1005. Jean Lafitte Says:

    how was that not a safety

  1006. Rod Munch Says:

    Alright, defense did their job…

    Lets get a TD and call it a day.

  1007. DB Says:

    Winston confirmed today that He’s a BUST.

  1008. tnew Says:

    Gholston played well today

  1009. Anonymous Says:

    Jean Lafitte, the forward progress stopped well before they pushed him back to the goal line. No safety.

  1010. wantstastayabuc Says:

    Oh, and a great FU to all who threw D Jax under the buis. Its your boy who drags this team down, not one of the NFL’s most prolific receivers. Don’t eat a ‘W’, eat a different letter for me.

  1011. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    Winston you are running out of chances not to screw this up

  1012. RODNEY ALLEN Says:

    Cant believe im saying this but the defense is the only reason we’re still in this game

  1013. BucsBandit Says:


    ESPN analyst, Jordan Schultz on Twitter:

    “This just in: Jameis Winston is still one of the worst QBs in the NFL.”

  1014. ElioT Says:

    Very pleased with this defense, win or lose.

    They’ve been beating the hell outta the 9ers all day.

    Love the aggression and dudes just flying all over the field.

    If we only had McCoy’s infamous “penetration”…

  1015. King C Says:

    Defense really stood up there. A TD is a must this drive

  1016. tnew Says:

    Lets give ROJO a chance on a screen pass..

  1017. Natebucsfan Says:

    Let’s see how this team responds. We got the momentum.

  1018. Rod Munch Says:

    Great defensive stand there actually once the punt is accounted for.

    Said it earlier, but what if it all along was just the scheme and all these guys weren’t busts – that would be amazing.

  1019. JameisAmericasQBOne Says:

    Winston will bring this back!!!!

  1020. It’s a bucs life Says:

    It is now time for JW to win a game. The defense has done a great job keeping this game close. Let’s see if JW is worth a second contract!

  1021. Dirty Bucs Says:

    Jean Lafitte- Forward progress stopped well before they pushed him back to the goal line. No safety.

  1022. Marine Buc Says:

    Go with ROJO!!!

  1023. Jean Lafitte Says:

    6 yards a carry prolly won’t be good enough for hater Joe

  1024. BucsBandit Says:


    This is Jameis Winston’s 17th career game with multiple interceptions, passing Blake Bortles for most in the league since Winston entered the NFL in 2015.

  1025. RODNEY ALLEN Says:

    One bright spot on offense is jones looks good

  1026. Figures Says:

    Djax failure in Tampa had nothing to do with djax.

    Bunch of idiots.

    He was pissed cause the QB can’t hit a wide open receiver running down the side line.

    Fu to the djax haters. It was Winston’s fault the WHOLE TIME.

  1027. Rod Munch Says:

    I love how Ronnie is running the ball – but what is with his grip – every play it looks like the ball is about a half step from getting knocked out of his hands.

  1028. Marine Buc Says:

    Keep feeding ROJO!!!!

  1029. TexBuc Says:

    It’s the RoJo show.

  1030. cmurda Says:

    Im not a genius by any stretch but I did say ROJO will be our guy and that dude is possessed right now

  1031. tnew Says:

    OJ Howard…

  1032. JameisAmericasQBOne Says:

    Sloppy penalties from a sloppy first game from both teams

  1033. tnew Says:

    Nope.. sorry though oj wasn’t set..

  1034. 813bucboi Says:

    Oline looking good!!!!!


  1035. King C Says:

    Can there be any more flags thrown in this game

  1036. ElioT Says:

    Pending man-crush on Rojo.

  1037. Bucs Guy Says:

    Jones looking better today than any point since drafted. Just keep both hands on the ball.

  1038. Kevinator24 Says:

    For all the Rojo doubters…he’s got his confidence and it is SHOWING 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  1039. Sailinshoes Says:


  1040. wantstastayabuc Says:

    Even if the flawed QB fights back, he is the reason the team was in the hole in the first place; not the running game and not the defense.

  1041. lurker Says:

    joes owe an apology to Ronald jones

  1042. Rojas Says:

    Your new starting RB ROJO.

  1043. King C Says:

    Let’s keep gashing these guys when they’re tired

  1044. Marine Buc Says:

    Uh oh. It’s Winston time.

  1045. DB Says:

    winston is still a bust. What a waste of money and time.
    Puke in the field is what I’ve been watching.

  1046. Jean Lafitte Says:

    The crazy Joe was the ringleader on the DJax hate

  1047. tnew Says:


  1048. Marine Buc Says:


  1049. cmurda Says:

    Winston has not been able to finish one drive and he has had a running game. What is the JW excuse now?

  1050. Marine Buc Says:


  1051. ElioT Says:

    Come on, what the hell?

  1052. MadMax Says:

    Get it Rojo!

  1053. Hater Hater Says:

    BL is doing an ok job, but I wish @cmurda was calling plays. Just tap in in, dude!

  1054. SteveK Says:


  1055. Jean Lafitte Says:

    He’s just to slow in his progressions

  1056. King C Says:

    Should mix in a play action now and then tho

  1057. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    cmurda, you and me since the end of last season. We were the olny ones!

  1058. Dirty Bucs Says:

    Not kicking that last FG is not looking so great right now.

  1059. ViejoSombrero Says:

    That kick was so Gay

  1060. Rod Munch Says:

    Cappa gets ran over when it matters most…

    Defense needs to do it one more time.

  1061. 813bucboi Says:

    Good ol buc ball….

    Defense…. 3&out!!!!!


  1062. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    That, my friends, is on the playcalling…..they were set up for play action….keyed the run and made the stop.

    Rojo looking good though…..

  1063. Marine Buc Says:

    ROJO is looking good. One positive to say about this offense.

  1064. cmurda Says:

    ROJO is shredding the 9ers. We haven’t run 1 playaction. The 2nd down was the play to do it on. Byron hasn’t been bad but he has nutted up in the red zone.

  1065. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Can I say? It is so nice finally having a kicker!

  1066. Bucnut2 Says:

    Winston cannot make a play

  1067. Rojas Says:

    Jesus Christ Cappa..

  1068. Figures Says:

    Well the crazy joe is an idiot.

    Djax lost two years to a sub average terrible deep throwing QB

  1069. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    2 FGs would have tied the game..coaching

  1070. Ndog Says:

    Here live no body is open. No one’s fault but it is what it is if you throw it it’s risky. What are you going to do?

  1071. donuts Says:

    Winston still not looking like a decisive franchise type QB in this game.

  1072. cmurda Says:

    Jinx TBBF. Exactly.

  1073. Ben real Says:

    Anyone know where I can get a gay jersey?

  1074. ViejoSombrero Says:

    without the Winston pick 6 and the proper field goal we didnt attempt that would be a 6 point lead right now

  1075. Sydney Says:

    This game’s had it all. Horrible QB and OL play. Bad Defensive penalties. And a game losing coaching decision.

    Can’t wait to see what happens when we play a good team.

  1076. Bucfann666 Says:

    Come on secondary get this

  1077. OklahomaBucFan Says:

    So we should be tied right now. Risked it and didn’t even get no crumbs. So if we lose we can also blame our new HC call to take points off the board

  1078. Isaac haggins Says:

    Yep , the o line has cost this team an easy easy easy win …… Godwin and Howard’s hands are subject but Jones has made up for them but that o line can’t continue !!

  1079. Ndog Says:

    Should have run PA on 2nd down. I was screaming for it and no a lost of 2.

  1080. Kevinator24 Says:

    @cmurda I was thinking the same thing playaction would have been perfect on 2nd down

  1081. Rod Munch Says:

    Tampabaybucfan – No kidding, that 2nd down, the 49ers and everyone in the stadium knew it was going to be a run up the middle. Outside the TD drive the play calling today on offense has been very predictable and pretty awful.

  1082. ElioT Says:

    Jameis is not the cerebral, put the team on his “back” QB we all hoped he would be in year five.

    However, for all of you looking to throw him away in his first game with Arians, you need to slow down.

    The offense has sucked butt today as a collective.

    Let’s go defense!

  1083. Natebucsfan Says:

    Need a interception or 3 in out, or that my friends is the ball game.

  1084. Figures Says:


    Immediately following this game.

    But they won’t. They’ll pretend they were right.

  1085. Bucnut2 Says:

    I think we all need to re-evaluate our options of this roster. bottom line wee are not very good and Licht needs to go

  1086. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I wanted to go for it last time, so I’m not holding that against anyone.

    Arians called that play, btw. Byron wanted a FG there.

  1087. tnew Says:

    This will show if the defense is different.. Last season the game was over.. Just run it at GMC. Today, Suh looks good, Vea yes and Gholston, all have looked good. One more time

  1088. ViejoSombrero Says:

    Nah bro Jameis will never be worthy of #1 overall pick Never

  1089. ViejoSombrero Says:

    Lichts OUT

  1090. Bucs Guy Says:

    Now we’ll see if the D is improved. Last year we give up a long drive and points here. Or at least multiple first downs.

  1091. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Figures, DJax is a quiter. One game won’t change that.

  1092. King C Says:

    See Jimmy G can miss wide open guys too

  1093. tnew Says:

    That was a gift

  1094. BucsBandit Says:

    LOL @ NDOG

    “Live at the game” and claiming no one is getting open. Haha. Yeah, that’s why QB’s throw the ball BEFORE the WR makes a break on a route, so the WR has an advantage knowing where the ball is going to go before he moves.

    Winston is just incapable of making throws that other great QBs make all the time.

  1095. ElioT Says:

    This Kittle guy is a hot dawg douche.

  1096. Bucnut2 Says:

    Figures- you so right!! Joe’s(Lee) blamed all of teh long ball problems on D-jax. Truth is it always was Winston!

  1097. cmurda Says:

    BS pick play that th 9ers just got. Ridiculous that the NFL still allows that weak garbage

  1098. Jean Lafitte Says:

    what is so hard about doubling kittle

  1099. tnew Says:

    Nice job Devin White

  1100. Marine Buc Says:

    Wow. White just looked real bad.

  1101. cmurda Says:

    Same as last year. The defense doesnt step up when needed. Bowles hasn’t changed one thing about this defense yet. Still unreliable.

  1102. Easy Says:

    LOL DW45 got steamrolled

  1103. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    ViejoSombrero, what’s the matter? Your other name got banned?

  1104. Ndog Says:

    Devin White looks horrible. Useless

  1105. Colonel Angus Says:

    Damn, game set match

  1106. Sydney Says:


  1107. Bucnut2 Says:

    wow White just got schooled

  1108. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Devin White sucks

  1109. DB Says:

    Bucs QB is a joke.
    He is not meant to play in the NFL. What a bust.
    Worst accuracy I have ever seen in the NFL.

  1110. tnew Says:

    Devin White can’t get bowled over like that

  1111. Jean Lafitte Says:

    rb lowered his head

  1112. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    White got Conte’d

  1113. King C Says:

    Let’s admit that George Kittle is a beast
    The fact that he was drafted in the 5th round is why I think we shouldn’t draft TE in the first round

  1114. Marine Buc Says:

    Devin White will be fine. First game. Playing with the flu.

  1115. Bucamania Says:

    Devin White suuuucks. Been watching him all game and he’s terrible.

  1116. Natebucsfan Says:

    That’s all she wrote. Panthers thursday night will be another lose. 0-2. Bucs life.

  1117. ElioT Says:

    You guys talking smack against White will eat your words.


  1118. Jean Lafitte Says:

    deflect ndog make it about white #jameisblameless

  1119. Marine Buc Says:

    I will call him out when he has a bad play but he will be fine.

  1120. King C Says:

    I was watching the Philly game and DJax was the no.1 reason they won for sure. He got so open Wentz couldn’t miss him

  1121. Marine Buc Says:

    Uh oh. It’s Winston time again.

  1122. Colonel Angus Says:

    Time for a clutch drive

  1123. Tbbucs3 Says:


  1124. Slugglife Says:

    Now we will see what Jameis is made of.

    Maybe we will have a Mike Evans sighting

  1125. passthebuc Says:

    I would rather switch QB’s now and see what happens this year.

  1126. ViejoSombrero Says:

    This is why you drafted a franchise quarterback, 2 minute drill GO WIN THE GAME JAMEIS…..

  1127. Bucnut2 Says:

    BA is probably shutting himself. He probably thought he had some talent here.

  1128. Figures Says:

    This team can never get out of its own way.

    Pathetic all the way around.

    And wth is bobo the dumbo even on this team.

    He’s pathetic and sucks.

    Guess what Bucs fans?

    Yep they suck AGAIN.

  1129. 813bucboi Says:

    Is he or isn’t he a franchise QB?

    We shall see….


  1130. ElioT Says:

    You are a bunch of idiots and exemplify everything wrong with Bucs “fans”.

    The kid is a rookie in his first game, dealing with the flu…

    You d-bags want to talk smack about Mike Evans too?

    What the hell is wrong with you?

  1131. Oneilbucs Says:

    I don’t want to see Barber in the back field no more!!!

  1132. Bangkok Buc Says:

    Come on Jameis!!

  1133. Figures Says:

    At home and losing to a team they are “supposed” to be better than.

    What’s that tell you Bucs fans?

  1134. Slugglife Says:

    Game time boys.

  1135. Jean Lafitte Says:

    nice pass jameis

  1136. Marine Buc Says:

    Nice throw #1 overall pick!!!

  1137. Figures Says:

    What’s that ELIIOT?

    What’s that you say?

  1138. Rojas Says:

    Why do our returners always run into traffic ? Lol.

  1139. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Ndog day you boi

  1140. jugheadfla Says:

    possibly the dumbest QB I’ve ever seen

  1141. ElioT Says:

    That’s America’s QB for you, JOE!!!!

    Damn Jameis…


  1142. Bucs Guy Says:

    Terrible decision!!!

  1143. tnew Says:

    I don’t think White sucks… but he’s struggling. I want a linebacker picked at 5 to be very instinctive. He looks like he is way in his head

  1144. ViejoSombrero Says:

    Bucamania Devin White over bluechip Dlineman that were on the board

  1145. cmurda Says:

    There it is. How can Bruce accept this atrocious QB play. WTF was that JW? He’s done. Move on with Griffin and get Trevor. I’m already done with this year. This team sucks and JW is trash.

  1146. Anglican Says:

    Incompetent but totally incompetent

  1147. lurker Says:


  1148. Colonel Angus Says:

    So much for that

  1149. Bucnut2 Says:

    That’s Winston!!!

  1150. Slugglife Says:

    Shat the bed again. Three picks

  1151. Natebucsfan Says:


  1152. Bangkok Buc Says:

    It’s a Bucs life

  1153. Figures Says:

    Fu ck YOU ROD



  1154. Dirty Bucs Says:

    Ok I hate being negative, but…. Winston is not good enough to take us to the playoffs, nor does he make good decisions when it matters. This is ridiculous.

  1155. alaskabuc Says:

    Seriously need to consider starting RG4 for the rest of the year. Couldn’t possibly do worse than Jameis Wins-none.

  1156. ViejoSombrero Says:

    BRO my ATM card

  1157. bucs_1 Says:


  1158. cmurda Says:

    I mean that’s seriously the only play of the game you need to see. Nobody, not even Joe, can defend America’s Fail anymore.

  1159. tnew Says:

    Loss is 100% on Winston.

  1160. EA Says:

    This guy is an idiot, I don’t know how many coaches are gonna get fired because of him, I don’t want anyone defending this guy anymore.

  1161. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    …..a boneheaded turn over machine!!!!!!

  1162. Marine Buc Says:

    Seven weeks until our next home game. Season = screwed. Sorry season ticket holders.

  1163. SteveK Says:

    Come on Jameis! Win me a game!

  1164. 813bucboi Says:

    He ain’t the franchise


  1165. Jordan L Says:

    I was wrong. Winston is trash. Ship him out.

  1166. Armybucsfan Says:

    It’s incredible……JAMEIS SUCKS….BENCH HIM NOW!!!!!!!

  1167. Phillybuc Says:

    can the Jameis experiment please be over?

  1168. TexBuc Says:

    Bad throw Winston

  1169. Rayjay1122 Says:

    No more excuses for Winston. He is not a starting QB. No excuse at all for his pathetic play. Inaccurate passer who makes awful decisions.

  1170. Tim Says:

    Vincent Testaverde.

  1171. TheBucsAnthem Says:



  1172. Tony1775 Says:

    Sorry Joe Jameis is not it.

  1173. Armybucsfan Says:

    Defense was great. James is sucks so bad

  1174. Elita Vita Says:

    Winston, to be or not to be……

    NOT TO BE!!!

  1175. SFNJBucs Says:

    Cmon. The guy can’t make a good decision or quick decision. How many times do you have to see this.

  1176. cmurda Says:

    Bruce. Save your life and resign now. The talent that your boy has put together for you is heart attack inducing.

  1177. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Winston is toast. He can’t think on the run and he wets the bed.
    JW is done.

  1178. MadMax Says:

    And there you go…another dumb pass by JW#3….all on you again…yeah its time to give Griff a few games to see what he can do!

  1179. BetterBucFan Says:

    I don’t normally blame jameis but this loss is squarely on him. That’s 14 points given away to them with no blame on anyone else for those.

  1180. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    stale bisucit has ruined jameis

  1181. Figures Says:



  1182. ElioT Says:

    All the idiots slamming White in his first game.

    Meanwhile #3 literally single handedly loses the game with two horrific pick-sixes.

    …and sh*t for brains Kwon should have had another.


  1183. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    jameis will always be jameis

  1184. SteveK Says:

    Did Jameis just implode for another interception?

    What the hell? This is awful? What happened? My kid fell off their bike and had to check on them and fix the chain.

  1185. tnew Says:

    Winston is just done. He played scared all game long. The QB can’t be scared. Winston does.

  1186. jugheadfla Says:

    not to mention he can even throw the ball away properly……he f ing sux donkey ballz

  1187. THETRUTH Says:

    Joe still thinks he is great !!

    Whatever your team weakness is Bucs will make it look like your strength

  1188. Anonymous Says:

    Done with Jameis. What a pathetic effort. Had two other dropped INTs one of which prob would have been a pick 6

  1189. Jean Lafitte Says:

    I imagine John Lynch is a happy dude. Same with Kwon

  1190. spicoli Says:

    Dang… Tank for Tua!

  1191. Bangkok Buc Says:

    Gonna be a long year fellas

  1192. Slugglife Says:

    The fruits and nuts in SF are twerking in their tutus as we speak.

  1193. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Mariota threw 3 today too….. TDs

  1194. Phillybuc Says:

    What’s the lowest QB rating you can get?

  1195. King C Says:

    For JW to play this poorly at home is a very bad sign
    I can’t help but notice Mariota went on the road as an underdog and delivered against Cleveland today.

  1196. NewQBplz Says:

    I have always watched this board and never commented, I LOGGED IN EXCLUSIVELY TO SAY BENCH WINSTON HE IS TERRIBLE!

  1197. bucs4ya Says:

    Been a Winston supporter I’m officially done.

  1198. Rayjay1122 Says:

    RG4 needs to be starting to give us a sliver of hope to win any games.

  1199. SteveK Says:

    Jameis was awful, Rod Munch, NDog and others.

  1200. THETRUTH Says:

    He has done nothing special that any other QB could have not done

  1201. BucsBandit Says:

    STOP IT!!!

    It’s not Winston’s fault!

    It’s the Defense. Running Game. O-Line.

  1202. Marine Buc Says:

    It’s like FSU vs Oregon all over again.

  1203. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    i said it

  1204. TonyC Says:

    Yeah this loss is totally on Winston. We could have won this game with Shaun King for godsakes. Really feel for defensive players.

  1205. NPRSageBoy Says:

    Welcome to Tampa Bay: Home of America’s Turnover Machine, JayMiss Winnone.

    He sucks.

  1206. Ben real Says:


  1207. Tim Says:

    The QB whisper? WTF. Dude, this guy is no good. After five years do we extend his contract? Wow. I have been here since 1976 and they looked better on offense

  1208. Eric Says:

    Wtf, big Jameis supporter here, but he sucked today

  1209. passthebuc Says:

    Winston does not have the intellect to be a QB. He has proven that over 4 previous years. Why is it the people think you can do the same thing and expect a different outcome.

  1210. Bucnut2 Says:

    I actually feel sorry for BA. He’s a GREAT coach and will ruin his legacy here in Tampa

  1211. K_bassuka Says:

    This team is garbage.

  1212. CG Buc Says:

    Joe … please suspend Figures. There is no need for any of his comments & threats

  1213. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Fire licht and blow it up…draft OL, go sign case keenum and then get a qb in a few years…vea is a wasted pick capppa is crappa…d white no clue….and arians should have stayed in his golf cart….this is a poorly built team

  1214. Ndog Says:

    Just can’t make that throw. Dare has to get out in that route but you still can’t just throw it hoping for the flag.

  1215. DILLIGAF Says:

    Griff, Griff, Griff. JW3 is done. Trash.

  1216. 813bucboi Says:

    Defense played great…..Winston and his 3 picks are the tale of the game….


  1217. BucsBandit Says:

    What’s crazy is…

    Winston could easily have FIVE INTs in this game *and* a lost fumble.

  1218. Pete I Says:

    Oh my…oh my said Ronde on the tv.

    Sums it all up.

  1219. Bucs Guy Says:

    The only positive I can say is this defense is much better than year’s past. Not top 10, but at least middle of the pack instead of bottom of the barrel.

  1220. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Where are all you Jameis lovers?????

    Who are you going to blame now besides Jameis?????

  1221. Ricky Says:

    DB55 come and defend your boy.

  1222. unbelievable Says:

    ALright I’m done with Jameis. No excuses for those last 2 INTs. None.

    Fk this.

    Fk him.

    Fk Licht and the Glazers.

    So glad I don’t live in Florida anymore, where I’d be wasting my hard earned money to go see this hot garbage.

  1223. Rafterman 61 Says:

    Go Rays

  1224. Pruritos Ani Says:


  1225. lurker Says:

    here comes the stat padding
    he is not whom i thought he was when drafted.

  1226. Eric Says:

    In fact our entire offense sucked except rojo and Godwin

  1227. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    bonzai whats your spin on this crap?

  1228. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    very true…..Jameis could’ve had five INTs

  1229. TonyC Says:

    How does this fan base put up with this crap year after year.

  1230. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Where is Rod Munch now?

  1231. Ndog Says:

    But again no one is open. What is any QB supposed to do?

  1232. Pruritus Ani Says:


  1233. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Invest that 20 million well Jameis

  1234. SteveK Says:

    No more excuses for Jameis! That’s just like the ass pass

  1235. Sydney Says:

    3-13, with some luck.

  1236. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Defense gave up 16 points…Jameis gave up 14

    Let’s hear it Ndog… Kicker made his kicks, defense wasn’t perfect but held to 16 points..

    Jameis is not a winning NFL QB and never will be. He was EXACTLY the same today as he has ever been.

    Oh but he’s the best QB the Bucs have ever had…

    Can’t wait until the presser, so we can hear the same BS all over….

  1237. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  1238. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    jameis could have had 4 ints for tds

  1239. ElioT Says:

    Very tough road ahead for this team.

    Still love the new-look defense, but the QB and most of the offense in general looks horrific.

    Go figure…

    Defense balling out, Rojo looking like a beast, and the Bucs get smashed by a bad 9ers team with a head coach that looks like a nervous pansy the entire game.

  1240. Jonathan Limpchimpi Says:


    My new team is Buc Bonzie and The Elf Eroticas pleading Hot Rod Munchkin to so him something. Even that creepiness is better than this. Grrrr.

  1241. Tim Says:

    How does Jason Licht have a job? He is on his third coach and bears NONE of the responsibility. Great job if you can get it.

  1242. BucsBandit Says:

    LOL @ NDOG

    The Defense SNUFFED OUT the screen and jammed Dare so he couldn’t get into the flat. It’s the QB’s job to recognize that and NOT throw it there.

  1243. Slugglife Says:

    If that was Brees I woukd have been wondering when we would score, not when they would score.

    Bucs life and an Evans sighting.

  1244. ElioT Says:

    Screw you John Lynch.

  1245. Game film doesn't lie Says:

    Comedy at its best!!! Only thing to do is laugh. Not worth my the effort to get upset anymore. I barely cheer for good plays because I always wait for that 2 to 3 bonehead plays. Feel bad for the defense and Ronald Jones III. Wasted on turnovers. Not giving up but hard to defend

  1246. Gettinthebucs Says:

    I’ve defended Winston since his freshmen year of college. I’m finally done with this dude. Hurts me as an FSU and bucs fan but he’s not a great QB and will never be one. You can’t just chuck up prayers. Welp off to the draft. Hurts even more to watch Djax go back to Philly and light it up week 1. If I’m Winston I’m moving on to baseball after this season. He’s got money. Maybe he can climb the ranks in the minor leagues but, Football is not for him.

  1247. Marine Buc Says:

    Let’s go Winston. Get all your stats now.

  1248. LUVMYBUCS Says:


    Too Soon?

  1249. lambchop Says:

    Winston sucks big D.

  1250. Jean Lafitte Says:

    How much you wanna bet this weeks articles will be about how crappy our run game is, how terrible picking white was. How Dotson is misunderstood etc etc

  1251. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Yeah Jameis will always be saying the same thing

    “I take responsibility….I gotta play better”

  1252. Ricky Says:

    We are screwed.f-ing Winston is over.

  1253. Jmarkbuc Says:


    You can’t be serious…just go jerk off to your Jameis poster.

  1254. Marine Buc Says:

    Wow. OJ Howard didn’t freak up!!!

  1255. 123urout Says:

    oh boy! same ‘ol bucs… doesn’t get tired of loosing.

  1256. Marine Buc Says:

    Another nice throw

  1257. Bobby M. Says:

    Guess that was another bad defensive outing…..What’s the excuse this week for Winston?….the pre-game meal?…..climate change?

    He is what he is……folks need to recognize for all those moments where he pulls a rabbit out of his rear end, he offsets them with 3 piles of poo when it counts. You cant win in the NFL when you throw TWO pick 6’s…..YOU CANT! Three turnovers by your QB cant be overcome. That’s reality of the NFL.

  1258. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Trade for Bridgewater, or just fcking tank the season.

  1259. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Dusthty Rhothdes Says:
    September 8th, 2019 at 7:23 pm
    “bonzai whats your spin on this crap?”

    Same as always. Winston needs to get better, but I’m not ready to give up on him.

    9ers have a vreat defense.

  1260. Barack's Crack Pipe Says:

    Classic Jameis. Pressure = throw it at a pile of bodies hoping your guy sees it. Never mind it was 1st down and there was plenty of grass you could have drilled it into, in order to live for the next down. But he plays 1st down as if it is 4th down and he just HAS to throw it somewhere.

    He looked like he actually GOT IT during pre-season. Here’s hoping that BA can break him of that before next week.

  1261. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    People cannot change Jamies…….

  1262. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Throw Licht in his pool

  1263. Pit of Misery Says:

    So much for the hype! Looking at another single digit win season.

  1264. Nptbuc Says:

    James’s- America’s quarterback? Joe PLEASE retire that sad moniker from your site. I’m begging you!

  1265. Defense Rules Says:

    The Bucs’ defense played their hearts out in this game. No doubt that Bucs lost because of the horrific play of the Bucs’ offense. FOUR turnovers is simply unacceptable, especially when 2 INTs by Winston were Pick-Sixes. Bad, really really bad.

  1266. ViejoSombrero Says:

    The WORST deep ball thrower

  1267. Oneilbucs Says:

    I still wouldn’t take Tua!!

  1268. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    And the ceremonial garbage yards for Jaymiss

  1269. Old School Athlete Says:

    Down by 2 scores, less than 2 minutes left, one time out remaining and you throw little short passes across the middle of the field? Stunningly stupid.

  1270. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Jameis will always be a stupid decision maker

  1271. Bangkok Buc Says:

    At least Cleveland lost too.
    Small victories

  1272. jimmer Says:

    Okay, now there might be about 30 other QBs I rather have. One could argue Fitz was better than JW last year.

  1273. Figures Says:


    Looking for someone to blame?

    Ndog? Please tell us that pick wasn’t Winston’s fault.
    Who ran the wrong route?

    I’m sure both of you are grasping at straws.

    Couple of complete idiots.

  1274. Marine Buc Says:

    Wow. Another nice throw.

  1275. CG Buc Says:

    JW3 is who he shows us game after game. He is not coachable. Cannot learn and cannot control himself. 5 years … its over

  1276. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  1277. jugheadfla Says:

    almost another pick

  1278. Figures Says:

    Maybe 4-12

  1279. Craig Says:

    Before that last interception Jameis had a QBR of 53.9. Not much to add to that.

  1280. Ricordo Says:

    On JW’s behalf, the concussion in the first half turned him color blind.

    What a joke!

  1281. Slugglife Says:

    Now y’all can watch two real QBS play.

    Niners guys had career days today. As always

  1282. bucfanforever Says:

    Bring Mike Glennon back

  1283. DBS Says:

    We hired a coach to fix him. It’s Dirks’ fault!

  1284. 813bucboi Says:

    And joe said target Witherspoon lol Actually, it was Jerry Rice who was hard on Witherspoon.–Joe


  1285. Anonymous Says:

    Contract year, first game of the season, oline was not all that bad, u have a great receiving core that any QB would dream of having and u throw 3 picks!!! I backed u up over and over I can not no more u need to go!!! I’m sorry I can’t defend u no more u need to go!!!!!!

  1286. Lostinpa Says:

    Looks like we have a new QB next year. Sad but I cannot see him changing.

  1287. DB Says:

    Alright 2:10 left let’s see if our 53.9 % passer rating can drive to a win.

  1288. Aaron Says:

    It doesn’t get easier…I’m over Jw

  1289. Marine Buc Says:
