The Day Of The Turk

September 1st, 2018

The NFL’s grim reaper makes his annual appearance today.

Very few football coaches don’t enjoy what they do. Oh, sure, NFL coaches are compensated handsomely. But they also put in insane hours and spend months away from their families.

Only a mental patient would put up with what football coaches do without a passion for the sport.

But there is one day NFL coaches hate and dread. You can tell it tears them apart. It is cutdown day.


In short, Bucs coach Dirk Koetter is going to have to tell dozens of guys they aren’t good enough, as NFL teams have to set their rosters at 53 players by 4 p.m. Some won’t ever wear a pair of shoulder pads again.

It’s not far-fetched to write that Koetter will be crushing a lot of dreams today.

After the final preseason game against the Jags Thursday night, Koetter’s mood went from light to somber in a snap when asked about carving the roster down to 53 players.

“It’s always hard, it’s always hard,” Koetter said. “It doesn’t matter if it’s the number-90 man or the number-54 man, they are all hard.

“If you guys could really see what these guys go through on a daily basis and what they put their bodies through and what they’re willing to do and how hard they are willing to work. Of course, there is a financial reward when you make it and all that stuff. But, being an NFL football player is not easy and when guys give you what you ask them to give and they give maybe all they have, it’s hard to say goodbye to them.

“No one likes to be told – someone is telling you that you aren’t good enough and that’s not fun. Heck, I’ve been told that before and it’s not fun.”

Well, if there is a positive spin Koetter could weave when talking to the soon-to-be former Bucs today; it’s that the news isn’t as dark as it was in the past.

In February, the AAF launches and teams will need players for that league. In a little over a year, the XFL relaunches and that league will sign players, too.

So for guys still willing to chase their dreams, getting a tap on the shoulder from “The Turk” today isn’t the end of the line as it has been in recent years.

48 Responses to “The Day Of The Turk”

  1. j dubb Says:

    Josh Robinson released, I am quite surprised as he and ryan smith make a formidable gunner tandem.

  2. SchwiftyBuc Says:

    Robinson and Keith Tandy are gone. Weird.

  3. Doctor Stroud Says:

    Keith Tandy cut! Robinson is gone but not Ryan Smith?

  4. Reality-is-a-Beotch Says:


    Please accept my condolences. I’ve always respected your loyalty to your guy. It was very similar to bucs realist mancrush on slowburn…

  5. Defense Rules Says:

    Agree J Dubb, I’m a bit surprised too considering that our S/T coverage hasn’t been all that great in recent years, and giving up a guy with as much experience as Robinson may not help that situation. But again, only time will tell.

    Hadn’t thought about the addition of the AAF & XFL Joe, but that’s an interesting take. One thing the Bucs have done in the past is brought back a number of guys during the season who they’d cut to get down to 53. Guys like Martino? Dye? Several DLinemen? There’s always hope, unless you screw the pooch by not learning the playbook.

  6. Defense Rules Says:

    Tandy too? Sounds like the Bucs are serious about doing a complete defense renovation. If you look at defensive guys on their 2nd contract who were home-grown, I think we’re down to GMC, David & Gholston. And that’s since 2010 when GMC was drafted. That’s incredibly sad … and a principal reason why the Bucs defense sucked for so many years.

  7. Reality-is-a-Beotch Says:


    Gmc quiting on and running coaches out of town is the main reason this defense has sucked during his tenure as the face of the basement years

  8. j dubb Says:

    Well Robinson and Tandy are both safeties obviously leaving us with three, so did one of the undrafted fa’s impress that much or is licht working the phones for someone? Earl Thomas perhaps?

  9. Reverse Joe Says:

    WHo cares they make millions of dollars so im sure their families will be alright jeez Joe. money makes everyone happy

  10. Reverse Joe Says:

    as for the furniture movers, they will be fine also. jerks get paid thousands of dollars to be at a training camp, while us 9 to 5 ppl with degrees get paid peanuts . i hate this country.

  11. Peet0wn Says:

    HC will be fine he gets p[aid millions of dollars. jerks livin the life

  12. Reverse Joe Says:

    HC will be alright. he makes millions

  13. Jimmy Says:

    me too i think this is crazy

  14. Radsy Says:

    Maybe an opening for that rookie Igwebuike?

  15. Buc believer Says:

    @Reverse Joe…. Hey bud if you hate this country so much might I suggest you take your little socialist arse and move to a county where everything is “free” say like Venezuela. Of course their money is worthless now and it cost $500 bucks for a loaf of bread but what does that matter to a commie like you?

  16. Reverse Joe Says:

    @Buc believer

    I thought about what to say to u aaaaand……..

  17. Reality-is-a-Beotch Says:

    Reverse Joe

    If you hate this country take your whinny pansy arse elsewhere. No one is stopping your snowflake arse from leaving. Hopefully a vet knocks you out on the your way out. If you had skills you’d be making plenty of money. the cream always rises to the top while losers like you make excuses why the system holds your dumbarse back.

  18. Reverse Joe Says:

    @Buc Believer

    Another internet gangster, if u wanna come see me bro let me know. we can handle this like kids. slap slap I challenge u to a duel jerk 0ff! lmfao

  19. Reality-is-a-Beotch Says:

    Reverse Joe

    Another thougt or tip, If you stop showing up at job interviews in drag, maybe you’d be able to upgrade that convenience store job.

  20. Reverse Joe Says:

    @ reality

    u too are welcome to get slapped around ghost johnson fan lol I rule the freakin world!!

    -The Best and Only True Joe-Reverse

  21. Buc believer Says:

    @reverse joe… Dude you are either really really stupid (I didn’t say retarded because at least the true retarded have an excuse) or your a lonely lonely person who would rather have people yell at them and think they are idiots rather than be ignored or you are a true believer either way your not worth the time and effort. Since your name is so new “reverse joe” my guess is you have been removed from JBF in the past and you will soon be again.

  22. Reverse Joe Says:


    also I do make plenty of money i just like trollin asrehol3s like u lmfao

  23. Reverse Joe Says:

    @Buc Beleiver

    actually no they haven’t blocked me nor could they. [Word to the wise: Don’t test Joe when he’s in a bad mood. — Joe] they dont have the power to. i just like messing w/ ppl like u. i get bored and your just another victim. if u were smart u wouldnt waste your time replying to me lol like i said i rule the world!! this is so much fun #trolling

  24. Jesus Christ Says:

    @buc beleiver


    told u i cannot be stopped lol

  25. Buc Fan 98 Says:

    Wow this is entertaining maybe you guys should ignore this dude. He is clearly getting off on this. Just saying.

  26. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Forgive me for going OT…and even away from football.

    I’m watching John McCain’s service at the National Cathedral. I did not agree with McCain much politically….but regardless of what any fat coward may say…as a Vietnam Vet I have so much RESPECT for this man that I’m choked up just watching the story of his life as it’s being told by those who knew him best.

    John McCain…a TRUE American Hero. RIP.

  27. Reverse Joe Says:



    [It’s not nice to threaten Joe. Bye. — Joe]

  28. Reality-is-a-Beotch Says:

    Jesus Christ

    Some gal called me jesus just last night must have been your gal

  29. Reverse Joe Says:

    @Joes and everybody else

    Lets see how good your IT Team really is?! Yes I am lonely and yes I like to troll. I have nothing else better to do at least until CFB comes on today. So go ahead and block me if u can Joes. I dont give two sh!t3$ if u r in a bad mood.

  30. Reverse Joe Says:

    This is boring me now. See ya later im gonna troll someone else. LOL.

  31. Jesus Christ Says:


    How is he a hero?! he got caught?! I don’t understand the love he is getting?!

  32. RipeBucsDude Says:


    How is he a hero?! he got caught?! I don’t understand the love he is getting?! Really confusing to me.

  33. TOM Says:

    If the Bucs are going for a complete renovation of the defense it should start with the DC.

  34. stpetebucsfan Says:

    I won’t even bother to address the sacrilegious name you chose but you are a total moron and a traitor to this country.

    Did you EVER serve your country. Your idea of heroism is just disgusting.

    It’s morons like you that make me question my own judgement in going to a war zone and fight for unappreciative IDIOTS.

    So everybody who risked their lives and were shot down were just regular guys?

    Always spoken by the true cowards in our country.

  35. Buccfan37 Says:

    St. Pete… that’s a laugher. McCain just another murdering warmonger like the politicians who sing his praises. Ask the people of Vietnam what they think of that vile piece of human garbage.

  36. stpetebucsfan Says:

    He could have left capivity two years earlier but stayed because of his values which included POW’s leaving in the order of their capture.

    Seems like a lot of kool aid swilling cultists on this blog.

  37. Calimike Says:

    Buccfan37, you are a piece of crap, you crap on people that served in the military obey those appointed over them. Those that have sacrificed anything fo red or country should be respected.

  38. Joe Says:

    How is he a hero?! he got caught?!

    He got the sh!t tortured out of him which left him with life-long disabilities (couldn’t raise his arms over his shoulders for example). Actually passed up a chance to be released deferring to guys who were in a concentration camp longer than he was.

    Don’t care what a man’s politics are. For him to deal with that and endure what he did when he could have gotten out earlier is beyond a man.

    Of course, he could have been a pvss and ran off to Canada.

  39. Calimike Says:

    This ^ is true

  40. RODNEY J ALLEN Says:

    McCain is a vet n deserves respect. He also gave respect when someone called Obama a foreigner when he was running against him he stop the guy n said no Obama is a good American man who I just happen to have a different view on how our great country should be ran but I respect him for that. Not enough politicians or ppl do that anymore with political views. They just spew hate at each other. I for one respect McCain for his courage service and integrity even though I didn’t always agree with his political views. Also show some f!@#!&g respect for the dead

  41. Defense Rules Says:

    StPete … Remember George Bernard Shaw’s famous quote? As he said … “I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.”

    Seems to apply to a few commenters here who fail to appreciate that they’re free to insult true heroes like John McCain only because far better men than themselves laid down their lives to keep them free.

  42. Mike Johnson Says:

    Know this ain’t a political forum. But I agree with yas 100% here Rodney J. I’m a Moderate and did not always agree with the mans policies. But he’s got my Respect. A great American and a War Hero..despite what Grumpy (prez) says. He wishes he could be half the man Mccain was.

  43. PSLBob Says:

    Where are you guys picking up that Robinson and Tandy have been released. On NFL’s official site, the only names they have so far are Sims (injured), Igwebuike, and Colin Jeter (TE). Guess we’ll no soon enough.

  44. stpetebucsfan Says:


    That is a great Shaw quote. I’m also reminded of the old question….if you argue with the village idiot what does that make you.

    I go to the Black Wall memorial in DC everytime I visit our capital. That wall represents heroes to me…I don’t care what others wish to call heroes.

  45. Joe Says:


    Where are you guys picking up that Robinson and Tandy have been released.

    Joe has included links to all transactions in this post.

  46. PSLBob Says:

    Thanks Joe!

  47. Joe Says:


    You are welcome!

  48. Calimike Says:

    I think we can all agree heroes are those that sacrifice for the betterment of others, we may not always agree with some of their ideals or methods but those that do for others are real heroes. A healthy respect for people in general would go along way improving our Country. I give everybody respect until they say or do something that causes them to lose it. Trust and respect are very similar that way.