New Bucs Kicker Roasted In New York Tabloid

May 8th, 2018

New Bucs big-money kicker Chandler Catanzaro

No, this isn’t a Nick Folk story.

It’s about the Jets’ post-Folk kicker who jumped ship to the Bucs in March.

Chandler Catanzaro was a desired man by the Jets but, per this manhood-challenging take by respected New York Daily News beat writer Manish Mehta, Catanzaro bolted for Tampa because of the weather and left the wanting Jets in the cold.

The kickers-are-football-players-too crowd is going to have a hard time explaining this one.

Catanzaro, who kicked his entire life in warm weather climates in South Carolina and Arizona, evidently couldn’t handle the Northeast winter.

New Yorkers typically wait until they’re collecting Social Security before moving to Florida. The 27-year-old Catanzaro got a head start by signing with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Nobody should begrudge Catanzaro for signing a three-year, $9.75 million deal with the Bucs, because his $3.75 million guaranteed is a lot of loot. But my understanding is that the veteran was looking for any opportunity to avoid playing in the cold.

Perhaps the Jets should have beefed up their offer to include a Gor-Tex coat from the Costanza Collection.

There are a lot more zingers in the story linked above. Mehta basically calls Catanzaro soft. Ironically, the opposite of “soft” has been the focus of the Tampa Bay offseason.

This is all meaningless if Catanzaro can simply do for the Bucs what he did for the Jets last season, which is kick pretty well.

40 Responses to “New Bucs Kicker Roasted In New York Tabloid”

  1. Pistol Pete Says:

    Oh man the off season and all we can generate post draft is a story about kickers who get the chills……ugh fast forward to training camp please!
    “All we can generate?” Loads of stuff about the Bucs picks and more. Scroll down. Scroll up later. –Joe

  2. Chris in WA Says:

    Well if this team is ever to play in the playoffs that means most likely (barring a number 1 seed… unlikely) the Bucs will have to travel north and play in frigid climates. It is entirely likely that the path to the Superb owl will go through Lambeau field or Lincoln Financial Field

  3. Reality_43 Says:

    I’m pretty sure the $9 Million contract was the overall deciding factor, but hey if he believes he is a better kicker in warmer weather for 8 games out of the year, then this move makes him smart not “Soft”.

    I read the comments from the Jets fans and they seem butt hurt for sure.

    If Chandler believes in himself, then I’m all for it.

    We have all seen the cancer of no confident play from Buc’s players in the past few years (Hargreaves III). Throw Conte in that mix too.

    That’s why I believe Whitehead is better than people realize, because he believes in himself and the mold he was cut from!!

  4. Guzzie Says:

    It’s pretty comical how bad our kicking game has been the last forever years, every year it seems like 2 games are lost just from some 39ish yard field goal is missed, the Bucs work really hard breaking our hearts

  5. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    This is the most hilarious article ever. So he’s soft because he doesn’t want to kick a football in freezing arse cold? Uh, then I’m soft too. Choosing between living in Florida and New York is an easy choice. There’s a reason you don’t see Floridians moving up north to retire. This reporter is a clown.

  6. SCBucsFan Says:

    Someone wanted to play in nice weather instead of bad and this makes him stupid? And for more money? Manish Mehta isn’t very bright now, is he? Next he will complain about Jets players bolting to play on a winning team.

  7. Buccaneer scotty Says:

    I don’t blame him who wants to live in nasty N.Y. city anyway!!!! And if you do please take your rude know everything ass back!!!!

  8. Bucsfanman Says:

    As my Long Island friends would say, “True New Yorkers wouldn’t care!” Bye, see ya! Enjoy Flah-ra-dah jagov!

  9. SCBucsFan Says:

    Bucsfanman my LI friends would say that much louder with more profanity

  10. chipbuc Says:

    I’ll bet if Manish Mehta , (can’t believe thats his real name) got a 9.75million deal to leave NY to report in Tampa, he’d run to the plane. What a reach for a story on his part. Not only does Catanzaro kick in Tampa for 8 games he has 2 dome games in New Orleans and Atlanta. Can’t blame him one bit.

  11. donuts Says:

    I would say he made a smart biz decision. No state taxes in FL. NY taxes are ridiculous hence why people are leaving.

  12. Licht’s Out Says:

    Can’t blame CC a bit in my mind. In Tampa…most games will be either warm or in a dome.

  13. 813bucboi Says:

    should’ve brought in eddy Pinero!!!!!!….stop giving players spots without them competing!!!!!!


  14. Bucnjim Says:

    Lived in NY for half my life….If some team hands you a ton of cash to move to nicer weather, no state tax, and a good quality of life? Why does anyone really need to ask to be honest.

  15. ChanEpic Says:

    I don’t know/care about his cold weather woes, I had this guy on my fantasy team the year before last and he STUNK out loud. I’m not convinced he isn’t the same guy we saw in 2016 and that 2017 was an anomaly.

  16. BucEmUp Says:

    I really hope we see a new kicker this year

  17. Patrick in VA Says:

    Sounds like a lot of chest thumping meant to make himself, and people like him, feel good about choosing to stay in a place where the weather is cold and miserable. He can feel good about being a tough guy all he wants, it just makes more sense to live where it’s enjoyable to go outside at any time.

  18. Patrick in VA Says:

    Side note: totally forgot that this guy was on the team. I guess that says something about the roster moves and what kind of offseason we’ve been having when we aren’t consumed with kicker drama anymore.

  19. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    While I would have loved the Bucs to go get my boy Eddy Pineiro from University of Florida as an UDFA, I certainly understand Licht wanting to spend a little extra money on an established veteran (not named Nick Folk).

    I have lived in NJ and NY. I do not blame Catanzaro one bit. Not only is the weather cold up there, but the people can be too! Welcome to Sunny Florida!

  20. Pickgrin Says:

    “couldn’t handle the Northeast winter”

    Well duh. Nobody “handles” NE winters – they suffer through them – LOL

    Catanzaro is trading bad kicking weather, bad turf, a bad team, brutal media and 9% state income tax…

    For good kicking weather, NFL’s best natural turf, a talented young team, soft local media and NO state income tax… Oh – plus the $3.75M guaranteed for 2018.

    Dude better be good for that kind of $ – Guaranteed no less…

  21. Defense Rules Says:

    Only care about one thing Joe: Can he kick? If he can, welcome to Bucsville. If he can’t, back into the cooler he goes.

  22. Radman Says:

    The NY Daily News is nothing but an establishment rag.

  23. Bucsfan951 Says:

    Aren’t New Yorkers the ones who really complain about their own weather? I bet 7 out of 10 would move to warmer weather if they get paid 9 mill over 3 yrs. Must be a slow work day for Mr. Manish Mehta

  24. Kalind Says:

    Man, I live in VA. If I got an offer to move back to Tampa for what I make here….there’d be a Kalind shaped hole in the door. Get me outta the GD cold!

  25. JJBucFan Says:

    9% state tax, another 4% if he lives in the city which if I’m a player is the only way I’m living, just sayin’

  26. Doctor Stroud Says:

    Dear Mr. Kicker: Now, you’ve got your warm weather. Congratulations! Now, it’s time to produce! We don’t want another player who thinks that this is a: #PaidFloridaVacation

  27. FLyBoy Says:

    8 Games in, somewhat good, ideal conditions, 2 games definitiely in domes, 1 game close to his college kicking days… why wouldnt he come to us?

  28. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Chandler Catanzaro sucks…as everyone will see this year. He’s a choker.

    Patrick Murray should have at least been permitted to compete for the job, but once again he gets ousted after stepping up for the Bucs when they needed him.

  29. Bucsfanman Says:

    SCBucsFan Says:
    May 8th, 2018 at 11:36 am

    Bucsfanman my LI friends would say that much louder with more profanity

    Yeah, I didn’t want to go to the JBF “cooler”! LOL!

  30. OneBucPerson Says:

    Nooo, New Yorkers being petty? Why I’ve never heard of such a thing /s

  31. unbelievable Says:

    The kicking woes started when the popstar decided to cut Matt Byrant for no good reason. Worse decision than letting Bennet walk for no good reason.




  32. Jjones Says:

    I don’t blame anyone wanting to get out of NYC, half of Florida is littered with ex-New Yorkers that think they still live there. There’s a reason you moved as far south as you did, did you forget?

  33. Lord Cornelius Says:

    This was our worst offseason move imo. Too much $$ for mediocrity. Should have signed another K to compete.

  34. Bucsfanman Says:

    Don’t even say Matt Bryant’s name, unbelievable! It makes my shotglass holding hand convulse toward my face-hole!!!

  35. I’m a Tandyman Bucs Fan Says:

    Bucsfanman my man…Thata boy. Keep it clean. Hate to see you in jail with TMax. That would be a real Bummer stuck up in there having to hear “ Well Ole GMC is a loser and has been since he put on The Pewter Jersey. How bout that daily? Yeah keep it clean and stay out here in Joebucs land with us!!!!

  36. Stanglassman Says:

    813bucboi- the Bucs brought in Trever Moore out of N. Texas. The kid can kick if Chandler struggles they’ll at least keep him around on the PS. Looking forward to see Trever at TC and in the preseason.

    Eddie P. has been good in college and we all know about his leg however I’m not sure how hes gonna adjust to a nfl ball with his awful mechanics.

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    Just a check of hands… how many people here are from the northeast?

    Now how many people that were from the northeast knew people that were born and raised and FL that moved to the northeast?


    Now Governor Rick Scott, build that wall on the FL border and keep the yankees out.

  38. Issic Haggins Says:

    I want light to put the same amount of effort in fixing the leadership of this teams toughness and execution on D. A Great GM has to be part owner, coach, c.e.o. , human resource guy , father knows best , tough decision maker ….etc etc and I think there is plenty more work to do !! The draft is over and the Panthers just got better yesterday , the Bucs must continue to self evaluate and improve in several areas . Improving isn’t the key , Improving enough to say coaching wise , player wise and mentally wise this team is a Super Bowl Contender !!! I can’t say that yet !!!

  39. grafikdetail Says:

    must be a pretty good kicker for him to be butthurt about him leaving 😂😂😂😂

  40. Oxycondoms Says:

    More then 8 games the division road games 2 are in a dome and the other in Carolina