Three Hours After Sunday’s Loss, Chris Baker Is Dancing On Twitter

October 31st, 2017

Bad form

Considering Joe was ill for about 20 hours trying to stomach the Bucs’ embarrassing home loss to the Panthers on Sunday, the following didn’t go over well at world headquarters.

Per the Twitter feed of Chris “Swaggy” Baker, the Bucs’ prized defensive tackle signing this offseason wants everyone to get excited about his upcoming cooking segment on a national TV show.

The problem Joe has is Baker shared this excitement, complete with him dancing and singing in a video, at 7:15 p.m. Sunday, just three hours after the Bucs were humiliated at home in a game where they should have been bringing season-on-the-line intensity.

Here’s the Tweet/video:

C’mon, man.

Joe gets that a loss is a loss and you must move on, but this was just bad form. At best, it’s insensitive and creates an impression that Baker doesn’t care enough.

Just imagine the outrage if any of the Bucs team captains had this kind of Twitter timing.

69 Responses to “Three Hours After Sunday’s Loss, Chris Baker Is Dancing On Twitter”

  1. Conte Piscateli Says:

    Admittedly it wasn’t the defense that screwed the pooch on this one. I’ll give him a pass.

  2. wewantgruden Says:

    Cant blame the guy for cashing in due to the exposure on Hard Knocks and being a lard as-. Not to mention, our coaching staff and GM would never say a word to them. These are the same damn guys that are partying during the week and out partying on away games the night before the game. Could DK be the inmate running the asylum????????

  3. Hodad Says:

    I’d give him a pass if he sacked Cam, or at least got near him. Shows you where his heads at, but hey McCoy smiles after every loss, saying we’ll do better next time. It goes back to that let’s play ping bong mentality in the locker.

  4. DayOnePaul Says:

    He’s a hired gun. And not the best in the west either. The players who have griped in public have all been UFAs from other teams. And so, there’s no emotion when his new team gets throttled. This team is not their priority. Getting paid is. Expect it. And remember it the next time we venture out into free agency. How about we unload these malcontents and spend the money on Kevin Panphile and a new contract for Cameron Brate and for Kwon.

  5. DallasBuc Says:

    Dim Licht signed this fat bum over Calais Campbell. You get what you pay for and in this case even less. Thanks again Licht. You are so crafty!

  6. Bucsfan951 Says:

    This doesn’t need bother me as much as Mike Williams did when he was on I.R.
    and out in the clubs partying until 8am on a Sunday when the Bucs had a home game in just a couple of hours. Of course I commented my concern to him and got a few choice words back and then blocked. Months later, he had a stripper pole, fire in the kitchen and a knife in his leg. Wonder where he is now and how that rap career is going 🤔 CAVEMAN GROUP FOREVER, YALL!

  7. JBO Says:

    A lot of them were dancing Sunday night at a Halloween Party as seen on Miko’s Snapchat or IG. Baker is trying to promote a TV segment.

  8. Richard Francis Says:

    Chris Baker doesn’t give two sh*ts if Bucs win or lose. He is fat, happy and wealthy.

    And why did I pay $6000 for season tickets..again????

    Why??? Because I’m a fool. 5 Years and $30,000 is enough. I am done.

  9. Tampa Bay Tailgater Says:

    I posted this in an earlier article and said you don’t see the Patriots doing anything like this…and I also noted from the game Sunday I saw:

    VHIII waving his “no no” trigger finger after an overthrown ball…

    Gholston doing his king kong impression after making a tackle 10 yds up the field…

    Special Teams celebrating after making a hit at the 45yrd line…

    GMAC’s post presser…WEAK MINDED and DEPRESSING.

    Now seeing this guy “Swaggy” acting like this hours after disappointing the fans and his team??

    WEAK LEADERSHIP – That’s leadership both from the Coaches and Players and we don’t have ANY on either side.

  10. 813bucboi Says:

    this don’t bother me not one bit….VHG and baker came to play sunday….and it was 3 hours later…not like it was 30minutes after the game….I wonder what dirk was doing 3 hours after the game?….calling PODS?…LOL…GO BUCS!!!!

  11. RustyRhinos Says:

    Is it just me or is anyone else having issues with posting here? My keyboard on my phone does not always work. I can not see the bottom of this leave a reply space because the Dolman law group covers the lower half of the screen, as well as the submit post button, I have to turn the phone on its side to see this button. What a bunch of crap.

  12. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Baker did play pretty well on Sunday along with VH3 but licht the genious still signed postion areas that the bucs did not need and neglected glaring ones

  13. Lamarcus Says:

    Who he get that from???

  14. Waterboy Says:

    Defense did their job this week.

  15. C eh N eh D eh Says:

    This guy is a team CANCER or MRSA, whatever you want to call it…Licht mistake, just get rid of the mouthy, fat prick

  16. Waterboy Says:

    Scoring 3 points and never getting into the red zone in 4 quarters was the problem.

  17. Shane Says:

    Trade his fat ass

  18. Patrick in VA Says:

    not sure how this is news. was anyone under the impression that any of this means anything to him. are we still debating whether this guy is doing anything other than cashing a check and punching the clock? in equally shocking news, the sun came up today. analysts say trends suggest that it will go down again this evening.

  19. Bucballbaby84 Says:


  20. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Speaking for Pablo

    “Just hours after Pablo’s Bucs lost….Pablo was dancing and gyrating, grinding and swinging his elongated arc (Jameis’ is hurt)….of couirse, Pablo dances for a living to help feed his many, many, many childrens….Pablo actually likes Swaggy….Pablo hopes Swaggy plays better….Pablo’s Bucs need some “characters” on Pablo’s team.”

  21. FortMyersDave Says:

    I think people are beginning to find out why the Skins had no problems letting this guy walk. Licht has a horrible FA record as of now and given that his 2016 draft is basically a total bust kind of negates some decent return he got on guys like Marpet and Kwon and people will look back at the 2017 draft and FA signing and wonder how Licht left the defense so thin and exposed in vulnerable areas…. He should be on thin ice with the Glazers right now along with the coaching staff, their talent evaluators and all of the busts he has drafted or picked up who have not been released yet like the FSU kicker….. 3 hours after one of the most disappointing losses at RJS and this guy is hyping his cooking show, George Foreman he is not, though the old boxer probably could have had a better chance of sacking Cam on Sunday. Tough being a Bucs fan right now; so glad the Lightning are kicking butt and taking names…..

  22. LakeLand Says:

    There’s nothing wrong with this. He’s promoting his business, I don’t fault him for that.

  23. ndog Says:

    Tampa Bay Tailgater nailed it to many members of this team do not care about the team they only care about the me. We wont win until we get rid of all of those not some but al of those players. The best teams play for each other not themselves period! Look at each champion in every sport it is sacrifice and putting the team above yourself that wins the day not showboating over nothing rather it should be celebrating your team and teammates feats together. Simply put we have too many of the wrong players and that is on Licht and his staff, end of story.

  24. Skoorb43 Says:

    We couldn’t trade him for anything right now. He’s lazy and worthless.

  25. ClodHopper Says:

    Imagine if he was still on the field!! And right after a devastating comeback victory by the opponent.

  26. Richbucsfan Says:

    Sounds like the fans want it more than the players. NFL players are distracted by a lot this season. Face it, they don’t give a crap about winning. It’s just too heavy a lift. So they settle for taking a knee and/or other interests. Why waste your energy on this stuff?

  27. ATrain Says:


    GMC dances off the field after a loss and laughing in the locker room so much Winston calls him out

    AND you write about BAKER….

    When was the video shot Probably before the game even happened…


  28. bucster Says:

    Care? The only thing most of these guys care about is if their checks cash on Tuesday. Fans care more about winning than most players.

  29. Not there yet Says:

    He knows exactly what this looks like but problem is he doesn’t care and he knows there’s nothing anyone can do about it. He knows he won’t be here next year so make your money and keep your stress level down because this team isn’t going anywhere. That is the mentality of most of the players on this team or that’s the appearance

  30. ATrain Says:

    Patrick great post!!!!!!

    not sure how this is news. was anyone under the impression that any of this means anything to him. are we still debating whether this guy is doing anything other than cashing a check and punching the clock? in equally shocking news, the sun came up today. analysts say trends suggest that it will go down again this evening.

    I dont think Joe will like it though CANT talk like this about GMC

  31. No_Bucs_Given Says:

    Joe hates baker. He actually was the best DT on Sunday for what it’s worth. And that segment was probably taped days ago. Move on Joe

  32. Bucsfanman Says:

    ATrain- You don’t think that if GMC did the same thing (which isn’t that big of a deal anyway!) that Joe and everybody else wouldn’t call him out? Every time you post something here it’s “why didn’t you call out GMC?” Maybe the reason is that we’re not talking about GMC here. I mean come on dude, surely you can talk about something else. Every article does not need to be about GMC.
    He’s not your favorite player, our defensive line stinks, and YES he is under-achieving! But for goodness sake, there are 53 players on this football team, TEAM. They are 2-5 so I dare say that there isn’t a single player on this roster that is currently without blame. He’s part of the problem but, it’s not ALL about #93.

  33. Bucsfanman Says:

    This Baker thing is NOT a big deal. What? These guys are supposed to mope around for days after losing a football GAME?! Believe it or not they are people too. Move on.

  34. The Buc Realist Says:


    Its been reported that GMC and the Dline were dancing and parting right after the last loss in 2015!!!!! That was a huge reason that JW3 at the press confrense blew up and said that they needed to fix all the “why’s” with the players!!!!!!!!!

    For the record, everyone seemed to love Baker when he danced all through training camp and the preseason!!!!! But now it is unacceptable after a loss????????

    G0 Bucs!!!!!!!!!!

  35. derrickbrooksforGM Says:

    @Bucsfanman they are expected to be mad as hell. Hello DB misses a tackle and almost destroys a whole sideline. Our Defense dances and plays grab ass.

  36. derrickbrooksforGM Says:

    @Waterboy I love that mindset. That’s the mind set of this team in general. I did my job so why be upset? That’s the mail it in attitude.

  37. Bucsfanman Says:

    Hey, between the whistles, I agree. That’s what they are paid to do. But I’m not going to criticize a guy who, once work is over actually tries to live a life. If I have a bad day at work am I supposed to come home, flip tables, kick my dogs, and be an A-hole?! That ain’t me, and I would hope it’s not most people.
    If you are living your life for the play of the Buccaneers and choose to be miserable, that’s on you.
    I don’t expect players (human beings) to walk around angry all day every day because they lost a game on Sunday.
    We all have a choice of what to do with our time and our money.
    Am I frustrated with the Bucs play of late? Sure, but I damn sure aren’t going to lose sleep over it. When they start putting food on my table, or paying my mortgage, maybe I’ll care a little more.

  38. Tampa Bay Tailgater Says:

    I also watched a video of Donnovan Smith dancing and showing off his Mike Tyson jacket just a few hours before the game on Sunday.

    I’m telling you, there is zero leadership or accountability on this team. The talent is there but we have weak and soft players/coaches.

    News Flash: If the players are saying there is nothing wrong with the coaches, then something is wrong with the coaches. The players have it pretty good and don’t want to ruin a good thing.

  39. Bucsfanman Says:

    Here’s a little perspective. This girl is warming up for a professional surfing competition. OMG she’s dancing!!! She should be taking this more serious! Pfffffffffft!

  40. firethecannons Says:

    Baker don’t give a shet about the Bucs. He needs to be traded asap before he infects the locker room.

  41. DB55 Says:

    Joe has planted his flag firm on the ground. Since it’s a federal crime to hold Geraldine McCoy accountable to the dline’s production or lack thereof we will use Chris Baker as the scapegoat.

    Chris Baker 8 tackles (7solo) 1 PD and a gosling tackle in the last 2 games vs. Gerald McCoy 3 tackles (2solo) 1 unblocked. No Qb pressures, no sacks, no PD, no goal line tackles. No presence what so ever.

  42. DB55 Says:


    What was your boy Geraldine doing on 3&16 when Benjamin caught the TD?

    A) Being triple-teamed
    B) Being Double-teamed
    C) Being single blocked and manhandled
    D) giving up on the play once he got jacked up by the RT
    E) Both C&D

    If you answered E you are correct but the TB pen and mic club can’t write an article about any of that bc if they did they’d have their buccaneers credentials pulled faster than Schiano did.

    And that’s the bottom line cuz stone cold said so!

  43. TrollSlayer Says:

    the losing continues but lets party!

  44. HowToSpellRhonde Says:

    Is it confirmed this tweet was live? For all we know this video was shot on his day off and just uploaded Sunday night.
    Regardless, this is nonsense – a man can have life outside of his work.
    Baker appeared to have a decent game on Sunday, too, with a bum ankle to boot.

  45. grafikdetail Says:

    1. it’s a pre-recorded segment… not him live in his kitchen hours after the game dancing

    2.nothing wrong with players enjoying their lives outside of work like any regular person would do

    3. more to life then football and these modern players are realizing that and not buying into the rah rah crap & risking their future health for fans, a team or a league that doesn’t give a crap about them

  46. Buc believer Says:

    DB55…. AS per the custom of this website among other pro-McFakers there is NO response to the truth. That their cape wearing man-child is nothing but a fraud who has and continues to steal game checks every week.

  47. University of Seffner Says:

    Chris Baker is such an idiot. He’s so lazy the only pull-ups he does is in the Drive Thru.

  48. DB55 Says:

    Buc believer Says:
    October 31st, 2017 at 1:16 pm
    DB55…. AS per the custom of this website among other pro-McFakers there is NO response to the truth. That their cape wearing man-child is nothing but a fraud who has and continues to steal game checks every week
    They might as well change the logo from a pirate to an ice cream cone.

  49. Buc believer Says:

    DB55.. A vanilla soft serve ice cream cone.

  50. DB55 Says:

    With rainbow sprinkles

  51. NJBucsFan Says:

    I don’t see this as a story….we all had a bad day at work and let loose.

  52. 911bucs Says:

    DB, now that’s funny!

  53. D-Rome Says:

    Don’t care. Besides, Swaggy probably had his best day as a Buc on Sunday.

  54. Bucsfanman Says:

    DB55 & Buc believer- I’ll bite! So? GMC is stealing checks. Help me understand what it has to do with Chris Baker stealing checks. “He’s soft as ice cream blah, blah, blah…” is not an argument.
    Despite your colorful descriptions he is the best d-lineman we have. You wanted “tough”, they brought in Ayers. Problem is, he only TALKS tough. What else you got? Gholston? See “stood up by RT” every play. Who else? McDonald? M.I.A.! Probably hanging out with GMC eating ice cream cones! Who else? Baker? The only time Baker makes a play is if it comes straight at him! Anyone?
    See, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. You want this guy gone so bad, but you know for a fact that he’s all we got. I digress.
    The link I have on my previous post should put a smile on your face.

  55. Buc believer Says:

    DB55.. LOL!!! With a cherry on top.

  56. DB55 Says:

    Bucs fanman

    You lost me in your anger, what’s your question?

    Chris Baker 8 tackles (7solo) 1 PD and a gosling tackle in the last 2 games vs. Gerald McCoy 3 tackles (2solo) 1 unblocked. No Qb pressures, no sacks, no PD, no goal line tackles. No presence what so ever.

    That’s it. That’s all you need right there.

  57. Bucsfanman Says:

    No anger DB, just volleying. I get it, GMC stinks. So does everybody else! That’s all I was saying! Just a little long-winded! LOL!

  58. DB55 Says:

    We don’t have anyone better bc we haven’t wanted to sign any competition but there’s been plenty for the taking ie Campbell, rankins, nkemdiche, Aaron Donald. The list goes on but gmc is better protected than a mob snitch.

    The love affair is ridiculous.

  59. DB55 Says:

    Schiano should still be hc of this team but fairy Revis and ice cream McCoy ran him out of town cuz he was too tough. What a joke. Bwtfdik

  60. DB55 Says:

    Steve dudeman is an idiot. Stupid in fact. That whole squad at 620 are pretty much dumb af.

  61. DB55 Says:

    The only people dumber than Steve aka Hawaii are tb buc fans. It’s amazing just how dumb some of these people are, I’m not sure they even watch football.

  62. BartButtplug Says:

    If you think they care about winning as much as you, think again. They laugh all the way to the bank. The uniforms suck as well.

  63. webster Says:

    This article is way off base and another example of the joes reaching for a story? I dont know about you but when i have bad days at work, i always look to wind down by turning up. In my younger days, that would include a little dancing with drinks. Not sure why these athletes are not afforded the same latitude. Its just crazy to get on baker for this and it shows just how out of touch some media and fans are if they have a problem with this.
    Baker can do whatever he wants. But the mindset that thinks it’s a good idea to share this on Twitter three hours after a loss, when many of the people following him are truly suffering and expecting Bucs players to feel the same way, is the problem. If you don’t get that, then Joe can’t help you. –Joe

    @ db55

    You are too much lol

  64. westernbuc Says:

    Still not as bad as GMC yucking it up with Saints players after losing to them

  65. SteelStudBuc Says:

    They don’t even tuck their shirts in on the field. What does that tell ya?
    Not taking your job seriously. These guys have Captain C’s on their chests too. McCoy, Evans, Alexander…. you look like fools.

  66. ATrain Says:


    I know like Joe you Love GMC

    This site has a forum for opinions so mine is GMC should be called out

    As far as the other 52 players Joe already calls them all out

  67. Greg Says:

    Impression he does not care? Lmao.

    How do most of us who are just know-nothing fans knew that this guy was a bum…but the genius Licht didn’t?

  68. Season Is Over Says:

    I still fail to see how this guy is a scapegoat for a horrible defense when he is only played a few games with this organization. This is some serious media witch hunting. Why aren’t the other veterans being held accountable? Sorry, but Baker has made as much of an impact as McCoy considering what the team is paying him. I am still waiting for the Sixteen Million Dollar Man to make an impressionable impact on anything. How can someone as good as McCoy not make others around him better?

  69. Bucsfanman Says:

    @ATrain- “I know like Joe you Love GMC”

    Well if GMC=Buc player and by name I am Buc fan, then yes ATrian, you’re on to me. I love all Buc players because I am Bucs-fan-man!
    I have been officially outed.
    I appreciate your opinion, you just always tend to be misplaced.